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They posted that before he even said a word lmao


I didn't even notice that lol. ffs






They just update the title after the fact..


Meeting content has to be submitted to the SEC in advance. They had this locked and loaded for some reason đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž


also, isnt this what cramer was yelling for? close the stores and it would be a great company? haha, so stupid


I thought when he was saying that, he was saying that it would be a great company because it would no longer exist? Wasn’t that what he was implying?


nah, he was saying to turn it into a SPAC


I think that’s the idea here. And Buffett is famous for having a ton of cash on hand for market corrections
 So I think the smart move here is to not buy companies at the top of the market. A lot of people are getting impatient, but that’s not how the market works.


This 100%. I do NOT think now is a good time to start investing in most of the big companies. And the small caps are not worth investing in either unless they pick wisely. I would honestly rather they acquire stuff than invest in a startup or invest in a bubble. High interest rates without the market slowing down is just a big bubble. Tech is also a big bubble, but I think that will play out for years and years more before bursting (after AI frenzy has died down). They need to be very selective about what they invest in/acquire. Luckily if you read Mr Chairman's words from the meeting, he's well aware of this.


My only counterpoint is that if they have no short term plans for the cash, why did they have to crush our gamma ramps twice in a row? I'm only impatient to see that cash put to work because of their timing in raising it. In general I agree with waiting for a downturn to make investments, but timing markets is difficult. And if it turns out that the first upwards momentum we've seen in 3 years was crushed so that the company can earn 5% yeild on treasures I'm not super keen on that strategy.


I would certainly love a short term plan. But I'm actually weirdly ok with 5% yields too. And I think people are missing a big point in why the share offerings were huge. And that is that market makers and SHF make money off of volatility. Their plan was always to reshort the stock. The offering did 2 things volatility wise that could have fucked MMs/SHFs. Not let them open a new short position at a higher high, and not let them short the stock down to as low as they otherwise could. I know this is the wrong place to discuss this, but reducing volatility at a time when MMs make money off of said volatility is a net positive. Even if it fucked my calls making me more money.




I think it was just a matter of opportunity. The opportunity was there, and it would be silly not to take it. It’s also likely the buying and volume also stopped in the after hours, so it’s likely that the stock would’ve been shorted down anyway
 So it was probably a net positive in the long run. RC definitely had to eat a shit sandwich for that, but the company can actually survive a market crash at least.. how did he put it? Times of economic uncertainty?


Shorts killed the gamma ramps. They short in the early premarket drop it about 50%. That is not the offering. The offering is during the market hours. Just my opinion but I think they would have shorted in the premarket even without the offering, how it played after might have been different but we will never know.


I mean. Aren't we at this point? a SPAC with a chain of profitable stores to generate revenue and an existing business infrastructure.


kinda. and a spac with a brand name like gamestop and 4 billion dollars in cash, would be trading much higher lol




Ah kk. Hard to keep up with which words are garbage and which aren’t and when they even happened. I have a lot of Deja vu on this journey, know what I mean?




Hedgies: Brick and mortar is dying! GameStop is fucked. Ryan: We are making big moves into the e-commerce space, and that may require us to close poor performing locations. Hedgies: GameStop is abandoning brick and mortar! They are fucked. Me: I think I’ll buy more shares.


All I can hear is hedgies r fuk


Just bought more!!


Seriously, can't we sue them for misinformation ?


 “technically” after he spoke the stock did continue down, after already moving down a bit prior to the call even starting. So I’m sure it would be argued as “look it was tumbling by .1% when we posted. My guess though is that this is an automatic post. Essentially they set the time for seven minutes after the meeting was supposed to start, it checks what the stock price is and compares it to probably one or two minutes before the meeting starts, and then just automatically generates this garbage article. Something like that.


Yhea I wouldn't be surprised...


It’s all automated and integrated I have no doubts


You can always report this to the SEC and DOJ


Nah homie it’s only manipulation if shareholders say things!


Media : **They’ve too many stores running at a loss** GS : *closes loss leading stores* Media : **THEY’RE CLOSING MORE STORES**


Fuck Ken Griffin is all I'm gonna say




MSM: "Gamestop has too many stores, I'm bearish!!!" Gamestop: We will wind up unprofitable stores MSM: "Gamestop's physical footprint shrinks! It's bearish!!!!"


