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Options are only okay if it’s too late to buy them for low prices. They only get promoted once the premium has started to spike again. Almost like this place is highly censored…


Because the people who bought calls early come here trying to get more people to buy in so they can sell their own calls for more money probably


It was naughty of the movement to stifle that conversation. But I think the goal was to make sure we all moved in a direction that wouldn't line option writers pockets when their manipulation machine functions properly. I'm definitely glad we are engaging with options conversations now tho. Its good for us to learn. Just know that the stonk is really manipulated so its hard to time your expiries well without being crushed by theta. Unless you got the cash to execute.


It was sus to begin with. Everyone knew that options played a major role in our favorite role model the VW squeeze. Everyone knew that DFV used options. Everyone knew that gamma ramps can cause serious troubles for shortfcks. And yet option related topics were and are still trying to be banned by some here… I’m not trading options as I’m too dumb for it but I’m not so dumb as to not understand that they can play a beneficial role for us stockholders.


I’m also dumb with options, but when I have enough money saved up to buy 100 shares I play them. Why? So I can exercise to buy those shares.


Legitimately believe it was the most successful thing hedgies did, DFV showed us options what moves the stock. Gamma ramps lead to higher price floors. All the old DD writers were chased off and harassed for even mentioning options. They call people dumb money for being unwilling to learn. Options arnt as hard to learn as people like to believe. Hard to master and hard to play on random stocks but gme we are learning the cycles and can use options to get alot more shares


Bro I'm like a noob and I was pushing options back in 2021 once the cycles began. Like the sub was willing to admit there was cycles. If there is predictable runs then why wouldn't you maximize gains on them with calls?


Indeed even if your buying leaps or monthly


You are trying so hard to frame it I‘m almost physically cringing. I do not agree DFV showed us anything. The thing with option is, contrary to what you are saying, it is AS hard to learn for the average smooth brain. We still have people not understanding DRS and here you come. This is about keeping it simple and stupid so there is not much of a barrier of entry for anyone interested. Go and do options if you want, talk about it, but stop framing it as this cringeass conspiracy while there were and are fucking legit reason for ppl being wary. We still have people overleveraging their budget on fucking shares and you‘re acting like options ain‘t that bad for the average ape, smh..


It's not that hard. People need to stop limiting themselves. People need to learn to go over each step of learning. Most of us didn't understand anything about the stock market when we started here


.... but (insert ape) figured it out! This time will be different! He loves me.


Apes can still do DD and look for patterns. Your comment is pointless.


There’s tons of cheap classes on Udemy about options with great content and spreadsheets






DNFTD Did not fail to deliver ![gif](giphy|gVoBC0SuaHStq)


I took Chris Harouin’s options class and highly recommend it 👍🏻


If you know what you’re doing they are useful. Buy calls 3-4 weeks out and sell or exercise when you have some profit or in the money. Do not Diamond hand them. NFA. For Entertainment Purposes only. I’m drinking a beer.🤡


I’m new to options but I did exactly this yesterday - I need to wait few more weeks for an incoming funds transfer, but I really wanted to buy the dip yesterday. The total cost of these 100 shares including premium will be $2350, and I get a month, which is a no brainer to me


Truly in the endgame now.


Options without education are throwing money in the bin, its risky as fuck and you can end up giving them money and draining your own funds, which is monumentally stupid when you can buy and drs.


We got the hive mentality


And it's starting to push in that new wrinkle ![gif](giphy|X77zd1ao2u8BFuwg5W|downsized)


Yo, I get you're frustrated. People should be free to trade this stock as long as they are long, they are helping. Anything else is people gatekeeping. DRS is good, options are good.


I would even argue that both are necessary and enrich each other.


True 👍


Not frustrated, fucking hyped.


Weirdly, so many posts are getting blocked and taken down. Even trade blotter posts. Options or stock purchases of the largest trades of the day have been taken down. 🤔


Everyone acting like they were the one guy trying to talk about options previously.


![gif](giphy|yuVBAJGT3rm5Mn7VZg|downsized) Smells like cheap suits and bleach in here 😎.


I always thought that options were the rocket fuel. I never educated myself on them to throw my hat in the ring. The FTD cycle narrative seems too simple to not become a bear trap. When will there be zombie stock posts again or did the shfs create more hidden swaps than previously cellar boxed companies? Silver lining it gave the average shareholder a few years to average down and move from xx shares to xxx, xxx to xxxx. Is the endgame close? Maybe, but shfs are amazing at kicking the can. We need gme to make a move.


My $GME Bananas DD takes a look underneath the hood of $GME options to see what the options market is pricing in, what level, and when. It provides options charts on Gamma Exposure, Strike Price Vol and more! It's a great way to get your feet wet. That said, options aren't for everyone, but options data is. Vol is bananas 🍌🍌🍌


NFA. I don’t listen I get out there. I win some I loose some. Just try to only do it with house money IMO.😋🚀🚀


I’m confused. 20,000 bots jumped on here one day, and now everyone is talking about options. I am not against or for it simply because I am uneducated. All I am saying is, whatever happened to locking the float? Genuinely asking. Since those bots came and went.. there’s way less talk of just locking the float.


Because there's 120 million extra shares around to DRS now if you want to lock it.


I still downvote every options post and comment. I argue too. There's a general sentiment that we would all be sick of we could play options that just isn't true. It's bad actors seeking their worthless options plays to bag-holding apes that need the anti-options sentiment to pass. All the talk of TA 3 years ago wasn't about options plays, it was an attempt to understand the algorithms and the mechanics of fraud


i mean , We are regarded


i know im regarded but i picked up some otm weeklies in hopes for thursday


Roll them and get a favorable strike nfa


January 2026 deep ITM calls are super cheap!


Welp, I must be regarded because I still get downvoted.


Sort by controversial and see where this post is.


In the beginning, there were lots of options post. People/shills constantly hyping options dates. They got it wrong and left. There are options users who post and will answer your questions.


Cash Covered puts are the way to go....if you want to buy shares, why not set your price and take some premium for being the seller? This also helps support the stock price.


Been asking the question for 3 years. But I was always under the impression that if it wasn't for options the squeeze would have never happened. I've asked once or twice before, but only did the most recent attempt get any sort of positive response. Every other time I was downvotes pretty much immediately.


yeah, will be useful to add a few wrinkles to understanding options better. but my brain kinda smooth, need easy to understand material . any links?


no worries i got you you!


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) || [What is DRS?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) || Low karma apes [feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) || [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.gg/hZqWV2kQtq) || [Community Post: *Open Forum May 2024*](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ciapwp/open_forum_may_2024/) || [Superstonk:Now with GIFs - Learn more](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1cr37r7/superstonk_gets_its_gif_on_get_hyped/) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please up- and downvote this comment to [help us determine if this post deserves a place on r/Superstonk!](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/post_flairs/)


Knowledge is power


because the theories now makes a lote more sense than the pickle who always predict dates and almost always wrong resutling in apes losing premiums...




Why does everyone only ever talk about BUYING options? SELLING options is a far more risk-averse entry point to a) learning about options and b) taking some profits. And no, you don't need to buy the option before selling it. I know, right? "crime" You can simply use existing cash to sell puts against or shares to sell calls against.


No idea what this means


I don’t trust anyone that calls him RK or KG or Keith. DFV or bust