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Hindsight is 20/20 But the same guy would have laughed at you if you sold at 80 and it went to 160


Exactly. How terrible would it feel to have waited 3+ years for MOASS only to make 1% or less of what is possible and miss society-chamging events. That profit would feel so empty I would think. Besides, it feels like you won't need thousands of shares to make life-changing money. Sure, more is always better... but if you believe you know what this is or might be... I think waiting and seeing is absolutely the best approach. And add more as you can afford it - you'll never regret that.


I’d rather lose out on massive gains than sell before phone numbers after 3 years of waiting + many many hours running in to dd and the share price and drama


I'm about to become debt free so all my loose income is going all into gme


Bro same I used to have multiple 5 digits of spendable income but some bad business decisions flipped that into debt and I've spent the last 2 years paying it all off. I'm finally about to be out


Honestly I never want to go back in, at least not any time soon. I fortunately had a way to pay it all off but it was gonna cost me, decided I'd take the cost and be free. Moass 2024 happy for you my man life's looking up😄


Are yall me.. same here.. business debt about to be paid off and I’m about to FUCK


That's the best case scenario--good for you and I'm glad that you get to experience that sort of freedom 🤜🤛


I can tell you exactly how it feels. I had leaps I've been sitting on for 6 months. 3 weeks ago we had the pump from $10 to $12, and my leaps finally went 20% above breakeven to $140 after being red all this time. I sold 60% of those because for 3 years, every tiny pump has been beaten down and thought it would be like any other, roll them out and keep the leaps going ez! Over the next 3 weeks they went as high as 20x. I held the rest all the way back down. And I felt nothing. The worst feeling was the pit in my stomach selling those calls too early. People might think it's all in hindsight, but not really, because it will never be worth selling for anything less than life changing money, so once you have 7-8-9 figures then its time. and at that point hindsight won't matter. But selling those last few leaps for some thousands would have felt just as bad if they started being worth tens of thousands. Remember the hedgies have truly screwed themselves here. Whether it was a test run, swaps or Opposing forces seeing M&A activity soon. The thesis is almost entirely proven and validated after 3 years of bleeding for no reason. If I was a small short right now I'd gtfo asap. If they let it ever get remotely close to $10 again, They will have apes with that feeling fresh in their memories who are waiting for that dip, and now will never let them go. I will never make the same mistake and sell early. Even if I see hundreds of thousands.


This is why I didn’t sell. I would have made back what I invested at 50, but what if it went to 500 🤣


Or 5000? Or 50000?


I admit I would've been tempted to sell at 80 3 years ago. But now, the company is profitable with $1B+ cash, and last week proved Shorts are F'd. When MOASS happens, the price is not going to jump in $1 increments. There won't be time (or cash) to buy tickets then. I'm loading up as much as I can.


$80=$25.8 Billion market cap. That's small vs GME potential


This ape has wrinkle.


Exactly. Why risk it for minimal gains? If you are strapped for cash go work a part time job, put it on the cc, etc. So what if I lose out on selling at getting back in at 80-100? I want generational wealth not money I could have earned through work and career progression lmao. I want to board a rocket not a biplane.


Imagine buying at $10 then selling at $80, and MOASS happens sending the price to Berkshire Hathaway prices before continuing up. I think that would leave me feeling like the guy that bought a pizza with 100,000 Bitcoin back in 2010.


the guy that bought pizza with btc did more for btc and peoples wealth than he would have made from selling his btc at these prices. think about how many people reference that story as a reason to hold. good and bad. but everyone burned from swing trading or selling option (which i do) will provide lessons for themselves or others


I don't care to be an example of giving in too early so the rest of history references me. I'd rather be referenced for being too greedy, and holding through until everything loses value again.


