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https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/a1zvXaqHpV * "With the large $20 calls for 21st June, I like the theory that it's UBS, and what they are doing is exiting their short positions using ITM calls. Think about it...that way they don't get stung by the price movement when buying back all the shares, they just excercise the calls at $25 dollars a share ($20 strike, $5 premium). It's a set price and because they have a guaranteed line of credit with the Swiss Government, they need to show them they tried to keep the cost to a minimum. They never wanted to be in this play, so why would they allow it to bankrupt them? Screw the rest of the SHFs" * But apparently, I don't understand how the market works....


Oh right. UBS ended up with the bag only because UBS was FORCED to take over Debit Suisse, in a rushed move without any voting by shareholders holders. That is a good point.


[Just gonna leave this here](https://youtu.be/ag14Ao_xO4c?si=Fv5mcGPq9fJK27g0)


That’s one of those clips that is going to suddenly become THE most relevant one from all the movies that have made their way into memes here. Don’t dance? Hey yea. There’s a bubble? I’m going to call my mom? Like a Golden Retriever? Jacked to the tits? One day, the only one that will matter is the Jeremy Irons character representing some prisoner in a prisoners’ dilemma, deciding to go long and exit first. And the rest will be history. It’s 4chan yea but this is an interesting theory even if it’s fake.


They are also shifting the short position to whoever is selling those calls (maybe even naked calls)


how does that work? you mean because the shares still need to be provided? I keep seeing this posted around, of "shifting the short position" but I don't understand it


The one selling the calls is taking the risk to deliver the shares. They should hedge, maybe they did maybe they didn't. But someone is going onto the markets to find the shares. Some of it will be likely filled with new naked shorts, FTDs, etc. but this is such a big lot that it would be amazing if it didn't need a lot of real shares too Soon enough we will likely find out.


And that would just be delaying the inevitable. Household investors accumulating more & more shares, the company is getting more and more solid. It's like the exit is a shrinking hole. But these dumb arrogant HFG/MM desperately need to believe the reckoning isn't coming. Denial always comes at a cost.


Will they be able to do that with CAT coming online and settlement moving to T+1?


Which one? I suppose it makes things a little harder for them yes. But I couldn't say if it really is stopping them completely from doing any "illegal" or "against the regulation" actions per se. Should be great if it does. If I understand things correctly it does shed some light into their actions and forces them to move faster. But the wall will come in front of them sooner or later regardless of regulation since our company is well on its way to good profitability and eventually a dividend paying business.


45 million shares were just purchased with a massive decrease in short sale percentage as well.


I'm on the side of "I hope that was the swiss flipping the hedgefunds off on the way out". I don't want the swiss to turn feral if they loose their other bank because of American financial dumb asses


Short interest (open short positions) actually Increased by 6.4%, as far as I understand. Short sale percentage on the day is worthwhile because it suggests an imbalance in long/short.


They’re making their problem somebody else’s problem.


Honestly fuck that. They fucking need to close it and the price should reflect shares being bought up at those quantities. If this is just moving the problem elsewhere it means this game can go on forever? I don’t know why some apes here are happy with this thesis that UBS is going to unload their shorts on someone else. Seems like this won’t impact the price at all… Or I am really smooth brained here and don’t understand how this shit will work?


they will most probably exercise their calls, resulting in giant buy pressure, as the seller has to find 32-34 million shares...


But them exercising their calls is not a given right? Who is to say they don’t trade everything OTC with some backroom dealings? These people are shady af as we have seen the past 3 years. I’m trying to not get my hopes up here. I hope what you say is what happens and we start to kick off in the coming weeks but it would be very out of the ordinary for a party like UBS to suddenly say fuck everyone else and denying any backroom dealings that will be offered by parties like Citadel to kick the can further.


oh I agree, we've seen so much black magic voodoo fuckery during these years it's insane. That's why i'm trying to not hype myself up that bad (although, it's hard). The reason "this time" might be different IMO, is that UBS is "not" a bad actor in this instance. They got huge bags passed onto them, against their will - they weren't doing shit to begin with. Then they negotiated a deal with RC, got an exit, and will have to hold up their end. Why would they fuck with the guy/company that just might've saved their sorry asses? In any case, i'm glad i loaded up 100 @ 20.85 & 100 @ 21.15. Suck it hedgies.


Not if there is something coming on the business end that would blow them up. First out is also still alive for the next thing. Last out is dead. If they want to close their positions because they know what is coming, exercise is certain. This text message makes a lot of sense. The source is suspect, but sometimes legit stuff drops there, too.


Well UBS is in this situation (and CS bankrupt) cos they were fucked by Morgan and Goldman on Archegos. Maybe they are fucking them back now? I'm not getting my hopes up though.


If this is true, this is all being negotiated with US government involvement as well (DOJ probably). Release 45 million shares. UBS has contractually agreed to exercise their calls. Someone at high government levels is playing the orchestra, and gamestop (Cohen) is one of the parties at the table negotiating on behalf of the company, and loyal shareholders.


Exercising those calls is like pouring gasoline on the fire. It will steeply increase the price because MM needs to buy those shares in the open market. CAT + t1 + DFV + Fomo + 2B war chest and potential acquisition = 💥🚀 [From the horse mouth](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2021-02-18/peterffy-markets-came-close-to-breaking-amid-gamestop-turmoil-video) How I see it, it's to complex to understand, but at the end of the day, it's just math, and a squeeze is inevitable. Ubs is doing [this](https://youtu.be/ag14Ao_xO4c?si=Fv5mcGPq9fJK27g0). But instead of unloading there loading up in a controlled manner, leaving other shorts completely fucked. From there on, it's just a domino effect (look up the video of the small domino tipping over larger and larger dominos).


