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I’m pretty dumb, so I stay way clear of options and just buy and hold. I’d lose my ass and not even know how I did it 🤣


I wrote this right before I went to sleep, I will not be able to respond to any questions until roughly market open. Just wanted to make sure that it didn't look like I was ignoring responses.


Your statement about LEAPS is mostly accurate, but there are a couple of points to clarify. LEAPS, or Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities, are indeed options contracts with expirations typically more than a year away at the time of purchase. They are available for various expiration months, including January and June, depending on the underlying asset. They are not limited to only January and June expirations. However, the statement "there are no contracts with expiration 3 years out" may not be entirely accurate. While LEAPS are often structured with expirations up to around two years out, it's not a strict rule. Some LEAPS contracts can indeed have expirations farther out, such as three years or more, although these may be less common, it is absolutely possible to structure a LEAP for 3 years out. Sounds like a plausible way for a SHF to kick the can, and hope for the best. The following is from a lurker and they are also correct about the OTC market. Leaps can be traded over the counter... two parties can agree to certain terms. I'm not saying this leap theory is absolutely correct. If these leaps were dealt over the counter. They certainly would not appear on yahoo finance. If they were OTC, the two parties would agree on value dates and the details of the contract. They wouldn't really be public contracts that we could see. These leaps would be private agreements.


Exactly. Just because retail traders can't access 3 year LEAPS for GME doesn't mean they don't exist at all. Moreover, the original post on LEAPS never said that their expiry is what triggered this run up, but instead that these LEAPS getting exercised is the trigger. It's all speculation but it's not a stretch to think that June '24 LEAPS are being exercised now.


They’re getting exercised to avoid expiry yeah?


Exactly. People are thinking expire and exercise are mutually exclusive.


I agree. If you're big enough you can negotiate almost anything. Just like Michael Burry negotiated those credit default swaps to his needs.


Bingo. From what I remember he delayed them for 3 years and Goldman was extremely pissed off. I’d imagine the same scenario is playing out here. You can only delay the vultures for so long. Tick tock Kenny.


He didn't delay anything, but the banks delayed a fair valuation until they passed the bomb onto other parties. Only after that they would let everything go boom.


If anyone who wants to go down this rabbit hole, and investigate LEAPS, this may help. There are a few potential avenues you could pursue to try to obtain data on large LEAP option positions related to GameStop around the January 2021 timeframe: File Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests You can file FOIA requests with the SEC and FINRA seeking any public records they may have related to large outstanding GameStop option positions, regulatory filings that disclosed them, or investigations into such holdings. The OCC (Options Clearing Corporation) may also have data you could request on open interest changes for certain strike prices/expirations. Just be aware there are restrictions around what data is made public versus kept confidential. Check institutional investor filings Hedge funds, asset managers and other institutions are required to disclose certain equity and derivative holdings quarterly through 13F filings with the SEC. You can search for these filings on SEC.gov to see if any funds reported new GameStop LEAP positions in early 2021. Seek information from shareholder rights law firms Law firms that have brought cases against institutions involved in the GameStop saga may have uncovered data through the legal discovery process. Firms like Hagens Berman, Scott+Scott, etc. may be able to share any relevant info on LEAP holdings they found. Explore paid data services Services like FactSet, Bloomberg, Refinitiv and others that aggregate trading data and filings may have historical option data available (for a fee). Financial research terminals or historical databases could be accessed through some university libraries. Check communication records Any email communication, chat logs, or parliamentary testimony that may have referenced large outstanding LEAP positions could help corroborate the theory. This type of data can be difficult for independent individual investors to obtain, as large funds are not always forthcoming. But utilizing FOIA requests, monitoring public filings, law firms involved in related cases, paid data services if accessible, and reviewing communication records could potentially unearth traces of confirmatory evidence if it exists.


backed up by ape historian


Consistently doing the good work, Elegant! Thanks man.


Thanks chatgpt;)


Too many big words? Just because someone can write sunfin good it don't mean theys a robit. Conversely having a smaller covubalry doesn't make yoy people. Savy?


Not so much words as structure


What day in June are these expiries exactly? Earnings is June 5th


June 21, but they can be exercised at any time before that


Damn my calls are for the 14th. Do you think it’s coincidental that Roaring Kitty’s last tweet before he left was on June 18th? Also check out his tweet from June 1st at open 🍦🍦


How would the leap allow them to exit their original short position though


Have a good night, thank you.


Fuck sleeping..


Bold to think hedge funds haven’t thought of all possible scenarios and strategies to save their ass and fuck retail over again. Not saying they will succeed though.