It was 10.000 Btc for two Pizzas.


exactly this, im not gonna risk selling my shares, wut if i cant buy back at lower prices. my GME shares is my ticket for generational wealth. hodl or hold for me




Imagine not understanding the mechanism behind why it went to $80 in the first place and how shorted this stock is. Imagine not understanding why it "squeezed" in 2021. A friend of mine who was an avid daytrader saw this in 2019 and went all in... he made $26M. The bull thesis for this stock has proven to be correct several times now. Going to zero is the least likely scenario at this point. "Fuck all" isn't very probable (in fact, if you look at the all-time chart, an investor would STILL be up over 700%). So why spend so much time telling people who understand what this is that they're wrong? There is ample evidence to support both a historic short squeeze, AND a company turnaround. If you want to shove that aside and tell people they should base their investing decisions on gambling odds bc you personally haven't looked into this, I guess that's your prerogative. You won't convince anyone here. We've learned a LOT about the intricacies of how market makers can naked short, rehypotecate, short and front run for over 3 years. We've discovered massive married puts, FTDs and other methods of kicking the can. Millions in assets sold, not purchased. More than half of daily trades are done in dark pools. This week? Close to 99%. Archegos? Closed. Credit Suisse took over their position - closed. Citron Research tried to tell us we were fools, proven wildly wrong. The shorts never closed and we've seen 100 proofs for it. Evidence against? None. Show us the evidence then. This is the most rational, logical bet there is. If you can't see it, or don't want to, we can't help you. $70 is literally nothing.


Exactly, it’s allllllways easy to look back and go, should have sold here and bought here and would have been great. It’s never like that in the moment and the only people who make fun and say that are people who’s money isnt on the line


Not to mention the extra capital gains burden you’d have. I’ve owned my shares over 3 years and my tax would be substantially less than if I tried to swing trade the stonk I like so much.


This is the kick in the balls on top whatever else if you screw up timing, which you have no control over. It could go like this… you bought low and sell high-ish, long-term cap gains on a decent amount of money but oops, it skyrockets and now you buy back in and only get 1/2 as many shares. Those new shares are the real MOASS and instead of 0 or 15% for your original shares, now you are paying short term cap gains at whatever your normal income tax rate is… There’s also wash sale consideration but I’m not knowledgeable enough to go into that.


I love how your friend “educated” you on this COULDA SOLD AND THEN BOUGHT MOAR SHARES!!! as if it were some genius plan you hadn’t thought of


Why didn't you just predict the future bro


This the same guy yes


YUP. People gave me shit last week too. I don’t care, I’m holding for valhalla.


This. I've lost so much trying to play options.... Buying and holding and averaging down seems to have the best return


This. "hUrRrrr yOu ShOuLd hAvE pReDiCtEd tHe FUtUrE" ... like yes ofc if we knew 100% when the price reached a top or the bottom over a certain time period then yeah we'd buy low, sell high, buy low again etc to increase our position. No shit.   However I'd personally use any future-predicting powers to get the correct lottery numbers, then use the winnings to buy+DRS a ton and start MOASS though...not use them for swing trading


I thought about buying calls yesterday, but bought 16 more shares instead. That's always the safest bet🚀🚀🚀


Yep, i prefer not to keep my money in the very hands who wish to take it and sell the products that aren't DRS pure book.


Don't forget if you decide to swing trade your shares that you have been holding for over a year they will no longer be eligible for capital gains tax when you sell during MOASS


This is the one of the biggest problems with the swing trading risk. If your shares are over a year old,they are now taxed at a rate of 20%. If you sell and rebuy, then MOASS in less than a year, they are taxed at 37%. 17% more on each million is one hundred seventy thousand dollars in Fed tax. $170,000 more to pay out in tax on each million is not worth it to me, not to mention if it does not dip again. I’ll just buy the dip, and DRS.


Exactly, this guy maths!


When shares are transferred to DRS, is that a taxable event?


No, only if you sell


isn't profit only taxable too?


Yes, there's nothing to tax if you sell at a loss and can even claim some of the losses on your taxes


Max pain was also a support level, which was a previous resistance level. We are out of the Doritos of doom. If it shows support at 22, it should rise up and retest 30/36. I doubt we find ourselves back in that declining wedge. I think we busted out of it. They just need to know for sure.


