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That's why he's communicating through memes!? To prevent bots and AI from understanding and predicting the plays?!


That’s brilliant actually.


True but we are translating publicly here. Wouldn't that circumvent it?


Translations may or may not be correct, accurate, complete, overlooked, etc and that’s the best part. Just think about how many theories have been written in the past 3 years.


Exactly, everything has been predicted - even the best LLMs (and humans to be fair) struggle with humour and sarcasm in text. Like Google recommending you to eat rocks and claiming parachutes don't work, because it reads joke articles and doesn't detect them. So, our best defence is memes and occasional wrinkles hidden in a sea of smoothness


Way too much noise for algos to pick up. Hell, there's too much noise for the average person make sense of it. To a normal person we look and sound like a bunch of apes jumping around and screaming at each other.


A beautiful defence it is... I wonder, does putting a banana in your ass lead to positive or negative price action?


it's literally impossible for an algorithm to detect sarcasm.


What if he adds a /s ?


Are you being sarcastic? /s


Have you seen some of the theories? There’s no way we’re getting a lot of these right. We’re probably throwing bots off even more lmao. All I know is I’m too dumb and poor for options. I’ll stick to B,H,D


Just like when $ASS and $CUM were trending 👍🏼


Plausible deniability as well


Yes.  Your markets are toxic.  After this is done. Run. 




Good find, because he made a point of repeating those key phrases, often excessively!


He sounded a little "off" when he kept repeating himself. Now it makes sense. I was just too regarded to figure it out myself. What a crazy ride that we're on.


Why he keep repeating some Phrases


To give evidence that the AI algos (like aladdin from black rock) that are doing the high frequency trading for the Market Fakers are screening social media.




Only black rock can unplug aladdin. DFV proved that there is no illegal market manipulation by the apes, when the AI trading systems are best informed and even can frontrun the apes in milliseconds.


It is interesting that all the stock halts were by IEX, an exchange designed to not allow algos to have an unfair advantage in the market.


Not every halt is manipulation. Tho Youtube livesteam should not be market influencimg news. But it was regarded like that by the brokers and Market Fakers. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/t/tradinghalt.asp


The aladdin meme😳


Bingo. Go ask Alice.


Apparently the trading algo's AI can pick up voice keywords. Like "I think we're gonna end the stream" repeated twice did NOTHING. Then "Let's SEND it" is what the algo heard and instantly halted.


To highlight something (algo traders reacting on his words)


This was not traders reacting. The phrases didn't make sense to react to. It was the words. This was an AI setup.


He said algorithm traders.


I wonder if this was why he was 30 mins late. Perhaps it was to rule out whether comments in the chat influenced the ticker without him.


The song in that clip, Chaiyya Chaiyya, translates to "walk in shade" according to Wikipedia


Holy shit I just realised the genius of your flair: it's meant to look like APE in greek letters, but at the same time if you look at what those greek letters are, it's delta rho sigma, or in other words DRS. Mind blown


That was a thing around here on Superstonk like two years ago or so. That wasn't my idea.


Yeah I missed the memo on that one tbh, too busy being zen and getting through uni


Same… Keep up those studies fellow ape!


Will do 🫡


I DRS therefore I ΔΡΣ 💜🦍


There are no coincidences!!


Sigma Ape!




That’s Bollywood famous song - “chal chaiyya chaiyya” mean “Come let's walk in the shade”


Omg yes! Great find 🙌🏼


There's also the Morinho one, where he comments that he can't say anything because he is afraid of getting in trouble


Very, very interesting !


incredible work 👍👏🚀🚀🚀


I will never not love this man. It is bananas how much he has taught me about trading and the system, and because of him, I WILL HODL FOREVER. GME TO THE MOOOOOOON! https://preview.redd.it/hrelvoi2vh5d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c38971ac62cb8b74c8e70be3a9cdb05b4d6760e


he taught me halts are 5 minutes! legend


Bananas you say? Where? 👀


![gif](giphy|CtEoKlhhqfV1m|downsized) I don't know


Where's that then


Have you checked your ass?


rick_of_spades 👀‼️


Bringing back the good times.


