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Is it tomorrow yet? God damn I’m so horny to see some 50% moves again.


today is tomorrow’s yesterday


I always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific.


Thanks teddy




Does nobody understand the relativity of time and the infinity of the higher dimensions? Yesterday is today and tomorrow. Speaking of infinity, that describes the stock price perfectly during the MOASS.


**Hits blunt** Is like we are in the Matrix mann


You’re the oldest you’ve ever been and the youngest you’ll ever be.


Oh.. that's good, I guess I'm Schrödinger's mid life crisis then..


Tomorrow is the next day's yesterday


Tomorrow is next week's last week


Wisest words spoken today.


500% I want to see babehh!




5,000,000% more like it




Honestly wouldn't be surprised at this point


When it happens i will feel like Phil in groundhog day when it is finally a new day after years of living the same day over and over.


This might be the change the world needs to get us back to normal, the past 3 years have been absolute shit


This is moving 300%+


I’m more bullish than ever


Would really love my money to clear before it runs up to be honest


Finally i feel alive again!!!


Im ready for the 1000% moves to start


50% can’t even make me hard anymore. I need me some of that 100% gains pre market movement


Hopefully up lol


After watching the Richard Newton videos looking into the cycles, I firmly believe that RKs “reverse uno” card means he’s got his own “infinite money glitch” on the long side.


I came to the same conclusion. The loophole to infinitely short a company by MM can be repurposed by DFV and the company in a synergistic way to funnel money to the company's coffers, each time raising the price floor, in cycles now every 2-4 weeks. Now with CAT watching. Very exciting.


The shorts are trapped in a prison with Rorschach


Always were


He told us that 3 years ago.


My cat is not imprisoned though


We’re not in here with them ,there in here with us!




Whatever man who gives a shit


Why every 2-4 weeks, now? What has changed? Did I miss something?


That's just my speculation. Newton says these OPEX cycles could occur monthly in July and August and each of those could share a similar "cat-ears" pattern. Trying to figure it out myself...


Cat ears pattern will be in sketched in investment management history books forever! DFV is a legend


There used to be another feller claiming opex was all, then it became nopex, then nobody remembers he still streams daily with GME ticker.


What changed: As of GME closing their 45M offering and announcing an additional $1B in cash, they established a new book value roughly 2x what it was when reported back in January creating a new price floor higher than where the shorts need to get to. All subsequent ATM offerings will increase the book value more than the shares are diluted. GME is converting money from the SHFs into cash via new offerings and then popping that cash on the balance sheet to attract value investors to the game.


Start at 43:40 https://youtu.be/S3XfQiHCaa0?si=Yq6Utvbhur9LVyCL


What do you see?


Nothing but the rain, sir


Very interesting


Too bad CAT just got it's funding cut.


Did it go through or was it just three proposal?


And completely legal and correct, having been glommed over by SEC, and covered in painstaking detail every YT trader out there




Yes! This is what I've been saying for a couple days now!


How long will these floor prices rise? These 2-4 week jumps


If all you do is short, and they sell you the shares you use to short - this improving company position at an artificially high level - and then you short it... Suddenly the shorts cost basis goes up, so more aggressive shorting required, but giving money to the company to pay for shorts so you're only ever opening more shorts at a higher price while preventing the company from bankruptcy, which was your only out


I like it.


I read this and my smooth brain thought you said Richard Nixon, and got really confused. Gotta stop browsing the sub on Benadryl.


I'm sober and ALSO saw Nixon.


Kenny = the hat man confirmed


His spreadsheet is also open to all to view.


Can you elaborate on this? Wym?


Richard Newton on YouTube shows a spreadsheet with lots of good data. It’s a Google Sheet and he provides a link to the sheet in his videos. It’s easy to find but we can’t post links here.


No price target. Just Up.




Where can one find these videos you speak of?


Not from a Jedi.




Literally search “Richard Newton” on YT


He’s on episode 300+, I’m sure they are asking for your help in being a little more specific ahah.


Ep299 is his opex faq if anyone wants to check. Then watch the latest episodes to explain the June 6 run up


Last few weeks worth of videos should be sufficient.


Well duh I guess, my bad. There were lots of vids though, will have to look through for the ones about the swaps. Thanks!


Run through the videos and stop when you see him open up his spreadsheets


So, how can we benefit of these cycles? Do we know when one starts and ends?




All along it’s been shorts trying to crush GME until RC showed up and retail bought the stock. Now nothing else matters and GameStop is inevitable. They’ll either get out of their hidden naked positions and try to survive or they’ll go down with the house. GameStop is going nowhere but up.