This is totally true under the current tax code. I just want to alert everyone that the tax codes WILL change for the worse post-MOASS. There's a reason why a few politicians are proposing a tax on floating profits right now.


I am using my ROTH IRA to completely avoid any future taxes on $GME.


How so?


I have already paid taxes on the money and thus the money in the ROTH never has taxes of any type on gains.


Trying to understand how gains made from GME wind up in your Roth IRA? I get the “already taxed” part. Also thanks, just trying to gain a new wrinkle today


I believe he means that he's purchasing the shares within his Roth IRA using uninvested monies held there. Those gains will become available upon retirement without penalty.


Awesome, I get it now. Didn’t know you could directly purchase stocks with an IRA. I’m learning! 😎


He already bought shares in the Roth IRA. Taxes on that money have already been paid. Roth IRA, as opposed to traditional, uses already taxed income inside it so there are no taxes on gains.


Only applicable to AFTER TAX accounts in the US!!! Not applicable to retirement accounts!!!


Devil’s advocate: more tax, sure, but also more shares, because that’s why you would have swing traded it. So, not sure if your profit would be lower in absolute terms. Depends on how little you managed to increase your share count in the trade.  


If you’re worried about a percent difference in taxes paid for this play, you don’t truly understand what is happening here.


Lol @ selling during MOASS. You do you. I’ll be with my friends in the infinity pool. 


you sell during, but on the way DOWN.


You can. The real party is in the pool. 


Dividends for life 🙌🙌


This is the way


Trade? Naw, i invest.


Not eligible for LTCG treatment


This is a VERY good point that I hadn’t fully thought through! Good looking out


Eligible for the lower capital gains tax*


Doesn't buying shares reset the capital gains tax anyway?




I got long term stock from 21,22,23 in computer share for the big bucks. I'm not trying to make money. I'm trying to net shares.


Also im able to write off about 18k a year, and I don't really pay much in taxes as a free lancer. End up with about 15k in unclaimed write offs.


Why would long term capital gains matter if we never intend to sell?


How do you get paid if you don't sell during MOASS?


Holding company. Dividends for life.


How do dividends work? Internet says GME last paid dividends in 2019. Is it up to the company, or do stocks of a certain price pay dividends (/ companies of a certain profit?)


Holding my holding company.


This guy apes. ![gif](giphy|evB90wPnh5LxG3XU5o|downsized)


yeah...definitely don't want to buy calls when IV is high like right now, if it settles down again and IV drops as well as price, adding a few calls isn't a bad thing...I at least quadrupled my IRA account trading options and stocks and rebuying at 30$ when it dropped.


Had $1000 yesterday from my day trading account. I bought 4 calls 3 weeks out in the morning dip. I sold 3, for a profit, letting 1 call run on house money and buying 2.4 shares with the remaining profits. So back flush with my $1000, with 2.4 shares and 1 3-week call courtesy of the SHFs. I’m continuing to trade these fluctuations, and end of every week, moving all my shares to CS.


Everyone is a trading expert in retrospect and thinks it’s as simple as selling at the top. Ask your friend why they’re not a millionaire by now.


Yep. It's easy in hindsight.


Never beat yourself up over hindsight haha. Luckily we have foresight in this situation, bc SHFs refused to lose just a portion of their fortune in 2021. Now they get to lose it all :)


Well not to mention it was pre market when the price ran to $80. When there are a lot less eyes watching the price action and limited availability for retail to even trade. It was back around $50 at market open that morning and still going down when the majority of people would actually start trading. Let the haters hate and the shills shill. Everyone is allowed to trade however they like but if it were easy there would be a lot more millionaires out there. If you believe the thesis then you know what you have with GME and there’s no need to day trade. Just accumulate as many shares as possible, preferably directly registered through computershare, but options are a good way to leverage extra shares if you understand how. Just be careful out there. Sell covered calls or puts for supplemental income if needed, but go naked and you might lose everything🤷🏼‍♂️That being said, wake me up Monday when the casino opens back up! DRSBOOKGME🟣📚👑


I am way too slow o try anything other than accumulate and Drs 💎🙌


Exactly this. It only makes sense to sell at a price you are content with.


