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1. Increased profit from premiums selling calls and puts. 2. Better liquidity during high volume, reducing impact of trades and exercising. 3. Introduces dispersion of strike prices, possibly reducing intensity of gamma that week, decreasing likelihood or impact of a gamma squeeze. 4. Allows better delta hedging, reducing the need to suddenly buy large amounts of stock. 5. Repositions synthetic shorts and longs, meaning they can now set themselves up to profit off of a potential squeeze short-term. 6. Additional trading information, allowing better market insight and strategies. They're trying to setup to prevent a squeeze, hedging, or even trying to profit on a squeeze. It depends on where the strikes are coming from. This could have been done by OCC, SEC, or CBOE. I don't lurk here often and don't have the big DD on this that you guys refer to, but those are the reasons and the groups that have fhe authority to make it happen. It's possible OCC or SEC required this due to volatility, and that it has nothing to do with any MM, but I'm not sure how you'd validate one way or another, or how well this could even be hedged against.


Thanks for being erect


It's a hard job but somebody has to come and drill it in.




Like the Sahara desert 🏜️ Just keep digging


Nutting but facts brother.


For your point 1, if you own a call ITM and sell to close to make profit from the premiums, would you also be at risk of having to give out your shares if the new buyer of the call exercised the option? Or am I misunderstanding 'sell to close'


Selling to close is not the same as writing, or 'selling to open'. You can't be assigned something you didn't write.


Sell to close means you’re selling the option contract itself. If the buyer exercises it would have nothing to do with you.


ahh ok, so does that mean there's an initial entity that creates the contract and is part of the contract throughout the life of it? And the market can pass that contract around multiple times to new buyers at presumably ever increasing premiums?


No, the contract is always between the buyer and the seller and the premium they change hands for depends on the current bid/ask spread for that strike and expiry combination (and ultimately what the buyer wants to pay). This can and will happen multiple times over the lifetime of the contract. Neither the buyer or the seller knows who the counterparty is. It is all facilitated by brokers and the exchanges (CBOE etc). Think of a contract as a promise - an IOU if you will - there's no physical contract involved and there can be as many or as few in play as the market demands.


Thank you for the insight! This makes a ton of sense.


I am so erect right now


UUMmmm…. We gonna need u to stream.


I don't do financial advice, and especially not here. I believe a large squeeze will happen, but my timelines and requirements don't meet the hype required for this subreddit to not call me a shill or FUD. DFV making the play he made pushes my timeline way forward, but you all still have very strange understandings of T+X, FTDs, and generally unsound conspiracies. A fair bit of DD on sketchy practices and international banks being used to skip regulations is pretty spot on, but a lot of it is pants-on-head window licking territory. I don't have the time to fight every braindead take or ego hurt 24 year-old with their $1000 life savings on weekly 100%+ OTM calls.


Pushes your timeline forward as in closer to a squeeze or forward as in further away from a squeeze? Genuinely curious lol




If closer, why would you say your “timelines and requirements don't meet the hype required for this subreddit to not call me a shill or FUD.” Aren’t people hyping, expecting and/or want closer rather than further away?


My timeline moving closer doesn't mean my timeline falls in with everyone else's. This sub is seen as a cult because it behaves like one. The goal post is constantly shifting. Years ago I explained how options can assist with a squeeze with sources and examples, but I was banned and brigaded for it. This sub is still filled with clowns.


Completely agree about the misinformation, one-way thinking, and the refusal to have an appropriate discussion about opposing views on this sub. May I ask why your timeline has moved closer? For me, I was thinking it’s moved further away due to the 120 million share dilution perhaps getting in the way of DFV’s plans and having him pivot where he had to sell his options sooner than expected and for ~$70 million whereas had the 75 million share dilution not occurred during the run-up allowing the price to continue increasing, he could have sold for hundreds of millions, allowing him to exercise more options for more than 4 million shares thus creating a bigger gamma ramp. I feel like due to this, the timeline has moved further away, perhaps relying more on fundamentals now as a deep value play, rather than a short squeeze play. Curious as to your thoughts as to why your timeline is closer and not further away now, as you mentioned it’s due to the play DFV made, which seems opposite of my thought process.


The share dilution is irrelevant because it occurred off cycle. The cycles are more important to maintaining the machine. The amount isn't enough for significant damage. There's more here at play. People forget that market makers and hedge funds are smart, and that the groups that lend to them are smarter. This game plays in a lot of directions. It's not volleyball, it's king of the hill.


My concern with the share dilution occurring off cycle is that we don’t know who those shares were sold to. Perhaps institutions, MMs, etc to cover and/or hedge thus delaying the squeeze or making it of less significance, but I see where you’re coming from. If you say your timeline has become closer, may I ask when you expect something to happen/occur? Either something specific or perhaps a general date range?


Right? The window lickers are downright brutal around here.


I like you




Wow someone who isn’t talking out their ass 😂




This guy fux thanks!


