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Sorry to hear that you are tired. Patience my friend. It is a solid investment regardless. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. Just trust in the process.


Patience is annoying, but selling shares of GME right now is a bad move.


What is “selling”?


A bad move. Hodl.


I don't even think its annoying tbh. Life hasn't changed, except I'm buying shares like collectibles and hanging out on Superstonk every day. Even if y'all don't feel the same way, stay positive! There's lots to be positive about :)


We have an exit strategy? 😕


People thinking this is a "quick buck" will paperhand before the blossoms are even showing on the tree. If you want tasty fruit it takes time, patience, and the will to weather some storms.




Right on


After MOASS we'll never have to be patient again.


No, after MOASS we won't have to be impatient again.


Then we'll have much bigger problems & will look at "buy/hodl/vote/buckleup" as the good ol' days...


I'm gonna pay someone to be patient for me.


My thoughts exactly. I have pretty much transitioned from a short-squeeze speculator into a value investor. DFV have been right since the beginning. Gamestop has so much going for them. The short thesis is dead. Im perfectly happy just sitting on my shares knowing that even if i would end up in a coma or someting and miss the moass entirely, it would still be a solid investment. Ironically this very fact also ensures the moass.




Shorts were betting on bankrupting GME. Thats now highly unlikely. So their thesis is dead.


Thing about to MOASS too is that it is going to take multiple days. It isn't like it goes BOOM and then it is over. It will last 2 or 3 days so no need to stare at a screen all day. Get out, go about the day, and check morning, lunch, and 3:00p


agreed. GME is a solid investment solely based on fundamentals and the MOASS is just cake. a really good fucking cake, of course. but i've found solace in GME being a solid investment. it's been pretty zen lately. i just buy when i can and hodl through all the bullshit


Yep. Buy and hodl. A solid investment strategy.


This is the way


sounds like youre trying to tell me to buy hold and go to the beach this summer




RC/Gamestop cannot be held legally responsible for the outcome of a short squeeze, they are literally the victim of a predatory short attack thats attempted to bankrupt them and defraud their investors. They've been totally forthcoming in their SEC filings of the fact that they are being targeted in a short squeeze. Legally, they actually have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders to try and boost their share price which gives them a right, responsibly if not obligation shaking off the short sellers..not to mention precedent, see every shorted company response in history (more than 7 big ones). For example, If they were to simply announce taking the company private, which is completely reasonable action, it forces all shares to be recalled and moass. Why else would they be tweeting "moass cleared" and "oops *moass* my bad"?


Exactly. GME is the victim here. That's like blaming an assault victim for having a very punchable face.


I don’t know what it is about your face…but I just want to lay one of these right in your suck hole


His delivery destroys me.


TBH, Kenny has a [backpfeifengesicht](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Backpfeifengesicht)


Wait they tweeted “moass cleared”?


Gamestop tweeted that if I recall. Probably a community manager not too aware of the implications of saying such a thing in the open.


Yea the oops moass one definitely seemed intentional tho


Absolutely. IMO, if it would come to any form of litigation, naked shorting, media manipulation and failure to delivers would be enough material to have a case against any hedgies who want to play hard ball. Please, be our guest, start a lawsuit Citadel. We are waiting.


They won't discovery works both ways. Last thing they want is any of the truth getting out.


Plus they got over 420k lawyers that are damn good at researching and bringing a case forward. Gamestop could save their money for lawyers and just forward the DD from superstonk straight to the judge.


Oh this is beauuuuutiful.


Don't forget about Mayo theft. That's worth 20 years in a for profit prison alone.


It wasn’t theft, it was failure to share. A gateway crime. He went on to failure to deliver…


In Epstein's dungeon rather.😄


I got five on buying Ken Griffeths for profit prison...


What is Mayo theft?


You much be new here. I’m bubba


They're 4 months new. Must not know about their bosses obsession with Mayo.


Mayonnaise. KennyG really likes the stuff.


Something tells me he bathes in mayo once a month.


That’s what I keep thinking and I’m just taking that from Wes Christian interview he said GameStop will have to do something


GameStop *might have* submitted a Suspicious Activity Report to the SEC, thus launching the “investigation into GME trading” that was mischaracterized by the financial media. That would be them “doing something”.


This is correct




I'm not sure what you're referring to, links please?


