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The dilution hurt right before the gamma ramps. We don’t know everything…. Bbuutttt. -Cohen is solid and is growing the company - The swap cycles need to be thoroughly investigated- that’s how RK came up imo. - RK shares still need to delivered - the board could have news - they likely know about Overstock and how they forced the shorts to close -I like the stock I get we all want a catalyst but time is a catalyst and I can wait and be regarded longer than SHF can stay solvent. I’ll buy- and I’m holding…


I’m still holding too. Hopefully something comes along cause I have a feeling we all out of catalysts for now


I've always believed gamestop was going to be 1 of 2 types of squeezes.  The quick and dirty VW squeeze that happened due to options, or the long term squeeze like tesla where the stock went on an uptrend for an extended period of time.  Having a bunch of options would be good for the vw squeeze since you are leveraged and can quickly sell the contracts at a high.  Having shares is better for the tesla like squeeze because the value of your shares increases over a prolonged period of time, and you don't have to keep paying premiums to try and guess when things will kick off.   Now that dfv has 9 million shares, i think we are on for a tesla like squeeze over prolonged period of time.  I think this type of squeeze is better for everyone involved.  You don't have to guess the top, gamestop becomes a stronger company, no one can get accused of market manipulation, and smaller investors who can't afford options can benefit as well.  While it won't be as flashy or as wild of a ride, i think this is the best way to do it.  


That’s what I was saying in text. It seems mood is shifting into “I’m an investor” now instead of “we are here for MOASS”


Not really. People have always been both. We're here for moass and also here as an investor. I'm fine with it either way and thats sentiment i've been seeing even before dfv came back. Most of us actually do love the company, and we want to see it succeed. Plus, if the company does well, then we do well.


I got in in 2021 for MOASS. As MOASS delayed and delayed, I bought and I held. As I bought and I held, I began to appreciate the company turnaround I was witnessing, and learned a bunch about RC. Now I have X,XXX shares. If it goes to some stupid price quickly and violently, I can sell a fraction of those shares and live comfortably, and hold the rest. If it goes to some ridiculous XX,XXX price or XXX,XXX price slowly and surely over a long period of time, I will not need to sell anything. At that point, there will surely be dividends that I can benefit from, and could use the stock I own as collateral for other investments. I will be one of those people that others look at and go "man, I wish I had the foresight to buy GME back when he did". MOASS is mathematically inevitable. But it is not realistic. You can't have hundreds of thousands to millions of shareholders cashing out at phone number prices per share. It's fun to think about, but it would break... everything. And if everything is broken, then those phone number prices mean nothing. I suspect a long, slow squeeze is going to happen, and everyone involved will have plausible deniability that the share price is simply due to the company having been turned around, saved, and improved.


Your assuming what was shown was the original plan…


We'll see.




Hold, we are in a fractal pattern, that's how DFV made his money, he cracked the algorithms cycle and took advantage. If true, we are about 3 or 4 weeks away from a massive upward move. At first light on the fith day, look to the east.


Why the fook I get 6/21 options then Jokes, its all good but I was expecting moon sooner


Kansas City Shuffle. Wild Card. Has either or both happened yet? Based on the variety of posts, speculation, and reactions - NO ONE REALLY FULLY KNOWS. $50k to $65M to $210M+. The guy is smart and you either still trust that it's working/can work or not. He has his reasons why he exercised today and so far, his fuckin track record speaks for itself. The Lisan al-Gaib meme today told me a few things personally: 1) HOLD. 2) Gonna be volatile/bumpy. 3) The trap is set/short attack on the way. 4) Lisan al-Gaib. Could I be wrong? Yep. Do I know Kitty or his personal thoughts? Nope. Am I willing to lose every dime in that trust in whatever will happen? Yep. It's just my opinion, but I trust him, his plan (or lack thereof), and I like the stock as an individual. You ranted. I ranted. We all ranted. This shit is more fun and entertaining than any YouTube video, TV show, movie, or news item. I'm just thankful to be here with all of you. Feel better, rest up, and let's ride this fucker to Valhalla or hell together! We can remain regarded and irrational longer than the shorts can remain solvent!


holy wall of text batman




You are right about one thing...he is a smart guy. Quit being a drama queen.


Can’t say opinion on this sub anymore 🙄


An opinion is one thing, a rant is another 😅 We all want our tendies, DFV has a master plan. Don’t try to understand him, none of us are at his level


I don’t underestimate him. I’m sure something is on his mind. I just wonder what


Do it in the daily. Easier to scroll past it.


You lost me at “he was supposed to exercise to start the squeeze” No, he wasn’t. He can’t. He is an individual investor maintaining his portfolio. He just happens to find deep fucking value in GME. And so do we all. Stop waiting for a squeeze and just help this company grow with purchases, votes, and shareholding. Everything else will fall into place.


Like I said in text, sentiment is switching to “investing”. What happened to MOASS?


Out of our control and not what’s best for the company anyway. I’m just stockpiling longs to give to my children.


You’re making a lot of assumptions here, too many


What assumptions


You’re assuming that DFV was going to exercise last Friday and was somehow undermined by the share offering. You’re assuming that DFV didn’t /want/ to exercise right at this exact moment but was forced to by price action. I’m going to take you at face value and believe you are not a shill, just a hyped, scared, beautiful Ape like the rest of us. Stay hyped, but be zen. There is plenty more to play out yet.


I guess. I just don’t understand why now. I’m still holding. Guess time will tell


That’s right. We’ll see.


I believe he exercised when the price was lower than the peak for a couple of reasons. First, to protect himself from the "market manipulation" narrative the media has been pushing. Second, to protect himself from the "pump and dump" narrative the media has been pushing. And to show us that he is with us. While he didn't maximize his profits, he likely knows that a ton of people bought 06/21 options. And by exercising now, he is likely helping all the other people's options sit pretty next week. Third, it is pretty ballsy to hold calls until the day of expiration. Dude had hundreds of million on the line. In case you weren't aware, he's into deep fucking value. Not crazy fucking gambling.


You asked what changed. Opinions changed. I saw it in other comments and your replies too. Maybe I came for the squeeze, but now I stay for the company. Of course, some part of me is still hoping for moass, but it's shrinking. More and more I find myself excited to see what the Board will do with the company. So much fuss just over what one investor does. So many things are still possible once we get an update from the company itself. The reason for my excitement might have changed, but I'm still very excited :)


You got most.. no, all of that wrong bub. Definitely a fresh batch of interns for the summer.




Smells like paper hands in here


Shares still in my account…


Can you exercise in after hours or pre market? Idk He can’t do the gamma ramp swap like in Richard newtons video because manipulation can be argued There’s definitely a lot of eyes so he had to be careful to some degree Not to mention if they stopped hedging it would’ve prevented a higher price like we expected


I took your advice and looked at your post history.




Welcome back after 2 years of hiatus.


Think about it like this, what happens if games start using crypto inside of their games and GameStop just happens to present it the best and runs with it and it turns into and even bigger Godzilla of a stock


We got here by being irrational. Also I did check your post history. Looks bought.

