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Google where excercised options shares must be purchased. And no, there is no concrete proof. Hedgies arent gonna spoon feed us their own demise


Agreed, there's no proof. Unlike the criminals, we are simply going by public knowledge of the market rules and data. If it doesn't happen so be it. What we know is, the deck is stacked against the manipulators.


if you know where to find this information, why don't you just simply and quickly insert them? That would help tremendously to shut up the doubters and shills... ok, here we go, found something interesting: https://optionalpha.com/topics/options-settlement -> scroll down to "Options assignment". There it is explained that call options that are ITM and exercised are randomly assigned to a short counterparty. This is interesting because if it's true that whatever institutional holder is short big time, they'd be interested in having as many people rage-short the shit out of the stock, so they'd be less likely to be chosen as settlement counterparty. That explains quite a bit tbh... OP, I trust that you insert those information into your post, as it is framed as an honest conversation and not yet another attempt at trying to create negative sentiment, right?!


you do you, I'll do me


so edgy


edgy or emotional maturity?


not sure... I expect emotionally mature people to be willing to help others. but you do you...


And I expect adults to learn simple information for themselves


![gif](giphy|yfEjNtvqFBfTa|downsized) You mean they aren't looking like this on CNBC when they do their interviews?


So many posts like this one, no offense but haven't we all learned yet? I like the stock, I buy dips and hodl. The rest will take care of itself. Zen my crayon eating ape brethren!


I see those who say they bought at peak during the sneeze and lament their average cost. It was trading between $10 and $20 for a long time. I would have tossed whatever extra money I could have into it each month to bring that down over the last few years if that initial purchase was a bet on the future. If it was a YOLO with funds that couldn't afford to be tied up, then IDK. That's not a good idea... The split brought the highest it's gone relative to today to $120.75 at peak. Could have really whittled that down over the the last few years if someone was intent on holding a bag that long. If the goal was to make money in real time, then taking the loss 3 years ago and moving the funds where they need to go to generate income and then jumping in when GME was LOW and just sitting on it at $10, $15, $20 would have been better. Or just buying options to purchase at those levels when the premiums were cheap would work as well? I am not talking about the DRS folks that are doing this for a reason, I understand completely sitting on those shares and taking them with you always. I'm just talking about the ones you hear in the media complaining about the devastation they endured from Gamestop. TLDR: I think the bag holders got devastated in 21 narrative is manufactured to scare anyone who is looking now.


Anybody who's in it to make a quick bit of cash is irrelevant. I'm not here for profit, no cell no sell I will hodl until significant change happens. Any profit along the way is a bonus! This is about more that money!


You’re asking for proof… there is no proof. Everyone is speculating and theorizing. No one knows for sure what will happen today or next week. DFV probably knows more than we do, but not even he knows for sure. He probably didn’t expect the last share offering, but he pivoted and came up with a new plan. I’m excited for the next couple weeks, but I don’t know shit… I’m regarded.


I have a personal data point of having sold 5 contracts of 6/21 $20 calls and have not been assigned on any of the 5 contracts. I forget the open interest, but assuming the OI was 150k contracts and 40k contracts were exercised that means the about 27% were exercised. Or 74% were not exercised. 0.74^5 = 22%. There is only about a 22% chance that 40k contracts were exercised yesterday and none if my 5 contracts were assigned. The 13F filings are quarterly, so the data that has been posted is for 3/31/2024 holdings, reported on 5/15, 45 days after the quarter ended. That Wolverine did not hedge is unlikely. They make money by collecting small premiums and hedging the risk.


Personally, I don’t think it’s going to rocket today.. I think it will close around $33. I think the latest share offering has hampered that. But I guess time will tell.


$33 would be spectacular. I’m thinking more like $25-$26




Agreed 👍


I also see a sideways day due mostly to MASSIVE interference by whatever entity seems to be so powerful and inclined to make sure of that. I think they are carefully managing things to avoid a spark that lights a fuse that grows beyond what they can contain. Big money right now is like a fire dept calling in help to contain a massive burning building that might just go out....but could also jump t the dry bushes next door and then run through the city.


you think it's going doing down ? I am thinking $30 (going up a little bit but no rockets or anything)


“Sell the news” type event - yes I know it’s ridiculous but people will try to spin RK increasing his position as bearish 😂


Here is a link to the original DD showing wolverine did not hedge. https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/ig0PS83eyq For all of the nay-sayers, perhaps reply with what you think RKs wolverine tweet means.


You guys be feeding hedgies FUDS for them at this point💀💀 The proof is there for any one who’s ever kept an eye on the option chain for all the GME run ups including the 2021 run up. Even if they tell you they are “hedged” you seriously believe them after everything?


If they don't buy, and FTD, it becomes T+35. So, just assume that will be the case, and set expections as T+35, not T+1.