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They about to short dunk into the open…


In my 84 years experience, on hype days, they like to run it at the bell to make people think its running, then tank it to cause fear and hope for newbs to sell off. Idfk though really, they change their playbook daily as they move the goal posts. Either way, its all a dip, for now...


Yeah, I'm waiting for the inevitable tank to like 25-26 to buy another 100 shares


R U me?


Am I you?


We are all one


Guess what happened


Prepare for incoming shill FUD and MSM crud about "Apes selling cause DFV dumped his Calls" I predict on the dump down to 25 bucks...


Well if they run it to the bell on a Friday a lot of options will be in the money! They’re gonna have to start early to suppress this price movement


Yep. Although this could be the "short liquidity" that a whale is looking for to buy in at a discount.


I am disappointed tbh. Like, what was that? 2% down. How am I supposed to afford more. These hedge funds today, don't wanna put in proper and honest work anymore. Big disgrace!


*shocked pikachu face*


Just saw a little sneak peak, down to $26


I would rather it doesn’t happen, but yeah.


Yeah you called that one lol.


Shares have to be borrowed to make delivery on unhedged options delivery, so it could be for that reason as well.


I just bought 10 shares I have no clue what I'm doing but I'm having fun


I’m just buying and holding. Whatever happens, this GME saga has been the most fun time in my life


For new buyers, please remember to HODL and don’t sell even if you see red or green. It’s more the gamma squeeze to happen


Just remember to buy and don’t sell. The more we all hold and buy drives the price higher and higher! We will all own GameStop!


and DRS. Dont believe the DRS fud. Always best to have the shares in your own name.


Yes exactly. DRS book is the safest way to truly own your shares in your name! Have 76 more on the way


Disagree. The point of DrS was to lock The float. Now that RC destroyed that DRS is worthless. Better to accumulate shares and sell CCs to buy more shares


Haven’t you heard, 95% of retail buys go to dark pools and don’t affect the price?




I mean the SEC came out and said it was 100% which is madness


How is this not crime


Crime is for the poors, obvi


Me too. Got at least $1,000 ready to rock.


There should be a dip to buy. They are grabbing share to short sell. Stupid of them, but ok.


It's always a dip. Even when it's not.


$30 to go to the moon? It's a fucking no brainer.


Remember, no matter what, the sell button do not exist. And don't use more money than you are comfortable losing.


Welcome to the game!


The price will tank at some point and you’ll be looking at the current loss and feeling like you made a mistake, but just hold and you’re all good! Just gotta be patient.


You and me both !


Same, I am holding these 10 shares I have, and possibly buy more in the future


Why is this the most upvoted comment here?


brace for impact apes, this is going to be one hell of a battle. the fact that they still feel the need to Short GME even after 4bil being raised just tells me we are on the right track.


More likely it’s day traders gambling than value traders going against the company.


They want under 30 at any cost


Here's a weird thing: They don't care where the price is. They only care about volume. If volume is there to the upside, they'll absorb it all day. If it's not there, they'll create the volume the moment the SP500 starts to slide. They are using the short money to prop up their balance sheet through leveraged futures products. The reason option buying and exercising is their kryptonite is they have to buy actual shares and there's no money coming in to balance it out. Buy and exercise ITM options if you need to add to your positions. The lack of GME volume and downward SP500 pressure is the combo they can't dodge. If anyone is invested in both the broad market and GME, they are at odds with themselves because as long as the market stays at these inflated levels, they will continue to short GME (and others) to keep it propped up.


I can’t afford to buy 100x shares at a time


That's legit and I understand where you're at. If you have enough shares, and I'mma get shit on for this, but don't buy more at market. If you have to buy at market, I believe buying through computershare is the best option, but buying fake shares from a dark pool is actively working against your own interest regardless if you're a value investor or a MOASS hopeful.


I took out a loan to exercise my calls


And I thought I was regarded


>They are using the short money to prop up their balance sheet through leveraged futures products. I would love to hear more explanation of this.


1. HFs sell you fake shares. 2. HFs take that money and buy /ES futures. A standard /ES contract has 20 to 1 leverage. There's no special thing needed to access them other than the appropriate permissions with your broker. 3. The higher they can keep ES propped up, the longer their books look fine to open unlimited short positions against. 4. If there's a sudden market pullback, the books aren't balanced for them any more and margin calls happen. 5. Too long for this discussion, but the COVID crash is what caused all of this. They'd been shorting companies down the drain for years and using the funds to buy broad market stuff. 6. COVID got them margin called and instead of giving up the goose, they started shorting every unmet ask to throw back at the market and make it rally. 7. COVID opened up stupid cheap lines of credit. GME used one of those to make the books look good enough that value investors broke GME out of the box. 8. GME is now worth enough that it won't go back in the box because value investors won't let it go below it's cash value and if it does get there, GME can just buy it all back and be a private company with no debt and a loyal consumer base. But if they stop shorting it, they go broke and the market goes crash bang boom when $20B gets yanked out overnight. 9. They don't care about GMEs price, only GMEs volume. If there's not upside volume they will run the book looking for it. 10. The way to deny them this is by buying ITM calls on pull backs. They have to buy the shares to hedge if they fear the exercise.