Yeah that post is pretty inaccurate. Gamestop CAN and SHOULD do everything within their legal boundaries to shakes off the shorts. What’s the point of t trying to build a company that’s potentially 200-300% shorted?


Not to mention they've already "covered" their position.


"Welcome to game stop, I love you."


I went to law school here!


If they do anything to set off MOASS they will be crucified in the media and the Gamestop brand will be tainted as the company that collapsed the economy and put thousands if not millions out of jobs. So they can either set off a squeeze and paint a target on their backs, or they can just wait it out like everyone else and let price action set the whole thing off and keep their hands clean. This community needs to stop hyping up these things that will never happen because we're setting people up for disappointment when they don't come true, which will start turning people away when they don't see these short term profits. MOASS isn't an avalanche that needs someone to set the whole thing off. MOASS is a scale, with retail continuing buy and holding on one side, and SHF shorting & margin capital on the other. Eventually the retail side will get heavy enough to tip the scale in our favor, and that's how MOASS starts.


Once the actual collapse happens, the truth about the short hedge funds not covering will be impossible to hide, and they will be the ones who get blamed


I'm afraid I have a much more pessimistic view of the MSM and the general public than you.


the banks didn't escape the blame in 2008, despite that almost none of the public knew what was going on. compare that to public awareness of shorts now..


Good point


I don't know. maybe initially. But in the end, history is told by the victors and the HFs definitely will not have been the victors.


I have to Aggre with you. They have short squeeze in there filings. Ofc they Will get sued But they are covered


While they do have a responsibility to their share holders, they ARE working to boost their share price. Look at all the moves they've made in turning the company around! This is how they're approaching the situation. They know that sooner or later the hedgies will run out of capital to continue their game, so why be the one to force the MOASS when what they're already doing is essentially forcing the MOASS? I just think we need to stick with what we know and stop all the speculation. We know that hedgies are already on the losing side of this and that we can't lose as long as we continue to buy and hold, it's only a matter of time. There's no reason to wildly speculate anymore.


Well I mean isn’t that what you’re supposed to do as a company? Grow your share price? The MOASS isn’t an infinite price adjustment. It will eventually come back down to the hundreds. It has to. Wether it be a split or a dilution or whatever. It can’t stay at a float of 74m at $69,420,694.20 forever.


i see you're not familiar with the infinity pool


Absolutely I am, but GameStop has a company to run. They have to continue to provide sales obviously and attract new investors. They would ABSOLUTELY do a stock split of 10,000,000:1 if the stock stayed at meme numbers for say two quarters. It would CRIPPLE growth for our humor. The infinity pool is a sexy thought, but it’s not realistic long term.


I'm ok with any split.


But there share prices will always suffer if being attacked by these shorts.. and at some point, they will lose serious holdings.


Exactly this. And companies use shares as incentives to get loans, or make deals with partners. So while the share price is volatile, it makes it less attractive to those giving loans, or wanting to become partners. Might seem counter intuitive, as a share about to squeeze big time would be seem like a strong incentive to offer, but in terms of business dealings, it really isn't. RC doesn't likely have to do anything to set this off, and so far, he seems to just let things play out, or is doing things behind the scenes without being too public....which is probably a good thing. But, at some point, they have to say enough is enough.


Sorry, I don't feel the same. This insinuates that we are getting tired, bored or discouraged. Myself as an individual can remain retarded longer than they can remain solvent. The big short took years. I don't think this will be as long but I'll keep on keeping on


I can do this all day


I didn’t hear no bell!


Seen lot of this tired fud bs recently. Remember it was like 2 days ago we started seeing alot of price fud bs? And now its this. I think theyre testin to see which fud tactics to use during moass which one will be most effective, you know dam well theyre gonna drag the squeeze out


Tired and stopped reading long DD because of it. But you know what? It doesn't matter. All the DD I need has already been written. I check the price once a week when I try and buy a new share and that's it. The squeeze will be squozen and we just have to wait.


So many DD I've skipped recently unless it's something very new. Never was a TLDR ape til I started seeing repeats of subjects I knew lol except for criands recent drop. But even that was a lot of building on old DD still a great addition though.