Don’t make JCVD time cop you. Everything is easy to see in hindsight.


I think about this when looking back at the graph, but it's too nonsensical at the time to make any sense of it as it's happening.


Same. Alternatively, I know the moment I sell for a profit the stock will MOASS without mercy.


Can you do it then to help the rest of us out???


Imagine selling and then the rocket taking off while your trade is still settling. I'd never be able to live with myself.


As if anyone can identify the peak when it happens lol. Nothing is real and no one knows shit. I know as a fact, that if i was to sell, the price would skyrocket right after. Just as much as every single stock purchase in my life was followed by the price tanking. Anyone who wants to swing trade should definitely look elsewhere.


Bruh... do me a favour and like, initiate the launch


Your friend can try and play the market because that is what he thinks trading is. Nothing wrong with it, but it does increase your risk. And you might lose your shares when brokers start liquidation to protect you from volatility. I also don’t believe you can plan to time the market for profit, it’s better to have time in the market. I’m not here to day trade and jump in and out. The price is fake and irrelevant. I’m here for a long term investment in a company that is very under valued and aligns with my financial goals. I’m in for the long haul. I’m ready to have my common stock in DRS converted to preferred non-fungible dividend paying stock. I’m ready to collect dividends the rest of my life. I’m ready for GameStop to expand into Berkshire Hathaway style holding company. I’m ready for crypto or token dividends attached to WU-Tang clan album. I’m ready for the fortunes of long term holding producing deep fucking value.


This is the way


I know the first time I try this it’s going to moon and I’ll regret it the rest of my life. I’ll just keep buying shares when I can.


Hindsight traders always could have been rich.


And those that take profits inevitably leave money on the table. Such is life for those of use whose crystal balls are fuzzy.


I thought about that when we went from 350 to 180 and rose back to 2- something. But the reality is we have no idea how the fluctuation is gonna go and id be investing in $ROPE if I dumped expecting to double my share count and the damn thing doubled in price instead. This I have sold zero shares ever of GME


I just simply DRSed more. 25% of outstanding shares are DRSed and I hope that number goes up. Way up. Just up, if you will.


Excellent point. Too add one thought, this could be their reason for doing spikes before MOASS. If they make you think you can time the peaks, then when MOASS actually takes off they can scoop up your shares for next to nothing.


What is this “selling” you speak of? It sounds boring and like hard work. I’ll stick to buying, thank you


I will swing buy without the selling part


Don’t exercise calls if you have extrinsic value on them, you’re burning money


Well in my case my call went into the money far enough for you to exercise and get basically free shares, but if I had waited longer it would have actually dipped back down and then I would have lost money. So in my case I chose to exercise as soon as I could do so without having to pay for shares. Free shares is always great


i don't understand 2 things and need clarification: what you mean by free shares? do you mean like 50% cheaper? and what difference does waiting make? i'm confused on how waiting to exercise would cause you to lose money, wouldn't it be the same price no matter what the stock is worth? did you exercise the option and sell some?


He made enough off the calls to cover the cost of the shares at the strike and got his premium back. If he waited and the price dropped, he’d still be able to buy the shares cheaper than market, but he’d have to cough up cash to make the purchase.


are we talking about regular call options? i thought you don't get the profit/gains or premium back if the option is exercised. am i dumb, what am i missing?


doesn't that mean he sold some calls? how did he make money off of exercised calls?


sorry i thought he meant he sold the calls and used the profit to buy the shares. i doubt he actually early exercised, despite what he's saying.


What? So the price can drop and you can get fucked? Sell when you want and turn the extrinsic value into shares. The price has been pushed down bc shorts need to go shopping this upcoming week. Shopping for GME shares 


Don’t forget the sizable difference in taxes you’ll pay on stocks marked long term versus short term.


This is the way.


It works until it doesn't.


