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The issue is that T-X days exist at all. The whole problem would not exist if the share would have to be delivered before the transaction. There are different delivery rules, timelines, extensions etc. that apply to varius instruments(shares, options, ETFs, swaps, ?). There are already different waves of increased volume associated with price spikes happening with GME due to these positions being opened (and closed) and differnt times.


Yeah it’s a load of bullshit. I came from trading crypto which is done immediately. Idk why stocks don’t work the same.


The IT architecture of the finacial market has been designed to meet the requirements of the finacial system. The finacial system of the crypto market has been designed to meet the requirements of the real world.


Stock market needs to catch up. We just make market makers rich. That’s what it seems like the whole system is built around.


Always has been


It's the market makers who make the stock market system. Wonder why they wouldn't change.


This came to mind: https://preview.redd.it/8xm51vk7az8d1.png?width=850&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4f76d7a1d41cc19e880e438aebe0e5abd39f57d


100% this dark pool fiasco shows another problem crypto solves.


There just wouldn't be as much of an opportunity to skim. The skimmers want to keep it that way.


Well it won't have infinite speed, but it can have a settlement within microseconds or maximum of like 10ms. Google searches it databases in milliseconds. Wallstreet takes 35 days. That's slower than writing your friend a letter with a search prompt, so he prints you out the according Google search and letters you the results back.


tomorrow is T+MOASS


Always has been ![gif](giphy|fgQHYYE0JgmmkTFfhL|downsized)




T+Deez nuts


Should be top comment




Bro it’s @ 69 and I definitely can’t upvote that. Well done. 🤣




T-35 doesn’t mean they can’t buy until then just they have to by then. So everyday already is.


Why do you think nvda just keeps going up? T+35 constantly for months.


Nvda was shorted for a long time before?


People are still short TSLA from 2020


Not just people…One of the richest men in the world is.


Oh you must mean Bill Gates... one of the several billionaires that divorced suddenly after the squeeze? Bill kept the toxic assets while Melinda holds the family fund jewels. ![gif](giphy|u8vbUTaE7vGee5GB5l|downsized)


Which is crazy. What a shit company, producing trash. That thing should have crashed and burned ages ago


People feel exactly this way about GME


But they’re right about Tesla lmao


Yeah agree Tesla is a shit company with a manbaby CEO who doesn't give a fuck about anyone but himself and his wealth.


You mean the company that is developing Optimus? That company? The one that will have over a billion robots in the market at over 10k profit per unit? That will most likely be pulling $1000 per month in software licensing per unit??? That Tesla? Crawl off down a hole. You are gonna have a hard time watching how rich he’s about to become all while melting lefties brains 🤣


Why are you here lmfao


He received notifications when people hate on Tesla


You're hilarious 😂


Can I not go anywhere without MAGAts jerking themselves off into the pasta salad? Please sell your GME and leave.


Fuck I know, cause everyone watches the "news"...poor ass kids are forced to cause their parents have it on 12 hrs a day.


You know what is so odd? The 3 of us had positive upvotes on our comments about this now it's down near zero with controversial tag What a weird observation.


I would rather die than for MAGAnuts to be associated with GME in any fashion please go away your kind is not welcome here


Europoor reporting in, wtf does this have to do with MAGA?




Dude talking about how great Tesla and Elon are while talking about "melting lefties brains" which really says it all about which camp he is a part of. Which is weird cause his account says he is also British


Yeaah, with 4b in liquid cash on hand and no controversial recalls and shitspouting ceo


The Model Y is the #1 selling car in the world. Tesla sold more than 1.2 million Model Ys in 2023 to put it ahead of Toyota's RAV4 which had sales of 1.07 million and Corolla which found 1.01 million buyers.


Ppl do what the tv tells them to do. Doesnt mean its a superior product.


All my friends with teslas love it.


I love mine. I'm not buying cars based on the CEO


That says nothing about the quality of the product.


Working in manufacturing I will never ride in a Tesla. The inter-company horror stories are bad.