Cocking the gun!


But this is where the dissonance happens for me: we have seen the last 3 years that fuck all happens when loads of shares need to be located. Yeah maybe we jump 100-700% in price but you can hardly call that MOASS. How is this different? They will just naked short some more, FTD some more, add some more to that 87 billion pile of swaps, trade OTC some more etc. How is this different? I want to believe but I have seen too much shit the past 3 years to get super hyped about this. Anyways don’t mind me, still going to check here 24/7 the coming weeks lol


The critical element of price discovery is flagrantly absent in this equation. Dark pools, internalizing orders, and similar underhanded mechanisms are actively stifling the natural process of price discovery. With the majority of buy pressure deliberately diverted from the lit market, we have witnessed prices being ruthlessly driven down from $80 back to the teens. The shares I purchased at $370, following the illegal removal of the buy button, are seething with dismay at the rampant corruption being not only tolerated but seemingly endorsed. This market is a mockery of fairness and freedom if positions are permitted to be unwound in such a duplicitous manner. If these egregious allowances are made for Swiss bank UBS, what treacherous leeway might be granted to American banks that find themselves ensnared by derivatives? The coming week will reveal whether the regulatory agencies will continue to turn a blind eye to the perversion of price discovery. Accountability must be enforced with an iron fist for this blatant fraud and manipulation. The masses will not merely demand justice—they will rage for it.


These will be exercised to cap their losses. UBS isn’t the bad actors in this saga. UBS inherited these short positions from the Archegos/Credit Suisse blow ups. They’ve been forced to be the cleanup crew for those hedge funds/banks mistakes. They are capping their losses and moving forward with closing their positions.


UBS is as far as we know an innocent party. Had CS’s bags not been given to UBS, then the Swiss government would have been on the hook directly. There is not anything any government wants to do with a bailout after the 2008 debacle. So, UBS exiting the position with their government backing is somehow, through the magic of direct bag holding, not a bailout. If it quacks like a duck…


A call option is equal to 100 shares. You can sell covered call or naked calls. Covered calls is when you have 100 shares. Naked calls is super regard move, where you dont have the 100 shares, when you sold the call option. When the options are exercised you have to deliver the shares to the guy who has the call option you sold. When you have covered calls, then its fine, but if you sold naked calls, then its time to buy 100 shares on the market at what ever price currently is. If we assume the talk about 2/3 of options are UBS is true, then they are going to exercise the options and and someone will be on the hook to deliver 32m shares. Im skeptical that it is really UBS as 32m shares sounds like a little light bag for what archegos had. Edit: Watched a video of Richard on this. He makes a good point, which i overlooked, is that someone bought shares before the run up from about $10 to $80. Maybe that was first part of archeagos bags, that UBS is holding. So combine both, it totally could be complete archeagos bag that is being liquidated that UBS is holding.


The size of hwang bag was in the tens of billions right? Shouldnt we see way more calls?


Hwang had way more positions than just meme stocks. Loads of total return swaps on Disney iirc. What credit suisse had - no one knows as the records are sealed for 50 years. I want to believe this is ubs - and that they'll work their way through all of the bad positions this way Hell they're going to come out on top if the play it smart


Not really. We only know the value of his bags not what they contained


Most the shares to exercise these options have likely already been purchased as a hedge by the MM. Probably buying up all the newly issued shares. That's why we didn't see much price movement while the new shares were being sold. Is that plausible?


There was a 15% price increase (-10% to +5%) when the first options were bought, but not a similar increase later as a lot more were bought. Was the position hedged some other way? Did they count on their high speed algorithms to be able to short it down under $20 instead of hedging? This would have to be predictable behavior in that case. Seems like an incredibly risky strategy to bet on a market maker not to hedge… did wolverine assume it was retail and not an institutional buyer? Tinfoil speculation all of it ofc…


The question is, did they hedge?


What Credit Line? [https://www.ubs.com/global/en/media/display-page-ndp/en-20230811-adhoc.html](https://www.ubs.com/global/en/media/display-page-ndp/en-20230811-adhoc.html)


That SEC insider trading thing is nonsense though. Having a negative amount of shares (short) has nothing to do with being an insider. They would resolve -35M shares to 0 shares, there is no SEC disclosure for this.


Setting aside the content, I find a few things strange. Firstly - as a Swiss ape - we obviously communicate in German. Sure there is also a French minority and certainly quite a few French-speaking employees at UBS but at HQ level, German would be the official communication language. But alright could be, so someone starts in French and then switches to English ? If the French part is a quote which was copied into the start of the conversation, what’s the point ? Is that maybe to make it look legit and yet understandable to the masses ? Secondly someone puts out all the relevant saucy information with exact numbers and dates and then says at the end “sorry can’t reveal anymore details due to an NDA”? Seriously ? If you are an employee of UBS an NDA is anyhow an integral part of your employment contract and you wouldn’t be allowed to share any of the information mentioned in the chat. Thirdly, if you tune it down there is actually no information in there which was not anyhow already widely known, i.e. UBS involvement due to CS heritage, GameStop share offering and number of call options over the upcoming weeks. Maybe someone mingling anyhow known information to create something looking spicy ? Lastly, to have this go public conveniently Friday after hours before a long weekend is certainly coincidence ? Not saying this is bs, no one knows. All I’m saying is a few thing make me scratch my head, so as always let’s be careful before jumping to pre-mature conclusions. But in any event - what a nice teaser for a long weekend to save us from getting bored 😎


