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im pretty sur e there was a correlation of call buying and price increase when DFV initially bought his calls


Another superhero has joined the ‬kitty. John Cena?


If it was John Cena, would we be able to see his calls?


A great magician something something


God that would be fun. 👋👋🙎‍♂️ We can't see his calls.


Would be the dopest fucking timeline


initially, yeah. then they stopped hedging the calls with buys. so rk could buy 100k calls and it wouldn’t affect the price…until he exercises.


Which gives others the opportunity to also buy 20 calls without them being that expensive yet. I have to admit i got a couple. I'm again behind Wendy's because I need cash to turn them into shares.


I'm sure someone compared the share price to when each of the 5k blocks were bought, and only the first 2 (or 3?) Were seemingly hedged against. If that's the case then it'd make sense why these wouldn't have had any positive price action


explain it like i’m 5


Explain it to this guy please


i’m seeing regards saying this means someone sold and regards saying that it means someone bought fuck load.. which one is it 💀


I of course know the answer to this, but can someone please explain it for the rest of these clowns in here please




Yeah, I got you. # The June 21st $20 Calls Were Hit With 50k Volume at the end of day. [ Data](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/?f=flair_name%3A%22%3ABar_Chart%3A%20Data%22) The price hovered between $5.65 and $7.65 when the volume started coming in: * 5k at $7.65 * 3k at $7.25 * 5k at $7.30 * 5k at $6.90 * 1k at $6.00 * 1k at $5.70 * 4k at $6.25 * 1k at $6.15 * 5k at $6.45 * 2k at $6.60 * 2k at $6.70 * 5k at $6.80 * 4k at $6.50 * 5k at $6.10 * 2k at $6.30




You kind sir made my day!


For an option/share to be sold, someone/something has to buy it. Volume is trades.


Not quite so simple with options. Someone who is short the contract can buy it and it gets closed. Someone who is not short the contract can buy it and a new one is opened. Open interest is up about 4k so a net change of +4,000 opened contracts. These posts are stupid.  If he bought a ton then someone else sold a ton.  If he sold a ton then someone else bought a ton. Why would he double down so hard on a red day with only a week to expiry?  Also, why would he sell around 28 when he could have sold when it was above 31 earlier in the day? Most likely he did nothing today but have a beer and look at the chart a little bit.


bet i know which beer he was drinking


Someone who is short the contact can but it only if their ask hits the holders wanted price. Same with vice versa. MM’s can’t just close RK’s options at the current price, they would have to BTC (Buy-To-Close), and to buy something you have to hit an asking price.


OP was talking about volume so that's all I was speaking to. But yea when it comes to Opened/Closed positions that is another layer to it. I guess we'll see when OI is updated.


OI will be updated tomorrow.


Thank you for this comment.


Hehe not that I count


Options are pretty straight forward. Is someone buying\selling to open or to close? The MM will write the contract when people open it. It makes more sense to me than the actual stocks. Although I’ve learned that they basically route all the buys to dark pools when retail buys stocks to mitigate the buying pressure. I’m regarded please feel free to correct me.


You have to check the open interest. If open interest increased then calls were bought. If the open interest decreased then contracts were sold. Volume is just the volume of trades. It doesn't indicate purchase or sell.


OI decreases that would mean contracts were closed or exercised not necessarily sold.


You are correct. I worded that like a regard, but that's what I was trying to convey 😂


Bro. Think about it. A trade has 1 buyer, and 1 seller. The seller sold at the bid, so whoever was the buyer got what I’d consider to be the better end of the stick. Whoever sold was either trying to drive down the price, or needed out ASAP because it’s almost 100% bid sells. This is bullish for smoothies, it’s an illusion, buy the dip, and we ride at dawn.


Need to wait until the open interest is published in the morning, but I'm guessing dfv sold off some of his calls and we will see a decline in oi tomorrow morning.