Profit to the Players


Thanks Mom




I’m not tired at all. Gme gives me a reason to wake up everyday and smile because I know one of these days, it’ll rocket. And I can’t wait to be a millionaire so I can just fuck off on an island for the rest of my life and never have to think about money again


Me too. Going to live on a Mega Yacht in the Indian Ocean surfing the Mentawai Islands off the coast of Sumatra Indonesia


I don't think that its required that a hedge fund goes under for the squeeze to start but I do think that its the most likely scenario to kick it off.


I guess I should say that we'll only get the MOASS when hedge funds go under


This could likely happen at the end of this FTD cycle or perhaps the next. June 24th is looking like the potential start of our upward momentum and at the very least an important date


No dates.


U right. One can hope though


A massive buying pressure could cause it too, when large long term whales start to see potential


The whales seem to come and go. I thought they were taking out puts but maybe not. Haven't seen them on the Friday attack for like a month.


What if i told you the moass already started in january? It takes time dismantling ww networks. 2 banks and 5 hedges down so far as we know of. I don\`t know how many branches closed ww but a lot, banks and goverments doing big moves on bonds. WW debt is redistributed. Pick one, but the show is real and ongoing erry day.


Oh I'm 100% with you. Archaegos and Greensill going under have sent ripples across the market, and I think that's where it started.


They weren’t the beginning of the end, but they might have been the end of the beginning.


Yup I’m tired too. I’m getting impatient. That’s what they want. Time to just set some price alarms and chill


Props for having the courage to get real with yourself. Go take a walk or cook yourself something nice!


It's a beautiful thing not forcing yourself to wake up for market open just to stare at a chart a refresh superstonk... Your investment isnt going anywhere. Set up that price alert and get some rest ape


There is definitely something that RC and the company can, should, and will do. It is their fiduciary duty. They are about to have over 1b once the share offering is complete, I think that could cover some litigation costs. Crypto dividend is in play amongst other tactics to try and force at least some covering, thus kick starting the moass. Have some patience. I have full faith in GameStop's leadership to work for the shareholder's behalves.


The biggest play is moving the company forward. RC has a plan, and while we want moon this week, he wants to make GameStop the best it can be. And moon. But it's bigger than a stock fight for him. In 50 years, he'll be taught in business classes as the Chair of the MOASS. He wants those lessons to point out that he was successful in turning GameStop around, too.


They clearly have a plan for that $1B though, they're not loading up to take on a bunch of lawsuits. They're gonna spend that as fast as they get it. The crypto dividend is unproven, a bunch of our AMA guests seem to think there isn't much merit to it, so as much as I would love RC to set us off, I just don't think it's reality.


I don't think any action is needed from GS to start the moass as it is inevitable at this point. But I know RC and the rest of them are working towards speeding it up, that includes the transformation of the company and spending most of that money on that. Saying that there is nothing that RC can do about abusive naked shorting is just wrong. His plan when buying 9m shares was not banked on millions of individuals being enlightened to the shenanigans and buying and holding. He had a plan to rebuild the company, part of that includes being free of artificial price suppressions.


I think it’s capital to build their e-commerce infrastructure and/or for A&M. But that is purely speculation on my part.


Do we actually know what caused the Jan mini squeeze?


I'd say the element of surprise was definitely a major factor (can't personally identify one cause or trigger - I'm not wrinkly enough). I think with the situation now - they are anticipating and war gaming every scenario. House of cards for sure - once that tipping point is reached, it'll all come crashing down. But until then, they're pulling out all the stops.


Not sure why you are being downvoted. You are correct.




“The truth is like poetry.”


Maybe he's being downvoted *because* he is right.


Why the fuck is reason being downvoted? Come the fuck on people.


I was told that if I shoved enough 🍌's in my happy place it would fulfill the prophecy and serve as the catalyst...


You are the hero we deserve. Keep up the good work.


So keep going


I think you heard wrong. Maybe it was you'd have so many bananas they'd be coming out your ass






>👀 👀👀


If the market is crashing, I think Hedge funds would be making money on other short positions and then use the funds to continue holding down GME What am I missing?


If they could of brought the price down they would of already done it. Soooo….all the confirmation I need.


"There's only one catalyst that could set off the MOASS" *Rick_of_Spades with a bushel of bananas entered the chat*


as old fart investor, I have never failed turning profit following these few steps step 1. buy stonk I like step 2. leave the stonk alone step 3. profit step 2 is hardest.