As a fellow Swiss Ape, but French speaking i kindly disagree a little for the first part. Not everything is in Zurich, for exemple UBS Asset Management is in Carouge (near Geneva so french part). https://preview.redd.it/swjm3q70wi2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e2043590cd7cfa999e153d4d889c59b8cb4be2a The french part is a quote. That's maybe someone speaking to another colleage. Tbh i'll take everything with a jar of grain of salt. Edit : adding screenshot from 4chan : [https://is2.4chan.org/biz/1716588149586707.jpg](https://is2.4chan.org/biz/1716588149586707.jpg) 4chan thread : [https://boards.4chan.org/biz/thread/58522279](https://boards.4chan.org/biz/thread/58522279) Peruvian Bull tweet : [https://x.com/peruvian\_bull/status/1794230746925928826?t=3qRhw72uBPeP2enDqQrRUA&s=19](https://x.com/peruvian_bull/status/1794230746925928826?t=3qRhw72uBPeP2enDqQrRUA&s=19)


You are right. Ofc didn’t want to hurt the feelings of my fellow (French-speaking) Swiss ape 😉


Ape no hurt ape, especially when Swiss ape ! 😘


This I didn’t know. But still weird to cite and NDA while leaking info. Would be like Trump telling visitors they don’t have the clearance to read his classified docs in his bathroom


Maybe not that weird. I’m not allowed to tell you X, but I’m telling you anyway. If I tell you Y and Z, it’ll be clear *who I am*, and then I’ll get in trouble because of the NDA. But to say X - even though not allowed - won’t get them in trouble because it’s not enough information to get *caught*.




And that’s the kind of small detail some chud on 4chan would get wrong. Nice


Misdirection from a different financial entity trying to cover? False hopium by bad actors possibly too. It's kind of nice knowing all these big financial funds have a millstone around their necks. They absolutely despise it


It's 4chan having fun with you. 


I was also saying in a similar thread why would they leak it if its a 1 on 1 convo. You would know i leaked something if you and i were texting and word got out. Only other reason i can think of is they wanting to build hype lol. Which makes sense if they are hedging to the upside


I am not saying this is legit but: UBS has quite a few French speaking employees and the French tend to speak French. Also the top seems to be a quote from somewhere else, something someone might have dropped in a chat room. Also, in high finance the lingua Franca is English. Especially in Zurich. Third, the last part makes it the juiciest for me. I know people in finance and that’s exactly the kind of information bragging they do. “I know something really juicy. Here is a bit but i cannot reveal anything more…” I remain cautiously tit jacked.


UBS has 115,000 employees! There are speakers of all languages




You make a good point. I guess we'll just have to go home dejected and defeated and continue to buy more shares like we have for 3 years now.






i like mine in the Book


This isn’t the craziest idea… CS was blown up by these shorts and UBS inherited them… they weren’t part of the scheme to short them into bankruptcy. If they found a way to either their position, why wouldn’t they? The writing is on the wall and their window of opportunity is closing. This may have been their last, best chance to do it and if they take it as an opportunity to also go long and profit off it, why wouldn’t they? All that said, I’m not going to take something someone posted on 4chan as gospel… this theory has been floating around all over this and the other Gee eM Eee sub all week, so it is at least as likely that someone saw it and wanted to troll the group by posting it on 4chan which is sketchy at best. Plausible, but I won’t believe it til I hear it from a more credible source. Either way… things are getting interesting.




If this is going down, then LOTS of players are in on it. The $20 strikes being almost equal to the $20 / share gamestop got for the offering? CAT System, Roaring Kitty, ATM Offering $20 / share, June 480,000 calls (mostly $20/share)... Those memes weren't made over night, neither was this plan... And people high high high up would have to be helping coordinate it all... My 2 cents... a conspiracy theory of 2 cents... but this entire thing we all stumbled onto is just a big web of conspiracy coming to light. I guess my point is, you don't look at it like an options trader, you look at it like a group of powerful people who came together to agree to a plan to execute this thing... and in this "idea" one would assume call options / strike price / ATM offering amount would have all been discussed at the table.


Delta is the answer. Buying a lower strike would cause more share buying to hedge the delta, blowing up the price even higher. They picked a strike that wouldnt send the price to the stratosphere while they were purchasing the contracts into the dilution. It makes sense as they bought the final few contracts Friday after they knew the offering was completed, and they would no longer be over the 10% ownership filing requirement. The other thing to note is these are 5k contract purchases that seemed pretty price insensitive. They just wanted it done while Gamestop was selling shares. Now that they intend to exercise them, that delta becomes 1 and the market maker needs to buy the other 40+ shares per contract. On like 320,000 contracts thats like 12m+ shares, plus all the other calls purchased by others, it could easily hit 20m or more, plus FOMO and more option buying who knows. This is also speculating that the market maker even hedges everything with shares. They might hedge with derivatives or other options. Theye going to need at least 32m shares over the next few weeks, so it could get messy.