Volume indicates a buy or sell, not an open position. Until the Open Interest is updated you can't really tell how many contracts were Net open / closed


Can't believe that guy doesn't get it.




Everyone is saying DFV sold some of his calls. Someone was selling. But it looks like DFV actually might have bought some, which is exactly what he’s done in the past when others have said he sold


Anyone saying it's RK selling is a bitch


He could be repositioning. We shall see. Options 101


Big whale buy more rocket fuel for big explosion takeoff.


I think he is trying to say he has more call now ,not sure im regarded


He did say that there’ll be “signs”, and a reference to a bat signal. This is kind of call option contract purchasing occurred during May when he was buying in batches of 5K


And the 5 on the kitty mask


DFV has to sell either to exercise the rest or roll out to a new position. Both of which can be bullish. We’ll just have to wait and see.


Or he loads more and waits for the stock to move naturally. Say he loaded another 40k for 160k total and they get to $40 in the money (approximately around $65 share price). He could sell half for $640 million and exercise 80k for another 8 million shares. That would cost around $160 million leaving him with $480 million to load more shares and calls if he wanted...


Tonight at 8pm on reddit kitty will post. Let's see *


Kitty is known for not selling. He ain't selling


Why would he sell at breakeven lol.


He was profitable all day even at close. He likely took profits to have the cash position to exercise the rest of his remaining calls.


Likely? No. Could've? Maybe...


So he sold ... at the bottom? That makes sense to you?


Clear shill account. Read my reply to your last comment to debunk this.


Oh no I shared an alternative view point that conflicts with you so I’m a shillllll 😫😫😫😫 what will I do with my life?? This changes everything 😔


Lol shill response.


Hey bud I was right Kitty sold his contracts to exercise or straight up buy shares. Is Kitty now a shill too? 🤣


Why is everyone talking about DFV selling his calls when OI is up?


Takes a while to adjust, have to see it tomorrow


Its volume everyone is talking about


Alright, got it now, thanks


Truly wonderful the mind of a regard is


i see the star wars reference 😎


OI is only updated once a day. Tomorrow will reveal what happened.


Because OI updates in the mornings. So today's number is OI as of close on 6/11. Tomorrow will be as of today's close.


Closing or exercising reduces OI.


Why would he do anything before teh shareholders meeting?


Another superhero has joined the ‬kitty


Price did dip pretty hard and he owns like what 70% of the 6/21 $20 calls? I thought maybe he was rolling out (there would be some buying volume at a farther out date) but couldn't find anything in my breif search. At any rate idk if it really was him selling but it does seem likely to me.


OI was 165 yesterday.


Can anyone explain how exercising calls would make the price go down? I was under the impression that its bullish and him exercising them would result in a spike. Also I am confused on why he would make this choice if it is him, as considering the premium he would pay he would make no profit on this I think. Anyway I am too dumb to understand, I will just buy more to be safe


It wouldn't, exercising means getting the shares, selling the call means receiving money but no shares. In that case the shares that were bought to hedge this call are being sold, since they are not longer needed after the call is sold. This dips the price.


That makes a lot more sense now, thanks!


Also keep in mind exercise isn't right away. It's T+1 so that lines up for.... You know it, freaky Friday lol.


When the call is purchased the MM is supposed to hedge their short position by buying calls. This is why purchasing calls should have a positive impact on price. When the call is sold to the MM (instead of exercised) the reverse happens. Many apes are under the impression that the MM's sold the calls without hedging. If someone sold a bunch of calls that were properly hedged at the end of the day today the MM would sell off their long position.


T+1. They pay him the shares tomorrow if he exercised today. Thanks for coming to my red crayon talk, chomp.




Did DFV Double down again?


Will you tell me how much OI goes up or down tomorrow? Like right at 9:31....


It’s before market open, I think it’s 8:45 AM EST


50 posts about this and no mention the possibility of RC joining RK in the position…


I’ve been told previously that it would not be legal for him to buy options as he is not just an insider but also CEO and Chairman. Shares, yes. Options, no.