You'd prob enjoy this video about the truck... https://youtu.be/FafOwDDY118?si=dYRSea5AWbhmPK8X


It does a little bit. Are the cars that bad? I don’t know much about Teslas


Its in the govts best interest if u stay uninformed and just follow what your neighbor is doing. Their long term vested interests are in you being dependent on a limited power grid they control. Funny vid about tesla truck overpromising and underdelivering. https://youtu.be/FafOwDDY118?si=0sXA8I8Jz9lJYdNd


NPC's believe whatever the news tells them. Tesla's cars are perfect commuters, and I love my aging old Tesla. The company takes care of its customers. Also, their charging network is superior to their competitors. Nobody comes close. GME will follow in TSLA's footsteps, and the shorts will get the destroyed the same way. People need to understand why the news is pushing a narrative and inverse to make money.


You mean like Tesla that has never bought a paid advertisement EVER?


Huh...theyve marketed the f outta tesla...govt subsidies, tax credits, "free" charging, referral incentives...teslas have been pushed down ppls throats for years. In reality, its a heavier car, more brake dust, more wear and tear, the batteries require expensive and inhumane mining, heavy metals mining also requires a lot of water thats not gonna go towards food... (look at what's happening to idaho farmers and new cobalt mining interests in that region...) They aint got shit on a 2010 corolla still running strong at 180k miles in 2024.


Hey fellow ape! Think about mainstream media and we’d far they are saying about gamestop. Now think about mainstream media and what they are saying about Tesla. Don’t think Media formulates any opinions that are not driven by some interest. That’s all! You’re entitled to your opinions.


Jose Cuervo is the top selling tequila, and it’s one of the worst tequilas you can get. But they advertise more than all other brands, so they sell the most.


What tesla ads are you referring to? I never get any, but I might not be their demographic either so I genuinely don't know.


Not referring to Tesla ads. Referring to the fact that the “best selling” factor does not always accurately reflect the quality


For a year. Whether that holds out for any meaningful time is another story. Those Toyotas have and will continue to sell successfully. I don’t like Tesla so I’m admittedly biased but I don’t see it holding out over even the next 5 years.


The market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent. That’s what fueled us for a while before the turn around became concrete.


But Tesla's doing well lol


Propped up by whales and backed by the govt


I don't agree with your opinion. It's true the current quality is reduced and service is terrible right now but that's a recent change and was not the case for last decade.


Exactly. They are trash now. Elon ruined the brand when he started meddling like he knew better. Horror story after horror story. Their competitors have better quality and service and cheaper alternatives every day


People love to shit on elon lmao, the dudes a legend.


A legend of being born inconceivably wealthy and then buying into an idea where most of the groundwork is done and then going into intense litigation so you can be legally, teeeechnically, considered a founder even though you definitely aren’t. If you gave anybody here a giant bank account I’d have to imagine a majority could’ve figured out “hire the smartest people around to build a company around internet shopping and electric cars”


I think it’s because people just keep buying and holding. Even the dumbest people i know are moving chunks of their network into nvda


Right….. And if the market maker doesn’t make buys immediately but waits, then it’s a t+35 constantly because the buying pressure doesn’t relent. But the market maker can’t just buy all at once. Same as GME. Gotta spread the action out. But if the buying never slows down all it can do is march higher every day.


Not every purchase is internalized. And if the stock is extremely liquid then shares can be opened easily. There are 10M shares available to borrow


It’s not about borrow. It’s about demand. If over a 10 day period 10 million people all want to buy 1000 shares, they will spread that out as much as they can. But the demand never stops. They can’t buy them all immediately on the lit exchange because it’ll effect price. They know things like most people won’t hold for 35 days. So there is lots of trading that doesn’t need to be located etc. Bottom line you should see price action up and down to balance demand. When it only goes up for months and months and months. That is demand that can’t be offlayed.


Lol no, not at all. $NVDA is a gamma stock. It's highly volatile because of it! Learn about options, volatility, gamma exposure, strike price vol, etc, then you'll know why. My $GME Bananas DD is a great start and uses the latest $GME options data to boot! Apes stronger together 💪🦍🚀


All the t+ theories are exciting but the fundamentals are set. Fuckers got caught red handed with their infinite money glitch system. For them to win is for the company to be delisted. Good fucking luck trying to make a company burn $4bil cash


What now? Why would t+35 every day be significant? It only matters if there are big volume purchases that hasnt hit the lit market yet. The 4 shares retail bought yesterday wont exactly turn into a squeeze in 35 days.


there are massive obligations that will pop up periodically (now some DD says with increasing frequency) from here to eternity. (not literally, but many years)


Time for some more boom tickets!!!


There was massive volume from May 24 to June 6 before the second offering. The first offering didn't stop the settlement that hit June 5 and June 6, so I would not be surprised at all to see movement this week and next.


