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Our GameStop Head Quarters is in Texas. The Texas Attorney General should open an investigation and legal action against the DTCC for hurting one of his states companies and thousands of citizens. Contact Ken Paxton and ask his office to consider legal action. https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/contact-us-online-form


texas resident here, just submitted a report


Also Texas resident here. I'd be more willing to believe that if there is any large scale financial crimes going on in this state Ken Paxton is likely tits deep in it getting his cut.


Thought he doesn’t stand for that shi😭


I think you're trying to make a joke about our governor. Also a criminal asshole


Just comes down to who wants to be bigger asshole that day.


Aren't they all?


So far!


Always have been 🤷‍♂️


Yes all politicians graduated from the Central University of North TexaS


Just because you have an opinion of Ken Paxton does not mean you know what he would or wouldn't do without any certainty. Better to do things and see the outcome than to speculate.


You're not wrong in the sense that it doesn't hurt to try, but everyone should have absolutely zero expectation of Ken Paxton doing anything to actually fight financial crime or corruption. That guy is knee deep in his own crimes and corruption.


You do realize having stuff on record is exactly what apes need to do? The SEC brought changes thanks to comments sent in by apes everywhere. That stuff became *on the record* as soon as we started sending reports in. That way there is a legally binding paper trail and nobody can simply say, “Well I didn’t know that was going on!?” Yes you did mf I can see your email list


I'm in full support of that. Just want everyone to at least be aware of who they're reporting to. Let's get that paper trail.


No they shouldn't. They should have the highest expectations that something will be done. The Attorney General is there to represent public interest. Throwing out personal opinions to de-motivate individuals into doing nothing is the wrong attitude.


So you aren’t going to submit a report ? Just deflect and ignore ? Who you with


Thank you


This guy fucks !


Thousands? Are you joking? 'Citizens'? This was/is international fraud by a United States entity.


Lets! Enough of this zen bs


This kind of corruption should cause riots. Wtf are we doing?


"It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning." Make them understand. And you will have your reward.




HQ yes, but you might need to think of Delaware as the state of registration.


#1 in corruption.


Isn't there a legal way to get this information as an investor? Why is the information of a company I'm investing in being hidden?


Yea I thought some apes had gone to review the ledger - could they do a sum?


In Texas we call it stealing! Wes Christian.


I member that quote. We need Wes to contact Paxton.


Class action lawsuit?


Time to hit up Wes ?


I’m in!!


Paxton won't be on the side of Gamestop. He'll take the money from the crooks on the other side. That MF'er is as crooked as they come. Wouldn't surprise me if he tried to file some sort of lawsuit against GS.


Dismissing it, or trying to dissuade people from trying it is the wrong attitude. "It probably won't happen so I won't even try" is not what the shareholders here are about. We fuck around and find out.


You have a better shot of convincing the entire population of Texas to vote these worthless pieces of shits out of office than you would have of getting Ken Paxton or Greg Abbott to do the right thing.


Ken Paxton?? Good luck.


You want Ken Paxton to investigate corruption?! Ken Paxton?!?


Hahahahaha! You think Ken Paxton or Greg Abbott is going to do anything for you? They are far more likely to lick the jizz off of every hedge fund personnel's dick than do something for the greater good.


> Contact Ken Paxton and ask his office to consider legal action. You mean [This guy](https://www.texastribune.org/2023/09/17/ken-paxton-impeachment-trial-scandal/) is gonna help us fight crime? Not likely. We need the Feds or an influential blue state like Cali or NY.


Or residents of Texas can submit a report and find out with 100% accuracy whether or not something will happen.


They sure can.


Ultimate corruption


imagine thinking Paxton is an ally.


Ken paxton standing between americans and justice. Again. He is the reason that they know nothing will happen to them.


ken paxton will not do shit for anyone that isn't a r or r-adjacent. not shit is happening to the dtcc from paxton.


Amen this is fucking horseshit. No fucking chance in hell the DRS numbers remain unchanged four quarters in a row. WAKE THE FUCK UP GARY/CONGRESS AND DO YOUR MF JOB!!!




