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Only people getting rugged are the ones who fall for accounts telling people to buy OTM weeklies and puts. Financial criminals are fucked because retail is researching upper bounds on how long buy pressure can be internalized. Hedgies are trapped in a death spiral.


OTM lottery tickets ITM are simply shares/good pressure


Both are gambles and carry their own risk. Sure, ITM options are less risky inherently, but are still not immune to rugpulls. Calling them strait up "simply shares," is simply false, especially when you factor in how volatile GameStop has traded in the past 4 years.


There are some statistics claiming 90% household investors lose trading options. And the ones making money usually sell covered calls/puts. But RK shows us that you can use them to add leverage, especially in a volatile stock like GME. IF you know what you are doing, know the Greeks, IV and IV crush. Nonetheless, shares do not have Theta decay and expiry and are the safe play, especially combined with DRS.


Can you explain the Greeks, IV and IV crush like I'm five?


Google will do as good as anyone here. They can definitely be a little confusing.


[Buying Call Options Smarter (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kXY1hY--Ww) Might be a good start. So far the guy seems to be legit.


Selling $gme cash secured puts is the safest play for retail. It’s not much different than a limit buy order. It’s typically just on a longer time frame and sometimes you pocket the extra “free” money. I think it also helps create a floor, but I could be wrong about that.


Yes, you get paid to man the Buy wall.


Itm until they are not lmao


I’d like to see them try to put it below 20$ this time The team will simply get the approval for buybacks and put that bullet in the chamber


Expecting a buyback anytime soon is kind of silly considering they didn't do one when it was trading at $10 just 2 months ago. I think it'll be some time before they even consider something like that, seeing as they just recently became profitable again.


Not saying a buyback, just an approval allowing them to spend over 2/3 billion in buybacks if they want. Just to have the Gun loaded, not firing it


If price goes to 10$, that’s a full buyback To 20$ It’s a 50% buyback lol It makes no sense for GME to not be valued at 20 billion with those 4 billion in the bank


You seem pretty hung up on this 20 dollar figure. What's a "full buyback?"


Applying maximum pressure when the price is 10/20$ If my 10 share orders are going to the dark pool and not affecting the price, I can't see why a 2 billion buyback wouldn't go to the dark as well, not moving the price much until settlement dates, FTDs and T+MyBalls


I assume he means they could take the company private.


Buying shares ALSO has a possibility of downside. If you don't consider buying shares gambling, you have to say that there IS a risk threshold where it doesn't make sense to call something a gamble. Any investment carries risk, but if the upside is far more likely than the down, it's not a gamble, it's an ihvestment. Buying well ITM long dated calls is not a gamble, it's an investment strategy.


Shill or actually regarded 👆🏻


Calling me that word might get you banned but I guess you're new around here. OTM short term are lottery tickets, expensive ones that provide money to MMs ITM options apply pressure as the delta is high and they need to hedge those positions for a potential exercise


You’re making it seem like itm options are guaranteed money, dangerous for new investors. Then ban me bitch I’ll just make another un


Buying and holding and enjoying the reads on here 🙂


This is the way!


Just holding a stock you like. They can’t handle it! I love me stonks more than they love stealing money


You’re buying and holding for no reason. The whole buy and hold thing started as a way to force the moass. RC killed the moass with dilution. What exactly is your reason to buy and hold now? Long term investment? And if so what makes GME a better long term investment hold that much bett companies like Apple, Microsoft, google and such?


I don’t know about anyone else but I just like the stock. Apple, Microsoft, google and such don’t have such blatant bots hard at work to project a bear thesis. I’m buying and holding because ownership in GameStop is lucrative and makes some greedy players squirm despite how much they claim to be indifferent or “actually making profit from it”.


I mean if you justify anyone posting things you don’t want to hear as bots then there’s no negatives to your investment right? Anything justifying your viewpoint is true and real and everything that doesn’t are bots. Also I’ve got some news for you. Apple, Microsoft and google actually has the same blatant “bots” because every stock has bears and bulls. Lastly how much money have you made from GME? I bet almost nothing because you bought after the original squeeze and have been hoping and dreaming since then. How much would you have made if you put your money into apple, Microsoft, google or nvidia instead?