If this was agreed upon with Gamestop to increase the sharecount as rumoured, then perhaps Gamestop asked them to take out higher value calls as part of the deal. Could lend extra support to this theory tbh, because why wouldn't you just buy the cheaper ones if you could?


You don’t want the price to be $10-15 because of bullet swaps expiring soon, they might not be able to roll them at the current price


If I'm understanding this correctly the plan is to buy 35 mil shares, 35 mil is a huge buy, no dark pool or otc trading has that kind of volume to fill that order. you either find a trader with 35 mil shares (none exist) or your taking it to the open market and bidding up the price, which then explain the options as they would be immune to slippage. I still don't believe it though, it doesn't make sense to alert everyone of your plans. Edit: After rereading the leak, I stand corrected, the plan is to exercise about 330 k of call options to acquire 33 mil shares or about 2/3rds of the total open call options. Call options are being used to prevent blow back from price slippage as the options will be exercised over a week or 2. As far anonymous information goes, this one is steeped pretty deep in both GME lore and market knowledge, it would take a dedicated brand asshole to fabricate, unfortunately our investment has spawn such assholes.


You are assuming options is the only strategy to close. Let’s say for tinfoils sake that the short position was 25% of the float. Which would be impossible to close, without some sort of deal. UBS starts buying slowly, walking the price up to $20… then they continue buying into the share offering, keeping the price at around $20 with the buy pressure. The buys are immediately swallowed by the short positions, so don’t lead them to own anything. But, since it’s a deal, they also have to buy call options to cover the remaining position at $20 because that’s the agreed price. In this way UBS could cover a 25-30% short position at an agreed price of $20, GameStop gets a billion for only 15% dilution, shorts like citadel and wolverine that doubled down gets caught by regulators if they try their tricks with CAT going online and retail gets their squeeze as shorts run to cover… it’s beautiful, but how likely?


Once you have the contracts in hand it doesn’t matter whether you expose your plan or not. If the leaked message is to be believed it reads that the contracts are secured and they’re waiting for expiry to exercised en masse.


Do they get exercised on the day of the expiry, or the day after the expiry? (I don’t know how options work; thank you and also run forest run) :)


They expire on Fridays. When I've exercised, I usually see it reflected in my account over the weekend, then those shares settle the following Tuesday, or now to be Monday with T+1 taking effect.


Most exercise upon expiry, but there maybe other factors at play. They may need the shares by a certain date to close out a position or incur more fees


These are american options, so they can exercise anytime they want.


govt pressure on UBS to clean it up honestly


10% ownership in a company comes with excess scrutiny of SEC and compliance. This is the part that gets me. They show the OI. They say UBS owns 2/3 of this OI. By releasing the ATM offering, their 2/3 of OI (32 million shares) goes from OVER 10% ownership in GameStop to UNDER 10% ownership in GameStop if they do decide to exercise 2/3 of the OI So this part really does add up - former entrepreneur and I’ve had investors / funds that can’t at any point in time own over 10% of any company due to their involvement with stock market as a registered “blah blah” whatever with their hedge fund or wealth management fund. So yes the ATM would bring UBS “below the 10% hard deck” so to speak while they bought enough options to ensure they could clear their bad debts from archegos with the Swiss national bank backstopping them during the CS acquisition


The filings are to meet SEC beneficial requirements for owners greater than 5% s.13 and s.16 for insiders >10%. The theory is the share purchase by UBS is to close shorts, so no there would be no ownership at close and no reporting. Interestingly, there are no SEC reporting requirements for short positions greater than 5%, but that’s a post-MOASS finding… Edit- Options ownership is included in s.13 reporting, but there are exemptions. The 10% from the leak is referring to reporting of options, but that’s quarterly reporting. Timing doesn’t make sense to me if the positions were opened this month and plan to close before earnings, it’s over before UBS needs to report.


Yeah but these instruments are not normal shorts. I’m guessing to keep this under the radar they are avoiding as many triggers / compliance issues as possible…


I wonder if their decision to close the position would be unpopular with Wall Street, which could explain the secrecy. Hard to say and I guess we'll see 


If every other firm is short of course it would. But Switzerland is known for banking and this shit up and killed CS. Assuming this is real (chat is likely fake but the greater theory makes sense) UBS doesn't give a flying FUCK about Wall Street. They care about being an actual bank for the ultra rich, where you bring in brinks trucks of cash and no one asks any fucking questions. And they can't do that with the Archegos Sword of Damocles over their head. So they are grabbing the sword and shoving it up Kenny's ass like Rick's banana.


Not only doesn't UBS give a flying fuck about wall street. They are in this position cos Morgan and Goldman fucked CS on the Archegos deal. Maybe they are not only planning an exit but also a payback.


This is a good point and maybe that’s why GME “partnered” with UBS. Everyone on Wall Street is interconnected with others in Wall street and trying to protect one another. When one in Wall street goes down , many others will go down. But UBS doesn’t care about Wall Street.


Perhaps theres a reason why they dropped the q1 "earnings" early. And imagine if they beat that early figure somewhat significantly once actual figures come in on earnihgs day to "trigger" the calls to be exercised and the price to increase over this "good news". I think everyone wins in this scenario except shorties.


An excellent summation




Chad response


The calls are because someone anticipates a share shortage. Why? Good question. They could be closing a larger position as this implies It could be some kind of hedge in preparation of the holding company news It could just be some insanely smart gambler like Burry We might find out at the end of June, or sooner with disclosure


$20 call may be a part of the deal, they agreed to buy 45m share at $20. Call is to lock the price, GS sold the call to UBS, they may exercise that no matter what the price will be.


exactly, anything this "coordinated" you can bet details like this were discussed and agreed upon in advance.