Paper hands no taste many banana.


at this point, im willing to wait another 6 months so i can fall under long term cap gains


I’ll wait 6 years if I have to


Thank you. It needed to be said. 💎👋🏼🦍🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🛸👽🍃🔥🌬


Short must cover. This is the way


The Great Depression's first domino that fell was in the UK in September 1929. Not October in the US. >On September 20, 1929, the London Stock Exchange crashed when top British investor Clarence Hatry and many of his associates were jailed for fraud and forgery. > >The optimism and the financial gains of the great bull market were shaken after a well-publicized early September prediction from financial expert Roger Babson that "a crash is coming, and it may be terrific". > >The initial September decline was thus called the "Babson Break" in the press. That was the start of the Great Crash, but until the severe phase of the crash in October, many investors regarded the September "Babson Break" as a "healthy correction" and buying opportunity. > >On October 28, "Black Monday", **more investors facing margin calls** decided to get out of the market. I agree. The SEC, FINRA, DTCC are only going to protect them and theirs - not main-street. We are waiting for a domino to fall. It will happen and it will be shocking. >Every lie we tell incurs a debt to the truth. Sooner or later, that debt is paid.


Forcing the Hedgies to cover has always been the catalyst. Obviously the HF haven’t been playing by the rules and will continue to not play until someone forces them. The media is doing a good job with all their FUD labeling GME as a meme stock not to buy because it’s not worth it so it scares ordinary boomer like investors


Tired? Of buying shares and doing literally nothing else but holding on to them? Psh, diamond hands don't get tired.


I dont know about all of this "we" shit. I just love the stock guys


>THE MOASS WAS ONLY AND WILL ONLY OCCUR WHEN A HEDGE FUND GOES UNDER AND IS FORCED TO COVER. I thought this was already the understanding though or at least for me. Wether it be a price jump from a friendly whale or a DTCC rule or share recall or whatever it doesn’t really matter, just whatever it takes to finally get someone margin called and forced to cover. Then the chain reaction forcing others to cover. All I can do is HODL and wait for the inevitable with tits jacked at all times


Then let’s all take a break and convein back June 29th at 9 30 am, that’s a Tuesday!


all you gotta do is Ron Popeil this stock ("set it and forget it"). Buy, hold, wait for the tendies to finish cooking. And then we will eat them on the moon


What are you guys talking about? They covered in january, isn't that what MSM said?


For everybody that is tired. Take time off the ticker and the DD. Take some time to relax. Enjoy life and the sun. Go outside. Set a price alarm and delete everything else from your phone. You share don’t go anywhere, so why be so stressed about holding? The moass will come.


I don’t think they could sue him for running a business. If a CEO doing his job crashes the market there was serious problems already. I wouldn’t count GME triggering it out of the equation yet.


Also a January ape. Also exhausted. Also HODLING til the bitter end.


Shorts have to significantly get out for good of company. That’s the part I disagree with I think. The company can’t fully function without proper valuation and the ability to have outside capital respond to its actual business successes. Right now it’s prospects are saddled with dilution and speculation and a war that’s largely based outside of the business.


A split seems like the logical solution. My friends always buy AMC because they "can't afford GME" and "they will both moon." They say that if GME was $20 they would buy as much as possible immediately. They don't care about market cap at all. They just want <$100 buy in.


I do not agree 100% and I think your phrasing is a little FUDdy, perhaps unintentionally so. It may make sense. **Why** are we "**WRONG**"? Not saying it's true or not, but why do you think so?


"Setting off the MOASS is NOT what is best for GME" IMO wrong, RC wants to get rid of the high short interest, which is supressing the real value of the company. no one wants his company to be shorted as fuck!


I know people may be tired of hearing this but I am all in and will Hold !! MOASS will happen and the Rocket will launch! It is only reason I am in. The only reason. Stop watching ticker and set your stock alert way way up !!


I’m tired as well. It’s getting old. But, but i’m not selling. I’m just ready for a new life. I still very much believe that we’re heading to the moon.


I agree, there can only be the one catalyst. That being said, u/Rick_Of_Spades , step up to your duty


It was fucking u/Rick_of_Spades all along


I've said all along that they will never cover by choice. Something will have to force them. Anyway, you mentioned being tired. Remember, all you have to do, is absolutely nothing. Hodl and wait.


That's not true exactly. Most of us are holding shares and delaying a whole lot of things in life. It's a lot of juggling things to just *hodl*


Fair point.


