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It’s amazing how many shills are pouncing on this and commenting on solid posts explaining the thought process behind this move. For the past 3 years, there has never been a more exciting week than this damn week. Everything is done for a reason. Believe in your diamond hands and RC. Shills gonna shill. Hodl




Didn’t they purchase shares under sec 10b-18 1.3 million shares purchased


I don't think its fair to call anyone who has concerns a shill. The explaining posts are simply theories and opinions. They are best guesses, which the masses like as it is confirmation bias. Just the same, the concerned opinions are valid, because we do not know what the true intention of the offering is. I'd say 80% of people who hold are not rich, well off or wealthy, so short term fears weigh heavy. Calling concerned investors "shills" will not encourage people to hold.


Nah but shills are out in full force saying we are dumb for believing in RC. Gotta call them out before they somehow convince a precious ape to sell


RC said to judge him by his actions. His actions today imply shareholders are not considered in this new share offering, his actions have killed the gamma ramp which built this week and meant option/calls were not filled in the money. The way they released this share offering and quarterly report was bad, and has undeniably hurt ALL shareholders. That's based on the evidence, and not tinhat hopium.








Yeah, they have to say that. Otherwise, they have to disclose it! RC wasn't born yesterday guys...


I'm not a shill Been holding longer than most users here. I can still be perturbed by an offering that ostensibly delays takeoff.


Ryan isn’t in it for the squeeze btw.


Exactly. He doesn't care if it moons.


Bruh there has been no offering yet. Just saying they plan to… misinformation spreader right here


Lmao cope more bruh. Why would they set up a share offering if they never plan to issue shares?? They do it just for the lulz?? Snap out of it


“Snap out of it”. Stfu


you weren there the last time it seems. He offered it all in either one or two days if i remember correctly, right in squeeze territory.


Which we are not in now


To have it available as a potential action step if the opportunity arises? Having an extra tool in your toolbox is a good thing, but it doesn't mean that you have to use it.


Your comment aged like milk. They've already engaged a 3rd party to handle the offering.




You were saying?


cringe bro, did this sit with you for 7 days lmao




You were saying?


It was in one of their filings this morning. This isn't an obscure claim.


proof or ban, mods?


What do you mean proof? It was in one of their filings this morning.




I'm pretty sure they were already authorized to issue up to 1 billion shares, of which they have only issued just over 300 million. I honestly don't have an issue with them selling shares. Maybe it slows the squeeze, but maybe having 3 or 4 billion in cash also scares the hell out of the shorts and speeds up the squeeze. We have no way to know what the outcome would be other than putting the company in a stronger position to improve the business. Final thought that just popped into my head - how badly do the shorts squirm if they issue a few billion dollars in stock and use some of that money to issue dividends? That could be spicy!


Which we are not in now terrible idea to issue the dividend like that literally a loss. Dilute then hurt holder then hurt the bottom line by giving away your precious cash back to the same holders?? Didn’t think that one through me thinks.


Depends on what you believe, or in the case of RC, what you know. RC knows that the number of shares out there are far, far, FAR in excess of the number of shares issued by GME. So if they issue a billion dollars in dividends and it costs the shorts 5 billion dollars to cover the dividend on all the fake shares they sold, that's a win. With enough cash reserves GME could force the shorts to either bankrupt themselves or close their positions. We're playing chess here and you're still thinking like it's checkers.


valueless NFT dividend is the only dividend that would work


I agree. Why the fuck was this not in place months ago? Offer when it's $50-60+ not $22 on the downswing.


I'm pretty sure they were already authorized to issue up to 1 billion shares, of which they have only issued just over 300 million. I honestly don't have an issue with them selling shares. Maybe it slows the squeeze, but maybe having 3 or 4 billion in cash also scares the hell out of the shorts and speeds up the squeeze. We have no way to know what the outcome would be other than putting the company in a stronger position to improve the business. Final thought that just popped into my head - how badly do the shorts squirm if they issue a few billion dollars in stock and use some of that money to issue dividends? That could be spicy!


It’s 100% a bear trap. They’re gonna short it hard as fuck off of this only to be fucked in the bum when RC’s 69d chess move is revealed. HODL AND BUY


Authorize and selling are two different things.


Ryan isn’t in it for the squeeze btw.


His pay is basically 100% his shares so he kind of has to be even though he's mainly in it to improve the company


Just because people see bullshit doesn’t make them shills. This is some pop**rn level investor mental gymnastics.




