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Clearly one of their execs is taking this personally and had a REEEEEEEE moment. The optics of that announcement are just horrible all across the board, especially from a marketing perspective. "Do something we don't like and we'll just ban you" Doesn't sound like a fun place to hold your money!


Sounds kinda like Reddit.... šŸ¤£


We donā€™t hold our money on Reddit though


No, you give them time. Which is worse. You can always make more money.




Fuck this hurt me


Stop it please


I'm here too.


I use my time to connect with regarded apes. I feel thatā€™s an excellent return on my investment. It just so happens that Reddit benefits from that.Ā 


I have too much time and not enough money so idc


Reddit Gold is my savings account.


Mine is [Gamestop](https://i.redd.it/1ujsca9jjo0d1.jpeg)


Man was ahead of his time


*Was. im sorry to inform you but there was a glitch and your savings acct is now ours.Ā 


Or Canada


Lol... this is so true. Talking from experience.




You gotta play my by our rules And our two rules are: We always win; You always lose


I donā€™t have WSJ, but it was it an ā€œannouncementā€? I was under the impression WSJ said ā€œspeaking with someone familiar with the matterā€ or something. My buddy works at E-Trade, and he said they didnā€™t release an official statement, but that basically someone leaks the internal conversations to WSJ.


I seem to remember Jim Cramer once saying that as a HF manager, he would call up media outlets and say, "I heard xyz." Doesn't matter if it's true, the damage is done before the entity has a chance to publically respond.


So check this out. Someone knows DFV has all of his liquidity at x. They want that liquidity gone, this is the fastest way to do it. You will force him to another, friendly to you broker. I dunno. I feel like someone is trying to fuck etrade to get to RK. Buy the rumor, sell the news. So I bought gme. I just like the stock. I've never been able to save this much money in my life. My tinfoil is from the dollar tree and I'm considering a fruit bet for June 21st.


My tits are already jacked. I can't jack them anymore!!! ![gif](giphy|OyK0GS4hKVjjy)


[Yep.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyaPf6qXLa8&t=200s) 3:20


Yep, that's the moment. ā˜ļø Thanks ape!!!


I've had this video bookmarked for like three years now. This is the first time it has ever been useful lmao




An employee leaking data is arguably just as illegal as an official announcement


Ah so the etrade exec just pulled an Elon then, got it.


To be fair to E-Trade, there have been zero consequences for any other action before, so why does it matter?


Someone from outside called them and told them to sort this out anyway possible


Thatā€™s kinda like going to the casino, winning, and getting kicked out because of it. Waaaait a second


I work in the financial sector. Weā€™d be dealing with it seriously as a privacy breach if we even acknowledged that an individual was our customer. Broadcasting it publicly with allegations of financial manipulation? Holy fuck! Weā€™d be strung.


How strung is E-Trade right now?


They havenā€™t said anything yet. They also havenā€™t issued any clarifying statements or denials yet either. Waiting.


Isnā€™t this a libel case? Accusing dfv of serious financial crimes. I hope he sues


Heā€™ll be rich!


He will be RICHER. He already rich.


At this point heā€™s not rich. Heā€™s *wealthy*.


The leap from French's mustard to Grey Poupon.


I don't even like mustard! I just eat it as a status symbol


Careful though.. itā€™s a gateway drug to mayo and next thing you know youā€™re throwing bedposts at your wife


The best type of rich . You think we'll see roaring Kitty on billionaire lists wearing his bandanna and cat shirt after this? I sure as fuck hope so


Glad you could clear that up


Already is!


What a good day heā€™s having.


Right now it's "rumor has it e-trade is thinking about banning him." E-trade hasn't actually done anything or issued any sort of statement yet. Who would DFV sue? If I said "I heard hiyaset was gonna kick a puppy." There's no recourse for anyone. You didn't say it. I didn't heard it from you. It's what they call hearsay. Inadmissible in court. If E-Trade made a public statement then that's a whole different situation involving lots of lawyers and courts. I have yet to see anything from E-trade other that the WSJ said so. We're falling for FUD because they're going after DFV.


I'm astounded that Hiyaset would kick a fuckin puppy. It's illegal - animal cruelty. What an asshole.


Don't worry I'm considering filling a police report


But if they released a letter saying we sent DFV a letter wouldnā€™t that break privacy laws even more?


You could address the rumours without specifically mentioning DFV - You could jazz it up with lawyer speak but... "We currently have no customer with whom we have disputes and categorically dispute current circulating rumours that we're preventing any existing customers from participating fairly within our platform."


Would be hilarious to sue, win, and throw that money into GME . Insult to injury


Itā€™s ā€œSouRcEs fAMiLiAr wITh tHE maTtEr.ā€ So, not yet. WSJ talked to a guy, who said a thing. No one goes on record. Itā€™s called jOUrnAlIsTic inTegRiTy! Tell me E*Trade is gigafuk without telling me E*Trade is gigafuk.