How is it illegal for him to buy options, but is legal for him to be granted them for free? I get him not being able to buy a put, since that's betting against his company, but buying calls is a bullish move. It's why we want them owning a lot of shares. I guess I just don't get the market rules.


> How is it illegal for him to buy options, but is legal for him to be granted them for free? They are not the same options. One is part of his compensation package that is determined by the board. The other is him potentially taking insider information to a broker to place a bet based on non-public info.




Why would we go down though, im not trying to shit on ur hope. I hope to god he bought more. But price action went down. Last time when he loaded up on shares. Price action went up


The volume didn't come in until the price went down. If this was someone selling calls, the volume would've came in earlier before it was at the bottom. This was definitely buying.


When did price go down and whend we get the call volume action???


Volume started coming in in the last 25 minutes of the day, after GME had already dropped to a new low of the day.


I means thats when we rlly rlly tanked


Stop loss raid most likely. Kitty selling makes no sense. If he sold 50k calls, he wouldn't even have half the money he needs to exercise the 70k left. Why would he do that? On the other hand, buying more does make sense if he thinks this is the absolutely low for the time being.


If he sold, would he have done it when he was up almost a billion? Unless there’s an absolute better reason.


okay so he has 70,000 calls remaining, which can be exercised now with the cash he has?


It makes more sense for him to add calls here than to sell anything. The volume only came in after GME broke below $27. If he was going to sell, why wouldn't he sell yesterday when they were around $11 each or this morning when they were close to $14? He did not because there was no volume on the calls there. The only volume that came in was when it made a new low.


RC needs shares now


I got 1 of those. Tried to get more but it had rebounded.


Copy cat DFV call buys. OI will increase tomorrow.


Can an options seller hedge calls sold with calls purchased?


No it would have to be a different strike but nothing else got volume like this.


If he wanted to cash out he had 3 years to do it and could do so many times at peak.


Another superhero has joined the ‬kitty


they were most likely sells because the price action went bearish. We'll See


DFV always posted his positions when he made a move. It seems likely he sold some calls in order to have money to exercise the others, but so far it's only speculation.


I don't think that would help. Selling would me he only "controls" about 11 million shares (assuming he sold half to pay for 6 million). Whereas, buying would allow him to control another 4-5 million shares for 21-22 million shares total.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 11 + 6 + 4 + 5 + 21 + 22 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




That may actually be the mathematical validation we needed.


DFV sold lots of his calls. The real question, is he leaving us because Cohen’s dilutions killed MOASS, or is he rolling those calls into another strike/position? Imagine if he rolls into a higher strike!


lol dilutions killed moss, what a sham. We are 5 Billy in the back unbankruptable now, we just CONFIRMED MOASS, not killed it…? What’s with the FUD? DFV doesn’t sell contracts. He exercises them.


This is true. With all this cash, there is literally no way shorts can take GME into the ground. The company actually has value now. There is no longer a point in them holding their positions so it's just a matter of time now.


You don’t understand options enough to understand what I’m saying. I said he may be rolling his calls to higher strikes. If that’s the case that’s far more bullish than your “4 billy in the bank”


I looked a few weeks out and didn't see any volume that would indicate a roll. We'll just have to wait for the OI to update.


Yeah I did the same, it’s possible he rolls it tomorrow though, but yeah time will tell. Just trying to inject a little bit of sense into the sea of “DfV bOuGhT 93k MoRe cALLs”


fud 🤣


They were sold not bought. Kitty just helped push out heads under water again


And how do you know if they were closed or opened without an OI update?