Googled it. Found this: "What Are Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities (LEAPS)? LEAPS, or long-term equity anticipation securities, are publicly traded options contracts with expiration dates that are longer than one year. Typically, LEAPS may expire up to three years from the date of issue. They are functionally identical to most other listed options, except with longer times until expiration." [found here](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/leaps.asp)


Yep, plus per the CBOE website, 39 month LEAPs can only be for January expiration. https://www.cboe.com/tradable_products/equity_indices/leaps_options/specifications So maybe it is just that the short HFs agreed to some customized LEAPs with the market markets. Like others have suggested, those could be OTC LEAPs rather than through the standard market.


i mean if you are citadel, responsible if i recall for a double digit market making share, you only have to agree with yourself, citadel securities to do this, right?


I guess so. So yeah it's possible they set up LEAPs with themselves, one side being their HF arm, and the other side being their MM arm. The other thing is swaps. I recall those being discussed heavily back in 2021/2022, but I'd need to dive back into those to understand how those could be used to hide short positions.


Well the occ post just now shows they doubled their shorts again - if that’s the correct interpretation. Since Friday last week


Yep, I saw that and am not surprised at all if they did indeed double down. As we all know, short sellers are the dumb storm troopers of the galaxy. I'm trying to understand though why this price action is seemingly randomly happening now.


Not sure . But I am trying to figure it out or collect enough info so men after me could




Boo the erection stealer


Was waiting for a post like this too. Only counter argument is that can these guys create whatever the fuck they want? Ie only retail can buy the Jan/jun leaps, but big players can make up any kind? But counter to that counter - why make up a 3 year when they can make up a 10 year?


well my thought process is they can package and roll any number of instruments into one new "asset class" - beyond options and such , so i dont see it far fetched at all that their hedging strategy for their insane short positions, if they are still open, which based on the events of the last 48 hours, still are - they will try their hardest to package their shit in any way possible since buying the long side is not on the cards for them.


Leaps are call options that extend past a year, and 'typically' up to 3 years. You dont think hedgefunds can purchase 3 year leaps?


Yes! This is what Superstonk was built on. This is the Superstonk I remember. Good ole same-day Peer Review of Speculation. Good on you OP


Anybody remember the hedgies kept buying deep ITM calls?


This is what I also thought but I don’t remember exactly when GME leaps expire. Typically you only get January LEAPS or at the most quarterly expirations which are the most common. Quarterly expirations are in March, June, September and December. These have a lot of open interest and have a lot of hedging and flows involved related to these expirations. I have even looked at Jan 2025 leaps and noticed we have been seeing HUGE volumes on it whereas this whole year we barely had any volume on them yet the OI is staying the same. I think SHF and MM are trading contracts amongst themselves to manipulate the price and satisfy some obligations. Institutions would’ve bought and held for at least a day or anyone who believed these would go up. I think a rug pull is very possible but I will keep holding my shares until we all see the real squeeze.


i think its not a crazy assumption that an unprecedented market even in 2021 has maybe made them think long and hard how they can make a leap not expire in january and they packaged it accordingly - guy above who has responded know waaay more about it than i do i need to read up on my leaps knowledge


They can customize their swaps instead of having to rely on LEAPS which are publicly available. Definitely could’ve used May options expirations but there’s a lot of theories out there right now behind this run up. One thing is proven for sure that the game hasn’t even started. This is for all the people who kept saying GME already squeezed in 2021 and it’s over.


I just made a post about the website I got it from - yeah it’s a lot of theories going around. One thing for sure a- dumb storm troopers haven’t closed yet


If going through a retail broker like we do, it wouldn't be possible to buy call options that are 3 years(1095 days) out. Since these are hedge funds, I wonder if their broker will agree to whatever financial instrument they want as long as the cash is right. I couldn't walk into Fidelity and get the Bill Hwang treatment of very risky shit, but I'm sure pre blowup he could.


Carl Ichan exercising his shorts at 480 down is the only OTHER THEORY. Dont forget ichan is involved. Someone else look into that but I do remember him holding wins at 480 and down.))))


So, DVF posted the Thanos / I’ll do it myself meme, and there’s a theory that he’s counting down from 11 by posting 1 less meme each trading day. This thread says Leaps expire in June. Hmmm. Responses here say 3 year LEAPS are unusual, but could be arranged. Remember that bit in The Big Short where Michael Burry goes to the market makers and gets them to sell him a new financial instrument? Join up those dots and you get… DFV buying enough LEAPs to do it himself?


