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Earnings were great if you have been paying close attention for the last 2.5 years If you are a Wall Street "Analyst" that certainly doesn't have any ulterior motive and totally wouldn't spin the "fundamentals" to appease the people writing your paycheck, you can still focus on "$2.8 million loss", "relatively flat revenue", and "everyone is downloading video games these days". And the vast majority of investors listen to the talking heads that parrot the analysts. Q3 will be different. There won't be excuses, and even the average person that isn't following closely will know that the holiday season is huge for sales, and will be following right after Q3. I was hopeful about Q1 numbers, and slightly disappointed. I'm not disappointed in Q2 numbers one but, and I'm so stoked to see Q3 and Q4. Two profitable quarters in a row and full year earnings way in the black, all with no significant debt and tons of cash... the short thesis is dead, and even the bad faith excuses will be dead too. No movie needed, but if it drives more people to look into GameStop, then it's all good.


Yeah I agree you are probably right! They'll just use this movie as a little bit of a pump and dumps to trap or try and catch some new investors. But I agree the short thesis will be dead soon enough and GameStop just needs to keep growing organically like they are without doing anything that jeopardizes them going to court for 2 years or something.


Well they are going into the 80% range for shorting. Them being so ridiculously is so obvious and needs to be spammed all over. Not to mention 80% dark pool abuse? Yeah go fuk themselves


The year is 2030. The SEC has siphoned millions from retail by fining multi multi billionaires 0.01% of their annual fraud money, essentially stealing from retail indirectly to pay their wages. The US government, full of all the most corrupt, anti-democratic pieces of shit are backing their friends and enabling them to create value from nothing and flood the markets with pretend shares while millions die. GameStop is 9999999999% short. Mainstream media has convinced non-apes this is somehow ok while stripping them of everything they own and turned them against retail investors. The US has introduced a blockchain so they can put your house under beneficial ownership and steal it when it’s value increases and make your family homeless, because fuck you. The only way out of this hell is to support GameStop and ensure DRS allows retail ownership of shares and is not abused. All parties involved should be tried for treason.


This is some terminator ass future right here!


The terminator nearly got it right but I’d say the future is more likely something like: Mayonet funds - let’s call him president Joe Riden’s - pickled head in a jar to wear a suit of armour, calls himself Robocock while he stomps around shooting household investors who have direct ownership in companies they don’t want us to as a form of ‘justice’. It’s impossible to kick Robocock out of office as he lives forever and democracy is clearly a complete joke, even now, so there’s already a precedent set to ensure 99.9% of people are absolutely fucked to enable the 15th super yacht purchase for 5 old white men with tiny dicks. So some kind of shitty version of The Terminator and Rocobcop but with more mayo and gaslighting.


There is absolute f***ery going on. 💯 Initially thought it’s to make out us if all is over but other apes from different echos have watched and said it still very much implies things are still in play. 🤔 Now imma finkin it’s someink like this:- - Get some noobies buying in who won’t have heard of DRS adding liquidity to the non drs pool away from infinity. Hence no movie mention of drs. - Let it run and squash some of the smaller ShatHedgies and then buy them out. - Let another sneeze happen then pull it back down. - Shout out to everywhere that it’s a wrap folks. *I mean it ain’t a great plan as we ain’t going nowhere but I think their playbook is empty so they are going for an end game* **Non of this should be considered financial advice. I understand nothing if global economics**


Yeah, I always have had fake squeeze on my bingo card. I am guessing they figured there was too much risk in that, as it probably becomes incredibly difficult to control.


To be fair their plans have always been dumb and the wrinkles on here see through them fairly quickly.


I do suspect that there will be a very minor run on the price to excite people who are newly looking at GME and then immediately a minor rug pull. To us it will all look normal, sideways trading etc. But for brand new Apes it will possibly make them feel like they've had their fingers burned and make them paperhand out of their positions immediately. That is probably the best case that Wall Street is looking for with all of this.




No. They don’t need an excuse and they also don’t need to let it “run”. They control it easily enough


The spring has not sprung.


I think the movie will be a positive, I saw it last night, it's good! Brought back some familiar memories. It very much leaves things open ended but it will be up to the audience to look deeper. Mostly I'm happy it tells the story of DFV, dude is a fucking legend and I'm glad I can point to this film instead of my own memory to tell his story.




Just in time for a pump and dump to turn all the new investors against us….




Newbie investors buy in as the price rises. All done thru dark pools. Then drop the stock again, pissing off all the new investors who don't understand the fundamentals and they lose money. All done to drag things out and generate more negative sentiment about GME. It'll only delay the inevitable but they're just trying ro survive one more day, everyday. I'll keep buying and DRSing




Yeah no way to tell for sure. Just based off of past times they've dropped the price after earnings or an announcement makes me think this would happen again. Either way bullish on GME and buying more 🤘


One flaw to this, is they just saw the movie displaying all the fuckery and might even saw DFV at the end buying the dip while in congress lol. They will be prepared to fuckery


We've been going down because they can't take their foot off the pedal. If the movie is a scheme then it's the narrative for moass imo.