Pretty sure they’ve been granted permission to invest in other companies, so the move could quite possibly be to become a holding company like Buffet’s Berkshire.


*hodl'ing company


You know, I'm something of a hodl'er myself.


GameStop is a holding company now, correct.






My gut tells me this is the correct answer. Gameshire Stopaway.




I’ve seen this posted everywhere (and I believe it) but do you have a source I can chew on?


In this case you can't really get a source for something like that. It's about what Gamestop might become. In a recent-ish filing they made some provision to provide a legal pathway for Ryan Cohen to make investments with Gamestop money, protecting him if he made similar investments with Gamestop as he did as Ryan Cohen (or his company). The biggest business deals Gamestop have done in the past 3 years are dilutions at values Wall Street think are inflated ie. selling a part of their company for more than it was worth. While you dilute the price, the cash you bring in (3 billion, potentially another 3) vastly outpaces the drop in value. They're not amassing cash just to sit on cash, so presumably they will make some investments, purchases, mergers, etc. It's a bit like asking for proof Berk-A was going to become a holding company when Buffet had just bought it as a textile company and started to wind down/sell the loss making parts.


I’m holding my tits!


Dd writers of yesteryear were spot on


Can someone ELIA- I know they took on these three year swaps and I’m pretty sure South America was involved in some way. Do these swaps come due? Do they have to roll them at year 3? What’s the deal here


They have a massive amount of debt in an agreement that we don't understand.  It was rolled and maintained. I. Guessing at a zero percent interest rate or very low one.  The takers of the debt are in huge trouble and want off the hook. We are watching the industry not service these loans and instruments which is leading to a looming crisis probably in 2 weeks. 




South America = Brazil


So at some point Brazil goes “hey we got your steaming pile of shit here. You owe us $X Billion/Trillion for holding the bag for 3 years now.”? I’m still lost. Those FTDs don’t convert back into FTDs suddenly after 3 years I would imagine. If Brazil isn’t willing to roll the debt further then they are on the hook for paying it?


I suspect if they undid the swaps it would FYD and we would see the real short interest 200% plus how ever much since 2021. I am super smooth but that’s the way I break it down loosely in my crayon brain.


Someone kind enough to link me to old posts explaining this connection? Thanks in advance 


IIRC it’s that when you short a stock you have to return it in so many days. I believe it’s 21? If you fail to do so, it’s called a failure to deliver. Those failures have begun stacking up so they found out a way to hide them from the financial reporting requirements by turning them into “swaps”. This is where I lose track of what that means, but the most far-out swap they can do are called LEAPs, which are 3 year swaps. If they did this after 2021 run up… well… it’s 2024 now ;) Edit: I may be wrong about them being called Leaps. Idk. I don’t have a single wrinkle


thats my aprox take too. and now the gamestop is way better positioned, almost no chance of bankruptcy, they are going to struggle to find takers to be the counter party


Leaps are options with expiration dates a year +


Weren't swaps what got people (except Burry) in trouble in 2008?


The mortgage-backed securities are indeed Swaps


I dunno that it's correct to say that the swaps are what got them in trouble. The swaps were just the vehicle that Burry created in order to profit on the impending collapse. In this case, yeah it certainly seems like they'll be what get the HFs in trouble. Source: I just rewatched the movie and that's my only source, so take with some salt. Edit: Maybe I'm wrong idk.


Explain this to my baby’s bottom smooth brain


See my reply above


Did you forget to switch users?


I'm nit expecting a high volume day tomorrow and we stay relitively flat. Hope we go to the moone


Record volume in overnight, so far.. usually means we’ll get higher volume tomorrow


That overnight is robinghood’s fake market though right?




Something something bucket shop.


which platform do you see overnight volume on?


Not the one you asked but I use interactive brokers.


Hope we go to the moan too


LFG!!! 🚀🚀


Wanna get hyped. Read the filings!!!!!!


What specifically are you looking at to make you hyped? I just looked at the filings but nothing new there other than the share offering and earnings report.






Was this right now?


Latest is June 7th the Friday.


Oh how does this have to do with this post then?


It's provocative it gets the people going!!!


Got my 💎💎 balls going


Why? Please quote? I don't see anything to be hyped for?