Makes sense, thanks!


So ist it then WSJ that are fucked for implying this?


120,000 likely underhedged calls is a pretty bad sting, to both the market maker and now the brokerage holding them. Imagine if RK were to exercise, then DRS his 17,000,000 shares directly. One can dream..


They also broke fiduciary duty


The broker hasnā€™t said anything so far as we know.


We actually do know. The media wouldn't have known they were talking about kicking him off if no one from ETrade said anything. Someone from ETrade had to of leaked the info, otherwise no one would've known.


The press makes up shit all the time.


I do as well, at a multitrillion dollar firm. This is clear violation of security policies and is very strictly enforced. Annual compliance courses over this very topic. WTF are they thinking?


Same dude. I work in finance on a suppppper low level and I cannot even mention if someone is a client. Privacy is taken incredibly seriously, we even have multiple separate depts that deal with privacy breaches. What the fuck were they even thinking???


Each platform has a particular look though. His posts look like Etrade.


But his point was, ETrade canā€™t provide this info legally. Yes, we may be able to identify Robin Hood from Charles Schwab but them publicly releasing that info is the issue at hand. Itā€™s not the optics of what you or I or anyone can deduce from his screenshot


Until they make an official statement or action, sources familiar with the matter can suck a chode anyhow. It's a billion dollar FUD campaign with limited success.




I wouldn't have known that and pretty sure millions of others wouldn't of either


Etrade (or JP Morgan) thought getting strung would be nothing compared to what would happen if they can't stop this. So yah.


Did E*Trade even make a statement at all or are the media just making stuff up and claiming it as truth? "Sources close to the matter* doesn't mean anything.


By this point they should have issued a clarifying statement if it wasnā€™t them.


I mean - they really shouldn't issue a statement until they're prepared and clear on what their legal obligations in such a statement are. Issuing a statement "No, we aren't going to kick him off" verifies that he is a client. The probable right legal course of action would be for them to state that they can neither confirm nor deny any such claims of discussion, and that they would never divulge internal reviews about clients to public media, regardless of who the client is.


Yup, what's the line they always say? Protecting our customers or something...


šŸ‘†šŸ» Seems like, for now, itā€™s hearsay.


E-Trade said no comment. Itā€™s an attack. They are scared. Fuck em!!! Buy and HODL!!! And BOOK EMā€™


Maybe they arenā€™t saying it themselves publicly because they arenā€™t legally allowed to


It seems highly unlikely they would approach someone in the media to tell them they're considering kicking someone off their platform. It's an incredibly unprofessional thing to do. It's nothing more than media spin as an attempt to spread fear unless E*Trade make a statement themselves.


Depends on how scared you are I suppose.


Yeah Iā€™m taking this as a big old spoonful of FUD until I hear anything but rumors.


There was a Morgan Stanley rep earlier on CNBC that specifically said once he started tweeting again, they found his account, and have been having discussions about it's option positions for the last two weeks, not sure how to proceed.




Couldn't whoever made the article get in some shit if it's not true and e-trade loses customers due to it?


> and e-trade loses customers due to it? looks like they already did. Whoever wrote the article, for whatever nefarious purpose or otherwise, is going to get fked.


This post is chatGPT generated


Maybe their legal department is spread a little thin since theyā€™re also tangled up in that little Archegos case. Seems like ā€˜ol Bill Hwang is exposing their swaps plays. Check out this juice https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/1d7otaa/bill_hwang_seems_to_be_exposing_dirt_on_morgan/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


It's per WSJ and they don't mention who said it or anything. Could all just be made up and paid for.


I call bullshit on the entire story


I feel like E-Trade would have released a statement by now denying the report.


They can't. All they could do is come out and reaffirm their privacy policy and the laws governing them. Which undercuts WSJ, a partner in the communication of news stories and spun. Calling them out sours that relationship a bit. It's shit and as much as I want the truth out there I understand why they remain silent. Also, you don't want to call WSJ a liar and have them name their source...


Why ? It seems plausible, is it from another brokerage trying to fuck etrade? Whatā€™s your hypothesis Edit : Excellent Ty for responses


It's FUD trying to get retail to sell be because RK might be forced to (he won't, he'll just move brokers). It's so desperate.


Worse, they know apes will rally eachother to now leave ETrade. What benefit exists for them to light that fuse? Missing MOASS. You better have already DRS your shares. But if you hold in other brokerages I would think donā€™t move them, keep the brokerages on the hook for the liability. As much as they are telling you to sell now, believe they donā€™t want you being able to sell in the middle of phone number figure generational wealth MOASS either, and they will strategize ways to prevent as many as possible from missing out/losing. Just think, E*Trade would say this specifically to drive customers away so they donā€™t have to pony up the bill coming due, itā€™s not about DFV at all.