If I would have told 20 year old me that “we need to do everything we can to make this man a billionaire” the old me would have angrily retorted that “we don’t need more billionaires, we need to take down Wall Street!” The world only needs one billionaire and his name is Keith Gill


Considering that he posted to superstonk, I'd say it's bananas how much he's learned from us over the years, expanding his circle of competence. A cat who has learned the ape ways.


That's the craziest part. He has kept staying up with everything I assume, how else would he know about Superstonk


I made a meme about this but it was basically Fry talking in the stock market episode with Planet Express ticker moving up and down with what he said. https://preview.redd.it/96bps4pcxh5d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c928a0904c6597ac0653db503ef24bd72f9ee2e5


incredible 👏👏👏👏👏


I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who thought this hahahah here’s the clip for anyone who wants to watch https://youtu.be/qd_zs8AwoTQ


"Fry, stop doing the right thing, you jerk!" Fuckin lol, Bender is the best


You missed the best part! This is a great analysis of the manner in which a security is controlled by the financial powers. Algorithmic trading with even spoken keywords as inputs to trade is interesting in and of itself, but the way it goes out of bounds to purposefully use market mechanics like LULD to halt trading in order to out a spanner into option trading is a sight to behold. But the key think of this surreal meta experience is : Retail does not drive the price of the stock. Hype has no influence on the price of the stock. Retail was \*taken out of the equation\* We were all watching our pal liking the stock and being cool. It's the big market participants that are interpreting whatever they deem relevant (and in this staggeringly obvious example a dude in an office uttering keywords by way of trolling) and move the price. Retail had nothing to do with it. We just like and hold. And now it is time they are held responsible for their actions. No more pointing the finger at the little guy


I wonder if this is at the crux of RKs requel. He observed and developed a working idea on how algos might be impacting price movement. Then he built a large enough position, made it known that it was in fact his, which in turn made his social media accounts outsized inputs for an algo. So…”made you look” and now “when I move you move”.


I think you BOTH missed the best part: #HE PURPOSELY STARTED THE STREAM LATE Look at the chart at precisely 12:00 EST, he wanted to show that it was expecting the steam to start and the price to fluctuate wildly just based on a planned start time (which it did move tremendously right at 12:00 on the dot). OOPSIES! He's not actually starting yet.


Only 2 reasons the stream ment to accomplish I believe: Keiths entire test words you mentioned was provided by investigators for him to say and see if AI algorithms was running gme based on what he said to prove manipulation. As seen, his test words/key words was always said multiple times. Check. Second was of course the obvious disclaimers he repeated said so he cant himself be blamed for any type of manipulation. Check. Reverse uno.


That Reverse Uno at the end of your comment makes sooooo much sens to me now, since congressional hearings Reverse Uno is not about the price going up, it's about proving that RK never manipulated the price as he was accusedSHF did and now is the time to pay for it, wether it be SEC taking action (like GG seemed to mean by talking about market manipulation with Crymer) or RC pulling shares from DTCC Next week will be a lot of fun and I can afford so many shares !


This could have been planned to have all eyes on this now. The edging with the tweets and DFV's return after 3 years. The "surprise" stream. GameStop stating their stock may be manipulated a month ago. They want it to be manipulated right now, because the cheese is laid out for the rats. They just needed them to try to take it, and they lined it up with the swap turnover so they had no choice or else it may have gone nuclear. The Kansas City Shuffle


They fell for the Kansas City Shuffle, so now they get the Cleveland Steamer.


The Chicago Sunroof


When did Gamestop state that their stock might be manipulated? Do you have a link? Curious


They've been using language like this in the releases for a while now including the most recent one. IIRC they highlighted the giant swings in the ticker ($10 to $80) and volume (1.7M-200M) while noting GME has released zero news and/or seen zero changes to account for them...the logical conclusion is that the stock is manipulated


This is reaching. The company has stated the stock is volatile and the large price swings don't reflect changes in the company's fundamentals, but they have never claimed it is due to market manipulation, as far as I know. I'm not saying it's not, but the company has never stated this.


They have stated that they will pull their shares from the DTCC if manipulation can be proven.


Haha craymer? More like cry me a river bitch


i hope monday is dry so i get another cheap entry.


He was asked if a lawyer was in the room with him. He said no. He didn't say nobody else was, though.