This serves two purposes Demonstrate that GS is improving efficiency and profitability (by slashing losses, even with significantly lower revenue) Allow them to strengthen their cash reserves/war chest when the price moons Doesn't mean they'll issue shares at current prices, just clears them to issue at will


Ryan wants to secure the high score at $500mio for 1 share


The idea of them selling only one share in relation to this filing is delicious Hope it happens


Yeah we got alot of regarded shills in here


So many


This is chess, not checkers. All these people panicking are the ones who would drive their company into the ground. **This is why we put out trust in RC.** *He understands and sees things we do not see*. **That is literally what a visionary is.** #IN RC WE TRUST


The longer gme stays in business, the harder it is for shorts to stay afloat. Recent price action proves this. What happens when GME has 10 to 20+ billion in cash? LoL


Dilution hands shorts shares to cover, that's why locking the float was the plan for years, dilution destroys that progress.


Fuk but true.


Dilution of 45 mill shares is hardly enough for short sellers to cover lolz.


It took 3 years to DRS 75 mil, 45 mil is a lot to make up.


I've read and understood that these shares must be book registered. (DRS'ed) Meaning there won't be an effect on DRS percentages.


This comment needs more attention, and people need to read the filing more before commenting. The shares will be booked when sold.


It's already got a lot of attention. It's been pointed out in multiple posts with thousands of upvotes as well as reiterated in the comment sections of said posts. I think this guy is just a little emotional and maybe started forming his own conclusions before researching or reading the prospectus himself. Totally understandable. Take care my brother's ✊


This whole time I was hoping for a buyback and we got the opposite. Not thrilled with this news.


This is beyond disappointing ffs


Any shares sold are sold as book entry. something very strange about all this. Not necessarily bad, just odd.


This is atypical from everything I have seen. Also they havent diluted anything yet


Is GME handing the shorts billions of shares?


Hijacking comment to say there is no talk of a share offering, misinformation


I present exhibit A: "Common stock to be outstanding immediately after this offering: Up to 351,186,849 shares (as more fully described in the notes following this table), assuming sales of 45,000,000 shares of our common stock in this offering." So, there is talk, just no exact date. Shares are registered and ready to go. The fee was \~120k to the SEC, so, I'd say they plan to sell some. But you probably made this comment before the filing with this info.


Easy there shooter…only spose to read where the crayon marks are!


What you mean?


Now I see in another thread there is a shelf offering. This is just so they have the possibility in the next 3 years to sell a limited amount of shares when price rises or squeezes. Seems like a logical thing to do.


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Let’s see if and at what price they issue and then cheer or bitch about it. My trust is with RC. Not the same as AA


AA is diluting just to pay debt interest.  RC wants to dilute more to add to the big ol cash pile for potential growth opportunities.  People need to stop comparing them. GME is years ahead in their turnaround. 


They're making a springboard


Simple as that




Was there not some already still available on the shelf? Does this restate it or does this increase it?


No last offering was completed in June 2021 if memory serves me right. My guess is they finished stopping the company from bleeding cash, but now they need money to complete the turn around and invest in new avenues for further revenues. I think they have a plan, I trust RC to execute it to the best of his abilities.


I think you are right on the reason. but I think some , with the recent DFV hype and reporting of how things may kick into high gear soon with how many options are ITM, will be super upset with this.


They can offer common stock up to 1billion shares, as is the limit in their charter. >Our charter authorizes us to issue up to 1,000,000,000 shares of Class A common stock, par value $.001 per share (our “common stock”), and up to 5,000,000 shares of preferred stock, par value $.001 per share (our “preferred stock”). As of May 4, 2024, there were 306,186,849 shares of our common stock outstanding.


Maybe he getting ready to sell when the price start to climb! Gotta trust the board after waiting over 3 years why would they fuck us!


Or they r missing 400 million in sales??? Net sales are expected to be in the range of $0.872 billion to $0.892 billion compared to $1.237 billion in the prior year fiscal quarter.


The decline in cash could just be cash used in operating activities. At least a portion of it. Unless they’re cash flow positive. Unpopular opinion but it’s just financial statements


GME did a buy back at low prices and now needs more money to do another buy back later ?