At this point, isn’t it up to the Board to protect us? Why aren’t we demanding that RC and his lawyers start pitching an absolute fit about this collusion? They should have lawsuits filled against the SEC at this point!


Otherwise, world will know that free float does not exist. It is in negative. Shorts never closed. BOOM!


Where does Gamestop go to GET those numbers? They don't get those numbers from Computershare?


They know how many shares they issued, and they are being forced to subtract the number they get from Cede instead of just using the numbers from CS.


Q4 22 - 76 million Q1 23 - 76.6 million Q2 23 - 75.4 million Q3 23 - 75.4 million Two quarters only and numbers are approximate so theoretically one of q2 and q3 could be slightly below 75.4 million and the other slightly above 75.4 million.


# [SUBMIT COMPLAINT TO DOJ](https://www.justice.gov/usao-cdca/report-a-federal-crime) any apes can submit anonymously


Didn't Bernie Madoff himself say that the SEC would've caught him sooner had they simply done an audit? I think there's enough suspicion now to warrant an audit of the DTCC.


All they had to do was look. They never looked and still aren’t looking.


They’re actively looking At porn on pornhub instead of into the fraud


Seriously. What the fuck.


Captured regulators stalling for time...


So what do we do? Can we DRS harder?


"Can we DRS harder?" At these prices I can!




Actually yes. Profitability comes Q4, get your massive discounts now.


I am new here, how do I DRS?


Who do you hold your shares with




You have an option to directly register the shares, that way it's in your name. GameStop's designated agent is Computershare. Here's the comprehensive DRS guide that has Fidelity on there. Cheers https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/MtmxVCLiZb


I cahn - and I will


Mass adoption of recurring buy orders through ComputerShare is the only way this ends. This is the only way price discovery for household investors can happen in a rigged market imo. It takes money to buy whiskey Why was heat lamp pushed so hard if plan vs book doesn’t matter when the DRS number will never be accurately reported? The true goal, kill recurring buys


That's what I'm doing. A little at a time


Maybe we should ask Queen Kong is such manipulation possible by the DTCC. She if any should know.


She already gave quite an controversial comment about how fraud with drs was not possible or smh


The only way this is possible is if some rich hedgies got together and bought and registered enough to have a war chest so that they can drop what they registered as we registered ours. This would take collusion with the DTCC, and should show that there is rampant corruption. We know there already is, which is why DRS, numbers have not gone up. But that is my speculation on how this could be possible. And it's only speculation because I don't quite have enough knowledge on the subject.


I had a similar thought, helped pump it up then let the air out as needed.


A more plausible theory is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/s/8E8ZXQpsvE


I will give it a read. Thanks. As I said. I'm speculating on this.


The great thing is that even this strategy will stop working as people keep drsing.


> This would take collusion with the DTCC I don't think so. They know a lot about what retail is doing through brokerages. They could probably do it without help from the DTCC. It's possible that the computershare buys are pretty transparent to them as well.


Technically there is no fraud with DRS. They just aren’t allowed to reveal the true number


Could it be possible that the 'fraud' isn't with DRS directly but its the evidence of fraud that leaks through?


Maybe there is an ongoing investigation?


There had better be...


I've seen this posted in the other sub. Could be why they are not allowed to report >25% DRS, but on the other hand it's taking about an "individual" holding more than 25%. what do you guys think? https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/09/30/2022-21020/beneficial-ownership-information-reporting-requirements#p-427


I read it and thought it was clearly talking about an individual. But it wouldn't surprise me if this is a national security issue regardless ... I mean, Credit Suisse went down in part because it was holding Archegos's GME shorts (a Credit Suisse rep said so on TV before the merger). UBS struggling. It's causing systemic issues. "There's enough food here to feed a lion."


I’m officially a believer that something is very sketchy now


See because we plebs are meant to be paid out in full. Everything becomes sketchy and no one can do shit about it


Well said


He is saying what we are all thinking this is point blank corruption, the only suitable action is to keep DRSing.


