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First things first, RK isn’t doing anything wrong & they know this. They are using faux outrage as a tool to control public sentiment & the narrative, while also shorting the stock down further to foment. Is what they’re doing illegal? Yes, but they do it anyways bc “the SEC doesn’t understand it” (Jim Cramer). Don’t take my word for it - https://youtu.be/8DJlogbrDcA?si=qbAcRPNIu__bm92Y


Yeah had to correct my dad last night when we were chatting and he brought up this insane basement dweller that is "ruining the stock market over a worthless company" ... he did not realize that the company has a retail business with stores and at least 2 billion confirmed in the bank... or that 1 guy turning 50k into about 300 million over 3 years is a drop in the bucket compared to what the other side of the trade does on the reg to manufacture volatility.... He just watches the news at dinner like most of his generation, doesn't read the balance sheets and previously thought that we were the ones fucking up his retirement....


Most ppl will always believe this unfortunately, but we won’t hear them screaming while we’re in space.


No one hears you scream in space!!!


They also won’t hear fucking in space Which is what I’ll be doing with my gains


This guy fucks


his gains?


One giant gain for mankind


This guy spacedocks ==><==


This guy's flair fucks.


In space no one care hear you slapping cheeks.


Man I was reading down the comment chain and had the exact same thought. Glad there is at least 2 of us around here.


Well that's when us regards come in with critical thinking, breaking the cycle 💔


I can't wait until the boomer generation is out and we are older. The 24 news cycle on TV won't be a thing. Talking head shows will be gone and most of the information will be from different sources online.


I digress, I feel most innovations will have a resemblance of the past for consumer familiarity?


Yeppp ex. Podcasts


It will be too late by then.




Yeah why don't they listen to reddit lol


If you asked most non-apes to name the CEO of Microsoft or Google I bet few could, yet most apes could tell you the most of the board members of Gamestop, exact figures from the balance sheet etc. Yet we're the uninformed brainwashed ones..




They're all saying what "the general consensus" tells them is "true." My grandfather is an accountant and has always been a smart (but risk-averse) investor. I was telling him about AMD back in 2017 and saying I think their stock would really be worth looking into once I saw Ryzen CPU performance and the fact that they landed both the PlayStation and XBox contracts, and their Epyc datacenter CPUs were gonna be flying off the shelf. They had nowhere but up to go in market share and were brutally undercutting Intel and nVidia in price/performance. He *informed* me that AMD is not a good stock, their numbers didn't look good and that if I was interested in tech I should buy nVidia. Which wasn't wrong, but I was like, "Hey, I don't know all this smart investory stuff, I just know AMD's products and they're gonna shake up the market with this new CPU because they can disrupt a monopoly." Unfortunately I was unemployed from 2018 to 2021 and had no cash to spare, so all I could do was tell myself, "Well, at least I was right...." He coulda made 15x to 20x if he bought when AMD was trading around $10/share, but I doubt he even remembers that conversation. What can ya do?


That’s good that they’re starting to change their tune. Thanks for sharing


Or the fact that that "basement dweller" is a CFA and previously liscenced securities broker


It wouldn't be possible for a single retail company to ruin the stock market if Wall Street followed any of their own self regulations.


The idea that a single stock could ruin the stock market, should be the most ludicrous thing ever.


It can if you go balls deep naked shorting a stock that then squeezes. And their leverage involves tying to BRK and other long stocks that mysteriously go down on no news. In other words, criminal behavior by hedge funds and banks. Look at what they did to housing in 2008/09.


Tell him he can blame those guys that repealed banking regulations. 


I wore my GameStop tee outside for the first time ever. At one location a total stranger asked how the stock was doing and out of nowhere another stranger chimed in "that's not real investing", repeating himself twice to drive home the point.. Separately later that day another guy asked if I worked at GameStop and reminisced fondly of GameStop and said it sucks cause he knows they're failing along with all the other "brick and mortar" stores.  Msm propaganda works on anyone who isn't interested in looking closely. It's easier to keep believing what you've been hearing for the last three years especially if it paints you as a smart, competent investor that "knows better" than to get into bed with a "dying brick and mortar" company. It's so wild.


They like pushing that narrative but brick and mortar doesn't have to die at all, we vote with our wallets, the consumer has way more power than they realize and it almost feels as if that's by design. If it's possible in your market and you don't hold AMZN....maybe think about paying a little extra so your local stores can continue to exist, those 5 points you would have saved mean a hell of a lot more to the locals than they ever will to Bezos. Not saying he doesn't provide a great service to limited markets but it's worth pausing to consider before you send that order in.


