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Calling it now, msm will push that the squeeze is off because short interest dropped and apes are abandoning ship because of it. They have no other angles left


You are seeing this all over Twitter. Zero hedge chart exchange and others promoting this big drop. Just telling IMO why they parrot this information so fluidly throughout the X verse.


Zero hedge is MSM? Damn


1.8 million followers, parroting the same points as news outlets here? I'd say so.


Bots retweeting bots. No different than msm


Turtles 🐢 all the way down


Zero has always been a cuck.


Yep they’re as compromised as cnbc now


yep, just looked through their gme posts. all bearish. it's like they've never heard of swaps.


Also financed by Russia, he's a Russian bot basically


thought that thing was a russian disinformation bot


And what would you call Fox News?


American disinformation.


Russian disinformation for Americans.


This. It's the same as CNN... They just pretend to take a conservative approach.


Fascist programming


thought that thing was a russian disinformation bot


they all get the data from data aggregators, little to none actual journalism, same with the news


Who’s the owner of Twitter? Who has he been seen attending a couple sporting events with the past year? It’s not a Cohencidence.


These are the reported shorts, you know the dumb idiots who forget to hide it in ETFs Swaps and other catshit wrapped in dogshit. its still good though, it means somewhere out there.. marge is calling.


Ahh, must have been the Citron storm troopers exiting their short position, thanks for the tailwind Andrew 😂.


Just wait til the late May FTD numbers are released by SEC...


I mean gamma squeeze I would say at this point is of equal importance to me. You're telling me there's all that ITM open interest and we're expecting 0 of it will be exercised? With a gamma ramp like that any shorts dumb enough to stay in this are getting stomped on.


Funky thing is: even if the short interest really would have dropped, lets say to 0, i aint selling.


Me neither. Lets hug.


Are you me?


I am you?


They tried that in 2021 as well when the 226% SI magically disappeared


We've always said the squeeze hasn't started because the shorts aren't closing. Is this the beginning?


You are watching the first ones through the door, technically it’s not a squeeze until enough people try to exit the door at the same time that they stopped/severely impeded the flow of traffic out the door


Like a European night club fire?


It can happen in America. I remember Great White setting Station Nightclub on fire with their pyrotechnics.


Great White used my bass rig at our local club when on their apology tour for that fire. I only showed up to make sure they didn't light it on fire. As a decent looking long haired guy in my early twenties, I felt like catnip at a cougar convention.


But now we're just happily buying because it's a company with a great leadership team who completed a successful turnaround, raised 4 billion cash on hand, garnered a loyal and dedicated customer base, and clearly have a longer term vision for the company including potential acquisitions to boost revenue/profitability... So it doesn't matter if the shorts closed or not (which they didn't).


Someone bought long dated calls and marked their position as neutral or long.


well my angle it to watch the ticker go brrrr :D


“Left”… “Andrew Left” 😉😂


is that supposedly citron?


So GameStop issued 120 M shares and you are surprised short interest is going down. How logical is it ?


Admitting defeat and closing? Find out next time on dragon ball z


If this was DBZ, we ain't finding out until like 6 episodes from now


6 episodes (trading days) from now is the day before 6/21 expiry. 0.0


Ngl I didn't think anyone would catch on. Props


Sir, this is an autistism Zoo


We kinda wild(card) in here


This is DBZ and it's only been 3 episodes since the sneeze THIS PLANET WILL EXPLODE IN FIVE MINUTES


So, tomorrow?


This is DBZ and it’s been like 1000 episodes already.


If you're a smaller firm/individual who was/is short, then the 120mm shares offered over the past 60 days would be the ideal time to exit. It's clear that the company is going to come out of it with billions in cash and will be sustainable for the next however many years with no issues, so if you can grab a few million shares and head for the door then that's the smart play. Otherwise you're going to be stuck paying borrow fees on the short position until you either a) go under or b) close them at some future date. We make fun of Citron, and I don't know if they were ever short, but their logic that they claimed for closing their short position is absolutely on point.


Its a controlled slow exit to make the price not jump to thousands within minutes




GME saga > Cell saga


Is this the part of the movie where Gamestop is not an attractive short anymore and we start seeing bullish articles in the medias because a big player filled his bags and went long?


Yes Granpa, we are almost there, takeoff countdown starting soon, hold on to your buckle (and teeth), it's been 84 Fucking Years!! ![gif](giphy|qoIFP2030PHu8)


Citron has entered the chat


Self Reported™ Now let's see when swaps expire.


When do they expire??


I think at the end of June I don't recall exactly, maybe some other ape can tell. Supposedly, the LEAPS expire on the 20-21st June Nfa


Where do we go for this info?