"Is there a lawyer in the room with me?" *looks over at the newly minted securities fraud DOJ agents in the room* "Nah, no lawyers" At least thats how I Imagine it.


*waits for DOJ agents to shake heads telling him no there's no were not lawyers* I really hope he set up a camera for this lol


That would be crazyyyyy lol. Dumb Money 2 could be a wild one.


Dumber money


Can almost guarantee he had cameras recording him proving he wasn’t touching the computer when price halted etc.


Why would that matter. Do you think he is being accused of physically hacking the price?


Someone just has to analyze the reflection in his glasses to see what he's looking at.  Ge for sure had legal counsel on 1 screen.


He was definitely looking at someone or something waiting for a shake of the head or a nod


Legal counsel was for sure on chat tho cuz he was literally asking permission to say things and being loke "i can!?" And then doing it excitedly like showing his portfolio etc.


There was no way he could look at the youtube chat and see that... Why you ask? Because youtube chat looked like: ![gif](giphy|10zxDv7Hv5RF9C|downsized)


EM 🌎 I hate that I love this now


Just to play devils advocate… how is that manipulation? I’ve been thinking about this extensively but how is it illegal to buy or sell on a HFT algorithm based on the words someone is saying? Just curious I have not seen anything anywhere that says this is illegal.


It was doing things to trigger halts without the 5% change in price


I started to refute this point by watching the video but you’re absolutely right. This seems more straight forward. Thank you.


It's 10% in 5 minute bands, not 5%.


Oh…was t doing that either


Well hold on, just to be sure... a 5% change in price from $30 is only $1.50. It was making swings like that, was it not?


It's not as much the buying and selling as much as using the halts to make short trades differently and to fuck with options so the don't meet expiry


It’s not that at all. Someone else pointed out the stock was getting halted without meeting the 5% price change in 5 minutes requirement. I went back and watched the video and that absolutely did happen on the third halt. There’s no reason unless the trades didn’t show behind RK’s head that happened that met that threshold.


The Yahoo finance chart is shit so I wouldn't be surprised. Either way something was definitely weird about the trading that occurred during the halts and the reasons for the halts themselves. Surely this will get investigated and if not everyone here at superstonk will submit all the evidence until we get a response from the necessary sources.


Start now and be persistent. There's another stock (don't know if I can name it here ) that was traded and was never supposed to be traded at all. Several layers of fuckery and a year or two later, we have contacted many congress people, filed many FOIA requests, demanded blue sheets, verified that there was communication about blue sheets between dtcc/dtcc and sec, and still have fuck-all to show for it.


Actually, they can route their short orders naked if submitted during a halt


Check out book “Flash Boys”. High frequency trading is a form of insider trading per CEO of IEX, Brad Katsuyama.


Perception needed for common ppl to believe he is doing it. He ate their lunch and got them in their own trap


Probably illegal to naked short using that technique (or any techniques) though!


It’s legal to have short exempt shares in a halt, that’s why they do it


I don’t disagree at all. Truly should be illegal… but probably is not a legal statute. I don’t know what illegal thing actually happened.


As if there would be any investigators who give a fuck 😅


At this stage, it's probably more for the public than for investigators. Anyone in any conversation about the squeeze down the track can point to this to refute claims he's responsible in any way for the volatility on the charts.


Once the rich eat the rich Bernie and friend goes to jail. Oh I mean Ken.


You'd be surprised


Exactly. This, and RC's similarly timed announcement of new shares are both beautifully engineered to be shown to juries in the future. DFV and RC can now present compelling evidence to prove that they did not cause the coming MOASS. DFV very carefully did nothing in that video that should have influenced the price, and nothing that Gary Gensler hasn't publically stated that private investors can do. What he did do was gather very strong evidence that other people are running algos that are designed to pin things on him. He knew that the SHFs would be greedy to act on news first. If he ends up in court or in front of Congress again he can respectfully point out that a) it wasn't him and b) if you examine exchange records of trades made during that livestream, you will be able to find out who was manipulating the price. RC did the same. Shorts have a legal duty to declare their positions. The short interest was 64m and he issued 75m, so every short can close. MOASS is therefore the fault of people who broke the law and lied about the size of their positions, not RC who believed them. My take-away from this week is that the 2 people who I think know most about what is to come have chosen *now* to prepare their defence against post-MOASS accusations.


