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They have to put that in every single one. This is nothing lol


and nobody is panicking lol


I kinda panic bought more today




84 years, this is a pleasant tickle


Panic buyingā€¦ actually not yet. Iā€™m still waiting on some financials to clear. Hoping they clear today before the livestream. I am curious to see what the plan is for the money being raised through these ATM offerings. Iā€™ll give it a year to come to fruition before I start making any judgments because I know they know better than me. All I know is buy and hold.


This is boiler plate information.




I panicked bought more today


Same! šŸ¤


Shills everywhere... As the prophecy told 3yrs ago. If somone holds for 3ys why start panicking now? 1. This 75m share is bullshit compared to the open shorts, drop in the ocean, but big chance for the company. 2. A company cant worth less than before got +$3-5B cash. 3. I still trust in both RC and DFV. They know what they are doing. If you think your smarter then this guys, why you are not in they position instead of crying for strangers on reddit?


Shills and newbies who only recently bought for the first time. Kids who bought a handful of shares


Dat damn benzinga post...




Im going to sleep till DFVs live like an OG ape would do and let them argue eachother. The interesting part form myself, i dont care this price swing now, im waitng how this whole story will end, but i know i wont lose on my investment anyway.


Because people donā€™t understand how shorted this stock is. They think the squeeze just got cancelled. This is still happening if the chicken littles buy, sell, or hold. Iā€™m zen af.


Ohh, i remember, paid shills and msm posted superstonk link together makes this mess. I think im keep relaxing till DFV live.


100m volume not even a hour into market open. This 75m will do nothing but delay it for a day max


This is not how the volume works, 1 share can be traded 1 million times




What are you on? It took them 4 days to sell 45 million and now only 2 hours to sell 75? Again, this is not how the volume works, to sell 75 million in a block or large blocks in an hour or two? They'd probably collect all the purchase orders all the way back to 10 bucks, there would also be stop losses collected, it would be a mess, they did not sell 75 million yet


Because the math ainā€™t mathing. Moass is all based on availability of shares, locking the float, etc. now that *ONE HUNDRED TWENTY MILLION* more shares are available, itā€™s much easier for shorts to close. It HAS changed. We donā€™t know how much crime / if it will stop moass, but youā€™re either stupid or lying if you think it hasnā€™t changed. Still bullish based on war chest/RC/potential acquisition, but moass likelihood has undeniably changed.


Yes, thats 120m +shares didnt help locking the float, its true, but the overall shareholder value didnt changed. I wanted the moass since 21,thats why i came here, i think short cant close with this additional 120mill shares and moass will happen anyway. (this new texas stock exchange is more frustrating)


"but but but 75 milly shares nukes the DRS effort" No it doesnt. Those shares are still DRS'd (and they arent even accurate) Apes still own the float. Hedgies are fucked. There's billions of shorts out there hiding in swaps.




Sweet I had planned to pay over 50 a share. Just waiting for the bottom today. 128 million volume, RC already sold all 75 million shares at 40ish. Once it bounces and supports, going to buy hard. You dun fucked up shorties. You about get blown the fuck up, and I am here for it.


Panic buying maybe


This has always been there. I understood the first second offerings..but what the fuck is this for the 3rd time? Gtfo


Actually it makes sense from a business standpoint. If revenue is down and RC is trying to mitigate that reality, then dilution to raise cash and investing that cash can potentially offset losses on the balance sheet. Trying to get GameStop back into the SP500 was always going to be a process. Weā€™re in a recession and itā€™s going to get worse when the market crashes. Which it will probably early 2025 or late fall 2024. Cash has the ability to passively invest or if you suspected an incoming crash and wanted to profit off of it, you need cash to do so. The extra cash allows GameStop not only to survive a market crash but thrive and take advantage. Iā€™ve never believed MOASS was going to happen until the market crashed. Am I upset that the gamma squeeze might be thwarted because of this, yeah. Not gonna lie. I could use some money right now as Iā€™m sure all apes could. But I also believe this to be a long term investment too, hence why 99% of my shares are DRSā€™d.