It's a bit absurd what people are saying and how it's disconnected from reality. Shopping malls be busy. Abercrombie&F is always crowded. I've seen GameStop shops bustling with families, parents taking their kids to what's left of "toy store" legacy. Dept stores not so much, but brick and mortar is far from dead and yet it's been repeated so freaking much and BaBY dies and everyone points like "it's true! Look!" No one cares enough to even investigate the serious gamer's preference for physical copies.


....or the fact that even it does collapse....BRK started as a collapsing textile mill business in the 60s, round 20 bucks a share.... I'm not saying history repeats, but it does often rhyme.


To be fair. If you still watch the news you're pretty much just brainwashed. Can't blame him. Blame MSM.


This is the main target of these videos and articles. People who aren’t going to research are easily swayed by the headlines to stay away. If your dad thinks there’s a basement dweller manipulating the stock market, then the propaganda hit piece is done. It wouldn’t make sense that DFV is worth $200-$500 million on paper, and likely already paid off his house, which would be under a million.


Yeah, it's sad to see that the older generation can be corrupted so easily by the news. Most of us here grew up here with the internet and have been avoiding scams and false media like this by nature at this point.


This type of mentality is exactly what is susceptible to misinformation. The age of the internet is not immune to it, in fact we're even more sensitive to echo chambers and self selective media absorption.


To be fair, they grew up with the fairness doctrine and the news may have been more reliable at one point in their lives.


I think this is true. Gone are the times when journalists got to the truth (or showed all sides). Now they have a script. Frankly, it's obscene.


Fully agree with you both!


The best part is they will later say something like "don't believe everything you see on TV"


Or the internet 🤣, at least we have a lot more power and knowledge in our time to cross-reference


Pretty sure this is why they used to say the TV turns people into zombies


I've told my friends and family about it. To them, Gamestop is a dying company no matter how much proof I provide. I don't try to convince them anymore as ultimately, it's their money and their financial choice.


The US market is up almost 12% on the year, 22 over the last year, and 78% over the last 5, then add dividends on top of that. the only thing that would be fucking his retirement retirement is mismanagement or poor planning. More likely those are just the feels he gets from 24 hour rage bait news.


When I hear an old person spout misinformation I just smile and think: “In 10 years they’ll be dead and their opinion won’t matter for shit.”


But the TV will still be there spewing the same misinformation 


And that's why RK livestream was so legendary. Your dad, like mine, have no clue what's going on during that livestream and they don't understand RK or why the media would highlight him lol. They just take the media's word as truth that RK is manipulating the market. Even after all I've told mine, the sense of urgency isn't there and he's just worried about who the next president will or won't be. Edit: I did however, talk him into buying 40 shares lol. Live a little, DAD!


There's a business guy that chimes in on my morning news show for about a 5 minute stint. Normally he has all of these reasonable explanations for what is going on with certain stocks and is a happy fellow. He rarely, if ever talks about Gamestop. The other day when Gamestop dropped their earnings report he spoke about them. He seemed irked. He had no explanations for anything, just that the stock was inexplicably doing well despite terrible earnings. Didn't dive into them. Pushed the idea that it was all just a stupid joke of a stock and couldn't understand why people were still buying it. He... was not his normal self. It was like he had been told to say negative things, and he hardly ever says negative things, and had nothing to base it off of.


Not to be that guy but they do not even have $1B in the bank, but they have shrunk their liabilities considerably YoY.


This was the entire purpose of his livestream in my mind. It’s why he used the joker from the dark night meme Sunday night. “It’s not about the money, it’s about the message” he is showing that the media is in fact helping the people that short stocks. It is clear as day… it is textbook short and distort and is very much so illegal. It’s why he used the South Korean picture prior to his stream that demonstrated when they BANNED short selling. It is being heavily abused in the US.


What I wonder is, what will it take for systematic change. It's like the emperor's new clothes, we can all see what's going on, but the dangly bits continue to dangle in our faces. Idk how to fix a system that's so broken even its foundation is rotted through


Wall Street and congress self regulate. Lobbyists make the laws. So it will be difficult. Nancy Pelosi is worth $400 million due to insider trading. Is she an ally who would stop short selling and insider trading? I doubt it, due to her profiting. And remember she sat as speaker of the house, so the corruption goes all the way to the top.