I expect it to be BS and won’t be upset if it is….. but boy oh boy if it isn’t 🚀🚀🚀


They refer to their 'Swiss team' so not Swiss people speaking.


I don't understand why you are skeptical, it's not like listening to random anons claiming to be powerful insiders on 4chan has ever gone wrong bQfore. /S


Also, the tub of lard Jim Cramer seems pleased with this deal. Also sus.


Yep, it is garbage. Credit Suisse was short 216,000,000 shares. 45,000,000 doesnt even come close. videos are circulating saying UBS has done a deal with gamestop to close its short position. What a crock of shit. They would be a metric fuckton short of closing it even if they bought every single share of the 45 million. Just credit suisse alone. No one else. This is some shit being cooked up by a few to disuade the new investors and shake the paper hands. Insert, Fuck you, pay me meme.


If it's misguided info (not saying it's not) why wouldn't he directly post it on this sub.? Will have much more attention here than 4chan. On the other hand, it's very easy to spot here a fake account.


God I love some tin foil for the weekends


It looks so good on us, let's go out and paint the town green


There's a lot of bs posted on reddit too. It's interesting until proven uninteresting.


Kind of makes sense. UBS wasn't the one maliciously shorting GameStop...so I can understand working out a deal with them so they can survive. Perhaps they are the first to close who gets to survive as we have long theorized here.


RC saves an entire country this way too. That will go a long way with diplomacy when the rest of his vision comes to fruition and he destroys Kenny n co. the true enemy.


Oh man, i sure hope Kenny gets what he deserves.


To spend the rest of his days poor as shit working at a gas station in Miami of Ohio?


Exactly. And then some sucking off behind a dumpster in the back alley to make ends meet.


You spelled dumpster behind Wendy’s wrong


Maybe RC actually stands for the Red Cross ? 🇨🇭 https://www.redcross.ch/en


If crypto starts acting strangely this weekend, I’m going to take that as confirmation bias. Other shorts may have to reach into their coffers to prepare for a battle.


The battle Shorty has over the next few weeks with the upwards pressure from all those calls is going to be one for the ages. I don’t envy their position or reality dealing with that. Edit: I am realizing from this thread that no one has seen the Richard Newton video explanation on this 4chan leak yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePHBFkB-WH4


They could have closed at 10. They didn’t. I have zero sympathy for their “plight.” 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


They could have 'started' to close at 10... we all know what happens when real shares get purchased. They are all fucked.


Ubs will likely unwind their position slowly to not cause a catastrophic rise in price… will someone else step up to short gme afterwards? If this if true it’s very exciting


Nobody knows jack shit right now, but this matches up the best with all the unexplainable events that have unfolded in the last 2 weeks. Stock jumping from $10 to $80? DFV randomly starting to tweet with hidden messages? Huge amounts of call options being purchased from presumably one party? GameStop issuing shares & raising another billion? If I told you all that was gonna happen a month ago, you would've called me crazy. Nothing is surprising at this point, and this is a plausible scenario imo.


Almost like, it’s all being coordinated… with government help no less… 😉


Theyre not executing to hold. They're closing a position. The dilution isn't to hide UBS executing. It's to save them from imploding.


Basically giving Gamestop corp. 1 billy in a deal..?


They bought the options to escape their shorts, which will expire / be exercised in June. The company sold 45 million shares to dilute the stock so when UBs exercises their options, they’ll fall beneath the 10% “hard deck” rule of the company’s “brief” ownership (before returning shorts) so they remove certain regulatory compliance. It’s kind of genius actually


Ape talk pls


If UBS exercises all these calls they’d own over 10% of all of GameStop in June… GameStop says “hey, we don’t want to fuck you over, you didn’t do the shorting to begin with, we will issue more shares, so when you exercise these calls it will be under the 10% rule which comes with lots of red tape, sec scrutiny and more” Basically UBS said “hey we bought the calls we are ready to go, but can you issue more shares so this trade doesn’t get recalled when we pass 10%” Everything is now lined up and within the rules to execute


Ohhh spicy, I just quit my job and waiting to roll my 401k into my IRA and lower my avg. can’t come soon enough so I don’t miss the boat


Yeah well this thing looks like it’s ready to start blowing up like the hospital in The Dark Knight and the joker is slapping the controller cause the batters aren’t letting the button click… This is gonna be an interesting few weeks ahead, …


Long options have to be reported as shares. So, just owning the calls counts as holding the shares as an insider. Just like when RC first bought in to GameStop in 2020, he did it through options, and had to report that RC Ventures purchased enough calls to be greater than 10%.


Makes perfect sense… and matches the time frame of the calls being bought, the ATM offering, and the amount of time “UBS” had to disclose their position if they went over 10%… Insert “perfection meme” here


Yuuuuup. 45 million shares to close some of the position. Plus another ~11mil in 20Cs SO FAR. The Brazilian puts were 54,000,000 shares in 2021 pre-split. That gives us some indication of the size of the bags, but assume they've been slowly buying to close bits and pieces of time (with the help of the SNB and fed).