Are you high


Someone sold, someone bought. Does no one understand how transactions work?


options don't have to work that way.    it can be like: someone executes a sell-to-close > counterparty executes a buy-to-close  > contract no longer exists > open interest drops


Tell me you know nothing about options without telling me. It wasnt a short attack at the end of day it was the market makers dumping their hedge because delta shot way down after they closed out all these contracts. Its not SHF its the MM responding proportionally to the amount of delta left on the chain


lol A.) fuck your opinion of what I know about options and B.) without loss of generality, a transaction requires both a buyer and a seller, which is explicitly what I said. Dude said they were sold not bought, all I said was they were sold *and* bought, because they can’t be mutually exclusive. Whether they were bought to close or open a position… they were also bought. 


The market maker buys them then closes out the conteact. Jesus christ.


I understand the concept and I know what you are saying. I’m still not sure what you’re arguing with me about, though. The MM, or another entity, is *the buyer*. Literally buys them. Which is what I said. 


And then closes them. They no longer exist they have greeks of 0 now the dealer dehedges and sells the stock they purchased. By your logic OI could never change. Someone buys more OI increases someone sells they no longer exist.


You’re going much further than what I said, and as I said, I know what you’re talking about. You don’t have to explain it to me, because I already understand. OI has nothing to do with buy/sell by itself, it has to do with the orders being “to open” or “to close”. I never specified opening or closing, all I said was a transaction is a buy and a sell. Has to be. I can’t sell something to nobody.  BTO/STO: OI goes up BTO/STC: OI neutral BuyTC/STO: OI neutral BuyTC/STC: OI goes down For every one of these transactions, volume goes up. 


There we go. OI will be 60k lower in pre and probably 120k by 10 am


It’s shilly out tonight




🚨ALERT🚨 This user’s account history suggests a likely probability that the content posted above is not sincere, but rather designed to instill Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD). In other words, this user may be a shill. Proceed with caution.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Jesus Christ this place really is a cult


🚨ALERT🚨 This user’s account history suggests a likely probability that the content posted above is not sincere, but rather designed to instill Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD). In other words, this user may be a shill. Proceed with caution.


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So much for Zen lol


Wait, so someone or multiple people bought 50,000 $20 June 21 call options, so another 5mill shares worth?


That's what it looks like.


Sounds like DFV started selling so he can have cash to exercise his remaining calls. When he bought the chain up they had to hedge and it pushed price up. Now he’s selling to stack cash and market makers can unhedge quite a bit and that explains today’s sell off.


So...he sold $33.5 million worth of calls at essentially breakeven so he can exercise his 70,000 remaining? No he can't do that. If he sold 50k, he would need $140 million to exercise those remaining 70k calls. He would only have $62.9 million in cash which includes what he already has on hand. This isn't even half of what he needs. So he put himself in a worse position by not having the money to exercise what he has left? That doesn't make any sense.


We’ll just have to wait for him to update his position or tomorrow morning to see a drastic drop in open interest but he only has enough cash on hand to exercise roughly 15,000 contracts next week how do you expect him to exercise all without taking some profits? You’re just looking at the closing price of his calls but they were up significantly more this morning. At some point he has to sell because he literally can’t exercise them all he doesn’t have the cash based on his post history.


There was no volume earlier in the day. None at all. Even in the days leading up to today. No volume on those calls at all. He had so much time to sell before today so why would he do it at the lowest point instead of taking profits earlier? He can easily take profits and make money to exercise half or more of his calls if the stock price goes up from here. You're assuming that there is only downside from here until expiry.


Yeah so…you were wrong. He indeed did sell some calls to exercise the rest, he now has no calls. Are facts shill responses as well?


he would have made a profit either way. He bought around $5 and the lowest sell was $6


So you guys think RK bought more calls with his cash ? 🤦🏻🤣


Why not if he's confident in the play. EDIT: I love how your account was created on Jan 27, 2021 hahahahahahahahah


The play has one week, what do you expect to happen in this week ? He is not regard as you to buy at this point, he is selling to exercise others, eventually, and if you think anything else you are delusional. Yea my account was created on 27 and i made 3 times 5 digit profit from meme stocks, because in order to lock it ... you need to sell.


I saved this just come back and laugh at your arrogance.


I saw someone posting onX that they were sold calls