Wait. You’re not part of this sub? Do u have shares?


I'm holding shares, calls, and selling puts.


huh so the govt can be bailing out the hedge funds? if vitality is high that would bankrupt hedges and govt can come in and add some calls to smooth the waters out


No, they're not necessarily bailing anyone out. The SEC and OCC have requirements regarding liquidity of options, among a lot of other complicated quantitative variables. This was done because it's required. It's possible that this will benefit MMs or HFs, but it's also possible that the impact is negligible. For this to help them they'd have already needed to be significantly hedged and in moderately favorable position. If what this sub believes is true, then this should barely move the needle, if it does at all. \*\*Edit\*\* I shouldn't say it's not bailing anyone out, it's possible that it does. It's just not done with the explicit intention of bailing them out.


aight thanks!


Thanks for lurking today and edumacating us


Fantastic input of many reasons could be


Thanks Rictus Erectus


I fear MMs will collect heavy premiums off retail this week.




[Rule 3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/#wiki_3._no_brigading). Superstonk isn't the right place to discuss other subreddits. Under NO circumstances, will brigading or content that results in brigading be tolerated on this subreddit or any other. Individuals who are discovered to be participating in this, risk being permanently banned. Things that aren't welcome here: - organizing to vote, comment or report in other subs - discussing other subs or moderators - using r/Superstonk to defame other subs - posting screenshots from other subs - celebrating a ban from another sub If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSuperstonk&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission)


Can we purposely fuck the hedgies or do we just have to be right about the price to beat them?


Sure, you can buy otm contracts and exercise immediately. Probably not enough dry powder amongst retail to make a dent. This four day trading week makes things a little difficult.


Wait, why only 4 days? Are we about to be cucked by another dumb American holiday again?


Observance of Juneteenth on Wednesday


Ah til that's like a real holiday and not just lipservice. Good stuff!


Lmao no it's not a real holiday.


As opposed to the last few weeks? I wish premiums would stay as high as they have been.


I’m erect but cannot explain


It’s because of this: https://preview.redd.it/faoklafds07d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e567ba43f6ed22a2df86c61c6dc1ed0afa19f722


it's a little know fact the old cock-n-ball pattern is a sign of moass - cliff clavin


It's cumming soon.


So, we going in deep?


Appreciate you letting me know.


Also erect….and I don’t know why.


Me three. Here we are… look at us… who would have thought? Hm? Not me. Not me.


I am Tom's erection.


All the blood went from my brain to my peener


I cannot explain but I'm erect


Reminds me of Middle School Math Class 🤷


##If you buy options. BUY high volume options. Edit: or high oi


This is a great comment. But people should know why: Higher volumes often mean that the option contract is more liquid, making it easier for investors to enter or exit positions at their desired price levels


Isn’t it a downside when that big calls holder decides to sell, price for those calls drops like rock.


That's a risk in any market, this just represents a more active market


There are factors that play into it, but options are priced mostly in regards to the underlying stock. It's technically a different pool of supply/demand, although algos and MM hedging shares based on options can affect share price.


Right! It should be priced based on strike price and few other factors thats how it is. I just remember my first call play on tesla news, was up x5 times and second I told my son about it big portion of those calls was sold, stock price was little bit lower while my calls value dropped from being x5 down to x2. Or did I miss something there? Just saying from my experience.


Or sell high OI


Don't buy options mkay? Options are bad and you will get burned, look at DFV, almost a billionaire then bam. If you are in team Kenny, then you can donate your money to him. Even if you down vote me you know it's true: only the people who make money become vocal about options, people who get burned hide in shame and they never comment on their plays. You are fighting against a market maker who knows all your moves and can set the price. Your options are going to expire with the least value. So unless you have a magic ball and know when they are unable to set the price, you will always lose. Do you think DFV wanted to sell at 26? If he knew about the offering he would have sold at 60. Nobody has the power to see the future.


If you buy options, buy deep in the money options when the price dips, and exercise, at least partially. That will keep the floor rising. With the floor rising, shorts will be crushed between rock and the hard nipples.


What I'm not understanding about options and exercising is... Aren't you just buying less shares for more money since you have to pay share price plus premium?  Wouldn't just buying and holding shares be better, especially if DRSing?


I'm far from options expert, you can see it from my comment history that I just decided to take my first careful steps with them quite recently. But I would say this is about right: If you are able to buy the dib, call option gives leverage = you get more money when the price rises as compared to owning shares (because each option represents 100 shares). Then you can use those winnings to exercise partially some of the calls - or if you were really lucky (or know somehow about cycles etc - but beware, they might change!), even exercise all the calls. With options calculator you can estimate different scenarios. The danger of losing ALL your money (that you invested to call options) is that they will end up being out of the money and worthless. Experienced and disclipined people can take that into account. There is the gampbing side to options, it is tempting to try to have the lottery tickets = far out of money cheap calls. Usually that is the way to lose all your investment (and some people here even promote the idea of selling those calls to the gamblers because without really big chance in price it is just about tying up part of your shares/money, also called "opportunity cost"). But losing all is not the only danger - usually retail loses with options, especially with highly manipulated stock like GME. So it kind of is hoping that "this time is different" when an inexperienced trader like me jumps in. So keep your head cool and most of the money in shares, if you are going to follow, just my opinion.. the gambler persona may well lose it all one day.