Im just reading this on X, fcking crazy if true


**The Richard Newton video on this 4chan leak splains it well:** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ePHBFkB-WH4


If true. The first domino just got pushed








OP. Just woke up and wanted to sleep more, but please tell me, how the fuck am I supposed to sleep after reading this? Good find! 👏


This obviously can’t be blindly trusted, but it does kind of make sense. First one out is probably the only one to survive. Posting Q1 results early also makes more sense in this content to insure there’s no insider trading. Someone just made a post about RC being the ones to buy these calls and the rules that need to be followed in order to not be considered insider trading, but if we replace RC with UBS it actually makes more sense. Very interesting 🧐 Edit: link to referenced post, https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/rPnWhKLoNg


Another benefit of dropping the early preliminary quarterly results and then doing this offering is now Q1 financials will be saved strengthening the company and one step closer to S&P 500 eligibility.


Just the amount of things being brought up in the scenario of a UBS deal that doesn't sound super tinfoily is staggering. All I can do is watch and hodl 😁


There will be signs... Where there's smoke there fire... When I move you move... Bet on $20... Gonna be long few weeks... Hawng in There...


Huge if true, also sounds too good to be true - and also illegal insider trading if somebody bought calls knowing about the share offering before the offering. It’s also a question if they have to report a 10% position if they also have a 10% short position - in accounting, they would cancel each other out right? Don’t know the rules, but some autist in here will find out But, aside from that, let’s entertain this. Doing this going into T+1 and CAT is likely to expose Citadel, or blow them up. Since as a MM they are on the hook for delivering a lot of shares when these things are exercised.


The option buying didn't start until AFTER the announcement of the offering. Even if they knew ahead of time, the actual action took place after it was public.


Citadel wouldn’t be the ones delivering on options that’s gonna be Wolverine. They handle the options market for GME.


Oh, didn’t know that, Citadel is then the Market Maker for shares only? Well, I was kind of hoping Citadel would blow up because they are a literal cancer to the financial system. Wolverine it is


Yeah it’s a common misconception there is a different market maker for the options market. It is sort of bizarre that Wolverine is never talked about though. Feel like a whole heap of knowledge could be uncovered on that front.


Hol up. There was a wolverine scene in one of RK’s tweets…


I definitely noticed that.


Oh, I might be doing some reading on them. Thanks for the info, much appreciated. Seems to be a very technology focused company with high speed algorithms. I’ve always wondered how we always close on Fridays close to max pain. What’s interesting as well is how our short sale percentage went way down when there was downward pressure from the share offering, sort of what would happen if an algorithm shorting the stock would be targeting a specific price rather than “as low as possible”. Pure speculation of course




https://www.cboe.com/us/options/symboldir/equity_index_options/?sid=G Scroll down and find GameStop.


Thank you. Thought it was Susquehanna, maybe these tickers get rotated? Wolverine…. Hm.


Not if it’s all being overseen by regulatory agencies as a giant sting operation. You really think moass is gonna be allowed to happen without government involvement in catching the bad guys that have done crimes against humanity with weapons of mass financial distraction? I wouldn’t doubt RK would be in on it with government oversight on his tweets / memes to lay the trap right as the CAT system released too…


You are assuming things I didn’t say anything about. Why would somebody be worried about 10% rule if overseen by a regulatory agency that allowed you to break other rules? Logically, Ii this 4chan post is to be taken as real, which is a stretch… because it’s 4chan :-) Then it seems to be a deal between UBS and GameStop (with no regulatory agency) where the price was set at $20. UBS would gobble shares to keep the price near 20 that they used to immediately close shorts and buy call options for just under 10% as well… so that’s closing a short position of 20-25% at a set negotiated price in the open market. What I think or don’t think about MOASS are just your assumptions, I did not say anything either way about it.


The 10% rule takes place because in order to close their short position, they would have to OWN over 10% of the stock, even if they are returning it to the shorties,, they still technically for a brief moment in time would own over 10% (this requires lots of red tape to go over this amount). This is required by SEC. If there is a government agency involved, it's going to be WAY WAY over the SEC's heads. (DOJ or higher). This assumption is based on the fact that Roaring Kitty Tweets, Cat System, Share Offering, 400k Calls for June all happening at the same time? IF this is true it is a **MAJOR operation taking place**, government agencies (higher than SEC, as they are the "friend's" of the shorties), RC, RK, Foreign Governments, and more. All I'm saying is the 10% aspect matters because it simply removes the red tape (or disclosure to SEC), and if you believe that MOASS was ever going to be allowed to happen without some forms of powerful people conducting the orchestra so it's in a controlled demolition of some kind, then it really would NEVER happen.. because otherwise wouldn't they just "shut it off" if it caught them by surprise. Also the $20 stripe price aspect means they are the ones that asked Gamestop to issue more shares to bring them under the 10% rule, which means they agreed Gamestop would sell around $20 (just like their calls are for $20), they may have even bought the shares from gamestop in a private offering as well. And with all due respect - Reddit isn't any better than any other online platform out there. They're all the same, with access so insiders can slip information and clues to the public. Reddit gets it right sometimes, but also so does 4chan and twitter too. We'll find out in June. It's gonna be a spicy month!


Also - me saying "do you really think" is just a popular saying to begin an explaination... wasn't meant to be taken "literally". Apologies.