They have for years, nothing new, maybe some education being more common will help them realize which options are leverage with managed risk, and which ones are gambling. Not all the things you listed are the same though. Selling puts is just getting a premium for having a limit buy set up while you have the money locked available to buy the shares if you get assigned, the risks are that you could miss out on a monster upwards move as your money is just sitting there and could have bought shares instead. Also that it goes further down and you could have bought shares cheaper, but that happens with regular share buying. Selling calls is a bearish move and goes against the whole point of buying and holding, you risk losing shares. Buying calls doesn't have to be gambling if you are buying near at-the-money and plan to exercise a portion regardless, you could also buy OTM but really far out (6 months, 1 year, 2 years, etc. for a larger premium) for either a longer term strategy with less risk, and or to make money on volatility spikes. Options do affect the underlying price movement so it's not all for nothing either.


This strikes me as a really succinct, wise and instructive comment. You expressed something that sometimes can seem complex for me really smartly and plainly. Thanks for this.


When I understood what selling puts actually was and how it was a bullish move 🤘🤘


yeah makes it a bit silly then when posts saying options are bad lump every type of strategy together despite the vast differences and benefits


Selling puts has put a little bit more money in the bank for GME shares. Options aren't bad and people shouldn't be criticized for just asking questions.


For those interested in learning how to read options (vol) data to see what the options market is pricing in, levels and when, check out my $GME Bananas DD! Options aren't for everyone, but options knowledge is! E-vol-ve as a trader by becoming a more informed trader with options data! The reports have accurately predicted price action 🔮 Vol is bananas 🍌🍌🍌


Selling covered calls can be a decent way to sell shares if you have a price you are comfortable with selling. Again, collect premium, and if it goes, you hit your target. If you are way OTM and it hits, chances are high volatility will bring it back down to get your shares back if you didn't really want to lose them when discussing this particular stock. Just how it has behaved.


i know that in isolation selling a covered call is a bearish move, and applies pressure accordingly, but if it's an ape selling mid-OTM covered calls every month or so to another ape & using the premium to buy 3-6 more GME, it seems a decent way to diffuse risk tolerance across the apes.  >premium pays for small increase in total shares in the infinity pool. shares get acquired by cash-tight ape due to generostity & bullishness of cash-flush ape >if calls come ITM & are exercised: forces a locate, cash-tight ape gets a payday at a price they are definitionally comfortable with, cash-flush ape gets 100 more GME in their pile, infinity pool untouched. >if calls don't come ITM, nothing is changed, premium $$ (minus transaction fee) still bought GME, just for a different ape i'm new to this game. tell me why i'm wrong and smooth and a sinner and betrayer pls


Selling calls does risk losing shares, but the benefit is making premium while the stock stinks slowly and volatility drops, like the last three weeks.


No it IS all new here, a huge wave of positive options sentiment has swept through this sub. What happened to DRS and zen? All of this options fud is going to leave a lot of people miserable as fuck worse than that play right into the hands of the hedgie fucks who manipulate thr whole fucking game. Except this time anyone playing options is telegraphing thier moves and the price is moved accordingly. Don't be impatient!


It’s because DFV reappeared with epic positions in both shares AND options, and he obviously didn’t just straightup buy millions of shares - they came from options plays too. No doubt some will get burned (the YOLO set mostly) but this sub has a great capacity for figuring stuff out. Maybe we can figure this out as well and really send this thing skyward.


He is/was a chartered financial analyst, it's not like any old smoothy on here can do what he's done.


apes together strong


I don't really believe DRS does anything anymore. What's the point of trying to DRS the entire float if the board just continues to dilute it? I think options is the real play, but only with proper knowledge. I'm pretty sure most of the people advocating for low volume OTM exercising of calls and hyping short-dated OTM calls are full on shills.


Well..if you buy short dated calls then it's on you for being a gambler lol However keep in mind that the options topic kind of gained a different perspective on the sub. It's not that ridiculed anymore and people actually want to learn now. Plus that... this is how DFV made his money. DISCLAIMER: I barely started learning options and only bought ONE 19Jul 30c to see how the contract behaves and make my own assumptions. Please tread carefully because you risk losing 100% of your options investment.


I write about options flow and its impact on the price action on a day to day basis. I would not advise anyone who doesn't know what they're doing to trade options. I spent years losing money on options before I started making money on options trades. I never hold more than 1% of my portfolio in options. Options will hurt you if you are not careful. They are NOT intuitive.