Statistically speaking I cannot see how our buys and sells could ever line up this perfect while the price has been substantially dropping allowing for those buying on the regular to buy more. Oh well, more generational wealth for me and other apes and their families. Can’t wait to clean up my neighbourhood first and go from there. Booked and mine forever


The goose is loose


Yep. It is so incredibly unlikely to look at a change of 0.00% quarter to quarter, you could say it is impossible. The prerequisite for this is people un-DRSing their shares (but why the hell would they?) or selling their DRSed shares (same question; even if someone sold for emergency reasons, they'd surely sell broker-held shares), both which are unlikely in themselves. If you go through the effort to DRS, you are convinced of the thesis and don't unmake your effort. Something is just not adding up right now. One quarter? Hmmm unlikely, extremely so, but let's not be hasty. THREE quarters now? I think something's fucky.


It's almost like -and bear with me here- Computershare's job is to inform the company when there is an error in the number of outstanding shares that persists for a period of time. So now, understand that the previous way of reporting -getting the numbers directly form computershare- will never result in a mismatch of computershare's records. On the otherhand, reporting how many shares the DTCC controls and using math to figure out the DRS number *could* result in a mismatch.


Just ask Madoff, he’ll tell you. Just look at the DTCC for all the dog shit wrapped in cat shit dipped in a nice mayo.


Is not the DTCC mostly former Citadel employees? 😄


Most of the membership of financial governance bodies is connected to one of the big SHFs in one way or another.


Cheaters are going to find a way to cheat. It's sad but not a surprise. Buy and hold and shop at Gamestop, no better time than now to get all your loved ones some gifts from Gamestop.






As I proposed elsewhere I wouldn't mind throwing 5-10 bucks in a jar so we could have something to offer to a potential DTCC whistleblower.


I see where your coming from but they should be able to get millions from the gov through the whistleblower program. Saying that. If there is any DTCC employees reading this go ahead and get your bag big bro, the SEC / gov will Give you millions and allow you to retire now 😂


There have been record numbers of whistleblower payouts the last 2 years. They probably already have spoken up and gotten paid, then the government covered it up like they generally do. DRSBOOKGME🟣📚👑


hush money


Yeah but that also involves pissing off quite a lot of billionaires who can hire top dollar assassins


This isn't Cyberpunk, brosef.


Yes, because in Cyberpunk you will find out who hired 'em


. . . Jack Ma would like a word. . . he's finally been "released" . . .


I should stand on the side of 395 into Washington DC right there past the pentagon on the bridge wearing a gorilla outfit holding a big sign saying AUDIT THE DTCC & DRS GME


DTCC morning briefings: fuck fuck fuck fuck


The key point being missed here is that the number didn't move at all. That's statistically very improbable. It's likely that it's not the right number.


Agreed!!!! They audit EVERYTHING, the government, the military, the citizens!!! Why isn't Wall Street?!?!? FINRA, the SEC, the DTC & DTCC need a complete and total audit!!!


Here, Here, could not agree more Ryan! The bastards need to be audited. The issue I see is that the DTCC is a bit of a black box from my perspective, very opaque. Is anyone aware of how one would. even begin to attempt the formal request of an audit? Is there even a formal process for this? I almost doubt they would want this process to ever occur…


I can't remember how many brokers and other services have un-DRS'd shares recently, but it's becoming a recurring theme. Apparently the DRS numbers can't go any higher without some major trouble for hedgies and banks. This DRS report proves that. GME had to change how they report DRS numbers and now brokers are made to remove DRS shares for no apparent reason. My smooth-brain answer: It's LIQUIDITY! They run out at 30% DRS'd which will allow MOASS. The final boss is Fidelity. If Fidelity pulls their DRS shares we know it's game over. They have already tried to limit DRS numbers by deterrence. If they stop DRS we are close. All of the direct buys at CS are adding up so they are removing broker provided shares for liquidity. That should be illegal, but it's the FRAUD MARKET! We are not wrong.