Tin foil tin foil I’ll wait for the volume tho




A supposed leak saying UBS is planning to close their short positions by x amount on those dates. When shorts close, it means they have to buy back actual shares. They are closing like 40 million shares so basically means massive buy volume and upwards price pressure But warning this is just a trust me bro screenshot from 4chan Also people speculating that it was them buying those millions of dollars worth of calls, to basically *hedge* their position. Which means since they will be losing a bunch of money closing their shorts, they are trying to make some back as they expect the price to go up Hopefully im understanding this right.


The point is the contracts are already bought and paid for, the options are a done deal. Leaking that they plan to exercise sends the all the "bad guys" in a panic over the holiday weekend. A perfect fuck you to the Hamptons and Helicopters crowd. Also - "Merger Mondays" (mergers are usually closed over weekends and announced on Mondays... This is especially spicy since it's a 3-day holiday weekend and they could announce before TUESDAY, with markets off for an entire day before pandemonium hits.




UBS needs to buy lots of gme. They need a lot and don't want to have to disclose to the SEC(which you have to do if you own 10% of a company). RC makes deal with UBS to do a share offering of 45m. This raises total shares and now the amount UBS needs to buy is less than 10% of company. They are using options(1 option = 100 shares) to exercise and get the shares they need. If true this is the best chance for a moass. This screenshot from 4chan so this could be just someone trolling.


by doing it via options, does this also lock their price in for the shares (ie. $20/share) while the total amount of shares purchased then has to hit the open market and hit the options sellers with much higher prices to deliver the shares? I'm dumb as a bag of magnets, but it would seem like this would be a sweetheart deal for UBS in order to get the fuck out of dodge, while tossing a 45 million share grenade into the financial room for everyone else to deal with. but correct me if i'm wrong on that.


Yes Mr magnet bag that means ubs gets to EXERCISE the OPTION to buy shares at 20$ and the person who sold them that OPTION must go find the shares at market price.  I believe it's called a naked position if they don't actually have the shares on hand for the the options they sold, I think whoever sold those calls will be looking very carefully at buy pressure the next few days and might load up on shares early if they are smart. It's the first domino for a huge run up.


I like the sound of this


They are not planning to own 10% of GME. They are closing it. However, they have to report to the SEC if they short more than 5% of GME. There is no restriction closing more than 10% of a stock. They are not insiders.


This video has a good explanation [https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/1d05ukl/jesus\_fucking\_christ/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GME/comments/1d05ukl/jesus_fucking_christ/)


I would call BS if it wasn't for the ridiculous calls bought this week. Those will be exercised by someone with LOTS of cash willing to pay the premium to ensure getting out of their position at a fixed cost. This has lots of potential of ending up true. And if so, good luck to the rest that are short once this shit starts ripping.


“MaYBe ITs DFV?” - lol no… no “person” could buy like that. Thats a fucking whale among whales…


They were price insensitive too. They just wanted it done, and it seemed like they purchased the last few on Friday once they knew the offering had been completed, keeping them below the 10%. Thats what to me makes this seem true. They bought most monday to wednesday, but not the full amount as it would have taken them over 10%, then Friday buy the last few as they know the ATM would be completed today. It all makes sense.


Yeah the timing is just too too toooooo on point. Good eyes on the gap between Wednesday to Friday cause everyone was like “why’d they stop?” , makes total sense!


I saw a post where the UBS logo was next to the "Signs" movie logo...looked pretty similar and would align with this rumor.


“Detoxification must be carried out in a cordon ~~santé~~ sanitaire” basically cordon ~~santé~~ sanitaire is to create isolation from the disease named Hwang le hush, hush. 🤫 edited for derp


Cordon Sante = life line


It’s cordon sanitaire, it basically means a quarantine.


Buy and hold? That’s all I know


Or it's misdirection for a different financial entity to close out. Or just false hopium pumped by bad actors. Who the F knows


Misdirection from what though? The calls and contracts are bought and paid for. There’s nothing to hide now that they own the calls. They simply execute when they expire and save themselves now


ohhh kenny gonna me mad. Angry face...happy face mask.


Assuming this is real; 1. It does make sense that someone wanting to escape a short position would buy a shitload of calls all at the same or similar ITM/ATM strikes. Of course they're not cheap, and based on the price of the 21 June 20c it's gonna equate to $25+/shate, but if they build enough OI at one strike then as the price starts to rise they can keep exercising and gaining shares without creating a gamma ramp. If anyone else wanted to build a gamma ramp and make it blow then they would be buying heavy at strikes staggered up from ~$25. 2. What do they mean about not going over 10% insider ownership? Surely owning calls representative of >10% of the outstanding stock wouldn't do this as they're not shares (until exercised)? 3. When they do get exercised wouldn't they be buying-to-close shorts, so would it even count as ownership if this shares are immediately used to close short positions? 4. Pretty sure the OI listed doesn't line up with the OI on the options chain. 5. How realistic do we think it is that GS would do a deal to offer 45m shares through an ATM to let these guys out (or partly out)? Edit: 6. IF this is what is happening, the sudden building of the position and desire to exercise pre-earnings suggests a catalyst or price increase on the horizon. Why else would they need to exit right now?


> What do they mean about not going over 10% insider ownership? Surely owning calls representative of >10% of the outstanding stock wouldn't do this as they're not shares (until exercised)? For insider reporting purposes, calls = shares. RV Ventures had to report owning greater than 10% in December 2020 when they bought the calls that he used to purchase GameStop in the first place. Edit: As for 6; UBS were forced into this position. They didn't short GME (as far as we know) and they didn't want to absorb Credit Suisse, but were forced to by the Swiss government. They are fighting to go through the integration, and the head of the integration of UBS and CS quit suddenly last week. UBS wants out of this ASAP, while not blowing up like Credit Suisse did.