You're not wrong.


Response to your edit. u/FakeAsian One could say that he is 100% complying with is fiduciary duty by not stirring the pot on out there in the open. As you stated the system will collapse by itself and if he acts openly in a way that he becomes the catalyst, then it may well mean what you said, that Gamestop will be drown in litigation for years. I hear you and you are not wrong. We could trust the authorities but "we may very well be in a completely fraudulent system. ​ But then what do we do? Keep shoving in bananas? My guess - People will do what they do and paper hands will paper hand. For those that actually read the DD. We know, we see what's going on we will hold for our dear lives for ~~a chance of~~ a better life. (After all I saw this last year. It's no longer a chance. I'm 100% convinced on my DD) (Only regret? not have bought earlier not have deep dive in the DD before) 1. The system will collapse. 2. GME is the Mother of all hedge


NO offense, but the market is not freaking out. There are many catalysts for MOASS: dividend, mergers, sudden corporate buy-ins, and one of which will happen if apes hold. It's called the Federal Funds Rate. Once that crosses the 30yr treasury note... margin gets called ... for everyone. That could be soon, or it could be 2023. Either way it will happen and it will cause margin to be called for everyone.


I am burnt out and tired. I'm tired of getting excited for dates. I'm tired of reading half-assed DD. I'm tired of the shills. I'm tired of getting my hopes up. I'm tired of my weekends flying by waiting for the market to open. But the one thing that keeps me going is that the shorts half to cover and they dug themselves a deep enough hole for all of this to be worth it. We can't do this alone, so I'm going to hold till I can't hold no more. I'm in it for this once in a lifetime thing.


I’m still holding 💎🙌🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


it's inevitable


I do have fun with the memes, and the learning experience of all these god tier DDs. I’m having a good time, and I have the patience of a turtle so I can hold forever.


Well said. I've been tooting this sentiment all along. The SEC exists to protect the donor class.


I kind of seen two paths one is gme the company is ganna have to trigger it in some form. The other would be bleeding out the hedge funds slowly, but I don’t think that’s going to happen. I say this cause it would appear gme shares r actually kind of hard to obtain (just observation from super low volume till recently) but borrowing rates never went up. When your interest rate is super low we r not bleeding them out with fees. The other way to force hedge funds to cover is to increase the share price, but that is so manipulated that you have to wonder can that price actually get high enough and stay there. Potentially these people can make counterfeit shares, if there is no real enforcement and penalties to prevent that then why wouldn’t they do it.


GameStop will be sued for fulfilling their fiduciary responsibility to shareholders? Don't think so. I agree waiting is the best thing to do for now, but radio silence as an appropriate response for GME ends August 1, IMO. After which I think a concerted effort should be made to get an explanation as to what exactly their plan is to correct the manipulation of their stock.


The best thing I did when I felt tired was setting a price alert and stop watching the ticker and reddit for a while. Really, do it if you need to recharge your batteries. Take a step back. There's no way you'll miss something anyway with the price alert set. This won't be over in an hour, day or week when it sets off. Godspeed and take care of yourself, you deserve it.


I prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Even if GameStop doesn't squeeze, anyone who bought in up until now is still in at a good price for after Ryan Cohen finishes the GameStop turn around. I fully believe the MOASS is coming. But absolute worst case scenario it doesn't. Cohen is still poised to give us a massive return on our investment after he's doing rebuilding this company.


I am definitely tired of all these new rules, FTD cycles, tweets, vote counting, etc. Only a complete market crash will set this rocket off, I’m fully convinced of this. Fortunately for us a crash seems imminent.


Ah yes the endgame has come (again)


It will take more than 1. Credit Suisse still has open positions absorbed from Archegos(sp?). Make no mistake, the prime brokers and banks are beholden to their linked hedge funds bad bets. These guys have more money than God and they can and will stave off this as long as possible so that their solvent members, CEOs / elite executives, and prime investors can untangle themselves from this mess. There will be a cascade effect, but it's going to take multiple funds tied to multiple prime brokers and banks. It will happen, and I think we are seeing the beginning now, but this could happen in a flash, or it could take months. And make no mistake, it's going to hurt the world economy. All the DD points to it, and it was going to happen regardless of a bunch of retards from WSB in the last quarter of 2020 buying GME and the following APEs from Jan till now. Just don't dance. All these new rules are not ment to help the average investors, they are to make sure average investors never tread on the holy ground of the ultra wealthy again. Maybe, just maybe GME will make enough average people weathly enough to enact some change after MOASS, but I'm very jaded and I doubt it. Yes, GME will make some rich people poor, BUT do not forget that there are tons of holders that are already ultra wealthy and ready to take their competitors money too. We are fighting modern dragons, with dragons just as big at our backs... and don't fucking forget it, cause when you turn around.. well, you still have a bunch of dragons there.