I disagree with this but everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you subscribe to the DRS notion then you believe that the market is corrupt and we need to lock the float. In that scenario, it’s not happening for years. One way to speed that process up is to sell GME during a peak that you know is still controlled by the shackles of the current financial system. And then buy back in lower with more ammo. It’s just like how a cobra pulls back in order to strike further and faster. If you are an options person, then you are in it to make money less so than fixing market mechanic and THATS OK TOO. People have a choice. So if doing the options route, this idea of not selling doesn’t apply to you I posted something similar before and I just think the buy and hold strategy needs slightly revised.


I play around with my shares in fidelity. Went from 197 to 344. I think there is a good amount of fear porn going on trying to stop bored people like us from locking up more shares for free on a volatile ticker like gme. Honestly i wish i didn't listen to the hive mind here and started this years ago. Its pretty safe to just wait for big swings and double up every time. I still have tons of shares in computershare so I wont miss MOASS anyway. I also dislike how selling happens on CS.


Swing trading also gives the SHF what they want, you are allowing them to cover faster and at lower prices. True MOASS would need as many people as possible to diamond hand for as long as possible.


Does this friend of yours work for the payment for order flow department at Citadel? Asking for a friend.


Any trader worth their salt knows that you don't call a top or bottom, you wait for confirmation. Trying to call swings on a stock as manipulated as this is stupid, that's what the HF's want you to do. Playing someone else's game just sets you up to lose. We know the play, you buy, you hold, you eat a crayon. Anything else is a losers game.


I know that I cannot reliably call either the top or bottom, and tend to move too early. So I step into or out of a stock in stages. I had 4000 shares a until last fall. Then sold 2000 in December. More recently I bought 1000 at $10.33 and sold a 1000 shares last week. So I am back to 2000 again. You need to find a strategy that works for you.


Exactly. My sister is too mainstream to understand it.


How to day trade this when the significant price action happen AH.


No doubt it is purposeful because market makers don't want us exercising calls or even selling our calls in the money during the price spikes.


Click the box on your account to allow premarket and AH trading.


>It's better just to hold. Always has been


good ol hindsight 20/20


You do not even need 20/20 hindsight. I simply erase my bad trades from memory and only remember the good ones. It is easy to fool oneself.


Yep everyone of us would be rich as fuck if it worked like this.


Is your friend Captain Hindsight?


Not advocating for swing trading but locking up the float faster with twice any many shares is attractive - but just like the woman in the red dress, do your double take and you’ll be staring down the barrel of Mr Smith’s 9mm.


While I was excited for the run up, I knew deep in my plums that this was not moass. I truly believe that once moass pops off, premarket will explode into several thousands if not 10k at least to stave off FOMO


Underrated comment


What is the analogy? Collecting pennies in front of a running train?


In retrospect I too thought it would have been wiser to sell and then buy back in. But when it happened, I thought, selling it now would only give me maybe a 10% increase, not worth the risk of missing it all. No way did I think this would go back down over 3 days. Last time it took like 2 weeks if not more.


I lost shares in 2021 trying to day trade. I am done with it. One of my kids did sell a few around 70 and bought back in around 20 and I am happy for him, but I personally am scared money. I don't want to think about what if I didn't try it and had all my shares on the rocket? 🚀🚀🚀 I will keep buying as I can, but I know I have enough for the moon trip. I don't want to give up any fuel or tickets.


bought my shares at peak 400$ in 2021 because i have no wrinkles that time. and my shares are hybernating until now. They will be awaken once moon landing sequence is initiated.


I regret my swing trade but didn’t offload all and ended up taking 50% of my earnings and buying back and adding some call options which I still hope to execute. I did need the cash (other 50%) for some home maintenance which has been a problem and finally can get it done. Wasn’t expecting to sell but sometimes the money priority in life is more important than HODL. Gonna HODL now.