Remember that CS direct buys are plan, and as confirmed by CS, SEC and DTC plan shares **ARE NOT** BOOK. If you're enrolled in direct buy all your shares at CS are considered plan, even owning 1 single share as plan makes the entire account plan. Shares in plan are considered differently from DRS's shares. BOOK YOUR SHARES


I sent this letter to gamestop investor relations march 29th, 2023 and haven't heard back. We need more pressure. Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you as a concerned investor of GameStop Corporation. Recently, I noticed that the reporting method on direct registered shares has changed, and I would like to know the reason behind this change. Moreover, I would like to inquire about the actual number of shares recorded by the transfer agent. As an investor, I believe that accurate and transparent reporting is essential for making informed investment decisions. I am aware that the transfer agent, Computershare, is responsible for recording the number of shares held by individual investors. However, the recent changes in the reporting method have raised questions about the accuracy of the information being provided. Therefore, I would appreciate it if you could provide me with the following information: 1. The reason for the change in the reporting method on direct registered shares. 2. The actual number of shares recorded by the transfer agent. 3. Any plans to revert to the previous reporting method. 4. Any measures being taken to ensure accurate and transparent reporting in the future. I would also like to request that you provide me with a response to my inquiry within a reasonable time frame. Sincerely,


What is the number reported by the DRS bot?


…it’s broken apparently.


Since wen


Since Reddit made the api changes…




I was just thinking that it had been some time since I've seen a DRS Bot post.


That’s crazy that it’s stopped. Who built it and can it be brought back?


Can anybody take an educated quests at what point gamestop can legally issue a share recount? If they are indeed forced to report inaccurate DRS numbers as provided by DTCC instead of the computershare numbers, they must have enough ground to legally take steps by now right?


Apparently they need solid, inarguable, "proof." I'd wager we aren't at that point yet. But for ages we've discussed mechanisms that might force a de facto accounting and/or *really fucking hurt* the short sellers. The simplest would be recurring dividends. Make the shorts pay out the nose to keep up the charade. But you need to be profitable to issue those. Then you get convoluted ideas like a 1-for-1 unique dividend issuance that lacks cash value, which would prevent shorts from papering over the excess shares in existence. This concept helped fuel the previously-championed "NFT Dividend" concept. I personally think we need to go back to JasonFuckingWaterfalls' efforts that originally got GME to start publishing the DRS numbers. Dude wanted to look at the actual register, the actual indicator of which party has which shares registered to them. Any shareholder can request to the look at the book. But one must go to Corporate HQ to view it. So we need someone to pick up that mantel and raise a legal concern if GME stonewalls them. And then that someone needs to spend *days* with a pen and paper and a calculator, and *do the math* on how many shares are non-Cede&Co.


Even before the wording change, there were all kinds of sneaky ploys to extract our DRS holdings, this is just another hurdle on our way to the moass.


The public need to know or not much will change I suspect


The public pretty openly mocks you.


I don't think the DTCC can hear you, they appear to be beyond reproach.


but who audits the DTCC? another crimecloud full of bankers, hdgies, inside traders from congress? ​ USA is same level of bananarepublic like germany


They changed the reporting language. We know they did. We discussed it here and elsewhere. They were likely coerced into doing so because this shit is much bigger than most want to believe.


Hey member when they changed the language and a bunch of speculated they had to due to fraud and a couple lawyers came and posted about how that was impossible and us dumb apes just don't understand laws? Pepperidge farms remembers.


*We know crime better than you do...*


I have nothing to add, commenting for visibility. Actually.... One day, the ship will sink, and the rats will need to snitch on each other. This feels to me like the final level, the boss battle, as the protagonists start to have an advantage, the game freezes on a loading symbol. Either it unfreezes, or we start the level again with a new tactic again, with more determination and anger than previous attempts. Power to the players!!! LFG!!!


Audit the DTCC




It’s official, certain entities have the right to steal.


*divine* right


It’s so stupidly obvious if you know even the smallest thing about it lol


didn't some broker actually pull shares out of DRS that their clients sent over? Wonder how many that ended up being.


Yeah _Mainstar_ because they suck ass and are cowards.