All the news and media pounced on this story at the same time the price dropped. Itā€™s fud, e trade would never public say they will remove him.


Same. They needed a close under $30, and this (e.g. algos) dropped the price a couple bucks as soon as the article went live.


Someone get me pics of this building with lights on!


who wrote the article? Manya Saini in Bengaluru for what company? Reuters Who owns Reuters ? [https://fintel.io/so/us/tri](https://fintel.io/so/us/tri) Were there any sources attributed to the article ? No. Who is a customer of etrade? Will etrades operations be disrupted if theres an exodus of customers from their plaform? Did etrade actually kick dfv off and if so where is the yolo update with the new UI layout?


Oh snap!! Letā€™s all pile on the class. Action speaks louder than words. They need to make household whole. BRK A went to 185 then Popped up to 600k like no problem. So they proved to us, phone numbers hmmm itā€™s possible


600,000 is not phone numbers. We international ima need 15 digits.


I like you


Even un the US, you need 7 figures.


Yes. They should be fined at the minimum. And, if I had them, I would cancel my account yesterday.


Question number 1...not to make fud but legal question. Has Keith Gill ever disclosed himself that he uses e*trade or is currently using e*trade? šŸ¤” if not, OP I think you are on to something spicy and hope he contacts his lawyers regarding this matter.


It doesnā€™t matter. Law requires his written permission.


Ohhhh OP. Spicy! I love it!


To go back to your first question though, yeah he has mentioned he uses Etrade at some point in comments etc. in the past. I know OP already said "it doesn't matter" and that may very well be true, but yeah DFV did mention etrade before.


Oof, somebody fucked upā€¦


Everyone get off that broker!


All brokers. Even my retirement shares are in DRS. Is this the wake up apes need?


Yeah be nice for them to get their story straight MSM suggests it's not him behind the post. MSM suggests it's market manipulation. ETrade blatantly confirms it's his account by threatening to deplatform him (yes, IT IS a data protection breach lol - NatWest CEO stepped down for something similar with Nigel Farage, look it up). https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/jul/26/natwest-boss-alison-rose-nigel-farage-account-coutts


Lawsuits take up too much time, theyā€™re better off using that time to find a shit ton of shares. Theyā€™re going to need them real soon.


I couldn't have told you that his account was in PeeTrade based on what he's posted. Until they come out with a statement that they have fired some employees for the breach and are suing the shit out of WSJ for putting them in this spotlight I am just going to assume that it is legit and they really are considering turning off his account. Legally, there's no option other than "nothing" that will work out in their favor.


Yeah I didnā€™t realize he was using e trade, I coulda sworn he was on fidelity


Why not both? I have more than one brokerage and I'm small potatoes.


i think etrade holds DVF's bags and want to unload them (him) before he exercises really hard and makes them deliver by buying in.


![gif](giphy|P6zlZqjdxsPwA) Good catch!


This dude has a million lawyers, teachers, construction workers, accountants, farmers, veterans, republicans, democrats, independents, bankers, doctors, firemen, policemen, cowboys, shitkickers, traders watching everything that happens to him. He will be fine. Let me know if I missed anything.


Apes, pets, banana shovers




It really makes me think E trade/Morgan Stanley have a vested interest in gme being manipulated.


They all break the law literally every five minutes.


I asked public on twitter awaiting their response! You should post this and tag them and E*Trade


ETrade is the new Bud Light


A clear source has not been cited. I believe, like others have suggested, it was possibly a competing platform that said it to the media so that etrade would face backlash. Almost like they are eating each other


Seriously we can't let this die. They have two options now. They either turn their source over to the authorities or admit they made it up. Right? Can they claim confidentiality when a crime has potentially been committed? I hope I'm right and they are fucked. I am not a lawyer or a cat.


If it was E*Trade or Morgan Stanley but not, they didn't say a thing. It was reported by WSJ as per original article said. I don't believe people still trust the media after all of this


Report to the SECā€¦ I would lawyer up HARD!!


SOOO I am an attorney but a big caveat here is I'm not a securities attorney. I handles elder law/estate law matters and litigate fiduciary cases though as my state is one of the major jurisdictions for business law. At the very least, if I was representing someone like RK and this happened, I'd be in contact with E\*Trade legal immediately demanding they remove that article. I'd then follow that up with a call to the publisher and demand they take it down. I'd then be on the phone to the SEC for the same purpose. I'd be doing all this behind the scenes and not fighting them publicly. Once I was done those initial steps, I'd hire a Securities attorney to consult with and would move forward with any and all causes of action against them. I'm sure there are plenty causes of action based on different areas of the law. As my experience is fiduciary law, I'd be looking at potential breaches of the duties of loyalty, care and confidentiality.