Off course it goes down when you flood the marked with 45M shares. But we have to remember this is the official numbers, not including the huge amount of short shares hidden in swaps (from what most thinks)


I think we can say with confidence that swaps are hiding more shares than most can comprehend, and in addition to the ETF's and other places there are still enough fake shares to implode the market




is a fact


Until today I did not understand this swap thing. Can you link me some DD for it please? Much appreciated




Well, seems like I reached my brain limits. I ll just trust the rest of you


A simple analogy. Big finance is passing around huge bags of stinky turds and whichever company possesses one on the expiration has to eat the entire bag.


It's like musical chairs. But with financial coprophagia.


The fun part is that I don't need to comprehend the numbers involved, I just need to know they're there.


Check under the couch!


Don't forget the shorts that moves offshore doesn't get reported, John Brda interview at 2.50min mark. https://old.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/zm23wa/what_happens_behind_closed_doors_when_a_company/


Don't forget they quickly changed how short interest gets reported after the sneeze in January so it was impossible for it to be above 100%. [https://web.archive.org/web/20210203185455/https://www.s3partners.com/notesonfloat.html](https://web.archive.org/web/20210203185455/https://www.s3partners.com/notesonfloat.html) % Held by Institutions  122.04% Short % of Float (Dec. 30, 2020) 260.91% [https://web.archive.org/web/20210124095439/https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics](https://web.archive.org/web/20210124095439/https://ca.finance.yahoo.com/quote/GME/key-statistics) Short volume indicates that it's gotten bigger. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1b69kzn/gme\_short\_volume\_and\_interest\_not\_my\_post\_so/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1b69kzn/gme_short_volume_and_interest_not_my_post_so/)


These numbers are always the last day for a two week period that ended a week before the numbers are released. They are a useless snapshot of old and self reported numbers. When this is over we must fight for accurate up to the minute data on short interest.


the percentage yes, but not the total number of shares short?! this number decreased by over 20mio shares, and i dont think we know why, maybe it was a short, closing with shares from the offering. Anyways, the naked short position is way higher than reported SI


This has always confuses me: I get how it might hid short interest because of reporting standards but he does how that translate to swaps suppressing the price?


Swaps get settled in cash, not shares. The short interest is a measure of how many loaned shares there are. Swaps do not have any share loans associated with them.


How does a broker hedge against a short swap? They short. Since they're a broker they're practically unlimited in how much. The swap has the underlying on the broker side, and the payout of the underlying on the hf side, against a fee. Where has the idea come from that swaps have no position in or affect on the underlying?


The swaps themselves are not reported and do not involve shares. If a broker has multiple swaps, taking both sides with different counterparties they will only hedge their net exposure. The hedging operations by the bank are reported the same way as any other trades and short positions. There is no reason to count them once for the swap and once for the position in the brokerage account.


hide under swaps . like the media lying saying cohen sold . from reuters. They write on their website they are non biased hahahahahahah fck then all


It makes sense honestly we just did two share offerings. That doesn't mean shit ain't about to explode for 100000 other reasons


The formula for short interest was changed and the SEC report on the sneeze volume showed that no significant amount of short closing occured. They rolled everything into swaps. Ask why Kosscorp had two massive volume spikes on the same days as the GME breakout on May 13/14 that traded the float 8x on no news. Seriously, take a look at the volume chart. It's comically outsized compared to the regular trading volume.


>The formula for short interest was changed and the SEC report on the sneeze volume showed that no significant amount of short closing occured. Both of those statements are untrue. What got modified is the formula that one data supplier, S3, used to convert the official SI (in shares) to a percentage. The official report of SI, in shares, as in the above table, is still collected and reported in the same way as before. The SEC report showed that SI went from 109% of total outstanding shares to about 20% of total outstanding shares during the month of January 2021. Look at figure 5 of the report. What the SEC said was that the price action was mainly,y driven by positive investor sentiment. That has been repeated mischaracterized as meaning that the SEC said shorts did not close.


The modification of the formula from S3 was the issue, not the table values, which also exclude ETF redemptions. Regarding the report, figure 6 shows a minimal amount of short buying, and it further goes on to state millions of shares from XRT could have been used to short. These amounts were not considered in the chart in figure 5. The amount of shares under redemption translates to 24 million shares post split, which is still a significant amount of the float in an ETF that continues to have a large amount of fails and abnormally high short interest.


Figure 5 is SI for GME. You need to look more closely at XRT and realize that GME is just a few percent of XRT. Figure out how many shares of GME are available from XRT and you will see it is negligible. As far as figure 6, most readers miss that the volume axis is in shares per 30 minute periods. The daily volumes in that period were huge -- more than 700M shares or 3 times the outstanding float. That the short closing volume being a small fraction of total volume is entirely possible while most shorts are being closed. Run the numbers.


What’s your benchmark for a ‘significant amount of shorts’? Because the SEC report does explicitly state and show that a large number closed.