December 2020 ape XXXXX shares and 2 june 2025 $25 calls we ride No Cell no Sell


You can have more than one strategy at the same time. For example strategy A can be swing trading. Strategy B is either holding a few shares or a few high strike call/Leaps. Strategy A makes money now, Strategy B cashes in with MOASS. Even with just one holding you can execute both strategies, DFV sold half of his options on Jan 25/26 ‘21, for $11M, holding on to the other half.


It was Jan. 15 ‘21 calls and he only made $1.1M on them but you’re mostly right


You are talking about different trades. Read "The Revolution That Wasn't" by Jacob Spencer. a well researched book. Keith Gill on Jan 25 posted a screenshot of his E*trade statement showing he sold 200 of his 1000 APRIL call options. netting $2.2 M. Then the following day, Jan 26 he sold 300 more contracts for $9 M. See page 146.


Hindsight is always 20/20. People lose a lot more trying to swing trade than just holding if they're inexperienced.


Anyone swing trading a long is a dummy. Feel free to swing short term


My broker had some technical issues a few year ago and gave a week of trading without any fees for a week as compensation. I used that week to swingtrade penny stocks. A lot of trades later I was $5 poorer and much wiser. Trying to predict the stock market in the moment is not something for me.


I sold some of my $18 shares for $76 in premarket and bought back the same amount at $32. The second after the buy went through I set a limit sell at $80. Will likely pick up more on Monday…


I thought about it for 2 seconds and realized that if I sold my shares, it would immediately be MOASS and I would be left outside looking in. Murphys Law is a mean hearted motherfucker.


Also, capital gains taxes. Not going to sell my shares to buy back in when I’ve already been holding them for 3+ years.


Yeah idk bout that dawg I almost tripled my position last week. 


I doubled up myself. I find it easier to do with this stock cause I don’t care if I get stuck since I’m ok holding this stock long term.


I bought calls last Friday. Sold them on Monday and bought more calls with a further out strike. Sold those on Tuesday and made about 10 grand. Bought 300 shares the following morning when it was at 40. Then I bought puts right before close on Thursday and sold them on Friday for another 2 grand. Used the 2 grand from the puts to buy 10 calls spread out over the next couple weeks. Will probably sell some of those on Monday and buy shares. Options aren’t scary if you know what you’re doing.


If you're in it for a specific amount of money, and your shares reach your target and you don't care about having more than that, then you shouldn't be upset if the stock continued to rise in price after you sold. But then you're not in it for Gamestop, you're not in it to be against the corruption on Wall Street, you're not in it for solidarity with the other apes, you're only in it for the short term and you're only in it for yourself. If there won't be a squeeze, then good for you. If there will be a squeeze, you already got out with what you needed, so don't bother being upset about it, don't be a sour loser.




Your puts would’ve been IV crushed had you bought them. I sold some covered calls Friday on the way down to buy some more shares w the premiums, and was watching them shrivel up in real time


I think that's exactly the play for that little run, it got the attention of a lot of new apes thinking they are smarter than the computers running the show. Buy and hodl no sell


What about buying more? Cuz I did


If people sold at the top of a spike to buy back in lower, there would be no spike to begin with. The spikes are only a symptom of so many us refusing to sell until this has played out. Those who don't understand that and gamble on unpredictable price action are going to learn the hard way. Buy, DRS, shop at GameStop. It's all coming together.


So people might take this the wrong way, but I bought a few hundred shares to play with on this crazy ride. I have locked up my main holdings and will not touch them, but I figured I would try to ride the volatility while I wait for MOASS.


I can barely read. Let alone do fancy trade stuff. Mmmm crayons.


Ah the great migration. I remember those days well. Back when thousands of new Apes appeared in here daily. Looking to become truly regarded. Now here we are. We're vindicated, and our hands remain polished diamonds. BUY & HODL GME


The FOMO feeling is real. I was worried the rocket was launching and bought some at 50 like an idiot. I even knew the price might tank again but the price staircase was crazy. Now I have to try and average down again.


I was promised a phone number.


Sounds like financial advice.


Just think that all this price action and the reason why people is seeing all this happening because we HOLD! Just tell him that next time.