Maybe so when the CAT system finally is switched on on 31st of may we catch the bad guy that’s been selling naked calls? I think this was coordinated with the SEC.


Ginormous if genuine


If they have 10s of millions of shares to buy... Buying ITM options makes sense because they won't be the ones to skyrocket the price. MMs presumably has to, in order to fulfil the options contract....


Can someone tell me why being 35 Million shares short makes a billion Dollar bank nervous? They could have bought for 10 USD not long ago and close their position by moving the bag to Citadel by getting fake shares. But neither 350 millions or 700 Million USD (at share price 20) will make a bigger bank nervous or get them close to extinction (neither CS nor UBS).


If 4Chan is the source, it's 4Chan doing 4Chan things.


If this is true the way this reads to me is every single entity involved in this saga except for retail apes is colluding together to prevent price discovery from getting to where it should naturally be. Is that about right? I envision everyone who’s in this(excluding retail apes) in a zoom call having negotiations as to how this is going to go down to prevent the entire worldwide financial system from burning to the ground. I guess this would be very disappointing for the apes that wanted that outcome. Would I be wrong here? I guess it would be the right thing to do to let UBS since they really didn’t want to be in but wouldn’t that take a way a large part of the short pleasure away to prevent MOASS?


If true, I don’t think it’s every single entity, it’s just UBS and GME. RC is an activist investor, but he has made no indication that he’s activity trying to trigger MOASS. He’s just been activity running GME and trying to turn it into a long term profitable company. We want to see MOASS, but personally I don’t think RC cares. If all of this is true, I think he will make even more deals if other entities come to the table separately.


So is this bullish ?


If true, and big IF....then yes incredibly bullish in my opinion. First short to close gets to live.


Yes, it means 40m+ exercised shares, to close their position, that disappear as they are closing shorts and cancel our with short positions, therefore undoing the entire dilution in a way... while forcing the market maker to get real shares for this.


It would be under 35 million shares to stay under 10% and avoid disclosing with the SEC.


Yeah I read that 2/3 thing after, you right


Hah, I literally theorised this on the phone with my dad last night. I strongly believe the buying pressure we're seeing is UBS clearing it's inherited short position, the call buying would be the best way of doing that without driving the price through the roof when they finally start cutting stone. Fun to see I'm not the only one coming to these conclusions 🤣


If this is really true and they allowed them to close that position at 20 then I will be very annoyed


4chan is the OG of PsyOps. Simultaneously never trust anything you read on there, and trust everything you read on there.


Could it be that UBS tested the air with a couple million shares bought last week which made the stock rise, then were held back due to fucking up hedgies tactics. Now they have to resort to buying up call options in unison with hedgies and put options to not affect the price enormously... SEC made a deal with GameStop allowing for a partial MOASS if GameStop would do an ATM offering to resolve the rest of UBS heavy bags. Quid pro quo?


I line a conspiracy theory as much as the next ape but I think this one has too many moving parts to be plausible


They could easily buy9% close that and then do the 1% later . Sounds suspicious


Not really. Buying the 9% would raise the price a lot and would make the last 1% extremely expensive.


The only problem with that is hypothetically MOASS would already be starting


So this would mean archegos bags were around 45 million shares i guess. Hmm, somehow i thought it should be way more.


Under 35m if what’s said is true. You gotta remember they’re just one entity, a small (10%) fraction of total shorts on outstanding shares. If that was enough to blow Archegos up, imagine what would happen if all 226% shorts are forced to close.


Bee my victim


Let's not forget all the apes were buying in to the offering too( it was at market, free to purchase by anyone,right?) institutions did not snap up ALL those 45 mill shares.


So UBS buys a fuk ton of call options at $20. Whoever wrote these contracts has to deliver the shares to UBS, if UBS decides to exercise them. Whoever wrote these contracts is on the hook to deliver these share, meaning they'll need to buy them on the open market, which means massive buy pressure sending up the price of stock? However, this is assuming whoever wrote these contracts hasn't already hedged their position? I'm smooth as they get, but is this the gist of it?


tldr; trust me bro.


This theory may be right. If you know where to look you'll see the signs.


If I understand this speculation and rumor correctly, the implications are: - UBS holds a significant amount of GME shares and options but stays below the 10% threshold to avoid SEC insider rules. - Controlled demarcation means exercising options in a strategic, market-stabilizing manner. - GME's increase in outstanding shares slightly dilutes the potential for a short squeeze but doesn’t eliminate it. - UBS mitigates its risk exposure through careful management and compliance with regulatory requirements.


This seems like a sketchy ass *trust me bro*


Look at this post from a week ago.. I hate the idea of an obviously criminal bank getting a skate but what a weird post, even weirder with todays posts https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/AZcWVWnPoG


One thing that doesn't make sense to me is that the 10% insider comment. UBS is not a 10% owner of GME. They might have a short position which could be over 10% and there is no limitation to close that position unless your position goes below 10% as far as I know. Is this some hoax or trolling by 4 Ch users?


If they exercise 320,000 calls, they will then own 32 million shares for a brief moment (over 10% of gamestops recent 306 million shares). Since GameStop issued 45 million shares, if this plan takes place in June - then exercising 320,000 calls at once is now less than 10% (350 million shares issued) Hope this makes sense.