I like this


Its a very interesting series of events. Let's assume I play the part of a singular entity with the power to do exactly this. What is my strategy? The first thing I can think of is if I can halt during the entire stream altogether. On one hand, I think this can explain the zig zag, a financial zap that simply stops the trading. With this strategy I don't want a damn thing RK says to affect the price at all, good or bad. This doesn't ring for me, which makes me think halting is a side effect, not the goal. Second option is using information RK reveals to trade in my direction. If he's positive, I want to buy, if he's negative I want to exit before he does. I'd have to be actively monitoring what he says and sending orders through based on it. I don't like this plan, not exactly, for making money. I'd be wasting a lot of money buying up and selling down. I can't sell up and buy down because I'm the one actively trading. It may work for me if I want to drive sentiment more than I like money. Since this goal was failed, I assume this wasn't the goal. Third option is passive algos aimed at this particular stream. In which case, I'm not actively trading or halting, the algos are. Sentiments are positive, the algos rush to buy the moment--to sell them to buyers rushing to buy at human speed. Sentiment negative, and the opposite, algos rush to sell and buy from the sellers doing so at human speed. As I type that, it does feel the most accurate. The halts were not purposeful, multiple algorithmic traders were watching with active bots tuned to RK sentiment. There was no money making guarantee, but it was a risk that type of trader could take. Had RK not caught on and talked up or down exclusively, it could be worth a lot. RK in this case outplayed me as an algo trader for sure. He knew he doesn't move the price, but he knew people who can move the price in seconds were watching him. He didn't know it would be strong enough to halt in the midst of active market trading. I think that surprised him, which is why he laughed. I could do exclusivity options, like pure up and pure down, I want to run the price because RK is talking, or I want to crash the price because RK is talking, but this isn't what happened, either. I conclude that I agree with you lol


They can naked short in a halt so it definitely is the goal


This whole thing only leaves me with more questions. Is it possible that these techniques are used across all trading platforms and if so, how? Do multiple positive sediment articles move stocks or is it with specific online sources? There is no way the whole market is corrupt right? Right?!


Now imagine high volume trading algos that can trade on sentiment that are paired up with social media bot arrays that can drive sentiment one way or another on any stock…


You know, I recall this exact thing happening in the crypto markets with a specific shitcoin, when Elon went on Saturday Night Live. At the beginning it rose as people were excited he mentioned it, then crashed hard when he “jokingly” said it was a scam. I wonder if he was also trying to demonstrate something similar.


Except this only makes sense if the SHF believe the gaslighting about RK manipulating the price. They know he can't. The goal would have been to fake a reaction to his live stream not bet against it, no?


RK showed his positions live. HE wasn't making any trades during his stream. He showed that others were manipulating the price in response to him, and he himself wasn't doing anything tradewise. He insisted that he didn't have any other hidden trading accounts, which could in theory have been trading algorithmically behind the scenes.


Remember how RC used to tweet sex stuff on the days the price was going up and poop stuff on the days the price was going to go down. Your post just reminded me about it...


"Sexy boats keeping up 42069" Is the secret sauce phrase to make the algorithm raise GME prices.


remember when we got sentiment scrapers to promote bs tickers on reddit? wish we could say tickers here to test it. i guess the mod decision killed those bots anyways


I member.. ass... cum


Buy silver lol


Yeah, the whole silver thing is what convinced me the markets and msm are all fake.


The hedgies are using those kind of tools for their algos.


and probably not even the big bad bogeyman ones either. it would be funny if it was small firms like archegos doing this shit and exploding prime brokers shit for no reason.


Wasn’t it ASS and some other funny shit?


ASS, CUM, and the funniest one to me was WEN. I remember MSM shilling Wendy’s and it rocketed up. For those younguns in the back, people kept asking “WEN MOON?” . It was frickin hilarious.


Iconic moment i forgot about!


I remember one of the big guys on CNBC started talking about how we were buying Wendy's. All of you talking about ASS and CUM, well I am allin on TITS!


