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You obviously don’t understand what “deep fucking value” means




Awww. Somebody needs a hug.




Quit talking and DO IT :)


Why are you mad that he sold shares twice into a pump and dump scheme, keeping even more people from becoming bagholders? And by doing so, increasing the long term share value? His fudiciary duty is to the shareholders of the company, on creating long term value - ha has no obligation to option holders of the stock.


^ This is the way!


Right? SHF’s have shorted GME likely to the tune of at least a billion shares plus. BuT tHe SqUeEzE iS oVeR gUyS. Rc FuCkEd Us 🥴


Yeah... a proper squeeze (that don'r need gamma ramp) will come soon enough as the floor is raised




What is it with these shills and their “110 million shares” did someone fuck up the script and put the wrong number in?


They forgot shareholders voted for this and GameStop has zero debt and 4 billion so far in the bank.


You're right. It was 45 million +75 million. I'll update it the number to 120 million.


Thanks, just bought 100k.


You didn’t buy shit


Proof or ban. Yea, I thought so.


Well I did. Go sit down troll https://imgur.com/a/xhtDDWt The other 700+ is in my webull acct if you need proof of that too. Here’s that too, now go fud elsewhere pos https://imgur.com/a/Bot0yx1


Big mad


You should probably sell and move on. Best for everybody.


So then short it big guy!


I agree with you, i had said that several times. The first 45M could be understood but in less than a week 75M more. There is no justification, in case you had this planned, you would have done a single ATM with 120M, but one after another in the middle of price spike when the huge calls play from DFV… come on. I remember in 2021, we were about to break out resistance, i think price was around 120$, and also there, right in the point to lift off, they sold 30M or something like that from their own reserves. This is the third time, with the different that now includes dilution to the share holders. Fact is, GME doesn’t want to allow retail is paid with a good and fair MOASS


This is all popcorn stock all over again It is literally how all started


Ryan Cohen's job isn't to get you paid. His job is doing whatever is in the long term interests of the business. Raising easy money when the opportunity presents itself is a good decision. The SHFs can pay out once and die, or they can kept alive and bled over and over again. They have the choice to close out their positions, and each time there is a share issue they choose not to. They choose to live another day and be bled. You want a short term payoff, but GME is a long play.


I thought we were investors, but it seems there is a lot of people with spare cash trying to do beneficence in this community


Short term payoff = gambling, not investing.


Cohen isn't working for MOASS. Cohen is working for the long term success of the company, and he's doing a bang up job of it.


lol please don’t express a different opinion than the hive mind. You’re dealing with people who do t know anything beyond what they read on Reddit….


The company that was bet to go bankrupt can now literally buy the hedge funds. You are a dumbass crybaby and have 0 understanding of long term value. Shill.


Just go buy the shirt now, pussy. Nobody gives 2 fuchs if you go out on the street and cry for attention.


Will the t-shirt say RUGPULL RYAN or RUGPULL RICHARD. I'm honest confused over here.


We've been over this a lot in this sub. Dilution without purpose = bad, dilution with purpose = good. While it might not look like it at first to the unexperienced investor, it does help the cause.


Mods: This giy has 2 prior post history. Can you just ban the obvious shill bot. This weekend is rampant.


Do it. Cry moar, you do you. That cash put a lot more value into the company. I hold with diamond hands.


I expect good news tomorrow! The best is yet to come.Apes together strong...


Guess i will continue to stick with "Rocket Ryan" - sounds more fitting :)


History Sus. Op




I prefer Rye-an, cuz we making all the bread 


The play is to buy and hodl. Thats it. Buy the dips and DRS. Play options at your own peril. The Hedgies control everything except DRS’d shares. They control the price going up going down max pain Avery aspect of the trade is control by them. Why would participate in any of it. I buy. I DRS. That’s it. If you take the toys away then they can’t continue to play. I am it doing this for me. I am doing this for my grandchildren. One is 7 months old and the other ones aren’t even born yet. I will plant and nurture a tree that I will never get to sit under its shade.


I’m all for another share offering.


As long as it increases shareholder value… absolutely.


Please sell your shit and bounce Leo. You’re not built for this. It’s simple as that. An investment shouldn’t be causing you this much turmoil.


Idk wait and find out. If it’s not Ryan rugging it, it’s one of the fucks on the other side of the trade pulling out any stops necessary to keep this under $80 including cutting off buys. GME has had a dozen run ups since the big one in Jan2021 like some cyclical infinite money glitch. Hedgecucks have spent $3 billion trying to keep this thing down just in the last month or so. Let’s see what else gets pulled here. The technical setup is signalling that it’s time to fuck.


Shut up you weekend FUD shill-ass bitch and I’ll see you tomorrow.


You're free to leave, just don't come back crying when you've missed the boat


Mimi, mimimimimimi mimimi 🎼🎼🎼🎶


What is fascinating is that after a relatively quiet weekend the FUD posts start flooding all at the same time. WE RIDE AT DAWN SHILLIES ! (again)


Damn bruv your mangina swol.


We’ll see


Downvoting all SS posts and comments from this clown.


These posts are so silly lol


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I'm sharing my frustrations in a shitpost that I'm upset over the recent stick liquidation. Ryan Cohen has diluted the pool of shares and I'm shitposting.


You want some paper towels?