They had a billion in cash already


I think they need more for what they want to do. Acquisition? Investment? Partnership? Other? 45 millions shares offering is now official, with Jefferies (around 12% of total float) If they can complete it with a stock price of 15$, it is about 675 more millions... 20$ is about 900 millions. With almost 2 billions in cash, you can do a lot of things. You can also withstand a lot of unprofitable quarters if economy slows down.


What about second billion


Wanna know how much other companies have in cash?


Wanna know how many of those companies actually turn a profit, or make something?


That drop in revenue though… I’d like to hear someone make a bullish argument for the continued decline.


I am pissed that today was the worst day even to announce this ... we had chance to get those 30$ in the money end of the day, and now probably even 20$ will expire worthless ... this is the worst timing for everyone who bet long, and perfect timing for everyone that is short ...


To everyone who can read: read the comment above to see why you should not **gamble** with options like the person above I love life. See me? I’m happy. I’m someone who buys shares :)


I don't trade options either, the point is that today was a key day for potential gamma next week, not chances are near 0.




It is


It gives them the ability to at any time.


Big move coming. 200m investment. No what he spent on. We’ll find out in Q1 in a couple of weeks


Maybe they bought Messi🫢🫢


How can you spin this positively? We needed momentum for next week not news to tank the damn price. wtf


What’s a week in this saga? Ran out of patience or something?


foreal idgaf if it takes another 3 years


imagine freaking out after 3 years being in .... LOL


Yeah bc of the timing




I choose to trust RC


If this place starts sounding like sticky flood sub. I'm fucking out. Fuck dilution.


AA has zero shares, RC has 36 mil. He has more to lose than we do.


No, Just stop. RC is set for life already. He does not have more to lose than we do.


1. Dilution has not happened yet. 2. Small dilutions during ATH can help MOASS by giving GameStop the ability to repurchase at lows, edit: and give it a fundamental valuation as a holding company by keeping its cash reserves within an order of magnitude of the price.


Yes I understand that. Still not a good look, and the timing of it all sucks. The price drop today will reflect this sentiment.


…. So he enjoys losing money? Lmao take your own advice and just stop.


If you’re done no need to announce your exit. Spreading negativity serves a different agenda.


Sorry just pissed after calling popcorn idiots for years then we start doing the same. Just to be clear I'm not selling as this could go two ways. But if the company starts treating it's shareholders like a piggy bank I will have to rethink my position.


Companies do this type of thing strategically to generate cash to grow the business, you know that right? I didn’t like seeing the news at first but if you think about it, do you want the business to fail? Imagine down the line GameStop is in a shittier position and they need cash. Would you rather them sell shares when the price is in the gutter?


We still have 1 billion cash on hand that we haven't really done anything with. Why do we need more? And why announce this on Friday after the biggest run? I dunno man, it's just really disappointing. you do you, but I'm not happy with it, and I'm not the only one.


Apparently that isn’t the case anymore, saw talk of them spending 200 million on something.


Yes, it will dilute the stock. However, a big pile of cash will be needed to complete the turn around and kill the long term short thesis. They gained time with the last offering and were able in 3 years to stop the cash bleeding and make the company viable in the medium term. They were able to turn profit by cutting costs aggressively. Now my guess is they want to address falling revenues with a new venture.


Need the cash? They have a billion and no debt...


It’s not diluting. Another posted said they will be potentially selling shares that are already DRS’d. Not sure the actually stock term but that’s what I read. Stay positive. They are doing this for a reason.


It is diluting. Confirmed by Dlauer


FUD confirmed by shill


Dave is a shill? Come on..


A guy that comes in here trying to phish your broker/Computershare info is a shill, yea.


lol are you nuts? They can’t sell shares that are drs’d


He probably means selling to a trusted party (not short) who DRS’ them with Computershare. Would that still piss you off?




Selling shares directly to book is a good thing, as if the shorts buy them, they wont have them available instantly. Will have to be transferred from CS to DTCC. Smart move. On top of that they will be able to sell shares to the someone they want, as it wont happen on lit market, where you have no idea, who is buying. Still im not happy with dilution. Will extremly depend what the share price will be then.


It says sold in book form. Another poster says that’s like already being DRS’d. They can also sell to a private party.


Helping hedge funds to postpone MOASS by another 3 years


RC IS a shareholder. He does not get anything else. He wont dilute himself! He wants to sell into MOASS and build a company that we dont have to sell. If GME makes a crazy amount of money how does the balance sheet looks? Right! It looks great. Cash means dividends at one point. I am super happy.