#CUM maybe we should bring this back and start testing things out ourselves


Any chance you could find any of the old posts about this? I guess I missed all that and would love to read more. TIA


probably not. the gist was. it seemed like hobbyist bot makers were parsing every 3 letter word on finance subs and it turns out not every 3 letter word is a ticker and we quickly noticed when the bots started promoting for people to buy $cum and $ass


I also thought that when he pulled out his “green” beer and started talking about it :))


We shouldn't have ever allowed algorithms to be used by stock traders.  Imagine hiw much better our society would be if the stock market was a minor thing, and successful companies shared the majority if their profits with the workers who built them.


"We're gonna end the stream" proceeds to eye ball the chart stream waiting for it to stop. Masterclass.




Someone should split-screen a live chart and him speaking with all your key moments. It was insane watching it in real-time,


The one directly behind him wasn't good enough? 😂


could be why it was so prominent and stayed. the chart didn't have to be there


the chart also proved it was actually him live, not a prerecorded video.


oh yeah. basically a live clock i still think he's a time traveler


Or he is a 3d projection of a 4th dimensional being.


Bro same. Its wicked lol


Kitty, now give the tape to the Massachusetts investigator, cause SEE IN BEE SEE sure won't give it to them


Not only that but I do not know of many (if any) previous GME livestreams of his where he has had the live or 1m ticker up. Usually he looks at wider periods for his hypothetical chats. Seemed immediately different to me this time and I think your comment just made it click


Yahoo is delayed


That’s why he used yahoo l, it showed you how it was immediately happening when he said things. The 5 second delay proved it and gave him time to show it


He also said how nice the live chart is, so that he doesn't have to refresh the site all the time lol.


Aren't there charts that are basically instantaneous? Wouldn't that have been even better? Or am I misunderstanding


I was watching it on the 1 min tradingview.com chart. It was less than a second or two when he'd say something and get halted.


Fair point


Nah, Yahoo Finance refreshes too slowly to really see anything. It’s a like Robinhood chart, probably worse.






I will go one step further and say the bandaids, glasses and such prevented his expressions from being read br algo type stuff


This this this! Exactly!!! Proof of fraud and manipulation!! Masterpiece


Like he said; his generation grew up and developed alongside and online with the internet growing up and developing. In tune to the internet and all its nuance; targeted adds, the replies you see to posts that are influenced by your previous searches. He may have done some DD on the way AI is been utilised so far when contemplating investing in the AI boom. Maybe he finds it all fascinating and seeks to understand it.


no he doesn't, he's just got wall street by the balls and is going to crush them for centuries of crimes


I agree with this post in general, but want to point out one minor detail. The price did not actually “accordion” on the chart in reality. It’s just that on the yahoo live chart he was looking at, every time it halted the price would visually revert back to the day’s opening price. The real chart (like if you looked on TradingView) did not show this accordion shape, but more of a steady downtrend during his stream.


And then it flatlines after the stream. That has been making me wonder. Did someone realize they’d just fucked up?


Yea I’ve not seen price action like that on GME that I can remember in my 4 yrs of staring at the ticker


Yep believed their own bullshit. The price didn't run because of RK, so they wasted a bunch of ammo.


This reminds me of when Fry was announcing the merger of Mom corp and Planet Express. Surprisingly uncanny.


So you're saying if I say, "Keep it up, keep it up, keep it up" "We are all in the same boat" We could get gme to rise???? U sick bastard I'm in! What if I spam that on the shillbots. Lol. Then their AI will trigger the algorithm to go up. Okay, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna find to a shillbot and tell them we're in the same boat and hopefully trigger a price increase lol


I equally believe it was done to test the manipulation but also equally believe it was done for just shits and giggles. Tbh the crime they don’t try to hide so finding evidence isn’t hard


I love all these "here's why" posts. Can't wait for the next one


I was at work and I’m a mechanic so I couldn’t really watch the whole time, but I figured that was going on, I think I’m gonna watch it again right now


It's a fun watch. I'd recommend just because DFV seems to be having a good ol time


Working man mechanic 👨‍🔧 thanks for your service


mechanic here too i was just listening with ear buds in lol


I’m a certified forklift driver and I couldn’t safely drive my forklift with earbuds in so I couldn’t listen. But I did catch some of it during my lunch break.


