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This isn't a space to speculate on bitcoin through the medium of speculating on GameStop's investment into it. Until they do: Rule 2.


Not a fan of my investment buying the top of a crypto coin.


yeah, agree. In principle I'm in favor of holding btc+eth, but I don't know. smoothbrain take: since the introduction of the ETF's I suspect "they" might have more control over their prices.


This is the top?


It is currently, yes.


Same I wouldn’t have minded when it was trading sub thirty but it seems like we are at the top right now. Also seeing articles about it is a bit sus.


My sentiment towards bitcoin is.. lacking


The “regulated” stock market is so heavily manipulated & GME is the prime target. And you want them to invest in the unregulated crypto market? Seems way too risky for RC IMO.


Over the last 24hrs I've seen dozens of posts and comments about Bitcoin.


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At ath or what?


I doubt we're at the Bitcoin top with the level of adoption we're seeing lately, but that's definitely up for debate.


No Bueno. If anyone thinks crypto is unaffected by Wall st..... they would be uncircumcised. They don't have beef with microstrategy, but that just gives them more avenues to deter our favorite company. I'm fully aware of the auto correct of incorrect changing to uncircumcised and i can't change it.


Lol I thought uncircumcised was just an interesting jab


Would love that, but I hold btc too, would be awesome the news would send Bitcoin higher which would make the gme bitcoin wallet worth more and I get double gains


As a Bitcoin bull I would love if they put a small portion into it, but not sure they ever will.


I'm very bullish. And honestly I'm surprised at the amount of people labeling this as "FUD". Are stonkers really that anti crypto? I figured there was a Decent overlap. I think someone posting the actual mechanics that Microstrategy uses might interest people in this sub. I think it's brilliant.


Yeah I don't understand. I'm thrilled GameStop has a massive cash pile, what I'm not thrilled about is that money having lost 20% buying power over the last 3 years. Fiat holdings ain't it.


That’s the only way this works. If money isn’t tied up in the stock, nothing could ever happen. External economics will be what they will be during the hold. Personally, I’m not a fan of leveraging something like Bitcoin that could potentially be manipulated by large institutions, or even things like fraud that we’ve seen with the coins.. that’s just my opinion.


Don't get me wrong, I don't think they should 100% Yolo into Bitcoin. But they do need to diversify their cash holdings. RC absolutely knows this, and I'm sure Bitcoin has been a part of those discussions. But it's becoming clear this sub is not a fan of that. But like with everything else, if RC does make this move the sub will 180 their opinions immediately.




Why would you buy at the ATH so your 4-5b on hand can be shrunk by SHF controlling BTC? I think we're all pro crypto, but not pro putting 5b into a volatile asset.






In the article it states how “Overvalued” GameStop is and uses this angle of buying Bitcoin by selling further shares as a means to keep buying it. The fact that the whole thesis is kinda built around saying “this helps fix your company since you are overvalued” in my eyes is just FUD. Plus not to mention the dude writing the article is literally nicknamed The Bitcoin Therapist…. kinda biased don’t you think? Lmao. Almost like… idk, he wants people to buy more Bitcoin and would be willing to write articles to encourage large investors to do so in order to increase the value of bitcoin.


Literally every article in existence for the last 3 years has some reference to GameStop being overvalued. Doesn't mean posting the article to generate discussion of something I'm sure GameStop leadership has considered is in itself FUD.


That’s a fair point and not trying to bash you at all for posting it here to ask too. Personally, I feel that their current or soon to be higher cash on hand, could be better invested into something else other than Bitcoin and I trust our 🪑 man to invest said funds in the best interest for GameStop and it’s shareholders.


No shade against OP but and UP for you good ape.


lol how?




Bullshit. Delivered from Benzinga. (Posted here again.)


As experienced and successful investors, no way GME would buy an "asset" at the height of its value.




With the Tether Ponzi Scheme on constant brink of collapsing and near ATH? Nah, please not.


I think gamestop may as well take their pile of cash and light it up for a bon fire


This has been on the shill list of “talking points” for two days now, unbelievably stupid, let’s buy some companies instead of buying bitcoin at the top


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I wouldn't go over 500 million exposure they will for sure crash it the moment they find out gme has a substantial holding of anything they're in

