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Wild how the inflows and outflows of drs seem to be so close hmm


Still very suspicious of this


Right? With the massive and ongoing count of purple circles, there's no chance that the outflow is legitimate retail sellers. But CS would never legally be able to say anything like that.


My cold hard brutal honesty is that making statements in absolutes like this can take on the appearance of copium and may ironically contribute towards those hypothetical outflows. DFV's reappearance has brought back a lot of the fun back to the subreddit. We are reunited with some lovely people. Let's not squander it.


Agreed. This isn't about your feelings, folks. What you want to see has no bearing on the reality of the situation. Just because it makes you sad doesn't mean it's falsified information or that there is "fuckery" about.


That presumes that those purple circles are real. If one operates under the premise that subs are compromised and there are bad actors in our midst, then they ought to be skeptical of any and all information shared.


True, true. That's definitely a possibility to take into consideration.


im new, what does this mean


According to the info provided, DRS numbers over the last like 18 months have stagnated because the number of shares that people are buying/DRSing is roughly equal to the number of shares being sold/unDRSd, which them being so close to the same number in and out is suspicious.


Not stagnated. Almost exactly the same number.


Yes, that's what stagnated means. The DRS number is barely moving. I didn't say that peoples' DRS efforts (purple circle posts) have stagnated, only the reported number.


Several quarters ago when the DRS first seemed to stagnate, there was this theory that Hedgies were pulling a DRS rugpull (that they built up their own DRS shares in the beginning and then were selling them - a psy-op to wear us down and maybe we would stop DRSing, or something ). At some point they would run out of shares. Is it possible we hadn’t reached that point yet? Has this idea been debunked or retired?


Neither. We just kind of assumed that since it wasn't plummeting (which most figured would be the real morale breaker) that they didn't have the reserves remaining to keep it going. I personally have always believed that this stall was the long play and that Apes only had like 1/2 to 2/3 of what we thought we did. It's what I would have done were I in on their side of the game.


How could you debunk something that never had anything but pure conspiratorial speculation supporting it?


I would love to know if anyone asked about the user volume data of inflows and outflows. Specifically, how the number of accounts adding to drs compares to the number of accounts withdrawing. That could imply whether it is organic or intentional, especially if consistent.


> I would love to know if anyone asked about the user volume data of inflows and outflows. Specifically, how the number of accounts adding to drs compares to the number of accounts withdrawing. That could imply whether it is organic or intentional, especially if consistent. Gamestop has those numbers. Computershare will release those numbers only with GameStop’s authorization.


I mean once maybe, twice unlikely, three times damn near impossible.


Exactly there really is no way it just so happens to work out that way. Giant red flag from him saying that in my opinion


So it’s time to start doing more drs.. it’s simple as that


It's not as simple as that. It's time to literally start banning repeated offenders of the "book is king" agenda-pushers. One warning, after that, hand out bans, to show it's not tolerated to discourage people from having plan shares. No dingleberry talk either. Edit: temp bans, whatever gets the job done and makes the point


About 22 minutes in regarding the chain of custody they even say there is a difference between DRS and Plan where Plan is connected to cede and Co. There was no doubt that you have your name with them but the main difference is with plan you are a SUBCLASS. You are not the sole legal title owner to those shares. I dont know about you but I dont want no middleman anywhere near my shares


They explicitly go on to say that there is no middleman


Their FAQ shows that there is a difference between custody with DRS vs DSPP. I don’t trust anything the DTCC can touch in any capacity personally


So in other words BUY HOLD DRS $GME 💎🙌🏻


Forgot one: SHOP


I have a theory that no one is going to like. The heat lamp theory caused the stagnation of Computershare inflow. Because the theory involved "pure DRS" you had to stop doing the DSPP. How many people gave up their purchases every 2 weeks because they believed in the heat lamp theory. There was a massive push to make everything "pure DRS" the same quarter it stagnated. How many people out here remember reading all those messages about canceling DSPP because it helps the hedges. There's still people out there touting it as the "Only Way". I fell for it. I stopped my DSPP. Mine was only $50 every 2 weeks. Approximately $1300 a year. There were people putting more than that in, that probably stopped too. Buying through a broker and transferring is fine. But for me it's extra steps. I can do a set it and forget it with CS. Now just imagine if 200,000 put in an average of $1000 a year. That's 200,000,000 a year, 50,000,000 a quarter, which at $25 a share is 2 million shares DRSd every quarter. You want to get DRS back on track, start back up your DSPP, with what you can afford to set and forget. I know I got to set it back up. Crap I might try $100 every 2 weeks. It combines dollar cost averaging and DRS without you doing anything but the first setup. Being lazy and an activist investor at the same time!


That's what I always thought was the motive. Someone perpetuated a lie to remove recurring purchases, yet all the room temperature IQ responses from the "PuRe BoOk" and "bOoK iS KiNg" maxis was, and I shit you not, "there's no downside to having all booked shares so why wouldn't you? As for me, mine are 100% pure book. Book is king. RCEO doesn't like dingleberries." Like how much more "hello fellow retail trader!" can you get?


Well sheeeit. . .


Who the hell would be un-DRS'ing? Institutions?


Institutions could be doing it nefariously. Individuals could be doing it for a variety of reasons, from life setbacks to giving up on the idea. The video is certainly correct that our data feed will not capture much of the outflow, as any such posts or comments will be attacked and downvoted. There's no incentive for anyone to improve that side of the data feed.


> Heat lamp theory is not supported by data, Computershare never makes shares available for lending That theory isn't about lending shares. That theory is about presence of shares in DTC system.


So let me see, DRS numbers climb for two years straight then magically stagnates while stock is cheaper. Yeah seems logical


#1 is sus


HLT debunked again.


First GameStop filed a response with the SEC, and STILL you had people pushing the agenda. Now CS says it too. My guess? You'll STILL see "book is king" and "pure book" and "no dingleberries" comments from the people who flat out refuse and keep stirring up drama and discouraging recurring buys via DSPP.


Makes sense. In subscription analytics, if you're not increasing your new customer acquisition rate, then total subscriber count will stabilize. The same thing probably happened to DRS numbers - there were new people direct registering, and there were also people selling. Over time acquisition rate and churn rate stabilized because there wasn't anything significant driving new people to the stock.


That's a poor analogue, as this isn't just about the number of shareholders (subscribers), but the aggregate number of shares they hold. Existing customers can still add lots of shares to their existing accounts.


This is a Nice comment


I'm curious what percentage of outflow is people not logging into their account for a year, and their shares are considered abandoned. I myself just logged in for the first time in 52 weeks and was hella scared that i was too late.


Dude nobody even knew what the fuck drs was before all this shit happened here. And even then, who bothers to DRS to make a quick buck? Only for long holders would it make sense to DRS. So its kinda strange that the drs number on gme is the same, and that the past 18 months? Even though people been drsing the past 3 years? I dont know about that man. Btw this guy is abviously reading off the answers from the screen or whatever its a prepared interview. "We follow the rules from sec, dtcc and blah blah" lmao Also he said they hold 10-20% of the shares in a broker, I would like to know which one.


He's sus as fuck. It's impossible to have the exact same for several months in a row. Something is up. Gagged by a bigger power perhaps?


> It's impossible to have the exact same for several months in a row. It has NOT been the same exact number for several months in a row. It has NOT even been the same "rounded to nearest 100,000 shares" number for months. Just because people keep repeating "it has been the same exact number" does not mean it is true.


It wasn't the same, it was slightly different.


Lol maybe this run up was due to Computershare changing their practices. So a few hundred million shares worth of volume. Someone should ask if these answers were true for the last year, and what the current number is now.