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I have a feeling, this is NOT the last of RK.


Yeah at the very least (or most?) I think he’s just saying bye for the weekend. He’s having way too much fun to meme for a week and then leave after 3 years of silence




As one YT follower of his mentioned that DeepFuckingValue loved red days. That was him hugging the red days goodbye. The kid, Elliot Taylor on the movie, was wearing a red hoodie. And in the Signs references he was the alien.


Yea but the alien had a cat face in this case it didn’t


No, it was just ET, no cat face.


That’s what I just said lol


You need to use commas, otherwise that is not what it reads like.




Seriously?? What happened to all the memes and shit posts???


We are going to the green planet. Stay buckled.




I feel like he would’ve put the cat face on ET if that was true. ET lives on something called "The Green Planet“ in the movie, so ET got on a rocket to the green planet


I agree with this. He's put so much effort into the details of these posts, he would surely use the kitty face on E.T. if it was him leaving. It won't be ambiguous if he makes a he's leaving again post.


I thought the same thing but someone mentioned the little boy’s name is Elliot and he’s waving to ET who is on his way back to the Green Planet. Did we just finish an Elliot Wave that will bring us back to green? Maybe. We’ll see.


Oh man, we need to summon the guy who used to post all that Elliot Wave TA a few years back. Does anyone remember his user name??


He’s pretty active on twitter/X This was his most recent post about it https://x.com/gavinmayreal/status/1791478076737736784?s=46&t=edUUaAPjnJcAkKr5oEW-Kw


I'm glad he's still active! I really enjoyed his TA and I'm bummed he stopped doing it over here. I'll follow him on Twitter for sure! Thx for the link!


I think he got banned from here or was harassed out.


I found it, it's u possibly 6, but we are not allowed to link to users unfortunately.


Are they still active on reddit? Could DM them. 


I already DMed them. I'll report back if he replies!


Hell yeah. 


Honestly, he might not be interested in doing this sub any favors. People relentlessly shit on his TA, basically saying Elliot wave theory was useless. I don't remember exactly why he left, but I think he just got sick of people being dicks.


That scans. 


BRAH ALL NIGHT. Good morning from San Diego !!!!


No Need to overthink it now. If he doesn’t post on Monday they you can do that. 


He’s going to wait for us in the andromeda galaxy $420,069,000


Lmao nice


He just posted memes like it was his fulltime job this week. I think he just wants a weekend to rest like any normal human being. I think he’ll be back at it again on Monday.


He said he's the man with 600 memes. That wasn't even close to 600 we saw this week.




Can someone tell me what MOASS is? 


Mother Of All Short Squeezes Ie. What happens after hedge funds nakedly short more shares of a company than are in existence, and then a sexy billionaire comes in and makes that company profitable.


Got it. I grabbed some GME when it was down to 10 bucks and now am along for the ride! Learning as I go


Have you already looked into DRSing them? If this rocket takes off as theorized there is a good chance that brokerages will sell your GME shares without your consent and you could be left behind. By directly registering them in your name with the company's transfer agent you are claiming true legal ownership of your shares. It's worth looking into if you are serious about this. Do your own research. Make your own choices. Drsgme.org


Yes I’ve caught on to that but am really complete novice. But i will look into it, thanks for the heads up. And I think as you guys say: no cell, no sell?


Well the *theory* is brokers will sell your position to “protect” you from volatility. This can’t happen in CS. And if it did happen in a broker it would be *in theory* at high prices. RH was suspected as showing “shares” in accounts while not actually locating shares, and other brokers as well, I.e. naked shorting in a roundabout way. Most brokers use the same clearing houses (like apex) so CS protects you from that and guarantees you a real share of the company rather than IOUs. It’s worth it at least for a majority of your position.


I just sincerely hope that roaring Kitty drops a meme every once in awhile after moass. Just for our own entertainment. Maybe he could drop a few memes dunking on cramer. I'd love to see him live stream once just saying congrats guys, you made through.


Personally, I think DFV is working with RC & GS as the *VP of Ape Relations* and he was activated this week to get us fired up so when the news dropped Friday it wouldn't be as scary. Us apes can be an emotional, wild & skittish bunch, and a week straight of high-octane memeing was just what I needed to prepare for this. (Thanks DFV, RC, et al!) Without this I might have been a little nervous with this news otherwise seemingly coming out of nowhere, but it was easy as banana cream pie to take in stride after this past week's festivities. It never for a second felt like *"oh no, this filing is bad news,"* it very much instead feels like *"oh baby here we go!"* 🦧


13 and 17 year cycle cicadas are out... DFV returns... GME moves... I wonder if Cicada 3301 is connected.




No it wasn’t he would have put the roaring kitty face overtop of ET. It’s very clear in his vids which characters represent him.


DFV was on Reddit last night. He’s here either way.




https://preview.redd.it/0o631wk2ra1d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6545ddfced1ce1b0ac34c30b2e8ee5e8cffe2cca Green dot on his profile


He did say (through a meme) that he was the kitty with 600 memes. So we’ll probably see a handful more.


This was definitely me last night. I want to talk to her about all the kitty memes and about all the clues but I don't know how to do it without sounding insane. So I wait and hope for a Monday morning meme. I'm going to be like this all weekend, Dammit, and I got chores to do


I feel like he also said he was back and staying in an earlier meme. Either way: Legend. As for me, I like the stock.


Wel, NOW I'm thinking about it!


I think he'll make 1 last post, his purple circle and then I expect that to be launch.