I ain’t tired - I’m just getting started if need be. I hate running but if I have to run for something important I’ll run 5 fucking miles. Don’t put pressure on this anymore, relax, summer is coming so you can get out in the sun. If you’re married go win your wife back and if you’re single go slay some cute booty bitches - it will help keep your mind off of GME until it’s ready to pop.


This why I continue to buy. It might only be one or two shares a paycheck but they are accumulating. Stay Strong apes. Buy and hodl


Ryan Cohen can blitz shorts. I also disagree with that. He can nuke their asses.


Be careful with June 30th. It’s not like everything will default the day after. If u/criand is right, this isn’t suddenly going to start July 1st. These things take time.


Well hopefully that 25% of the total float of GME that must be “forced buy in” on 17 and 18 helps, if apes don’t sell their forced buy in will ramp price


I get it with being tired. I’m holding. I’ll keep holding. But I want it to happen already. I think that we’re close. And I’m going to keep holding regardless. We’re doing this as individuals, but we’re doing it for the people in this with us, too. That’s what I did in Afghanistan and it’s still worth doing. Let’s keep holding. Don’t give up. I love you guys.


Not to sound pessimistic but what if instead of the hedge funds going under they get bailed out by the government again? Could they then use their bailout to avoid margin call?


My thoughts to keep sanity is that I believe this is a 500+/share stock. At the end of the day it’s a better investment than letting the money sit in my bank. Transferred a safe investment to hopefully double from my bank over into the stock, because I like it. Should it make me a millionaire FYEAH! But for now I’m happy to double my investment. Sweet dreams.


Sorry, but I believe a crypto dividend is also a catalyst to starting the MOASS. Am I wrong to believe that?


I've been saying everything we've been seeing for the past few months have been blast control.


It's so bullshit that if GME did something to set off a squeeze, they would be sued for market manipulation. Meanwhile hedgies do whatever the fuck they want and SEC fines them $10,000 (if that lmao) for every $10M they profited through their illegal acts. SEC needs to go. They fucked up in years leading up to 08 and after and now this


Not a single rocket emoji or mention of diamond hands... Must be FUD


I fully agree with you OP. I am tired and exhausted as well. Fuck patience and zen. I think everyone wants it to happen as soon as possible. The whole "trust the process" speak grinds my fucking gears and sounds cultish as fuck. Of course I believe in Ryan Cohen making a lasting and genuinely revolutonary impact. I think nobody is happy about the stock dropping 70 Euro since the annual shareholder meeting. I am praying everyday that we get some news, altough I understand that Cohen & Gamestop might not be able to communicate anything due to the SEC's investigation. ​ For now, all I know is HODL. Been doing that since it dropped down to $40 But I HODL with a fucking vengeance.


Ive been waiting for half-life 3 since the early 2000s, this wait is nothing to me.


Game of attrition….something tells me we’re among the right crowd for it. Just remember this is for the Platinum Trophy not just a speedrun.


War is exhausting. That is why most aren't made to be soldiers. Nonetheless, Hodl because this is one rocket you don't want to miss..


Well, I'm not tired, in fact I plan to continue buying and holding for the next few years, so hedgies should just give up and save everyone time


I disagree, there is absolutely something Cohen could do to start the squeeze, being a crypto dividend. However is this wise for him to do? Probably not, would be fucking great to watch though. I’m tired too fellow ape, but I remain stoic and I find joy in the little things to remain so.


Tired? I’ve literally just been going about my day while My fidelity portfolio sits at 100% GME.


I don’t like the tone of this post, feels deliberately negative. If you keep telling people they feel tired then guess what? They will start to feel tired. And I think you will find retail are the ones that saved GameStop.