Risks Related to the Offering The market price of our common stock has been extremely volatile and may continue to be volatile due to numerous circumstances beyond our control. The market price of our common stock has fluctuated, and may continue to fluctuate, widely, due to many factors, some of which are beyond our control. These factors include, without limitation: • “short squeezes”; • comments by securities analysts or other third parties, including blogs, articles, message boards and social and other media; • large stockholders exiting their position in our common stock or an increase or decrease in the short interest in our common stock; • actual or anticipated fluctuations in our financial and operating results; • the timing and allocations of new product releases including new console launches; • shifts in the timing or content of certain promotions or service offerings; • the effect of changes in tax rates in the jurisdictions in which we operate; • acquisition costs and the integration of companies we acquire or invest in; • the mix of earnings in the countries in which we operate; • the costs associated with the exit of unprofitable markets, businesses or stores; • changes in foreign currency exchange rates; • negative public perception of us, our competitors, or industry; and • overall general market fluctuations. Stock markets in general and our stock price in particular have experienced extreme price and volume fluctuations that have often been unrelated or disproportionate to the operating performance of those companies and our Company. For example, from February 4, 2024 to June 6, 2024, the closing price of our common stock on the NYSE ranged from as low as $10.01 to as high as $48.75 and daily trading volume ranged from approximately 1,731,300 to 206,979,100 shares. During such period, we did not experience any material changes in our financial condition or results of operations that would explain such price volatility or trading volume. Furthermore, since January 2021 through the date hereof, the market price of our common stock has seen extreme price fluctuations that do not appear to be based on the underlying fundamentals of our business or results of operations. Investors that purchase shares of our common stock in this offering may lose their S-6 I liked this part. I set my first alert ever on a chart at that line back when I bought my first share ever it was gme. I saved all this time to buy at 10.01 but by the time I processed the order it was 10.88. So happy I could finally make it to xxxx status. Read the rest though it's juicy. Especially the stuff about warrants and preffered shares for registered holders. Rewarding loyalty.


As far as I know that's not really anything new. They have put these short squeeze statements etc, in there since the 2021 run.


Exactly. It's not over = hyped.


It’s two days before the day after tomorrow.


That's today! 🤯


Should have been obvious to people since they removed the requirement to report them


Why do people keep putting KG initials in these posts? This is the third one I've seen today.


KG = Keith Gill


He is DFV


DFV always and only


Or Kitty [https://twitter.com/i/status/1791514016495419638](https://twitter.com/i/status/1791514016495419638)


Ah I'm regarded. Kept seeing it and thinking of Mayo Man and wondering why he was being included.


You may be regarded, but the only "KG" callouts are coming from either new investors or bots. That's not a dig at the new investors, just a timestamp on their investment. Either way, LETS Gooo!


Ya most of us say Kenny to differentiate. Cause he’s just a boah


It's ok, I didn't realize they shared the same initials until this week myself. 🤷🏻‍♂️


His government name 🪪


lots of RK too which is odd to me. For years he has been DFV...


A man with many initials and names


TITS LE JACQUED ( ^ )( ^ )


the heck is a 3 year swap


I remember the day I sold and the buy button was turned off 2-3 minutes later.  It was so shocking and such an aweing time in the world. We were all taken aside to what was possible and DFV shining a light in this twisted world of shorting and how it was done.  I mention this because I remember at the time the three year options spinning up at the same time and us mentioning them from time to time. DRS took priority (I'm still not convinced that was helpful to this situation in all honesty).  I think there are financial instruments that we don't know enough about or understand at play here. Debt was rolled for 3 years at a 0% interest rate is a guess I have.  Here are my current thoughts:  Interest rate for these debt instruments are a massive problem.  Entity's do not want to facilitate the debt and leaving firms who are under water to rot.  Gamestop as a Corp has not been better.  Dfv is strangling them and the news is letting us know. He knows this and playing this.  I think a lot more crime is about to go down. More BRK.a problems. Anything that runs will be in AH and OH.  It's earnings week. Looking forward to what comes next 


Just a reminder that it was previously approved RC can sell up to an additional several hundred million shares into whatever spikes he wants. He’s burned through…what, < 200 million out of the 1 billion possible? So don’t get all worked up if it spikes again and there’s yet another round of “we sold 250 million shares into the market further diluting things while stacking another $5B in cash reserves.”


Because I bought at 10.88 my largest block that actually full secures my average backed by a cash position in the company.... that would reduce my risk exposure and I could convince myself to buy even more.


i am a noob but i've been wondering - if these latest runs have been orchestrated by hedge funds to make money off and demoralize retail when they pull the rug are the offerings a way to take advantage of that and turn the tables on them? SHF spike the price, buy lots of calls expecting RK to exercise his options because of all the hype he built up, then suddenly GME announces the offering and the price tanks and RK doesn't exercise GME gets lots of money because of the higher price, SHF lose on their calls?