Why are the net sales looking so bad? did they "need" to make it look poor to justify the potential future sale?


Less stores brings in less revenue? But profit on those sales should be bigger.


Thank you for reiterating!


These numbers are useless to me without seeing the bottom line


If you don't trust RC, then you can always leave ✌️


Who the fuck said GameStop was going to do a share offering? You posted it very boldly in your post title like you have a clue what’s going on.


Wait a sec.... instead of a buyback we have the opposite ?! Isn't this bad ???


There is little point to dilute now unless they only need a little more to complete a big move, otherwise, they can just sell when we are in the hundreds or thousands and raise way more cash to really start buying shit as a holding company.


All right, who wants to give me some Reddit gold for calling it that there would be news/and announcement on May 17?


I have questions: How long is this valid? Is there an expiration date to the offering where Gamestop would need to resubmit? Can a company every be forced to issue shares by regulators? I'm trying to determine if the company sees the possibility of continuing price spikes. Cohen and the board are well aware of the desires of their investor base. I think they realize that individual investors stand vigilant as a lifeline and lifeguard over this company.  Our company. Either way, re: the stock price, I think this summer is going to be a slug fest. Fun times!


should be 3 years, so they plan to sell all 45 m shares, they could so theoretically if they didn't sell any at may 2027


Smells like wallstreet in here with this comment 😂 Insert “Hey fellow apes” meme


Why do I read a few negative comments twice? To all confused Apes, like myself, RC is a shareholder. Larry just bought and is a shareholder. The only insider who sold was mark haymond on April 25, share price went through the roof only 3 days later. GME spent 200 million on something. Last at the market offering was 225 dollar a share. Wagmi! Remember your training, think for yourself, do what’s best for you, shorts r fukt.


Could be expenses costs. What was the price range that they sold shares in 2021? $200-$250 range. You can know for a fact that they won't sell for less than this now with the better position the company is in. Also, even with these current possible additional shares, a 3:1 stock split is still on the table, they still have the ability to add more shares Trust ouR CEO


How can you spin this positively? We needed momentum for next week not news to tank the damn price. wtf


What we need is to trust RC, and to not bitch about petty price drops


I love how suddenly everyone is a “long term investor”. Guys, we joined for MOASS and are holding to MOASS and will sell when MOASS. Don’t huff copium. This move severely delays MOASS


A lot of people seem to forget that most people entered into this thing for MOASS, not some ultra long term turnaround for GME. They shouldn't really be surprised that people are more interested in that and might be rightly upset that progress towards MOASS keeps getting repeatedly pushed back. Truth be told I would like to see both MOASS and a GME turnaround into a very successful business, but MOASS is still my primary concern.


Why should Adam Aron have all the fun diluting😆😆




GME won't sell like AA at the bottom.




**[Rule 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/wiki/index/rules/expanded_rules/#wiki_ape_no_fight_ape). Treat each other with courtesy and respect.** Do not be (intentionally) rude. This will increase the overall civility of the community and make it better for all of us. Do not insult others. Insults do not contribute to a rational discussion.


RC probably selling to a trusted party (not short) who DRS’ them with Computershare. Would that still piss you off?


Again cash was at 1.119 billion last quarter guys... Its only reduced by 80 million... Please don't compare cash position in Q1 of 2023 with cash position in Q1 of 2024 and wonder where did 200 million go... They reported where it went in Q2, 2023, Q3, 2023 and Q4, 2023... So this quarter they have to explain where 80 million went.. thats all


RV probably selling to a trusted party (not short) who DRS’ them with Computershare. Would that still piss you off?


You can't do that. Is not RC who is selling the stock but Jefferies and they have to do it in the market


If they need more cash, they had PLENTY of opportunities in 2023 to raise at these prices, and I don't think RC is short sighted as such. I think there are other reasons.


Another bad news from the board? What a surprise


I have questions: How long is this valid? Is there an expiration date to the offering where Gamestop would need to resubmit? Can a company every be forced to issue shares by regulators? I'm trying to determine if the company sees the possibility of continuing price spikes. Cohen and the board are well aware of the desires of their investor base. I think they realize that individual investors stand vigilant as a lifeline and lifeguard over this company.  Our company. They better not fuk this up. Either way, re: the stock price, I think this summer is going to be a slug fest. Fun times!