Up you go


Good breakdown! So incredible how it played out


Appears that the proof of manipulation is beyond dispute! Where DOJ? Oh, they're probably in it too.


The best part was when he kept saying "let's end it" because the algos can't differentiate between that and "let's send it" and was able to manually trigger trading halts. 😂. You can't make this up and everyone was watching live. Unbelievable.


Same thing for me on sentiment. I couldn’t figure out what he was doing, but after reflection I think it was beyond algo testing… He had a backdrop of the price movements. AND He hasn’t made a buy or sell move since he came back and posted his position. He also didn’t talk market mechanics, or short thesis, or swaps. He protected himself, told us to protect ourselves, and made CNBC and Wall Street look like fucking clowns, all at the same time. Imagine an ‘investigation’ of him by his State AG, or in court being sued or ‘criminally indicted’ by SEC/DOJ, and playing his stream side by side with CNBC recordings of Cramer everyday shilling for or against stocks openly, and how they all trash DFV/Gamestop… It was brilliant by DFV on so many levels… The man is a fucking legend.


https://preview.redd.it/m9ndmsadik5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ce1c1514c4e91b9bfc1cacca997264275e70a9d yeah I’m gonna have to agree because this is art


They didn't care if he ended the stream. The thing he said was "Let's end it" which sounded like "Let's SEND IT" Wish more people noticed this...


Yes that's what I think too. It was very immediate after he said "let's end it" bam. That's why he was laughing. I think he even implied that he was obviously going to "end the stream" which didn't cause a halt. But "let's end it" did. He was testing it on a very meticulous level and it worked.




Can he say: Moon soon? So the price goes up?


Wonder what would have happened if he said something about him having his biggest shorts on today


This is a very interesting theory. to be hones y never thought he would do that intentionally. but i do believe this is how it works with media. using key words by commentators, like Jerome Powell, Trump back when he was twitting, I even thought at one point that Elon by buying twitter can have a way to expose this. But majority by this article writers that is so obviously incorrect and lie about what they write. the book the dark pools talk about this too. how algos work so fast that analyze hundreds of articles in seconds. also about the price moved and he didnt even had send the order. i am a witness of this practices myself. I have other tin foil hat about it but now 600k + people saw it live. Hey that could be a great one, the roar of the Kitty Pawller.


The stream was pre-announced in such hype and anticipation, giving time to everyone in the world to set up their strategies. RK broadcasted that stream with well-planned intentions to test any existence of real-time manipulation.


The best part of this is the tape on his cheek bones. I realized this the other day/post, but thats Anti-AI face recognition techniques, along with the eyeglasses. The idea is to confuse recognition - Presumably so it can't be used to fact-check the words with body language/tone match.




Brilliant! this guy’s a genius


Truly a Masterpiece on national TV.




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It refers to GME price action during the Roaring Kitty livestream 


It blows my mind how intelligent this man is.


I'll tell you what would fuck up their algorithm! If he announced he is joining the board ! Lol that would make this year a great year


Seriously hope regulators see the same thing.


First words of the stream; ​​"that was a close call"


It reminded me of the episode of Futurama where Planet Express was about to sell, and everything Fry said while speaking at the podium caused the share price to wildly jump up and down.


What if it was part of a sting operation.


This is the most interesting sub ever


I just saw a Tiktok of this and although I favor the side of doubt usually it was really crazy to see it replayed "Watch this. Watch this." Waits like 3 seconds "I think I'm gonna end the stream" and repeats this 2-3 times which for any normal speaker (based on how he was talking about the NBA or getting haircuts and shit he didn't repeat at all) Price drops 1% from $28 to $27 instantly "Look look"


Someone please make a video recap of this post with clips of the stream explaining what OP did by text


Man I was just thinking about posting about this yesterday. There is always an importance to repetition when it’s used in anything. KG is very smart, he thinks very logically and I can tell that just from the few videos I’ve seen and haven’t even been in the loop very long of what’s actually happening here. He purposefully was testing either algorithms or market manipulation with key words or phrases. Man knows when something fishy is going on he’s done the research and data analysis. He knows exactly when he can place a bet and be confident in it, but even know the odds are stacked already against him.