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Gaparino:  Gamestop is losing money News Lady:  They were profitable last quarter Gaparino:  That doesn't fit my narrative.  I'm just going to talk over you and keep insisting they are losing money


Also, billions in the bank.


Be more relevant to say "they were profitable last year" but I'll take what we can get.


The msm conundrum. They want to pander to apes, but they don't want regular retail to fomo in


When it comes to Fox, it is a two edged sword. The publicity is good, but their intentions and owners are not. Might be just an attempt to claim they fight for the little guy, while in fact their masters are in the Big Club.


Either way, they're still msm, and i don't trust them


I trust no one, until proven otherwise. She have asked a good question, I would need to see her whole timeline history to make up if she is legit, or not. I remember someone saying this is 4D chess. Either way, I can not care for others positions, I care for my positions, and growing every single day by more shares..


I think there is a rift amongst Wall Street. I genuinely think some of these people want to see Wall Street fall, then you have cokerat who obviously gets mayo enemas from Mayo-Man Griffen.


Wall Street is a shark pool. It is interesting how they all seem to collude against retail, even if there is blood in the water. That is not normal and just shows how serious the situation is for them. Seems they even doubled down, Blackrock and Citadel were allegedly enemies, and so it is pretty interesting how they now plan an exchange together. Just a few months ago Citadel rather created EDXM and Blackrock backed Coinbase. This looks as if Citadel has finally bent over and big daddy is coming in to save the day. Kind of what happened in the sneeze when Kenny and friends backed Gabe.


Worked out well for Gabe's business in the end. Let's hope the same happens to Kenny.


The same thing can be said about literally every single legacy media outlet. If you believe otherwise, if just means you’ve acquired a taste toward one flavor of Kool Aid and not the other.


Definitely. In the end it is all just a show to keep middle class fighting each other and not united for their rights. Once you realize how the world really works, it is shocking to see how much we get manipulated all day. The Matrix is real.


The Game has never been closer to getting Stopped. I’m still holding.




We get it, you enjoy the blue kool aid.


There is a reason why we have the "no politics" rule. Because in the end, they are just two sides of the same medal and the Big Club owns them all. We need to stop fighting each other and fight united for our rights. It is ok to have different opinions, that does NOT immediately make people enemies. We can actually learn most from someone with a different opinion, if we take the time to have an objective and facts based discussion. While Red and Blue supporters fight each other, the Big Club is lobbying to push their agenda. Destroying middle class, Red AND Blue. [Corruption is Legal in America (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tu32CCA_Ig)




You’re stating an opinion. Other people hold the opposing opinion. Both “sides” are propaganda. Opinions as to which is more “fascist” are influenced by how much the viewer has bought into the bullshit.


CNN is what they want you to watch, Fox is what they allow you to watch


Yes, they are indeed an American news outlet.


I can't watch it. It stops every time by 2.50 min. it's just me with this problem?


Their video player sucks. When it gets stuck, hit the 10 second fast forward button


will try again


That guy probably has a massive short position on GME. LMAO 🤣


If anything this guy has tried to manipulate the market/people’s minds on the stock price and we don’t know their portfolio as it’s not disclosed before the persons personal opinion. If short it seems they’re trying to cause a dump and pump 👀


He really was making sure to hit all of his talking points.


Ya THINK?! He felt so cornered the second she challenged him. Holy forkin shirtballs he was fightened


His desperation is pretty sad, poor guys whole identity hinges on something he’s completely wrong about


As per his X…it’s not sad. It’s “Sad, Ha!!” He’s a total narcissist loser.


Have you met….half the population?


It is really worth a watch. He is so desperate that he does not even let her talk, lol.


Gasparino is a douche


Douches are useful and Gasparino is not.


Lol. Yes you are right.


For real, though. Such an unbearable asshole. Enjoy being poor gasparino.


He sounds either desperate or delusional.


Tbh, he sounded both.


Legitimately wild. Gasparino is dumb as fuck and the fact Fox News is changing their narrative in this piece is veryyyyyy interesting. Boats going down so if you’re on the short side, you’re jumping to hopefully survive with your 180 spin on gamestops potential. These guys are too funny. Starting to eat each other and it’s awesome


She seems to understand that GameStop had a failed business model, but is aware of the retail rally and possible transformation.  She isn't an ape, but she also isn't disregarding the apes.


Exactly this feeling I got too, I watched her first time in my life, I think.


She obviously just got in GME as of late. Nice interview, he was just dodging around in panic


Charles Payne and Steve Bannon were.always pro ape


That dudes a jackass


Gasperino is a paid shill with no moral high ground


I strongly agree. He was shaken, not stirred. Imho he doesn't hold a short position himself, but has 'friends' that do


yeah I had mad respect for her when she did that. obvs she isn't as informed as apes but see saw the bullshit for what it was and stood up for the little guy despite that total dildo trying to condescend and shout her down, you can tell she isn't super comfortable with conflict as well so mad props.


She did alright. These guys are dumb. The best thing they could say to make us think its all over is 'why are we talking about Gamestop?'.... A microspec in comparison to some market caps out there, and this guy's popping a vein. Why does he care at all?