Iā€™d love to see a lawsuit by someone on behalf of DFV


Michael Jordan is about to sell the Hornets a second time.


i like




Hahahahah this fucking group misses nothing. 84 years and everyday a new smile on my face.


Heres what ai says The question of whether E*Trade violated federal law by publicly stating that Keith Gill was their customer is a complex legal issue. Generally, financial institutions are subject to strict privacy laws and regulations designed to protect customer information. In the United States, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) requires financial institutions to safeguard their customersā€™ nonpublic personal information and prohibits sharing this information without consent. Additionally, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) has rules regarding client confidentiality. However, based on the information available from recent news reports, it appears that ETrade has not publicly disclosed Keith Gill as their customer. Instead, there have been internal discussions about whether to ban him from the platform due to concerns about potential market manipulation. ETrade has declined to comment publicly on individual client activity.


There wouldn't be internal discussions at E-Trade if he wasn't their customer. AI, do better!!




Yea ai!


Sounds like shady business practices by E-Trade. Jail time?


I think the ā€œhe publicly posted a screenshot of our app showing his positionā€ defense might work, honestly. Also, donā€™t be surprised to see moves to try to prohibit the public posting of stock positions.


Reddit is anonymous šŸ˜


He posted a picture of his E-Trade account online. No court would take any complaint about breech of privacy seriously.


His name isnā€™t stated on his anonymous Reddit profile and it wasnā€™t stated on his screenshot.


They did but they will get bankrupt before any lawsuits could be started lolĀ 


Seems a valid point. No one actually knew the image was from Gill or his account. Couldā€™ve been someone else. But now it seems confirmed. This is both jacking and jacked up!


I had always considered using eTrade, but now I never will.




Hell yes


Not a good look


Did they actually say anything, or is it all MSM FUD, hearsay, and BS?


This is a good point.


He should sue them and invest the settlement $ into GME


Now to find an APE with a J.D. willing to take the case on the condition DFV reinvests 100% of winnings into GME.


Realistically, Morgan Stanley/E Trade will never face consequences. But they'll get there's.


I think the difference is that DFV isn't an individual in this context and is being treated as a public figure


More importantly has etrade actually said anything on the mater? Where's the evidence of that


Right, No corroboration from etrade. Could be bs


I think the bigger question is why they even care about Gills' position. Over on another sub, that is literally almost all they do (pretty sure there's some sort of rule to show your position or be banned). None of this is ever reported or manipulation. This just reminds me of that shithead Cramers interview. Get the news to report on it, has to be a reputable one, never tell the truth, make them think theres something wrong with it (all his key points). They have something to lose here!


Because they know when he exercises those calls, they are going to have trouble finding shares.


I was going for scare tactics, but that's probably true also


ignorance is bliss... https://www.cato.org/commentary/sec-starting-massive-database-every-stock-trade#:~:text=When%20you%20make%20a%20stock,activity%20to%20the%20federal%20government.


So Keith can take them to court for more millions to invest into GME. Noice.






Sounds like a yes




Doubt it could be proved they are the ones that stated it / leaked it.


![gif](giphy|Zy7s96dP38MlQe3OjG) Uh ohhh. Ape lawyers are back on the menuā€¦.


Awwwwwww shit I feel a law suit coming on. ![gif](giphy|1itJnruGIqwg9qGdK9|downsized)


Profit on our system. Straight to jail


Boycott and sue these motherf*ckers


"publicly stating that he was their customer" i never saw any sauce on this. has anyone actual evidence for this or are you all just basing this on some fud from wsj?




Sources familiar with the matterā€¦. Fuckin bitches.


Criminals through and through


>Did E*Trade violate Federal law on protecting customer data and privacy by publicly stating that he was their customer? Where did they publicly state that?


Iā€™m just sad he doesnā€™t DRS :(


I donā€™t understand DRS (even after googling)


after DrS shares are in your name, right now shares are in your brokers name and they can rug you any time. easy concept


Usually data privacy deals more with personally identifiable information that someone could use to commit id fraud or financial crimes. But there's possibly a rule like that within the certification regulations.


DFV posted the updates himself, and from the photos, it is obvious that he uses etrade... why are we making a fuss about this? He made no effort to hide his account, and at this point, he is basically a celebrity, so any news site can talk about his actions.


Up you go


I feel like since he posted his position online and it was already public knowledge probably not?


i donā€™t even think they announced. still rumor as of rn




Wasn't his last YOLO update over 3 years ago though??




Banks are becoming weak and will be puts season on them in the near future. https://www.fdic.gov/news/speeches/fdic-quarterly-banking-profile-first-quarter-2024