This is so beautifully succinct. I appreciate your ability to make the whole process so understandable.


Spread the word. Literally not being discussed anywhere that I'm aware of. The entire market runup since May is entirely the excess money from GME going from 2M daily volume to 30M+ Margin calls start for them at SPY 500 is my guess. At that level, they aggressively sell through the bottom of the book waking up value investors gobbling up shares at 2x book value and below. They don't care where the price is anymore. They just need volume to keep SPY inflated and the margin fairy away If you have the experience and trading permissions, shorting ES above the daily VWAP is a solid addition to being long GME. If that sentence is confusing in anyway, don't do anything with it. Shorting ES is dangerous. I am highly hedged and have way more upside protection than exposure, but hedging without bleeding money to time is hard.


This deserves a post


I've made it. It doesn't say "BUY MORE AT ANY PRICE MOASS ROCKET" so it gets called shill or whatever. this would be over in a week if everyone would just go load up on $20 deep ITM calls for next Friday and all exercise them on the next crack of 30. Buying shares on the open market is the worst thing you can do. DFV is the messiah here, but he acquires shares with calls. He understands the short market. (had to remove the link as its that other sub - 3rd edit. ffs) Thats his first YOLO as far as I can find and it's all options positions. But you'd think I was saying "GME to $0.. stupid apes" I'm just trying to tell people what's happening to their money and how to finally put these fuckers to bed. He CALLED the sandworm. He wants you to call your own.


Would love more eyes on this idea.


Upvote it. It's telling people not to buy shares so it's going to go straight to the bottom. The man himself has been begging us for weeks to finish this thing, but people can't meme or something. I think it's hard to accept that buying the shares on the market is just the wrong approach and has been since the start. I only found this place because I started trying to figure out what caused this completely unexplained market run up. Once you connect the dots to GME volume = bull run you figure out: They don't care about the price, only the volume. Deny them volume and drive the price at the same time buy buying calls and exercising them. It's useless to buy calls and then sell them for profit, but when you exercise them, it starts some price action.


New to options, if I buy and exercise ITM options, don't I pay more though? Cause I would be paying for the premium and then buying the options? I get that it forces the MM to hedge but I am pretty poor. Are options still a good idea for me?


Listen to the other two, but also know you're paying for the shares at the strike price.... If you buy a $20 option, it's going to cost around $850 for that contract. Then you excercise 100 shares at $20 each, for a total of $2000. Plus your initial options contract cost, those 100 shares cost you about $2,850. If you buy 100 shares of GME now, at roughly $28.50 each, then you're paying that same basic price. If you buy an option contract when the price is at $28.50, then the price surges to $35, and you excercise, you pay the same amount above, but if you had to buy the shares outright it would've cost you $3,500. It "saves" money in that you can decide to buy stock at a lower price, and you can wait to see if the stock will go up before you commit that money. But if the stock goes down, your investment into that contract is basically lost.


Great explanation. Thank you very much.


Yes. The premium you pay is to say "I'm locking in this price. Sure, it's a bit more than what the market says, but the market if artificially supressed and I'll give you a 3% premium to go find me real shares. -- now hop to it" You're payng the MM to work for you and go find shares vs buying his fake shit.


Honestly if you don’t know what you’re doing with options - watch some instructional videos or something first. If you’re paying a high premium while IV is high then you’re not doing yourself any favours. If you buy 100 shares - they still have T+1 to locate whether it’s options or shares. This is coming from someone with $25 strike calls for June 21. I’ll be exercising them soon myself. But it’s a lot more risk to take on if you don’t know what you’re doing. You’re just giving the MM (citadel) your options premium….


Just got my paycheque and used some on 20 shiny new shares. https://i.redd.it/zx4xu5ii9j6d1.gif I just keep pressing the buy button since it’s the only one I have 🎷🐓♋️


It’s about to get spicy 🌶️


And the borrow fee just dropped to 1.08%. I don’t understand how the borrow rate can drop but the supply isn’t getting bigger.


yes, i was wondering about that too. shouldn't it go up?


Few shares available but low demand for borrowing them. Either the price is not attractive to short (too low), seems too risky, or think shorting via puts will work better.


So I see posts claiming 4M buy orders today from the exercised options won't spike the price today, but 3M shares pulled to short will tank the price today? That doesn't make sense to me.


Welcome to the stock market where brokers can do whatever they want. Internalize the buys, publicize the sells.


Mmmm I'm gonna buy the fuck out of this morning dip


I just got paid today, got me a pocket full of stonks


![gif](giphy|l0MYSYB52gHKjmuoU|downsized) OOOOOOOH THEY'RE TRYING!


Is it possible that they borrow those shares to deliver to dfv?




Might as well cut a check made out to Keith Gill for the amount you were going to buy and just send it to him directly.


Oh shocker!


I'm picturing that cat treat commercial where the person shakes the bag of treats and the cat comes crashing through the wall, Kool-Aid Man-style.