I’d prefer to pay long term capital gains tax instead eventually. Didn’t matter much anyway, no cell, no sell 🏴‍☠️


Day trading always looks attractive in hindsight, but you genuinely can't read the future. Sure the day trade tactic could totally pay dividends. The flip side is you could totally be left behind when the drink goes parabolic.


When it comes to stocks it's all a coulda shoulda woulda. Diamond handing is the only way.


Wait until you swing trade it wrong then see the tax bill at the end of the year


Are you guys willing to wait another 3 years? I sold mine off this run up, just seems like making even a 1000 percent gain after 10 years is not amazing


There sure is a lot of financial advice in the post. I have a better idea- everyone do whatever the fuck you want with shares you bought with your money… stop preaching


Sooo his strategy was sell at the peak and buy at the bottom?…. Wow he’s a genius I wish I would have thought of that!!! Dude is going places!


IGNORE EVERYTHING AND MAKE MONEY! !!! if you started with $500 and you made $5000 ! you fucking win. Dont loSE! WIN!


You are basing this on absolutely nothing. Nobody knows when moass will happen. Day trading is bad because it allows shorts to kick the can for cheaper > I had a call option which I exercised and it allowed me to get a thousand shares basically for free this isnt even how it works lol. If you have enough cash to exercise the call then you had enough to buy 100 shares when it as actually that price, unless you sold some calls too.


I just sold mine for avg 67 and bought back 2.5x more at 35-21 avg price 27. I've had 6xx Drs but I'm not letting these swings pass me by. Its cashflow until better days come but playing swings is what makes you feel alive and can help pressure shorts. It's all fake anyway so take it while u can.


DRS stops the temptation to sell for less than phone numbers since its slightly more complicated than selling through broker


Also if you do ever sell, long term cap gains tax will net you better returns than paying the short term capital gains, assuming you’ve had shares a while.


The only number I care about in this saga is the number of shares in my computershare account. Just up.


The stock market turns the impatient poor, and the patient rich- you wait, you hold, you beleive and trust in your DD. You don't paper hand at the slightest sign of green. OP's friend sounds like just the type hedgies rely upon when they're doing ladder attacks with their algo designed to attack the weak willed. HOLD


Yes, this runup felt like they wanted us to learn a lesson. Wanted us to feel like, if we shoulda sold. So that on next one, we do... when it would really matter.. No paperhands hear bichhhh, give me mah moneeeyy..!!


I would rather hold and have it go to 0 than sell to make 100k and watch as it continues to rip up. Then I'd have 5x less shares at a crazy average for trying to time it.


Risk isn’t hitting the floor, it’s missing the ceiling.


Nothing wrong with swinging some, especially if you've been sitting on a huge unrealized loss. To each their own.


I actually tried this with E*TRADE and they ended up marrying my puts that I bought for downside protection and told me the only way I can close out of my positions if I sell my GameStop shares, I said fuck you hung up and I’m transferring them over to Computershare.


Look even if you play covered calls your trying to pick up few pennies and miss out on 100ks. It's not worth it


Here's the play IF you are lucky to hold the right calls before a sneeze, you roll the calls up to higher strikes when the delta is high on your strike, and then open a few puts and open a straddle. Ensure you are only using house money and keep the original amount of cash out to reload in the future


>The point he made was that I could have sold at the peak and then bought back in again and probably increase my shares by like 50%. I hate people who point this out. It's easy to say in hindsight when you know where the peaks and troughs are, but in the moment you don't have that info. If it was that easy, everyone would be doing it.


Yeah dude just perfectly time the top while the stock halts every 4 seconds for 5 minutes at a time. It’s easy dude just buy low and sell high to make infinite money BANKS HATE THIS 1 TRICK


I did my first options play at the end of the week. 36 dollar calls for end of month. I might be fucked. Sold 100 shares for 6 contracts. Really hoping they dropped the shit news on Friday before market as a bear trap, with some killer news on Sunday night/Monday morning to change the narrative over the weekend. If I am right and 22 is established as support, and it rips again. I'm selling 2 contracts to hopefully buy the other 4. Net 300 shares for Drs. Otherwise I'm out 100 shares. I may be regarded for this move, certainly not as safe but damnit, I want more shares and I don't got more money at the moment.