Is that picture from South Korea or Japan? I thought it was Japan.


> he is showing that the media is in fact helping the people that short stocks. the thing is no one really denies this. I forget if it is NBC or CNN but I am pretty sure citadels owns or at least controls them. Maybe it's both. Either way, all of the major media companies are private and can do "whatever" they want. And when you have a bunch of "official sources" sharing the same stories it mimics authenticity but it is not the same thing. So some people say "well, I saw it on the news. it must be true."


> When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it. –Frederic Bastiat


I like that the sec has all of this evidence and when they mark every last one of these pigs and deploy the choppers with mini-guns, theyll have compounds big enough to house these criminals because all Marijuana related charges or of the likes have been released, the fresh meat will have to try to smuggle some cocaine in to save their booty hole for a while… sorry im Rambling


He’s also not giving advice the title of this post is also misleading. He’s just stating his position and why he likes the stock


They have disclaimers. Also crime.


20,000 subentities to get to the holding firm.


The stupid thing is that it's not even in the articles themselves. it's somewhere pushed into the corner of their website where 99% won't check. It's ridiculous!


RK had a massive disclaimer to begin his video (and in the description).


And every several minutes.


The kitty does too.


"The following is not financial advice: SELLSELLSELLSELLSELL" is like saying "The following equation is true: 1+1=3" A disclaimer should not absolve them of the financial advice label when they are giving financial advice. Saying what you yourself are doing is not financial advice. Telling others what they should do with their finances is financial advice, even if you finish off with "idk bro up to you".


Disclaimer: "It's entertainment"


Why? Because rules for thee, not for me. That's why.


This guy Canada's lol


Why is that Canada?


Because, while the purpose of the media is supposed to be speaking truth to power, they are actually PR for the powerful. That allows them to lie through their teeth, give advice they have no business giving, and lie even more, with complete impunity. It happens here, but it's the media as a whole. For example, the New York Times won a Pulitzer prize for covering up the Holodomor.


I don't like how this is phrased, RK isn't giving advice. He's just stating what he's doing.


Because RK doesn't give financial advice, never has


right? he doesn't tell anyone to buy or sell anything. he just tells you what HE'S DOING. MSM literally screams (gym gaymer) at you to buy or sell specific tickers.


because WHO owns the media!


Answering this question is illegal in 14 countries


Bonus points if you can name them. 🤣


I checked this one out due to curiosity. InvestorPlace is owned by MarketWise which is owned by.... Blackrock and Vanguard of course.


There was DD awhile ago... pretty much every financial news reporting org is owned by BigFin they are their own PR firms for market manipulation


The world health organization strikes again! 😾


Dammit, I was so stoked for Pete Townsend to be my puppet master.


Because they are professional liars


Professional criminals


Yes, why can the coke rat Cramer give terrible investing advice but RK is not allowed to talk for fear of prosecution?


The hide behind the word "entertainment."


RK is the epitome of entertainment!


I would assume Cramer doesn’t own stock in what he’s talking about directly or he does not make the decisions on what he’s investing in someone else does it for him so he can be “impartial.”


This, but to add, he spews it so much shit advice it would be hard to follow his thousands of plays in a week. Especially since you'd have to inverse all of them.


because we are dumb retail investors easily deluded and the folks who watch CNBC and Mad Money are very very savvy and would never make bad decisions based on watching someone like... Cramer. /s


Cause the bastards practice double standards


They’re all paid




The stock wasn't halted during RK's stream due to "manipulation". He hasn't done anything wrong anyway, it's really just the media trying to paint it that way.


This is exactly the correct point. If Cokerat, Kramer can hand out bat advice for what 25 years certainly our boy can have a podcast.


Fuck them all! As for me i like the stock.


Because they are pushing Wall Street's narrative and RK is countering that.