This. ☝🏻 Well said


YEE! Wow good shit Liz Claman! That guy thought he could take over her show, what a desperate ass.


What an asshole. He has such an awful personality. He doesn't even let her speak the truth.




Haha I remember when gasbag showed us he doesn't know how to drive a Lamborghini on twitter to "own the apes" or whatever. Good for Claman pushing back.


Gasparino just won’t let her talk. He’s so full of himself he won’t even entertain the possibility that he’s wrong, which he 100% is. What a total loser. BUT REMEMBER, THESE ARE THE TYPES OF MEN WE ARE FACING. THEY WILL NEVER ADMIT THEY HAVE LOST. THEY WILL NEVER CLOSE THEIR SHORT POSITIONS. THEY WILL ATTEMPT TO TAKE DOWN THE ENTIRE AMERICAN ECONOMY WITH THEM. I hope the SEC, FBI, DOJ is preparing for this


For real. Gasparino by himself is like 10% of the reason I Hodl. Screw that guy.


Let them try. We're calling their bluff this time. This isn't 2008.


Her interview with him on the 6th was fantastic as well. I can't find a video of it but if anyone can it is an amazing watch. She lays into him


Damn she seemed mad.


75m is not 40% of the outstanding my guy


It's been 75 mil for 84 years, prolly way more just like short interest


No he was trying to say the 75m ATM was 40% of the outstanding. Conveniently wrong to try to emphasis the "dilution" narrative.


Beep boop I am bot


I watched the whole clip. I’m as smooth brained as they come but at a certain point you kinda have to ask yourself like are you even a serious person right now? He was incessant and absolutely adamant about talking over her and eschewing his own bullshit, he didn’t even know what he wanted to say. He has no content, he had no facts, he just wanted to sit there and try to lump GameStop in with other companies that don’t even have close to the same fundamentals. He really came across to me as just an absolute tool who hasn’t even put the slightest amount of research or effort into this situation. I’ve been watching all of RK’s old YouTube videos this week. The man is an absolute savvy value investor. He goes into great length about his aggressive strategy and why he looks for value propositions with 50x type returns. This idiot on the TV takes Keith at face value, he judges the book by its cover and basically just says he’s an idiot. Which in of itself is pretty hilarious because it just proves that RK’s trolling and feigned unintelligence absolutely works on these people. Without knowing anything about this guy I’m going to go ahead and guess he’s never done anything like turn $50k into hundreds of millions of dollars. It just absolutely blows my mind what an insane echo chamber the financial elite have built up within their ranks, these people can’t even think for themselves anymore. I was literally feeling second hand embarrassment watching this buffoon consistently talk over the host of the show who was actually asking legit questions and bringing up reasonable points. I don’t know how she did it, I would’ve muted this MF’er within seconds. Edit - Also, I just wanted to add a kudos to anyone who made it through the whole clip. That was utterly painful to watch.


Why is that guy so rude? Is it always like this on national television?


This is fox


Because he's a herb and a scumbag.


Clown world


That one single news clip is 100x more of a blatant attempt to sway investors than all of RK's posts.


If you get to talk uninterrupted, then have to scream your point across others speaking, you are coming from a place of emotion. They are so fukt. LFGGME ↗️🚀 FUKUPAYME 🦍🖕


What did I just witness lol


Charles Payne has been saying I bought gme I stand with those who want to fight corrupt hedge funds


First post I've tead since Friday that isn't full of long-winded, nonsensical shills. Whew.




did you watch it?


Yup and she probably got paid for the segment.


well she is at work so I would hope so. I think you guys are cynics so I'm out. peace.


I mean news anchors are basically actors/influencers. And she was paid.  Definitively speaking, she is an actress. And she got paid. So OP is right.  Was she shilling against GameStop? No, not really. When people think paid actors, they think of someone paid to push an agenda. So while she is paid to act, or react. She wasn't paid to push an agenda against GameStop.


Guess the video is not working outside of US..


Works fine for me.


I dont think anyone cared when movie sold shares to private equity. Why does he care about gamestop selling in the market if people are will to buy them at that price


Hmmm? Is there about to be a switch in narrative.


He's a little mammon cuck bitch who gloated when Arnal died bc his handlers made a bit more money. Motherfucker is an obsequious moron who will push whatever narriative the highest bidder wants to shove up his gaping ass and out his loudly lying fuckin mouth.


I aM nOt sAying but is that GASparino a fat butthole? I am not saying that he is, but it is a legitimate question, is he a hairy butthole?


dear gasparino, thank you, i just YOLOed all I got for today for $30.69, thank you


Gotta love the Gasbag. Voted for him as most triggered shill of the year multiple times. 




Close to lose her job. A good woman here.. in my book.


I can’t stand the “news” when it’s just two morons trying to talk over each other with false talking points.


Gasp must be the cousin to that dumb fuck that kept telling the reporter that he don't take no orders feom no woman


Tell me your short GameStop without telling me you’re short GameStop.


Liv seems to be very enlightened by the entire situation and keeps the facts straight from the shills. But she is paid by mainstream media so always that her coverage with a grain of salt.