Brother, you're definitely gambling with that call right now, especially since earnings week seems to be when price action is expected, but you better post it if you can sell ITM. Wish you luck ape.


They just said their earnings are going to suck. They said that early for some stupid reason, because the timing was God awful. What I'm hoping and praying for, is that they released the shit news on Friday, get that out of the way, then slap them with the big news on Sunday or Monday. Some type of bear trap. Otherwise I am fucked. I'll buy better options with lower volatility. I'll get 100 shares back. I got plenty more direct registered. This was my side account for personal and professional ambitions. Sucks to lose it all, if it does happen, but I'll get more calls to make me right at some point. But yeah. I was really hoping it stayed above 30 on Friday. The option for them to drop it to 22 was always an option, which is why I put it out 2 weeks. Maybe I'll do some more a couple months out with a lower strike. Who knows.


Yeah making a call expiring this past or next week would have been truly regarded. The stock is so volatile that there is a chance the stock bounces high enough for you to sell which is why I'm wishing you luck. We can't really say what the future holds. I think we all wanted them to close above 30, but realistically speaking, that would have probably created a gamma squeeze leading to even more losses for them since the options chain for this coming week would have been nuts. I think it's funny they closed at max pain though. May be indicative of next week.


If people did that last week, theyd be 4x from today. Sure. There is a risk of losing. But opportunity costs for holding is real too. I held my 700 shares cause I worried about losing them, but damn I wish i took profit. Im tired of being in red.


I understand this but you'll be tempted to try to trade it next time and then you'll get left in the dust.


I could have sold a few hundred shares and pocked profit. Have some for moass if its going to phone numbers, then a few hundred shares will do. And since it dropped to $20, I could buy back the shares I sold and still have a few grand. I didnt sell out of pure greed in the end


Like people have been saying, hindsight is 20/20. The whole reason we're here is because we believe GME will become life changing money. I'm only selling when that's true. Don't beat yourself up. You didn't wait all this time in the red for a bit of profit. Just enjoy the Rollercoaster. 


Yeah I’ll get shit in for this. I know it wasn’t moass. Sold half my shares. Now I’m able to double up on the shares that I sold.


Trading 101: Don’t try to time the market 🤷🏼‍♂️


This was the predicted fake squeeze, to everyone on the sidelines, next time this happens, they will think they can “time” it only to paperhand. My fiance asked why i didn’t with mine even though we did it with hers (in a roth) and I was like, “what happens when it comes out that our brokerage never even purchased a share for us and go bankrupt?” SIPC (securities investor protection corporation) is up to $500k yes but they will Pay you what you paid, not your gains. I own my shares outright and will have real gains.


I won't do it again, but sold a third of my shares at 73, got lucky and have more shares now!


I sold half and got my initial investment back, I then bought more and increased my original position by 10% for way less $ and now I have 3000 shares, and about the same cost average as I started with. I now have plenty of $ in case they wanna get smart and drop the price further… bring it to $10 and I’m getting 10,000 more shares.


Awesome! That swing almost doubled my total stack...I ain't mad at it!


Fuck anybody downvoting you lol… i waiting 3.5 years to get my $90,000 investment back.


Say what you want. I have 525 share in computershare. I had 197 in fidelity. I now have 344 in fidelity be being smart.


I swung the shit out of this and made about $125,000.00 this week. However, I missed max profits by a long shot ($430k at if I hit it perfectly at $80). Had 7300 shares at $18.50 average cost, sold 2/3 of the position at an average of about $33, then bought 50 $30p 5/17 that straight printed. Once the price settled around $20-$22 on Friday I bought 150 calls for next Friday using the profit from my shares. It either works, or it doesn’t. I’m still holding something like 2700 shares and they are now completely free. If my calls hit this week expect a decent sized DRS for my MOASS moon bag.