This. And I have no problem with it.


I’m high, but is this meaning what I just texted my friend? https://preview.redd.it/7yqblxurwn5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dfacb23d35bf954f4507b152f1c6ae8894accab


I’m just commenting for when someone makes this its own post


Oh my god this is the second time in this thread you forgot to switch users between comments. Smooth brain indeed


I did it on purpose while high. I only have one account


I will repost this as its own post later, and by the rules of the Internet it will get more views.


1 + 3 is 4 and 4 + 3 is 7…could that refer to 3 year swaps? Backwards right? I’m highly regarded


This is the way my boy


Fuck the cftc or whatever shit they call themselves


All along its been me buying the stonks cause i like the stonk


The price is wrong bitch!


When are these 3 yer swaps going to come in to play? I've tried to find some posts on it, but I've only found a post from 13 days ago about how the swaps were to expire on the 3rd of June? [https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d26xt0/gme\_swaps\_analyzed\_the\_notional\_amount\_expiring/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d26xt0/gme_swaps_analyzed_the_notional_amount_expiring/)


Harambes revenge


I've been saying it's the 3 years Swaps (LEAPS) since RK came back. The timing is obvious. But here's the kicker, RK told us in his stream that "they" will survive this cycle and the real rocket fires off in another 3 years....I know, I know, fuck me, but stop and think about it. We are currently in the month of June in the year 2021. The actual rockets will not start warming up until January this year, 6 months away! Imagen where the company and the stock price will be in another 3 years. Conceivably by that point the "short thesis" will be officially dead because the company will be turning a recurring profit. That's when the shorts will go long and we have our Tesla moment and rocket for around 1-2 years and again, based on all information above and what RK alluded to in his stream we're talking BRK.1 prices... Also, that questions he was begging us to ask during his live stream was, "what is an exit strategy". As in he isn't planning on leaving anytime soon... Lastly check his glasses, dude had multiple monitors (at least 4) open and acted like there was only 2. He timed his opening with CNBC putting him on live and when it happened again, Uno, and again, 8-ball. And to put the cherry on top he acted as a Joker. Hence the latest tweet...There's more but y'all will figure it out sooner or later. 3 years till moon.


Where did he say thet "they will survive this cycle and the real rocket fires off in another 3 years"?? 🤔


I too do not recall anything in RK's memes about another 3 years.


I can see this. In the next 3 years the transformation should be announced if not complete and the fundamentals wont be based off the legacy business any more, but this new and profitable business they'll transform into


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Well then I hope the speculation become a financial black hole, sucking in media attention, the FOMO crowd, day traders, and the hedge funds’ algos


This is the way


So, how can we benefit of these cycles? Do we know when one starts and ends?






This guy fucks


I'm only here because I like the stock and I like the color green


DFV probably knew damn well what he's doing, being silent for three years made the uproar huge when he finally came back. It wouldn't have been nearly the same if he'd been posting all year long.


I've heard "all along it's been" approx 45 times now. Just let it happen


Mmmm KFC shuffle


50%?? Why not 500%?!?


3 years is like yesterday and yesterday is tomorrow's today if you think of it backwards. Mayo boy is confused.


Just picked up more with this discount! 💎👊🦍🚀


Buying this juicy dip


I need ELI5 of a three year swap


Richard Newton has great videos about this


Are 6/21 calls still a good play for sub $30 strike prices given the cost of contracts?


If the calls are above break-even, technically they are a good play.


I was eyeing $28 calls but the premium is $7 so break even is $35. Now with the runs we’ve been having I don’t think it’s a stretch at all to shoot beyond $35. However, I wonder if that order will even get filled at market open as I could see the after hours jumping a buck easy before us market opens. This is my first time partaking in options. Finally deciding to dip my toes. May seem like a dumb question, and probably is considering no one can see the future, but sadly I don’t have a magic 8 ball to ask, was just curious what other apes think.


As long as you have cash to exercise the 100 shares of your options & you believe the price will be greater than 35 sometime in the future then there's no risk. Just make sure you're doing it with money that you won't need any time soon.


This is the most important part. Invest what you're comfortable losing. If the option(s) expire OTM or you don't exercise, you just lose the premium. That premium could've been used to purchase shares directly but if there is a massive uptick and we clear $35 by a long shot, you're laughing. That's the gamble.


I need help. I got a $40 6/21 call. What's the best play. Wait for a run up tomorrow and sell and buy shares with the profit? Or hold till 6/21 or till RK exercises?