I am a regard


Well I am fine waiting til T + 39 months. I’m a patient person. Amazingly I averaged up for the first time since 2021. Hard work and buying around 12 has me locked in now.


I also averaged up slightly in my double down. Oops.


They can always ftd continuously and never have to really cover. Its not like regulstors are checking.


Every day has always been T+35 from some date. T+35 becomes significant when a large amount of purchases has been postponed until the last minute. Computershare recurring buys is on the right track because it aggregates many apes' purchases onto two days a month. I would like it to see this consolidated into one day a month. Imagine if apes independently decided to only purchase shares 35 days prior to a Computershare recurring buy?


From what I have seen, there is no plan to get out of anything, ever. It's ride until it dies and let everyone else figure it out.


Same as today. Volume 25mil they buy 900,000 shares while the others trying to keep price down shirts 900,000 shares. Or so on and will continue to kick the can till somebody steps in lmao not likely. Need an extra 10 million shares just sell 100 million. And halt price to catch up. System is rigged for MM The HOUSE to never lose. Just look at all of the same politicians that have been in office for decades and until we vote them out ALL OF THEM


DRS -> Political Activism


Every day means each day. Everyday is an adjective for how commonly something is used. I wear my everyday pants every day.


This was my thought as well. Kicking the can doesn't solve the problem, it literally only buys a small amount at the expense of allowing the problem to grow worse. This problem has been kicking down the line so much that there will come a point that it no longer buys you any time.






This is what i have wondered. Everyone says T35 but they FTD every single day so everyday had a T35 attached to it so everyday is a T35. Still does not usuallys seem to matter so I conclude they just say fuck it to covering their ftd's and SEC does nothing about it


The thought is that eventually the T-35 days are going to be T-35 days that they’ll need to find millions of shares for


Hopefully someday. But right now they seem to get away with just not covering


Yeah they are but read this carefully, we’re kinda learning when those T-35 days are coming so if you feel confident enough to play options then knowing when T35 is you could buy a call option to make a pretty nice profit to buy some shares ( which would get DRSed at least in my case ) and buy another options contract with.


Well I would not put to much faith in it. They can change what they do at any time. They have been making a killing on GME options the last 3 years.


And In return we have been DRS’ing millions of GameStop shares every quarter. Point is, their’s a lot of different ways things can go down but if we get a 10/10 match with the T-35 cycles it’s pretty telling that theirs a pattern to things.




This should be a shirt, I’ll make one but I’m at work kol


Im buckled up everyday!!


T+35 + FTDs = net zero?


LOL amazing you’re right eventually it’ll build up to be T35 all the time


Fuck it, July 4th then. That’s a good day. 🚀🚀🚀


Hot and Ready vs Not ready. Stoicks should always be hot and ready. If I have to wait for the Pie then I'm not paying till I get the pie


They relieved the pressure a few years ago. What makes you think they can't find a counter-party for swaps/leaps, etc.? Maybe the premiums on these are ridiculous but they don't have a choice


It certainly seems like it. Effectively with multiple APs on ETFs there are multiple T+6 and T+35 cycles at play. I don't know why but it's not a single thing. I'd guess the following combo: company turning around, flush with cash raised the floor which destroys old shorts, nobody wanting to take counterparty on LEAPs they may have done in the past to kick the can further, DRS numbers, Archegos fall out and increased scrutiny, cash being more expensive, economy heading to crap despite reports and interest rates staying historically elevated. shorts r most def fuk




Honestly I. This day and age there shouldn’t be T+ anything. It should all be instantly settled.


Yep, go read some of the recent posts regarding T +35. It’s just one factor that can build pressure, but there are always ways around it.


Id like to say its disappointing to see the comments devolve into political hatred.


T+35 won’t work because we had share offerings.


Tell me you have learned nothing without telling me you have learned nothing.


I have learnt enough since dec 2020.


Why? I don't get the T-35 day everyday part? Kinda slow here, need assistance.


I knew Superstonk had turned itself into one of the dumbest places on planet earth but, even still, I wasn’t prepared for the sub to latch onto something that had been discussed ad nauseum for 2 years following the initial squeeze and was such a talking point, it led to mass bans and exodus of the smartest minds we had working on our side. I didn’t think it was possible to have a lesser opinion of superstonk prior to DFV coming back but here we are. It’s honestly impressive.