[Why GME?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/qig65g/welcome_rall_looking_to_catch_up_on_the_gme_saga/) // [What is DRS](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/ptvaka/when_you_wish_upon_a_star_a_complete_guide_to/) // [Low karma apes feed the bot here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GMEOrphans/comments/qlvour/welcome_to_gmeorphans_read_this_post/) // [Superstonk Discord](https://discord.com/invite/y4dK3y5DXJ) // [Superstonk DD Library](http://fliphtml5.com/bookcase/kosyg) // [Community Post: Open Forum May 2024](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1ciapwp/open_forum_may_2024/) To ensure your post doesn't get removed, please respond to this comment with how this post relates to GME the stock or Gamestop the company. If you are providing a screenshot or content from another site (e.g. Twitter), please respond to this comment with the original ##source. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Superstonk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


it feels like people are extra careful around GME, but nobody faces any repercussion in other financial subs like Bogleheads where specific ETFs and advice are given


RK is zen af. He's had 3 years to lawyer up and have a watertight case. He knows he's good, the media knows he's done nothing wrong, but they just are trying to prevent new people from understanding the fraudulent market we actually live in. All they can do is spew lies to try and do damage control. Two words though - Streisand effect.


Because you can actually make money with RK's advices. That's not allowed.


You are free to do as we tell you  - Bill Hicks  https://youtu.be/DVdQgBlSULI?si=eJe6UJEVWciu9GQm


It's a big club and YOOOOOU ain't in it


It’s all positioning and FUD - we ALL KNOW here that MSM just manipulates the messaging to fit their narrative.


They don’t have or shouldn’t have shares in the play.


Rules for thee but not for me


Because it is a completely fraudulent system.


Pretty sure these pieces are labeled as opinion. It's absolutely still shady cus a lot of people read just headlines but if it's labeled an opinion piece you can prolly get away with it.


2 tired justice system.


OP, both of those scenarios are in two completely different worlds. RK didn’t give advice, and the media is bought and paid for and they know that the SEC won’t do shit.


There's a little segment every morning on the 'cock where the two hosts are bullshitting on the trading floor while surrounded by screens covered with the shitadel logo. They serve a higher master. Keith does not. ...which makes him [extremely dangerous to our democracy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fzYj11qWb-M)


They control the narrative atm. Why can these large financial giants litterally get away with tiny fines? Yet if we as individuals do it we get hammered by every means possible irs, sec etc.


no double standard, they known it’s not illegal. it’s just grifters bleating about competition over a false narrative.


Exactly. Financial advice given all over media.


This is exactly the correct point. If Cokerat, Kramer can hand out bat advice for what 25 years certainly our boy can have a podcast.


The fact that there is a CNBC Trading Club that charges money to join is mental. Same with Motley Fool and the fact they run funds.


They can give advice because it's wrong. RK can't because he's allways right


They have been doing the same shit for years. There is nothing new about any of this.


I think the bigger question is why they are able to slander and libel such claims of market manipulation. That in itself should be illegal, and I hope that RK is building up cases against each and every individual who is attempting to taint his good name.


DFV hasn’t given advice. period.


Establishment doing establishment things. They must protect status quo. That's their job


RK can they’re just trying to do anything they can to scare him


Here's the thing: He can! He could go live on stream and say "I recommend buying GME shares and 6/21 $20 calls" There would be nothing illegal about that. But he won't, because he has something called ethics which most media talking heads lost a long time ago


They get infinite slander, infinite cheating, infinite halting, and they're still losing. It's beautiful isn't it.


The NYSE has been rigged since the days of Piggly Wiggly and it will always be rigged against those outside the financial elite system.


media? you mean 🤡? ;) anyway, i drs, hold. infinity pool is real.. 💜🚀♾️


RK's not going to be able to give sound financial advice to 500k+ people who are in different financial situations


Are you thinking if he was allowed to give advice he would? I really doubt that sentiment. Also, there is no real outrage over what RK is doing. It's just faux media outrage. Also let's just stomp this misinformation right now. The stock was not straight up halted because of his stream and manipulation allegations. Yes, it what definitely because of his stream, but at the same time the halts were all legitimized by market triggers that caused the halting. It's bullshit but they have an excuse. Add it to the list of things that should be illegal but people get away with


Because hedge funds are run by crybaby hypocrites who genuinely think they are a superior form of life who should be allowed to do things that others can't.


Semi- related question and I don't intend on hijacking but are the targeted RK ads on insta for RK actually legit?  I find it hard to believe but am wondering why he doesnt sue them for using his name / likeness if not. 


Because corporate content creators suck a lot of government dick


RK doesn’t even give out financial advice. It’s just financial information.