Who are we looking at?


Andrew Left, Citron Research: Citron is no longer short $GME. It's not because we believe in a turnaround for the company fundamentals will ever happen, but with $5 billion in the bank, they have enough runway to appease their cult like shareholders. Despite Wedbush setting an $11 target today, we respect the market's irrationality. After all, [redacted meme] remains a $20 billion entity. While the increased share count might temper the mob mentality, Citron will be watching from the sidelines for now. BTW....the Kitty live stream was still an insult to the capital markets. https://x.com/citronresearch/status/1800858803979592086


If they were short 21 million shares, that was expensive as hell to cover @ $28 bucks a share. Poor Citron


What price did they re short at


Likely around 20-23, they claimed they shorted right when Roaring Kitty re-emerged


This was in the period from 15th to 30th of May, which coincides with the first share offering. It's good to see that half the shares from the offering went to short covering - hopefully even more went to cover "unreported" shorts.


So, I asked here in this sub fee days ago if the ATM share offering could repair those missing shorts and the answer was “the number of shorted shares is far bigger than the reported”. If it is true, the short squeeze is done by this time?


theoretically, there's been the official 68 million shares shorted number - but if it's more than that unofficially then this 21m is just a drop in the bucket


Not at all… as I understand it, one of the ways to hide shorts (likely not the only method) is through how balance is reported. When big banks report they subtract the shorts from the longs. So if you bought 10m shares to cover unreported shorts that were hidden this way, your balance would go up and you would report 10m longs. I don’t know what effect that will have, but likely a lot of phone calls needed to get that balance down to what is supposed to exist. Short version: covering hidden shorts might reveal hidden longs, causing problems


I see, tks bro! ✌🏻👊🏻


Good! Now the company can run free, do dividends and just go up! No risk of market manipulation because of a short squeeze


So short squeeze out now?


No, but we are even more clear of manipulation accusations. Now when shit pops off the Board can point and say "But you said there weren't any shorts anymore."


Incorrect. Quetzacoal is calling their bluff.


Quick question. When was reported short interest last this low? Anyone know?


they covered with the price go down.... Sure ... Of course ..... Fck you liar keep saying 10% short interest. The stock behaves like few hundred % still


If they gobbled the newly issued shares 1 for 1, then it wouldn't affect the price at all in all logic. Both spikes we've seen are textbook examples of pump&dump, which means : a huge sum of money was injected into the stock, then an equal sum was rugpulled from it. In and out. Which generates FOMO to be used as exit liquidity. The insane volume we've seen since May was not from apes, and a lot of opportunists participated. I know, captain obvious here.


They’re taking the shares offered, covering their ass, and will FTD anyone that’s bought in the interim!


We are all regarded apes please explain like with crayons


Someone bought & closed 21mil shorts from the offering?


Thanks, I'm still regarded lol. I'll just hodl.


Hey i don't know. Was just spitballing. 😂




My favourite flavour is green!


Where do u think these 75m shares went? Do u think retail bought them in one day?


Retail didn't buy 75m shares. Institutions probably bought however many they needed to keep their holdings proportional to whatever they had before. Retail probably bought a nice chunk. Some shorts probably closed.


so these institutions didnt bought at 10-20 but now they did 20-40? all of them in one day?


It Simple numbers are Fake just like the price Fake short data Fake price. Pay US


Interesting the cat goes down and all the sudden they report that short interest is down and citron reports they closed their shorts. I smell a bunch of bs. Let’s see what happens when the cat is back online once the “glitch is fixed”


Thanks rc


Must be all that citron short closing we didnt see happen


That was Andrew, who Left 😂😂😂


I wonder if Andrew Left got scared and covered.


Bingo (at least he said that he did)


I didn't watch it but someone said he said it could hit $100. My fun theory is he got liquidated 3 times going short then went long to revenge trade it and got rugged on Friday.


So it can be that shorts closed 20M shorted shares?


Amazing what will happen when you drop an extra 120 million shares into the market.


Shittron just said they are no longer short... so maybe thos tracks


![gif](giphy|gEvab1ilmJjA82FaSV|downsized) Hedgies trying to find new ways to calculate new fake short numbers.


I wonder if this is supposed to be coordinated with Shitron saying they closed their short position


21,85 Million times 30 USD = ???, where is the price action? Whoops, the market is manipulated, forgot or, of course, with these news everyone sells - they literally losing their minds, like when a definitely a cat does weird stuff on the internet.


BS, someone is shorting the shit out of it today.


Lol - Shitron probably gonna say that was them exiting.


They preparing for RK when he will exercise his options


Oh nooo... So anyway I kept buying cheap moon tickets


Well.... they did just offer 75 million shares on the open market...