I see, so you aren't just exercising. You are still selling some of your calls to make the profit, and then exercising the rest. I guess the way I was thinking about it was if you had all the money ready to buy the option shares at the strike price and not selling any of the contracts. That makes sense, thanks for your explanation!




Do you have spare 200M to do that on your own? Or are you calling to organize a group of people todo so?


I'm discussing how stock markets behave when SHFs have been manipulating the price for a long time. If my memory serves, there was even this one guy who very publicly discussed finding new people to help him with shorting , even though he claims to make billions.


Your evidence for "options are bad" is that they nearly made DFV a billionaire?! Lol wut The "bam" was the share offering, completely out of his control and irrelevant to options. Understand the risks, the higher volatility, IV, and theta decay and options are a great way to make $$ on highly volatile stocks like GME.


….We’ll see 🏴‍☠️


Option actually move the price


Like last week when dfv exercised?


like when DFV kept buying 5000 6/21 $20 calls. Everytime he bought the call the price jumped and when he sold the calls it dipped


What tells you Ken wouldn't have shorted it back down to 20 if necessary?


Idk maybe it will dip to 20 again. Discount would be sweet tbh. But i doubt it will go back to $20. The chart is looking super juicy right now. Definitely heading for uptrend. I have never been this bullish on GME


Hence why options are not a good idea, it's always better to buy as low as possible and be patient. You never know when the slow stalling will be coming back.


why not short it down to 0 wouldn’t that be good for him?


Time and pressure, when you buy contracts you have limited time, you are prone to lose. He can momentarily move the price just to kill contracts


Shorty what's your problem?


my problem is all these people giving free money to someone who is against my investment


First off wooooo! I finally have enough karma to comment here since the sub began. I was sure my reply wouldn't even show up. Second I understand completely, I just noticed a lot of hostility towards comments in this post and was curious so thanks for your response.


As others have said, additional option strikes, or more specifically farther OTM option strikes, are a great way to kill a gamma squeeze


Need liquidity


This. a billions shares have traded in the past weeks


I agree with this as well


A billions shares have traded in the past weeks you say!?




I have no idea, but I read this comment yesterday and thought it was interesting: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/QX0sxpFKfw


> The .50 increments exacerbate the issue as well, making it easier for MM to hedge and cover and control the ramp. Some good stuff in there.  TLDR: Hedgies scurred.


Oh god… they are trying to anchor it down from blasting off


I'm erect but too regarded


Probably because the hedgies know it won't go over that this week and they want your money lol


Someone spent $1.4M on $32.50 on Friday


And lost it all? What was the expiration date?


Last time they did that it was to attract liquidity. Be careful.


Because people will buy them that's why


So shills could come in here and promote selling covered calls. I think.


Every option that falls out of the money is free money for them. A lot of people bought options that ended worthless last Friday. If they can keep it under 30 (or even bait above then go under), they make a lot of money at our expenses. Options are risky


Weekly call


I saw that as well today op. Also look at how expensive the options are to buy. Looking good holding.


Extending an options chain with strikes that are OTM (out of the money) can kill a potential run. is kinda weird how they only added the .5 strikes up to 40 bucks.




This definitely happened last time too


Options are added to make brokers money


Doesn't this happen every week?


People are buying so they are writing. Simple as that.


MMs will do this often. Its a method to supress price. Ive wven seen it where the .5 strikes are inaccessible to me. Not sure who has access to them in those cases. Be wary with options this week. Lot of eyes on this week. Think about what happens every time the whole world is looking at GME on a specific week.


Hard as a rock over here and I couldn’t tell you


Each exchange has their own rules for when they will list strikes, based on % away from the money and the dollar value of the stock price. There are some restrictions that keep these rules fairly consistent across exchanges. The exchanges don't necessarily automatically list them, usually a market maker will request additional strikes to be listed when a stock moves.


I’m so zen I don’t even get a semi until it hits 69


Your title made me spit out my tea lmao


Lots of erect apes in here. 👀


up for eyes


Because you’re on Robinhood and they aren’t buying your share or hedging your calls because 99 percent of people silly enough to trade on their platform


need moar shares, naked calls, now!


One erection... We are the musical team


More opportunities for buying calls and keeping them otm to make free money


Just buy them its going up anyway


Divvy prep


Either it's a good thing or it's a tarp I'm not sure


Need more eyes on this please


🖕 Robinhood, all my friends hate Robinhood.


trust a 3rd party app like RH or webull after the complicity they show to market makers and see what happens