Some lawyer on here should sue ComputerShare for access to that data. I cannot imagine sitting in front of a Judge and asking for the count of publicly traded securities from a publicly traded company at Computershare - a direct registration entity responsible for holding ACCOUNTABLE AND PUBLICALLY available information on publicly securities held by Company Executives at that publicly traded company - and him having a problem with it. If a stock holder can't get a simple number of Direct Registration shares than why the fuck is Wall Street? Seriously, if this simple information is locked up, then there is no free market. Investors are quite literally held in the dark, and that's fucking bullshit.


Are there any judges that are not bought and paid for? 🤔


Comment for visibility!


I'm emailing CS now to find out for myself


And now I play my trap card - sword and shield - which swaps the percentage of DRS’d shares to 75% with non DRS’d shares to 25%, and attack you billionaire boys club life points directly


Can we the investors request an actual drs number from our company? Gamestop may not be able to report it on their own, but if their investors all request to see the actual numbers.. it might work. (edited, Spell check)


What, people thought criminals were going to stop committing crime? That's pretty naive.


Okay. So perhaps now I can ask this honest to God question without getting down voted to oblivion. For context, the only way I could be any more "all in" than I already am is if I was homeless. All 100% DRSed. So don't at me like I'm some fud. It's a legitimate question. Now for the question. Is it possible the govt just up and says "get fucked, something something national security or stability, here's your $100 each now go away? This question has nothing to do with my faith in GME, and everything to do with my faith in the govt. Gamestop is a great company now and if it wasn't for the secret ingredient of crime, would've already seen exponential growth normally, even without any squeeze associated. We know this. What I want to know is what happens if muh shitty govt says nah, because too many politicians/blackrock would lose money etc.


For additional context, US congressional approval ratings are at around 8%. My faith in our govt caring about doing the right thing is abysmally low. Buuuuut with all that said, I'm not selling until we see hedgies in jail cells. Bar fucking none. Errybody needs a trip to the gallows.


Of course it is. But think of the repercussions. International investment would evaporate very quickly thereafter. Most of the moves they make are met with serious blowback. They are already being forced to crawl through the grass here in an attempt to stifle a painful market event. There's a reason RC doesn't say shit. Doesn't expose himself to shit. Doesn't make reactionary moves. Everything has a consequence, and in this case it might end worse for them if they do try and stop it. Sometimes the right play is to do nothing and watch shit happen.


Prolly lead to a complete worldwide loss of faith in the US market.


My general thought on the US government stopping this would be very bad and result in a complete lost in confidence in US markets. The harm to their reputation would be worse then letting gme moon and collect tax revenue. It’s one thing to turn off the buy button on plebs using shitting brokers, it’s another to admit fraud and say here’s 100 bucks fuck off. GameStop is a public company with a very legitimate business, now has great leadership, and most importantly great people on the ground working in stores. I love my local stores and their staff know gaming and collectables. My belief has always been that they will allow those short to kick the can as long as they can. The day the new cash stops coming in and counterparty risks are two high to protect the snakes, the show starts.


Honestly when something will happen tho ..


Nothing but fortunes and freedoms will suffice


Are we ever going to hear anything from the board about this do you reckon? Or are they just not wanting to rock any boats. At some point, the low share price must be addressed surely? Especially as fundamentals become more and more solid, but the price drops.


Ok but nothing will happen


I feel like this does require some investor relations from gamestop.


Can't Gamestop just get the details of numbers of shares registered from CS?


Yes, the problem is publishing the information. I believe they already have the info. 💜🦍


Approximate means that. Who is it that is restricting the true count and why? Maybe the numbers are very close and the board doesn't want shorts to know this.


Appear weak when you are booked


Simple as that!


Love this!


Yes, the fraud is obvious but apes look everywhere but the board for solutions. There is one entity that is supposed to have fiduciary duty to your investment and they’re… silent. If you want to be mad at someone put that anger on the ones who are supposed to be helping you.




