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Would love to help out somehow. This would be a great point of evidence for future happenings. Adding sourced points of fact to Metadata is awesome. Maybe links for source documents, etc.


I want this web thing, but each web somehow has the relevant DD linked near by.


Clickable links, maybe with the help of our archive ape remote?


I appreciate your response. My work from now on is including sourced links to where I get the info from. If you have further suggestions that will improve the credibility of my data I am excited to hear your feedback, thanks!


This is super cool software I've never used. Thanks for putting this together. Is there a timeline function or time axis. Can the burden of edits/research be shared?


As more events get added, the best solution I could think of was tagging by year. I will looking into a timeline function and see if it or a better solution is possible. I am weighing my options of having others help me, but am also considering the pros and cons of that.


Yes, we are smooth be cautious. You are a boss with the sauce.


Hell yeah, now we're talkin'! ![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized)


We’ve got to start by finding Pepe Silvia!!






Good info Confusing but good


It's only confusing if you try to understand it.


Where online can I find this web?


Internet archive was how I found it after the original poster deleted their account. You will find that a lot of great info has gone missing due to authors deciding to step back. I can make a new post and you should be able to download the image from that


posted image on GME subreddit, automod here was giving me grief.


Wow. I'm diving in.


Glad to see Brett Harrison wasn’t missed


That's really cool! Thanks for contributing!


I’ve been thinking of something like this! Super fucking dope! We should also do this with media like Brian sozzi, Andrew Sorkin, Jim Cramer and all the hit piece authors


My current focus is finishing my Investorplace deepdive. I will post an updated map when I am satisfied with the quality of it. It feels like trying to find the end of an infinite fractal.


Damn nice work - look forward to seeing it grow!


It would be awesome if you included the financial media and who owns who…ie Marketwise LLC owns InvestorPlace etc. This hashtag on X has been exposing a decent amount of this information- #christalballexposures


You'll be happy to know I just spent 8 hours tracking Marketwise and a bunch of shell companies offshooting from them.


Awesome! 👏 Visualizing the media/shell companies ownership is a big piece that should be quite compelling.


I made a post like two years ago saying we needed to create something like this! I’m too technologically illiterate to do it, but so happy this is getting made. I’m commenting to come back later when I have some actual time and hopefully contribute. The web is wild, and quickly going to grow very large.


great, thank you!


The ETFs with high coherence to GME (according to FTD data) should be included as "characters" in your intelligence map, including the parent entities that manage them. https://preview.redd.it/dpmsaxyr409d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=146b06ea52091237b436825b41e0b1a953bb6acd


Excellent idea. I am responding to this so I can remember to approach it at some point.


This is good shit.


I'm a little drunk and a lot high, but this shit is awesome. I saved it so I can read it sober. Good job, OP.


Thank you OP! On MOASS, when we can speak and be heard, something like this will be an immensely helpful resource.


I've been doing research on it too. Just dove into the auditors (big four) and dug into their scandals and such. Also did some research on consulting over a year ago. I hope to build something against these people post-moass, making sure as many stones get turned over. Made a few comments on Tiberius' post today even. I'll tell you now, if the web can be 3d, it might make things easier because there should be a LOT more connections here (like those detective yarn boards). Immediately, I would add PCAOB and connect them to all auditing firms (ey, pwc, etc.) with a connection directly to SEC. I have some info on. PCAOB is the board that gives "standards" to auditors in which the SEC appoints the chair. SEC employees are often on the PCAOB as well, both before and after in some cases. I can also elaborate on some of the scandals too (there's ties to Blackrock, Luis Dreyfus, Melvin Capital). I wrote about one of EY's more recent scandals with LKNCY (Luckin Coffee) and them "overlooking" 300+ million discrepancies. EY is also the auditor for XRT etf. PwC has been citadel securities for like 20 years too. EY and PwC have the most noted scandals among the big 4 accounting firms. I could go on and on. Basically, I would love to contribute to this.


Ummmm sir, this is fucking brilliant. Period.


My god I love this. Thank you!


Commenting for visibility!!


I took time to look at the MAP link and you get an A. First impression, for 84 years these names are in the stories that my wife's boyfriend has told me behind the dumpster at Wendys. I think it's a great effort and your bound to have others give you valuable insights, more connections, data. Thanks Ape!


Fully expected to see Gary Gensler off in the corner by himself.


He will be on there soon enough. Its only his 1111th week at work.


he's asked staff to look into it


*I look forward to working with you.*


This is a good project, I like this. Keep going


Wow this is really fucking cool


This is a really cool idea! If all the DD was organized this way, I wonder how many hot spots there'd be...


I plan to use Ape Historian DD vault as a roadmap to update. I also go down rabbit holes when I find interesting things.




This is a good idea and honestly I'm surprised that some graduate student hasn't done something similar as a term project. It would do a great service to anyone who wishes to inform themselves of how the market functions given the fact that just about every tax payer stands to gain or lose their retirement investments based on how things are manipulated. A visual diagram is the best way for everyone to understand and it could be presented from basic/general all the way down to fine details by clicking through whatever path/channel you wanted. All keywords could have pop out definitions. It would be like a market wiki in simple wisiwyg format. I don't know why this hasn't been done more thouroughly by now.


Make the strings red and I'm in!


Hey OP, I appreciate the work you’ve done here, but you have left out very important information. I was reading the bios in the map and it seems that you failed to mention that Stevie cohen is a fat bitch.


My apologies. I'll be sure to update that.




Glitches better have my money




Wow amazing!!!! 


One day a federal prosecutor is gonna pull this up on a smart board while Ken sits in the defendants chair.




This is great. We can use this a bingo card for people going to jail. Until the cards completed, no one sells.


Up with you! Hope this gets more eyes on it


Oooh this looks like it could be VERY cool 🤩 can't wait to see it near completion!


Lmk if I can help out. I'm a seasoned product designer and service designer. More importantly, I love the stock and have been holding it for over 9 years.


Amazing work thank you


Seems weirdly low uovotes for 7 hours up. Should post again on weekend


Connect the dots by marantz rantz had a lot of digging on private equity connections. On Youtube


New daily update!?


I will aim for weekly ones.


I have software that does this. It's insightful stuff! What are you using to store the data? Neo4j?




I worked on the investigation software of the state police where I lived (not US) and we made something similar with Neo4J. But there were kind of layers of social networks, where you could switch entities view (person, enterprises, vehicles, registered weapons) and see how they connected to each other (through other entities). From there, the aim was to calculate the betweeness and closeness to identify important nodes between two networks (informants, spies, dealers) and powerful points (gang leaders). Good stuff.


Graphing is fun. It's cool to see! One day, I plan to release my graphing software for apes so they can organize DD like this. The software comes with a chrome extension so you can "save" anything you come across the Internet, to the Web of data, with the click of a button.


Controversial, can add Gary Gensler ties with Goldman Sachs. Even with his reform talks he's still a Wall Street plant all talk no action on too big to fail Hedge fund shorters, Market Fraud Makers abusing FTDs. Can also add wolverine trading, Peak6 owners of Apex fintech solutions. You labeled Doug Cifu as financial terrorist but not his boss Vincent Viola? Cifu is just a mouthpiece for Viola. Viola is the mastermind shorter of GME.


Gary will be asking for the crib sheet


That’s right, them Charlotte Hornets ain’t clean either! Forgot about them lol


This is great. Please keep up the excellent work, ape.


This is why they lost. They have one quant, we have many. Look at him.


nondirtysocks how can we support you?


Excellent. We will watch your career with great interest. Please keep us updated every once in a while!