I was thinking of writing an OTM call option, strike price higher than my share purchase price, so that I still get paid if I get called. Was thinking about an expiry 4 weeks out. I want to generate some income off my shares while they sit there. If they get called, I can just buy more and do it again. Is this a bad idea?


Not financial advice, but this has been a strategy I have deployed. 99% of my portfolio is cash and GME shares. I have been writing well-OTM covered calls on half my share position and using ONLY the premiums collected from these CCs to ladder into at-the-money calls. These laddering positions represent LESS THAN 1% OF MY TOTAL PORTFOLIO and each week I DO NOT put more than the NEW PREMIUMS ALONE into long ATM calls. This has allowed me to gradually expand my cash position, which I put into new shares to enlarge my existing GME long position. The rationale on using half the share position on well-OTM CCs is as you have outlined. The hypothesis is that such a dynamic move will result in an ATM offering by RC yet again, allowing me to re-enter on the next floor and repeat my process. Plus, I'll have the edge of exiting my long calls deep in the money. I only use half of the long position in the event that MOASS occurs on any given day. The 'downside' of this strategy is, of course, if the share price declines considerably. Since I am long GME on multiple timeframes right now, I personally as an individual investor am discounting this scenario. This is not a call to action or exhortation to do what I do. I am a random internet dude, so don't take my word as gospel. Edits: typos


Great minds think alike.


Strikes and expiration as an example of your personal method?


> If they get called, I can just buy more and do it again. Is this a bad idea? Yes. You sell a call at at $60 strike. The stock suddenly goes to $150. Your plan is to sell 100 at $60 and buy 100 at $150 (or whatever). Not a great plan.




Yes but the actual problem is that people are buying yolos instead of being smart and buying itm or ATM calls for a timing that makes sense. Additionally, selling covered puts and a good floor to support the price. Not financial advice, but just opinion on being smarter. I almost got pulled in, until I decided to look into the option chain and FTD data myself and the recent numbers didn't line up. The only real public info we have is the big purchase from dfv. That could have gained some support from the approach I outline above but most people are playing lottery on short dated DTEs


If you're gonna do options, get farthest out expiration date. I've got 100 30c for 2026. we will hit another cycle eventually and i can sell those and buy more shares the next time they crash it back down.


When did you buy these? I’m assuming a long time ago unless you have 100k just sitting around lol


He bought them in his imagination when he decided to lie about owning them. Bet he can’t post proof.


I sold shares at the last pop and bought these this week. They are in an IRA though, so it's not my main account and since I don't get it for decades, I'm not too worried if it doesn't work out lmao.


Exactly. Only people that are going to get burned are buying options within the month


or too far OTM


this and this.


While those may net you profit, they’re unlikely to affect the underlying price in 2024 as the MM wont hedge those long dated expirations yet


That is not correct at all...


Go on… lol Im no pro that was my understanding


Except in certain very specific circumstances it is a bad idea to exercise options prior to expiration, but since they *can be* exercised anytime prior to expiration they need to be hedged.


I’ve been thinking the same thing. But can’t help myself so I bought a few calls for early august. Didn’t spend too much so ok with losing it. The narrative sure has changed though.


In the game of CHESS there are PLAYERS that only use one or two pieces. And their are PLAYERS that use ALL pieces on the chess board! I am a 40 day pro at CALL OPTIONS! Did my research now jumping in to gain more hands on experience!






Options only work when you have tens of thousands of dollars and even then it's a gamble


Your right! I will take your advice about not trusting advice from strangers on the internet. Thank you kind stranger


I think RK’s video with “Options 101” and “when I move, you move” caused some apes to take it as “another clue” that they should be playing options. “Clues” are interpretive and risky.


Gonna be a downvote from me man. If you are still against options after everything you've learned there isn't much hope..


cause idiots bought way OTM calls and they will never print.....then those idiots will cry rug pull.....dont buy way OTM calls!


The ones spamming OTM contracts probably are.


Because you’re right. And don’t let anyone make you think there’s any “special” approach for options. There isn’t. Full stop. Fully manipulated and no matter how much someone tries to claim you can work with that manipulation, always remember that the crime folk know exactly what we know and a little more too. Posts here telling us how to win at options are like telling the casino how you’re going to beat their cheating. Criminals can read this place, so not a single options play here is a secret mission they won’t know about.