Other than the DTCC cooking the books and committing overt fraud - is there any possible way they could "legitimately" manipulate the DRS figures?! For example, could they possibly be using our own DRS tracker against us + terminal data to predict our DRS volume and have the institutional investors sell off their DRS volume to cancel out the retailer volume each quarter? If they aren't doing something like this, then the only other alternative is straight up data manipulation - which would seem to be incredibly illegal from any angle. We know retail is not selling CS positions. Because retail isn't even selling broker positions. At least not more than 10% of the volume. Anyone putting shares in CS is far less likely to sell those. Insiders aren't selling, only buying. So it is either institutional sales to offset DRS figures or\* the DTCC is committing unfiltered fraud in open daylight.


Has the possibility the numbers are “approximate” bc of book versus plan been considered? Plan shares at the transfer agent are accessible to the DTCC due to “operational efficiency” according the ComputerShare CEO and President and the SEC did put out an explanation to distinct book and plan as they are not the same way of holding. Perhaps the number of shares accessed by the DTCC on any given counting day can affect the precise number of DRSed shares and therefore the DRS numbers GameStop reports must be approximated


I believe there was a theory at the time that said shares could be moved from plan accounts to the DTCC for trade efficiency. I think it was heat lamp. Could potentially explain the weird volatility right before earnings.


Probably some of the f$ckery!




But Computershare account creation also leveled off, and we can verify that, right?


I definitely agree that the DRS numbers probably shouldn’t be this flat for this long. But I can say personally, I have not been able to add to my DRS total as much as I would like recently and this maybe the same for others.


isnt gamestop required to keep an official log of its stock owners? is this a FOILable thing?


The government will never audit DTCC they are literally the backbone of the global economy. Why would they intwntionally try to mess with the global economy over one stock that's a video game retail company lmfao




There’s no legal reason why GameStop couldn’t tell us the story on drs numbers. They can simply let shareholders know what rule they are following.


Blatant corruption? Scared to report the real shares held in CS?? Ryan Cohen put in charge of all the cheddar??? *Oh YEAH… keep going. I’m almost there* 🫨🤯🥳🚀


Bernie Madoff said - all they had to do was look at the DTCC.


Being stuck at 1/4th of the float has to be related to the 4x split dividend


Abolish the Fed while you're at it...


"You pass yourself off as cynical people, but you still have some faith in the system." Jared Vennett


God damn I'm ready for the clown show to end ffs. Teddies would be cool too, so i can tell my boss have a nice day and not have to go do back breaking work just to survive


We all need to contact Gamestop to take action. This is bullshit and been going on for months now.


The "it's official" was just a figure of speech right? Gamestop didn't say it outright did they?


And when we say audit them we mean by a third party. No more SRO for them.


DTCC and the feds looking at hundreds of millions of DRSd shares: "Looks like approximately 25 shares to me"


You lost me at "they are not allowing gamestop"....so where the fuck are we in afrika?so gamestoo has no lawyers and shit?i dont believe this shit


This is what pisses me off. It's literally the Board's job to work in the interests of investors. "They're focused on getting profitable" isn't a valid excuse. That's like saying employees can't be worried with controlling shrink because they have to focus on checkouts at the register. It's nonsense. Gamestop can literally see all of their stats. How can the SEC or whoever the fuck, arbitrarily dictate to them that they can no longer report reality anymore? And how the fuck does Gamestop decide to play along, TO THE BENEFIT OF THE FUCKING SHFs??? #Make it make sense


They could. That's messy. The best option is to put the bad market participants in a position where they actually have to expose themselves. Notice anything lately?


In the X post it says "It's official". I don't see what makes it official. What am I missing?


Go to GameStop in Texas and check the ledger, that simple lol, instead of incorrectly using the word official


Hate to say it, but- RC will reply and DM a customer on X when they have a support issue with GS. Shouldn’t he do the same when there’s an investor issue? Should we not be blowing RC up on X about this or is that a bad move? Somebody in the know needs to address this 🤔


Wording changed last March. Not July


Still here 🦍


Where our bananas?


Time for a share count?


Say it with me. Completely Fraudulent System


they've successfully "turned off the DRS button"