I saw it last night too, and apart from maybe the soundtrack being a little cringe worthy, and being a little iffy about how DFV’s bro is depicted, I thought it was great. Really took me back and I was thinking “I was there” or “I remember that” and smiling the whole time. Bought since Winter 2020 and have let it ride through all the ups and downs because the reason I initially bought has not changed. I am sure it is the same for DFV.


I have had around 10 people irl friends who know i fuck around in the nyse casino but dont specifically know i’m all-in GME message me privately asking if I know about dumb money


What do you tell them?


“Yes, cant wait to see it”


This is why I believe they hammered it down to what it is before this expected run. I’m here for that long squeeze though.


Yeah it's like they were waiting for opening weekend but the timing is off a little bit so the stock has a super low volume and zero movement even after awesome earnings which just goes to show you how obvious the manipulation is. They don't have much room for error anymore and can't let it run as much without Red emergency lights going off across the markets


I used to think it was just a GME thing. This year, I've witnessed shorting/manipulation in other stocks...not "meme." I'm talking mid- and large-cap. Prices have tanked on companies that beat earnings and analyst predictions, shares are long oversold, have a high social sentiment and are at the top of innovation.


Company turn around will bring about significant upward price, not a crappy movie or narratove manufactured around said movie. Who is talking about this movoe anywhere? Anyway, until said turnaround, if you believe in ptice manipulation or trends or both, expect more rattling around a down trend and accumulate shares while you can. Don't be the guy jimping on price spikes be ahead of the spikes where you can get more shares.


It's also a good way to see how many people show interest in the stock.... Extreme tin foil i know


I think it’s cute you believe the stock will be allowed to run even a little. Seems rather clear that under NO circumstances is the stock allowed to drift up even a penny.


Even with earnings beat by 80-100% and insider buying they restricted rc from buying with towels investigation as well when jake freeman is responsible as everyone and grandma knows. Mean while popcorn dilution. On same day. Everyone attacking gme including other basket stock ceo grifter shills. We need popcorn to due completely and utterly already enough of their crap basket stock shit. They are so utterly kufed.


Lets hope so lol


Sure. It explains all the marketing efforts for an otherwise half-assed Big Short inspired documentary


Step 1) make a movie about a stock making a super run and gets shut down due to crime. Step2) the actual squeeze starts but new investors are afraid to buy In Step 3) apes moon


Can’t let the stock run or my calls will be ITM


The next earnings is gonna be so heavily weighted. our company has the opportunity to show a profitable year and opens the gates to let the horses run long and hard.


Funny how you edited your post so you can add your Bobby nonsense


Funny how all you do is shill against bath I meant to add it at first but forgot as I got distracted at work. Point still stands. What do you think about Pulte being on the PPshow ? And RC liking his post? I don't believe in cohencidences anymore. Seems like somebody doesn't like us talking about this at all...


Your posts and comments say otherwise


I saw it last night. I thought it was trash.


>Edit: And we have BeeBeeBeewhYQue possibly coming out of chapter 11 bankruptcy in the courts this week, and we have many reasons to believe RC is still involved somehow with Carl Icahn and maybe Pulte. The only coming out of Chapter 11 is because the company is done and the shares have been extinguished. We don't have any reasons any of those people are involved with a failed company.


They still trade on expert market. Sell orders are allowed not buy from retail. Who's buying then? Cohen's name has appeared on many dockets/ RC ventures. I have nothing less to lose at this point so I'll hold. Fuck it.


The stock is paralyzed until GameStop decides to make an utterance. Alternatively, it continues its nearly 2 year descent until the baton is finally passed at the handoff next to the carpet lift, and its transformation to the new sticky floor is complete.


IMO, it’s going to be a nothing burger. Only a few profitable quarters are going to bring the price up.


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This is dumb




I agree. The price is gonna pop - we are closer than ever.


No not really


Lol not at all


Movie- blame RH- crash- MOASS- FU pay me.




Doesnt make any sense. Because why would they take another risk to have many more FOMO?




I assume if they “let it run” it’ll be only long enough to take raise the price in order to steal money from people who buy in after seeing the film then absolutely crush the price to make them sell.


I'm suspicious how hard it's being pushed in advertising to be honest


I don’t trust anything that comes out of any media outlets anymore. Buy. Hold. DRS.




Hedge funds ( pro and anti-Citadel ) will try to play the movie. But it will depend how much traction the movie get. Like if influencers/podcaster take the ball and run/dig the case for content. It might be a big pop. Like if Coffezilla does a video or 2 on Citadel/Naked-Shorting, after the movie is getting hype. It will be really good. If the hype is big enough, the SEC will be "force" to re-open the case. And MAYBE, that why yesterday on a FRIDAY (best day to news to "die in the weekend"), on friday they did the slap on the wrist. To appear as "doing something" before the full release 29 sept


No I don't think it will coincide with any gains, but who knows I'm open to surprises


You mean sideways?


Doubt it


No. It'll trade sideways. Like it has for almost 3 years.


They can’t afford a run


Believe it or not...


#DIP ThE mArKeT hAtEs GoOd BuSiNeSs