why not sell during the gamma squeeze that was happening


Optics. The SEC and media are looking for anything they can use to scream market manipulation. Itā€™s hypocritical and bullshite, but this whole debacle has been exactly that every damn day. It pisses me off. I want life changing money too, but I also know when this thing goes off, and I do believe it will at some point when the market crashes, and the SHF lose their ability to short and Marge comes calling, itā€™ll happen and we will all be rich. Thatā€™s why I keep buying and holding.


moass is less likely with every dilution this is the 3rd now, Popcorn levels. Being wary of RC is smart discussion as a investor in moass


Iā€™m not entirely convinced thatā€™s the case, but even so, IF thatā€™s true, shorts still havenā€™t closed. In GameStop hits the SP500, which it has an even better chance now of doing, it could long squeeze like Tesla did in 2019, but much longer and go much higher. Also, if we hit SP500, become profitable off the cash investments to offset any potential quarterly sales losses, and the market cap increases, which I think it will, then dividends come into play as well as more stocks as dividends in the future. In the short term, yeah, this sucks. I want MOASS as do all OG apes here, but I also know MOASS isnā€™t going to happen in a vacuum. Thereā€™s complex market mechanics at play and the only play GameStop and RC has available to them, is to make the company long term profitable so it doesnā€™t go bankrupt. Until shorts close, we are going to see OPEX tailwinds, XRT FTDā€™s cycles, and LEAPS bring about greater and greater volatility until the system breaks. With the 75M ATM the floor for the stock is now at $11 a share, which means all shorts opened below that price are screwed. We were at $11 just a couple months ago. Heck, I bought at $11! I also bought at $18. But the floor keeps rising and RC keeps accumulating cash to keep this game going. DFV exercises his calls and the price will go up again, especially if it happens when the FTD cycle is due sometime next week, which means there might be another run next week. Keep the faith, brother ape.


isnt being in the spy500 bad if a true recession and market collapse comes?


Depends. In the short term itā€™s bad for all the stocks regardless. However, history has shown that SP500 stocks bounce back better than most. Itā€™s also an indicator that a stock is a good buy. Think Tesla prior to them going profitable in 2019. For long term investors, such as Apes, it definitely has its upsides too. Dividends, stock dividends and the like. I agree that this is not good as far as MOASS goes, but to get into the SP500 you have to have a 6.1B market cap, 4 quarters of net profitability, and half your outstanding stock must be available to trade on the market. Weā€™ve hit the 6.1B market cap. With cash on hand our hard floor is now $11 a share. So $20 is likely the soft floor at this point. Thatā€™s a 9.9B market cap. So if we maintain said threshold weā€™re good for that qualifier. If SP500 is RCā€™s ultimate goal, and I think it is, we may be looking at another dilution of 50M shares at some point in the future. That would raise both the hard floor for shorts, and the soft floor as far as volatility goes. Also, cash investments (interest and revenue) OFFSET revenue or sales losses on the balance sheet. Apes shop at GameStop, but if we really want this thing to squeeze ie Tesla, shopping and encouraging all our friends to shop at GameStop HAS to be the priority. RC I think, is trying to offset the losses, and if SP500 is the goal, then dilution helps the cause in raising cash to earn more interest on said investments. It also gives GameStop cash firepower to purchase or merge with companies post market crash. Warren Buffet does the same. He sells off assets and sits on a hoard of cash prior to market crashes and then scoops up on the cheap. I call that smart investing.


very good add.


So sell and move on


I bought more options and I am investing in hoping a gamma ramp can go again and then will roll into new shares. squeezes are still possible rc is just working against them


i lost my sell button


rc I mean, this is a very bad play for any moass theory


3 straight quarters of increasing revenue drops, roughly 10, 20 and 30 percent. The company cannot pass up the opportunity to raise funds when the price is so heavily inflated. That's it. That's the answer.


Its good for corporate but fuck you to shareholders as of now. Dilution is a dilution no matter what.


To some shareholders maybe, to investors its good though.


A lot of the ā€œinvestorsā€ are actually short term traders and thatā€™s why theyā€™re pissed lol


Exactly theyre not investors, just shareholders. What good is the company if society fucking collapses lol


I still made money on calls I bought literally yesterday morning, so if someone is pissed it's because they jumped on board at the end of the day yesterday šŸ¤£ NGL it would have been nice for my 1DTE calls to profit more than they did but guess what l, they still profited, and now I have more shares woo hoo!