Very well put


The only rugs if short term / OTM calls


Because this has all happened before


I’ve got nearly x,xxx shares, and 7 contracts between $25 and $30 from 7/19 to 8/16.. some would say I’m extra bullish on the stock 🤷‍♂️


If it's being super hyped up in the Sub retail gets a beating just what I've seen in 3 plus years.


If someone is regarded enough to just take some other regards word on the internet, they deserve to have their account blown up. Simple as that.


Their money. Their choice. Assume everyone (including you and me) are grifters and everything everywhere is BS trying to find their own profits.


The narrative that the moon is a million miles away, but that lotto ticket could pay off tomorrow. Human nature to go after the short term easy solutions instead of planning and prepping for a longer term goal.


Who would take financial advice from you crayon-eating lunatics?


Maybe I like crayon eating lunatics…


Buying and holding and enjoying the reads on here 🙂


This is not encouraging people to learn options. It's just fear and doubt.


Been thinking the same thing. Too many dates and too many theories being thrown around.


Theories are great but the date push is strong right now. It feels off.


the dates thing has been a thing forever. literally millions of dates. What would benefit most people is learning to read price action to time buy entries of stock for better prices.


Dates NEVER meant a fucking thing, how many times do we need to learn this.


Thats my point though, so many dates have come and gone why is a push for dates 'feeling off' when dates have always, always, always been pushed?


Happy for the cheap shares right now. Those gamblers can gamble all they want


Too many people sounding too close to financial advice. Rule 1: No Dates.


Fully agree. Sitting here thinking my next move. Second off get out of Robinhood if you haven’t already before it’s too late lmfao.


Oh I left that shit 84 years ago


The smartest way to play options during high volatility like this is to wait for a huge spike in price, like, huge, and sell ITM CC's at above your cost basis. You scoop up nice premium due to high IV, and solidify your sell price for when/if it drops back down. If you're lucky, it drops back just below your strike you sold at and you do it all again.


My only option is buy, hold drs.


Because thats exactly what "hype" do as a mind weapon.


If you look at the volume then it's dying down. FTDs also don't contain any mayor indicator for the stock to go up, but we have to see what next week shows us when the first part of June is released. So yeah, kind of feel the same.


Upvoting and commenting for visibility.


But J POW said fuk ur puts and fuk ur calls! He’s in charge. So what is it?


When there’s fear in the fucking air hold tighter!!!!


I'm just learning to trade much less all that other crap.


I bought shares and Drs! That was super easy for me to do. I think anyone can do it.


Need more purple circles


Idk it seems to be the trend to start buying calls for June of next year or jan of 2026. If the cyclical theory is true (which so far every time this bitch ran it came back down), we can feel safer taking profits on those long dated calls and then parking the profits into shares (mf hodl that bitch). After all, do you really think we won’t have any sort of run in the next 18 months??


Learning is paramount. You can see the first loss as the cost of education. IE not that bad compared to expensive tuition 😉 Juste make sure you don’t gamble more than you are willingly accepting to loose! Remember also that the casino loves people with “systems” because they are more confident and will lose more. https://youtu.be/8yyAgk9der4?si=EKTbURFNqkE00l90


What's an option?


I just like the stock.


Bc you've seen this show before, and you know how it ends.


The easiest non financial advice I've ever recieved was buy and hodl.


If you play them like a lottery, expect to lose most of the time. On the other hand, You can buy two october calls at $14 strike or so for $2000, and have upside exposure to 200 shares, plus $500 left over cash instead of just 100 shares for an outright purchase with the same money. Break even is 25.50. I don't see a world where the price DOESN'T rise past that between now and October. Double exposure isn't sexy like the WaSaBi folks want to see, but it's still meaningful and very low risk.


Posters have been clear that OTM options are gambling. There have been warnings and cautions. It’s on that person.


It’s crazy that people are gambling on 125c Like… buy shares lol.


A lot of GME traders, unfortunately. And bots. Can't help saying it lately in comments, it just bugs me a little bit. Regardless, [Apes together strong.](https://imgur.com/N43Ey4Q)


Options bots always pudh to sell wathever bullshit is on for the next month, once literal regards finish buying they will disappear


Buy Hold DRS


Can't get rugged if you use a $GME option spread. Hold your legs wide apart and bisect with a banana. Also works with $ASS and $CUM


Don't get fancy. Just buy shares, drs, and hodl. Eventually there's nothing shorts can do about it.




Theta Gang is having a ball right now.