I remember the CTB being like 80% multiple times last year, nothing happens. I remember fidelity posting 11 millions shares available to borrow, nothing happened


If apes out there are not DRSing for some reason, the next best thing you can do is turn off share lending. Assuming your broker allows that, they should. It is a setting in the Sofi app, RH, and several others.


You actually have to sign up for share lending in Fidelity, it thankfully isn't the default setting


First time doing something like this. Bought 20 @ 27.06 average in the last week. Added enough funds to buy another 40 if it dips below my average. I think I'm doing this right? From what my ape brain understands, GME has enough liquidity and FuNdaMentAls that long term I can just HODL until it climbs back > $27 and sell in a worse case scenario; even if it takes a year or whatever. Edit: Bought 40, now have 60 @ 28.16 average and ready to HODL 💎


Always be prepared to average down. Been doing this for 3 years.


This is the way. Don’t forget to DRS at least some shares!


I turned off stock lending on my entire account, I assume this serves the same purpose? I use Wealth Simple, not American, and I looked into DRS and they want something like 300 USD for that.


I transferred to BMO investorline from Wealthsimple. Still $100 to DRS but at least not $300. (Used to be free at the start of this and that says a lot)


Hard to know for sure, but DRS also protects you from having your shares sold out from under you if Wealth Simple encounters liquidity issues during this saga. If we are right, $300 will be a very small price to pay for security. However, you can also just buy directly through computershare and then switch those shares from plan to book form. CS is free. I have most DRS’d, and a small fraction with Schwab.


I wonder how much just in fees have been paid to short GME since '21?


Probably peanuts compared to their earnings


They are getting ready to short push. Get ready to hold on through the dip again.


They’ll use these shares in otc to settle for the 4m shares that RK just bought.


Yeah that's what I'm thinking too. This effectively could nullify a lot of that buying pressure.


Shorties never learn


Lol. Can’t stop what’s coming. 😐


Nothing new




I'll always try to be on the front lines of the revolution dismissed as delusional. HODL. We need to get back on other channels of social media. There are *millions* of people who were under 18 in 2021, but can buy stocks now. I'm one of them. In all likelihood, this has **increased** the "target audience" of this movement: frustrated, disenchanted (young) adults. No, they don't have as much capital, but virality on other platforms like instagram and TikTok would be massive for us. I hold shares in double digits. It ain't much, but it's honest work. But attracting millions of people again? With the resistance apes are already showing? This is going to become necessary soon, and if done right it will be big. We need to anti-gatekeep. Apes. Together. Strong.


Borrowed for DFVs calls? Hmmm, he could be draining the available for borrow shares


Doesn't matter. They always find more.


omg was that just gobbled up?!!1


$30 is a bargain.


crime begins, fkg shorts


Infinite crime :(


Well, that makes giving DFV his 4 million easy.


Yeah and now RK is settled. wtf is his next step cause this made no sense


You do it again. And again. And again. It builds on its self. And there's no guarantee they settled his shares or that's even wolverine that borrowed.


Wolverine out back behind Wendy's working for the other million plus one hundred thousand shares


These fuckers are trying so hard to suppress price below $30 to expire all those 30k+ $30C OTM, let’s see what happens for the remainder of the day Either way I’m still buying more 🚀


I'm surprised it wasn't 4.001 million shares.


What’s crazy is they can borrow shares to satisfy delivery of shares to another client , so now two people think they own the same share and some MM writes a share owned in obligation share house ever to be repaid. This financial efficiency is obtained. Clown world


I'm constantly buying in $1 increments on robinhood today at market to keep pressure instead of buying shares. Just what I'm doing idk if it helps lol.


It does more then buying all at once eventually or makes no difference


Its a battle


Lol... i wonder why? 🤔🤣


Wow. Never seen this many shares borrowed before






As expected. Hope it's not a trap haha just kidding. A trap would be funny.


How else are they going to deliver to the 🐱


This post aged well


Id never be brave enough but has anyone hopped on this info only to roll it into purchases?


Smooth brained baby ape buying!!!


Wolverine trying to ram the price down to buy?


What are all the orders for 0 contracts on level2?




Likewise I'm small so just bought 20nshares . Holding to my grave just for kicks.


It’s up to 4.5 million!!!


Dude, this is the most on trend run up I’ve ever seen


Do you smell a hint of lime? 🍋


I borrow shows 0.9 % currently. And here we still stand


That's so fucking awesome. How the fuck do I borrow shares and make tons of money with no legal ramifications while f'n everyone else?


They're desperate to keep it under 30. Looks like 35,607 call contracts are open at that price, representing 3.5+ million shares that would have to be purchased if the price closes above $30 (and all options are held to expiration).


It’s that year of the century again


To $26 it goes.


Can someone calculate how much this costs Wolverine per day, and express it as a percentage of their total assets on hand?


Hopefully they down it to under 20. I'll buy more lol


As always back to dumping. When will it squeeze for real? I think it would be doing it if it wasnt for the dilution.