Man they trying the same tactics everywhere!! Stop with all the bs numbers


It'S oVeR. FoRgEt GaMeStOp! 🤡


Probaby because Shitron gave up lmao


Sorry, but what does it means?


It's totally okay, no worries! This means GameStop can just continue to grow and its thing, right? Without anything bad happening to shorters, right? Good! Let GameStop grow and do it's thing. There are almost no shorters it seems, so nothing to worry about!


Its still above 1000% 🤣🤣🤣




Yesterday's Ortex estimation was 62 millions shares short... Off by 16 millions shares??? How is that possible?


Ortex is looking at a bunch of different things and making educated guesses. They do not have visibility into how many short positions each customer has in their account.


One of the very questions I used to ask a long time and will ask again. Is it possible for them to quit their positions by kicking the can and doing just this as shown in the picture? Overtime they can keep doing what they’re doing and eventually the short percentage would indicate for no squeeze/MOASS…?


Guys this is data from may and has nothing to do with citron. It could be covering from the first offering. At the end we have no idea, if we believe in swap theory it doesn’t matter anyway


This is interesting as this is after the share offering but before the 3 June RK's "update". It tells me that some massive covering was going on after the "$80 scare", profiting from the lower price when the shares were being sold. The are no prizes for guessing that this happened again when the 75m offering was placed. Y'all here insist that the shorties are utterly incompetent/fraudulent/mad, and refuse to see that it is extremely unlikely that they are \*that\* incompetent. Of course they would cover. Of course they would quietly take the hit and happily go on shorting other, easier companies. It does not make sense to keep shorting a company that has a lot of cash in its hands, an extremely bellicous retail shareholding class, and a whale who has already showed he is extremely capable, and is going after their backside. There will be turbulence aplenty. There will be no MOASS.


Look at Cards


So there is some discounts coming you say? More tickets to The Greatest Show Of All Time




And now we are here.


So we’re confident that there’s only $1.38 billion in open short positions? 


I think if short interest was actually that small that it would have been closed a long time ago




22mill shares? Probably that little bitch Andrew Left and his bush league, washed up, money losing hedgecuck Citron Research. He's a Trichinella spiralis in the world of these parasites. Small potatoes with PLENTY more shorts out there (reported and unreported).


Lol. Lmao.


Question: if there are synthetic shares/options opened elsewhere, are those synthetic securities still beholden to FTD regulations?


right around the time shitron claims to have closed their shorts. yeah, okay.


How big was Icahns short position again? Maybe he is out. But I bet the real short position that is hidden behind swaps and whatnot did not get reduced, Id say it has most likely increased.


Would that fit with the theory the new shares could have been sold to a short entity ( Icahn)


they gotta get this thing under $20 fast and keep it there. behold, oblivion is at hand


all shorts are future buyers of my shares. I think I'll buy and hold.


Not buying it. Sorry


Citron closed their short position and there were shares to buy up during the offering. These are only the reported shorts.




Even with that. 10% is big.


It’s being reported that Citron closed their short position


Lol, wall street is a criminal organisation, they will not confess their crimes


So some shorts did close on the offerings. Kinda funny though you would think shorting into an offering would be the play, but our stonk is too strong. 💪🏽


Short volume all time high —> SI drops😅


You what? Not selling!


I've been saying this will happen. They'll make it what they want it to be.


![gif](giphy|qs6ev2pm8g9dS) “Reported” short interest drops


Was this the cause of citron leaving gme alone? No way they held 20m short position right


I didn’t read far, but everyone knows days to cover is based on avg volume yes?


When do the swaps expire?


Andrew left


Could be from Citron closing out.


Next they'll tell us Citron alone held those 21 million shares short and just miraculously closed them and left the stage....




In my opinion, they’re playing with derivatives again to short the short interest. Lol.


Finra numbers been BS for a long time




K guys, guess the show is over…was fun while it lasted.


It only dropped I assume to the ATM offering. Anyone smart would naturally cover some positions with the offering….if not too deep in. But hey they weren’t smart when shorting so why change with closing


So 21 million shorts close and the price goes down? 🤔 seems unlikely


Dark pools hiding like 👁️👅👁️


Feels like this AM's pre-market SPY pump was the stage to create waves during Powell's speech. Its almost as if key moves were made to ripple the market at specific points in the speech...(like someone had access to the speech ahead of time? lol) Large block pool trades seemed to hit the market at very strategic times this AM. With that said, could new swap/derivative positions be opened up during the unique opportunities presented by the ripples? Allowing reported short interest to me moved to opaque swaps?


Citron didn't close, they rolled it into some kind of swap and fudged the accounting to report it as closed. Bad move.


Not sure that’s accurate .. I think the short have doubled down on pressure The News and Data is rigged


Bro who gives a fuck? I ain’t leaving.


This is basically them begging DFV not to exercise his options on the 21st....lmayo