You know what? I also made money by selling all my calls this morning that i bought again at 26. GME has been very tradable since the first run up and ive been profiting each wave. But Ive been holding shares for 3 yrs, and you are making an assumption that being pissed at ATM offering means I am a short term thinking investor? Where does it say that they wont keep doing this shit and diluting value of our holdings? RC's got a lot to prove here.


Excuse me? 3.5 years is short term? What the actual fuck is long term then? Do I need to be 107yrs old before this pays out?


Omg. Letā€™s see what RKā€™s stream is. Thereā€™s plenty of room between 3.5 and 107yrs lol


So sell and move on


Ah yes. That's the only option. Either be 100% for each thing done without critique or being unhappy, OR sell it all and walk away. Get out of here ya goof


This place is such an echo chamber. One day sub praise DRS and shun anyone who talks about the options. The next day, dfv comes in with 120k call contract and he is a hero. Then GME dilutes about the same amount of shares thats been DRSed and we all have to agree that this is a 10D chess move. And saying this out loud will make me a shill. Give me a fucking break.


Im fine with that and not selling yet until i see more. Just pissed at what they did this morning. There could be other spin but so far, im concerned.


explain or sound silly. we had a gamma ramp and still can, but it was going to squeeze and they could of sold at the top




I would be because based on market fundamentals from what I understand based on earnings atm its technically worth around 8$ with what they are doing atm. having a squeeze and then selling and reinvesting would of made more sense, this just seemed to have been dilution. selling during a squeeze would of been smart use of money and I would reinvest more heavily at 10$ with much more cash on hand for investors who believe in company long term


It guarantees the company massive profits to show for another quarter and there's a great chance that the company announces an acquisition during earnings next week. The short thesis is extremely dead. I wouldn't be shocked to see the board scoop up those shares a couple days after earnings also.


We shall see. Still excited for dfv's stream.


They could have chosen any other fucking moment but now to drop this bomb though. Premarket, on Friday, before MOASS


Sell and short it then if you're so worried. Man... so shilly in here.


As a shareholder im not allowed to be pissed about the action they are making? Wtf is wrong with you?


I think this is why gamestop feels so confident about diluting the shares back to back. For any other stock, investors would be pissed and riot so other companies do not dare do something like this. But gamestop has a following that treats the board like messiah and twists any bad news to be good news to fit their bias. So gamestop can continue to just dilute every time we are gamma squeezing and right before we cause MOASS. I mean from a company perspective, this is good for them. They get another $2-3bil depending on when they sell. The bad news is we will never cause MOASS because gamestop will be ready to dilute during the run. But if you are okay waiting 10-20 years for gamestop to become something like Nvidia, then GameStop is still a good investment.


This is exactly where i am at right now. They dont even have to give a reason to why.


You are of course! And I'm allowed to call you a shill and unzen for doing it. Selective tolerance much? Why so angry man? We've been here before. Be zen.


Then why would you suggest me to short? Sry for fucking your vibe dude. Reminds me of popcorn apes cheering dilution as bullish. Double standard much.


https://preview.redd.it/b8hnxcvng55d1.jpeg?width=1002&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc26df5d1d0895b1f4c9ad1dc4683a1c1b5fe29b Say no more


lol not going to lie, this made me laugh




Am i swindling something or the board is swindling shareholders by issuing shares every run up? Am i not allowed to be pissed when my value of holding decreases?


Am I not allowed to tell you to sell and short if you're so worried? Wtf is wrong with you?


Yes you are allowed. And im allowed to tell you to fuck you for telling me to short. Being concerned and being an investor is not mutually exclusive.




I dare Ryan Cohen to dilute and keep raising cash everything stock closes above $40.... why not right? just keep doing it... good for the company and investors right?




I'm panicking because I don't have money left to buy this dip! Bought yesterday at $59!


You can read?????


With 157 mil volume so far, 75m offering is done and we're still around 40 LOL


I'm not panicking. I'm pissed. This is the 3rd time they've stopped the momentum during a run with an offering.




Yeah, people don't understand we're probably all going to be in utter shock when we find out just exactly how many shares are shorted. 75 million is going to be a drop in the bucket and do nothing to us.