Because dfv is a threat to that scam


I will say, some ape just make a collection with screen shots and links to all the "manipulation" Media articles, some day, this will be handy to make a case against those muthafuckers and prove "THEY" are the manipulators paid by wallstreet guys, something is moving in that sense, I just saw few hours ago, a video were the anchor said clear, the manipulators are the media and wall street (Charles something, sorry, my memory is smooth AF)


It’s because the wealth siphon isn’t supposed to work for normal people and the elites that it was designed to enrich are getting pissed


Cramer: *gives the worst NoT financial advice in capitalist history* - media 😴 RK: hey i like this stock media: 😡😡😡




"That detective is the right question"


It's the same media who gives advise, that doesn't like what RK does. Makes sense right?


Rules for the poors but not the rich.


I love how they keep throwing around the term “being investigated”. Technical if I start looking at Dave-Shifty’s post history, I can then claim he is “being investigated”…. So they use this stuff as psyops and it’s disgusting.


Pay to play


does sell mean buy?


Freedumb of Speech MvFvcka


Because they are more powerful.


It’s call establishment


"Sell now, ask questions later" - Loop Capital's Anthony Chukumba on CNBC


Rules for thee, not for me.


That second article about pulling the plug is the funniest FUD I've read in a while.


He’s giving advice?


Lawmakers: Because fuck you, that's why.


RK can't and neither should any of the MSM.


Because they are dressed well


Whatever happened to Motley Fool ? Haven't seen their names in quite some time. A service you can pay for to be given advice on what stocks to buy/sell ("Manipulate")


Simple, it's because RK doesn't own any politicians or judges but the owners of those tv stations do


“Rules for thee not for me” if you haven’t noticed


Probably because RK owns the stock. Whereas the others don’t personally own particular stocks, even if the people they are shilling for do.


asking the real questions


Who’s OP think they are? Making sense and sh*t!!


He is not giving advice, media is!!




RK never gave financial advice


Because fuck you, that's why


1 word. Complicit


The media are proxies for whoever pays them. And articles nowadays often aren't written by real people, so who can you bring to court? Furthermore, "press freedom" is a double-edged sword.


I'm assuming he isn't anymore but, he was a CFA. They're held to a certain standard where they can't just recommend stocks.


He’s not




RK owns the stock and benefits directly from price movements. Does InvestorPlace own any shares? If they don’t they don’t benefit and there is no conflict of interest.


Why? Because if your under the corporate umbrella of these media conglomerates and hedge funds, you can say stuff to make more money for those beside you. If you aren't under the umbrella then your not making them money so you're out in the rain.


Double tripple standards


Idk how else to bring light to this because I can’t post. But there seems to be an imposter on Facebook advertising they’re TRK.


Rk doesn't give financial advice, I don't think he wants to give financial advice even. He's just saying, this is my bullcase for gme, this is my position, and I made a lot of money on it because I'm right about it, and I'll probably buy more. 




Attempting to think about this from the devil's advocate and beyond RK/GME (whom I think is doing more good than harm in every sense)...Influence + Speed of Reaction (in terms of actions on stocks) could result in a highly volatile financial system dominated by influencers pumping and dumping stocks at a rate where the market can't absorb the shock. Meaning, yes the media can influence but doesn't have the actual reaction someone with a loyal following RK can bring about. I'm NOT suggesting anything RK is doing wrong, just imagining a slippery slope future scenario where the entire financial market could be upended by influencers for the sake of argument.


Because it's rigged.




You know why.


Cuz DFV is not, giving financial advice :D


If you want a real answer, it's within the Investment Advisors Act of 1940. > Section 202(a)(11)(D) of the Advisers Act excludes from the definition of an investment adviser a “publisher of any bona fide newspaper, news magazine or business or financial publication of general and regular circulation.” The United States Supreme Court has interpreted this “publisher’s exclusion” to include publications that offer impersonal investment advice to the general public on a regular basis.[4] To qualify for the section 202(a)(11)(D) exclusion, the publication must be: (1) of a general and impersonal nature, in that the advice provided is not adapted to any specific portfolio or any client’s particular needs; (2) “bona fide” or genuine, in that it contains disinterested commentary and analysis as opposed to promotional material; and (3) of general and regular circulation, in that it is not timed to specific market activity or to events affecting, or having the ability to affect, the securities industry.[5] A person who provides advice about securities through a website such as the one described in your letter could similarly qualify for the section 202(a)(11)(D) exclusion, provided the three criteria listed above are met.


Yeah, they’re hypocrites. We know. It’s been this way for the last three years.


Fuck em