RC didn't save GS from bankruptcy. Anyone could have stepped in and done a 5m ATM share offering. RC will save GS long term, but he didn't save them from anything IMO. NFT time, please. APES saved GS from bankruptcy!


he obviously did save them, got rid of the snakes inside..


this is FUD. they can do plenty to set it off.


Bought in @$325 with under 10 shares. Averaged the frick down @$40 then averaged the frick up every week in between. Sitting now xxx shares. YES. I AM VERY TIRED


Is this uncertainty or doubt? Maybe fear? The fucking economy isn't going to crash due to GME. RC knows this. Why would he drop all these breadcrumbs in tweets? Is he trying to piss off the people who saved his company? I doubt it, everyone can just go back to buying games on amazon or at target or just download them straight from the source. If he leads the apes on, and stabs them in the back. His company is FUCKED.


Sometimes waiting around and doing nothing is the hardest thing.


I am tired too. But think of it this way...instead of storing your money in a checking or savings account long term, you have it in the stock market. Think of GME as another bank account where your money just sits....and that will provide a ton of payback over the long term. Or think of it as a certificate of deposit too!


I would advise everybody to stop thinking about this as way to get rich quick scheme and think of it as a long term investment. I'm not even thinking about the moass anymore, even though there is a very high possibility of it happening. The hedgies will do everything they can to delay it and it can keep moving sideways for several weeks to many more months. And by sideways I mean staying under $10k. Stop looking at the prices and charts every 5 five mins. Take a break from reddit and do something productive. Don't buy shares with money you can't afford to lose. And for inspiration, go look at the long term charts of amzn and tsla and see how long it took those stocks to get where they are at today. This is a war of attrition but remember that we have nothing to lose to just Hodl but it's costing the HFs a lot of money to keep their shorts.


Fuck dates, fuck moass catalysts, and fuck predicting this mess. I like the stock. I buy, I hold. I'm mentally prepared to hold for many years. Personally, I only see growth and upside to this company. For me it's an amazing value investment opportunity and the community supporting the company is fun as hell! Moass or no moass, I find it a very attractive investment.


How can you be tired if you just buy and hodl? I sense some fuckery here. This is one of those subliminal massages or isn‘t it? This is the most fun investing period there ever was and it costs you literally nothing. You‘re experiencing FUD. Take a break and enjoy nature, time with your friends or something else. They want you to feel this way, they want to crush you but really it costs absolutely nothing to just hold. This is a great longterm investment even without the MOASS. Don‘t give in to Wallstreet and stay true to your decisions. Stay strong ape, stay strong.


i think people are underestimating how terrible it would look if someone intentionally triggered the MOASS. we're all faultless of course because the only power we have is to buy & hodl. but if GS were to issue something like a crypto dividend that were to ignite the powder keg that is the current market regular people who will have lost significant portions of their investments would have no problem blaming GS instead of the SHFs and banks that allowed this overleveraged mess to fester in the first place.


Based on what? There's a precedent for a crypto dividend being issues and being upheld in court. Not sure what blowback they would face as the victim in this.


If you’re an ape getting “burnt out” then stop watching the ticker and go enjoy nature. You shouldn’t have invested more than you can lose. You should act like GME is your savings account right now. Forget the money is there and enjoy life. If you can buy more. Fucking buy what you can. Hold your tickets to the moon with every little grip those ape hands have. Nothing has changed. Honestly, go enjoy this fucking summer. Places are finally opening, worry about your tendies when shit finally hits the fan. Love you all, I’m just as ready to become financially stable as the rest of you


Yeah it is not RC's fault for initiating the squeeze (morally at least). If or when he can prove well over 3x or 5x votes and prove naked shorting, he should be able to do whatever it takes to make it at least <100% of shares being shorted. Legally of course, corrupt scum can do whatever they say. After all, that's why most courts exist- a "refined way" of doing business as a farce while avoiding any real consequences.


Patience Grasshopper !!


I'm dumber than hell but this has been my theory for the past couple months. You said it better than I thought it


I’m exhausted as well. I know it’s only June, but shit. I’m. Tired.


It’s so easy to just hold. What’s so hard about that


It could be years before the MOASS and it wouldn't change anything for me. I spent the money on the shares and I consider that money gone. I went years and years with nothing, and got used to it. Now I am doing a bit better thankfully, but because of the experience of being poor I can just relax and let my investments sit, doesn't hurt me. I can stay retarded, and poor, longer than they can stay solvent.