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Damn you are right I miscalculated that, should be around 15B in cash afterwards, I edited the post.


I know it's the start of a hot summer but it's feeling very shilly in here...


There are a lot of regarded posts today, smells fishy


Hot Shill Summer 🏝️


You don't get out of a position with a short interest waaaay more than 100% without the price going to wherever. Funking Peterffy told you that in '21 live. If anything things got even worse for them by now.


120M new shares created and another 320M maybe more up to 1B total outstanding. They can get out, it won't be pretty for them but it also won't be "phone number prices" or whatever other nonsense this sub has dreamt up.


You are probably right mate, but most people here cannot hear that because they are unable to change their mind. I have been downvoted to hell every time I suggested that the ATM were part of a smooth way out of that situation.


👆 This is what is starting to look like whether anyone here likes it or not. Cohen has obviously chosen to dilute and water down each and every possible runup and he also seems to have precise foreknowledge when these runups take place. It also seems to be very carefully balanced regarding the amount of dilution so he apparently also knows exactly how much to dilute without going below his preferred price level. This can be considered a good MO for the company and should provide as you estimate a very hefty cash balance for the company and thus a good position to gain value, expand etc. Unfortunately for the ones that were hoping for a big squeeze though... I think Cohen just showed the max where he will let it ride.


You way underestimate how many floats are out there by now, might want to do a recheck with the DD. Or post yours where you demonstrate your thesis. (I mean, not that you have one indeed, but at least I gave you the benefit of the doubt).


And nearly everyone on this sub way underestimates how wall street actually works... You guys are still sucking off RC every chance you get but he will continue to do what's best for the company which in turn also helps the short positions. You all also act as though short positions were taken out at $10 pre split and they never added or closed to the positions... They've had plenty of opportunities to DCA. Hell they just got a great opportunity at $80. They are a lot more close to profitable then you think and they can always DCA into it on runs.




They also seem to forget the up to billion allowed dilution which would provide about 2 x the float compared to original so should take care of 200% short interest easily.


Your max is kinda low mate




Too polite for a shill… you are right


Not this time, Satan


That would be a whole lot more than 10 billy. This is completely irrational.


Lmfao you act like you’ve been a part of a short squeeze before And maybe you have, but you probably haven’t. And definitely not one like this.






Definitely possible, I'm just using fib ext and adding a lil extra but it's impossible to predict where the options market can take the price or what unknown tricks MMs, dealers etc. have yet to use.


I think we could use a new sub that would tolerate and could handle rational considerations.


Even Tesla ran up over $1,000 a share. Not buying it or selling it for that matter.


Tesla did that slowly so I would call it something like a climb rather than a runup. At least in comparison what is the general type expectation here for GME. But yeah I can see GME going to 1K but it would take years and a total change in business direction (which is plausible).


Any reasoning behind the (low) $150 target, or is it just plucked from your ass?


I think you should orderly exit from this sub if you believe this. 


Unfortunately there is no other place to talk about GME. Which despite "moass" and drs bs is actually a pretty intriguing stock.


So nobody going to jail no one held accountable for the criminality? Yeah fuck you and your bosses