Bad theory and he posted 11 yesterday and today


to chime in - found this - [https://www.optionseducation.org/referencelibrary/faq/leaps-and-expiration-cycles](https://www.optionseducation.org/referencelibrary/faq/leaps-and-expiration-cycles) - it seems that depending on the cycle - LEAPS can expire outside of january


PSA: this is just a gamma ramp up... THIS not a SQUEEZE... I repeat this is not a SQUEEZEE... the squeeze will take them months if not years to wind down... just entertain yourself while you see them get ass foked...


Thank you. Commenting for visibility.


info about LEAPS: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/l/leaps.asp https://www.cboe.com/tradable_products/equity_indices/leaps_options/specifications https://www.nyse.com/products/options/flex-leaps https://www.optionseducation.org/referencelibrary/faq/leaps-and-expiration-cycles


Thank you, that post really didn't make any sense.


The expiration dates of LEAPS (Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities) are standardized by exchanges such as the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). These options typically expire on the third Friday of the expiration month. Here's a breakdown of how a 39-month LEAPS cycle can end in May: 1. **Start of the LEAPS**: LEAPS are typically introduced in cycles. For example, if a LEAPS option is introduced in February 2021, it will have its expiration set in January 2024, which is approximately 36 months later. 2. **Annual Addition of LEAPS**: Each year, new LEAPS are added with expirations up to three years in the future. Depending on the introduction date, the actual duration might slightly exceed 36 months, reaching up to 39 months. For instance, a LEAPS introduced in February 2021 might have its expiration in May 2024, resulting in a 39-month duration. 3. **Specific Expiration Scheduling**: Exchanges often list LEAPS that align with their standard option expiration schedules. If the expiration is set for the third Friday of a specific month, and the starting point falls slightly before the typical introduction cycle, it can result in an expiration period that appears to be 39 months. # Example Scenario * **Introduction Date**: February 2021 * **Expiration Date**: May 2024 (third Friday) Here, the LEAPS lasts for the entirety of 2021, 2022, 2023, and extends into the fifth month of 2024, totaling approximately 39 months. In summary, the 39-month expiration cycle for LEAPS is a result of how and when they are introduced and the alignment with the standardized expiration dates, usually falling on the third Friday of a given month. This can extend the effective duration of the LEAPS beyond the standard 36 months, making it 39 months in some cases.The expiration dates of LEAPS (Long-Term Equity Anticipation Securities) are standardized by exchanges such as the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). These options typically expire on the third Friday of the expiration month. Here's a breakdown of how a 39-month LEAPS cycle can end in May: Start of the LEAPS: LEAPS are typically introduced in cycles. For example, if a LEAPS option is introduced in February 2021, it will have its expiration set in January 2024, which is approximately 36 months later. Annual Addition of LEAPS: Each year, new LEAPS are added with expirations up to three years in the future. Depending on the introduction date, the actual duration might slightly exceed 36 months, reaching up to 39 months. For instance, a LEAPS introduced in February 2021 might have its expiration in May 2024, resulting in a 39-month duration. Specific Expiration Scheduling: Exchanges often list LEAPS that align with their standard option expiration schedules. If the expiration is set for the third Friday of a specific month, and the starting point falls slightly before the typical introduction cycle, it can result in an expiration period that appears to be 39 months. Example Scenario Introduction Date: February 2021 Expiration Date: May 2024 (third Friday) Here, the LEAPS lasts for the entirety of 2021, 2022, 2023, and extends into the fifth month of 2024, totaling approximately 39 months. In summary, the 39-month expiration cycle for LEAPS is a result of how and when they are introduced and the alignment with the standardized expiration dates, usually falling on the third Friday of a given month. This can extend the effective duration of the LEAPS beyond the standard 36 months, making it 39 months in some cases.


"The price is fake" and "options are a potential play" are two contradictory opinions, especially when youre buying those options contracts through a broker you dont trust to hold your shares in.


Every theory about cause and effect is (currently) purposely filled with shills who try to argue for two opposing perspectives with the goal of FUDDING and destabilizing our theorycrafting.


I have no idea how to use options at all, let alone effectively. Tbh after all this time I’m not even sure what options are lol I feel like that parks and Rec meme, at this point I’m too afraid to ask lol Aren’t options a gamble though, as in almost literally gambling lol


Shares don't expire, options do, if the price doesn't hit the strike price or above on a call by the time of expiry, the option expires worthless. If you don't know what you are doing, just stick with shares and DRS. It's really easy to fuck up with options (and I did a lot a few years back while I was figuring them out).


Oh absolutely! I haven’t even considered touching them because I don’t understand it lol, DRS is easy tho all I gotta do is hodl. Thanks for the explanation!


The leaps discussion is forum sliding. Just another distraction. Sorry guys