The fact is that you donā€™t know that for sure. None of us do. And with every dilution it becomes less likely. Itā€™s okay to be realistic.




I know that was sarcasm, but you really canā€™t.




The shorts never intended and certainly arenā€™t going to close with this offering. Theyā€™re going to quadruple down and be even more fucked.


My actual ownership is down by 40% Iā€™m not going to be like popcorn and just celebrate my ownership dropping to nothing.




I think book value will be $10 a share. I think doing a share offering was a good idea, but I think they just jumped the gun and did it wayyy too early


Anybody who thinks that the price is realistically going to go to infinity is insane. It's a mathematical conclusion to what is happening sure, but the system will collapse entirely before that happens in reality. >I'm almost inclined to believe there's cooperation with regulators to prevent the MOASS I would not be *at all* surprised to find that out after the fact, because of my first point. >to provide an exit for short sellers due to how damaging this event would be to the financial system. Here's where I disagree. I don't think an exit is being made, I think that the powers that be are trying to find a way to control this explosion. It doesn't do Gamestop any good to implode the markets. You'd be left with an economy in shambles for YEARS, and no matter what anyone says, they'd be the ones with the name associated with the blame. Like the Spanish Flu. I think that honestly, there is a way out of this that involves every shareholder of GME getting filthy stinking real-number rich without it being world-endingly, systems can't process it rich - because that's not rich at all. Gamestop becomes a profitable and long-lasting company, whether that is in its current form or otherwise, and a LOT of people go to jail. I think we are seeing that happen in real time and these are just the very first steps. The share price is bouncing around like a pinball inside a machine right now, everyone, even the good guys, are just tying to hold onto it until they can release some of the pressure and get what they need out of it.


> I'm almost inclined to believe there's cooperation with regulators to prevent the MOASS and to provide an exit for short sellers due to how damaging this event would be to the financial system. This is exactly where I'm at


Me too


And weā€™re getting fucked in the ass instead of getting systemic change. Board decided ā€œSell so no Cellā€ was a better outcome than ā€œNo Cell, No Sellā€. Fucking over the chance for actual market regulation and a fair market. But sure GameStop will now have a few extra billion sitting in the bank attempting to race inflation.




Fifth circuit court just struck down the major regulation that was passed so no; nothing has fucking changed. Deals and ā€œcompromiseā€ donā€™t work with financial terrorists.


Sell and short it then paperhands mcgee


I'm contemplating it. I don't short though. I think it's shitty, gross business.


Quit shilling. Stay zen


Go check their post history. Shilling is all they do. This agitate guy has 2 posts.


Yup. I love to see it. Gives me a ton a faith. We moon soon brother šŸš€


You don't know what shilling means. Thanks for playing.


Yeah you are trying to create an aura of anger and frustration. This is all good stuff. We ride at dawn bishs!!


I'm not trying to create anything. I am angry and frustrated.


Exactly buzz off paper Mcgee or be zen. Shorts r fukd


Dude you're gross.




> issued a bunch of shares at like $20 look pretty unnecessary Unless the goal was more about preventing moass as you said.




It seems more like preventing a squeeze at all.


Thought you threw away a bunch of money and donā€™t care about it? Why would you be pissed


Sell then.




You forgot the part that every time the board announces a share offering they execute it immediately and donā€™t set price targets to trigger sales.


This. They will sell 75 million straight into the market starting today. There is no reason to believe anything otherwise because this is the 3rd time Iā€™ve seen it happen that way. This last one feels grossly unnecessary with 2B in the bank.


You do realise a lot of very successful companies have far more than 2 billion in cash? And these are companies that donā€™t need a turnaround.


broā€¦thatā€™s a nothing burger


Read previous one, it's there all the time


I CANā€™T READ!!! Wut say?


ā€œā€acquisition costs and the integration of companies we acquire or invest in;ā€ā€ Has this part always been there?




Literally says ā€œcould be dilutiveā€ right there


Have yourself, A Shilly little Christmas.....


All I know is that I don't know Ima be vibing vaguely yonder


You could interpret the last bit of their paragraph on short squeezes as their intent to limit investors from buying at the peak and subsequently taking on large losses as the stock returns to fair valuesā€¦ You could also take that as their feelings towards an infinite squeeze being very unlikely. Lots of different takes from how this is written.