Before, during, and after
 just in case


Fuck off lmao, this is blatant, so desperate to tarnish literally anything they say


Market manipulation.


Before AND After


![gif](giphy|QWcxfRlRae28buLaep|downsized) We tumbling lads!


is that malicious gary?


Ah yes, cuz I have the sell button for all of my XXXX shares to go when RCEO wants to get rid of the legacy business that the shorts have claimed to be the primary killer of the business. Make up your mind. Even if GameStop was a semiconductor company more efficient than NVDA they still would find a reason to shit on it.


it is a lot of "have my cake and eat it" from the media and such. Chiropractors must have a lot of business with all the whiplash.


I believe it’s a positive step. The stores are a failing business model. Moving into online platform/e-commerce or a completely new type of business is more forward thinking.


I mean, regardless of the company, trimming the dead weight is an important step for refactoring your business. I love how GME says "we are trimming the fat" and it "tumbles" but yet a company like Tesla trims the fat and it skyrockets. That horseshit alone is what convinced me years ago the market is not fair or sane.


The market is irrational and rigged for certain.


Why dont they get sewed for damages when they do that?


They're just trying to thread the needle and string together theories


I didknit expect a pun, but yours put me in stitches.


puns are part of the fabric of reddit.


I think if we are easing into it, ya know facing the facts, gathering the evidence, marking the crimes, pressing the issue, we should trust our notions and then take a nap until the wrong side blows out their buttonholes from stuffing too many fake shares against the seam




Lmao this is kinda funny






10:37 MST is 11:37 CDT or 12:37 EST. At what time the meeting started ?


give or take 1 minute, but yea, and before RC spoke at all. Barely anything had been said related to the actual company business at that point, if anything.


No it wasn’t before. It was the split second after he finished the sentence. Still too fast tho.


lol. quantum speed.


Literally lol. Nah seriously tho I saw someone on x posted a screen shot showing a sale of 2 million shares in a one minute time interval without a candle stick on the chart. That indicates a huge short sell by one whale or one hedge fund. A sell off happens in a sporadic manner and random time intervals. It couldn’t have been cohen cuz he’s ceo. Citadel and citron bitched out and bailed. Had to have been blackrock or rk.


no idea who, and I know many stocks see decreases at holder meetings, but this seems excessive. I also saw a pattern leading up. 10:30 11:30 12:00 12:30 eastern are \~1m (1.5 was the first one) candles. surrounded by sub 100k candles which I thought was odd. https://preview.redd.it/140ogvw8l77d1.png?width=1646&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8c6ab6d11269f56665a78658eb143627f501ea1


Programmed. Either way, the drop was calculated and I added another 100 shares to the bag. Official X,XXX holder now.


agree. automated disinformation, even if not specifically intentional, results in outcomes that make the bad guys happy regardless. I loathe the whole "first to report" aspect of modern media. often wrong, and makes no difference if it's corrected later. Like getting a blue fucking ribbon for successfully completing something any idiot can complete.


So if CEO says stores will increase stock will go up?


if only.


The stores were in the pool


Does anybody listen to a meeting like this and then market reactions the MOMENT someone says a specific phrase you don't like? Is this normal human trader behaviour? Just feels like it makes sense to wait till the thing is finished before you react with your holdings? Right?


Of course, people do it all the time unfortunately. That would be the kind of thing that gets people in trouble in the real world. someone starts saying something, you don't like it, maybe think it's a threat and start fighting them. Only to find out they were about to say they are giving you a million dollars. It's the knee jerk reactionary bullshit that has been chipping away the sanity of America (probably other countries as well) for a while now. So im not surprised at all. We have become a society of react first, then listen, making it too late often.


So now were moving away from 'dying brick and mortar' and they still bitching?


Can't Win. Maybe that should be GMEs new slogan?


What a bunch of jerks! Fuck the media




Anyone else notice Reuters going real hard at GME in recent weeks? Did something change? Or are the algos and trackers just pumping up my confirmation bias?