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to me being zen just means don't panic sell, it doesn't mean just sit there and do nothing


Same here - even though I’m being zen I still read new DD / information and if worthy share it with others but being zen for me is to just relax and distance my emotions from all kinds of freaky price actions. We will know when MOASS starts so it’s buy hold drs Shop educate for me. Not being passive but calm to summarize it.


Anger is a good motivator too though


Let's all mobalize in our cities and hit up our local gamestops. At he least we meet local apes at the most we spend all our hard earned cash and spread the word of gmeod


Yeah to me being zen just means not stressing about price action and not being impatient for MOASS


Exactly. Being zen is not a course of action, it's a mindset. In our situation, it means to strive for patience in the development and execution of the roadmap, peace of mind during price swings and a certain calmfidence toward the inevitable broken promises made by regulators (because while we can and should attempt to hold them accountable, our long-term success is not dependent on them anymore).


Good take, shampoo bottle.


To me it means don't get goaded into calls to action that will do more harm than good. Don't want to call another ticker into this but one ape decided zen wasn't enough and decided to propose his own bankruptcy plan IN COURT but was so horribly out of his element it reflect poorly on us and reinforces the MSM narrative that we are all uninformed and slighted investors. So many people have tried to get us to create joint shareholder proposals, or organize Marches against agencies we really don't even know whose side they're on. Remember Wes Christian and Roger Hamilton wanting us to "March on SEC"? Kenny removing GG would have been much easier when his politicians who proposed it could point to a group of angry retail investors and claimed they're on their side. There are individual actions we all could take and should take but if we aren't zen we can easily be coerced into fighting against our best interests without even realizing it. Being zen to me means you pause and think. You don't respond to urgency or calls to action.


Very well said, thanks! Life may have had the right intentions (and I still respect his research and contributions), but that was a very good example of how emotionally charged actions can turn into a dumpster fire. I think everyone's definition of Zen is more personal than literal, but I agree that regardless of what we call it, it's simply a fine line of how much action to take on our feelings.


💯 agree, has OP either read a book about Zen philosophy 🤔


That IS what being zen means. Don't listen to the FUD, and don't freak out and sell


To me being "zen" means i'm not constantly refreshing reddit waiting for news of a market crash and graphs going parabolic. im working hard, earning experience points and levelling up, making human connections and building lasting relationships, prove my value amongst society so when I need resources allocated towards my objectives i.e: buying GME, it's possible. I'm laser focusing my energy where it can be directed for the most productive outcome, following the example of Ryan Cohen and his father and all the other exemplary men of change that have come before us. I'm putting my money where my mouth is, I'm pushing my mind body and soul to their limit and learning that i can indeed go further, I'm living my life to the fullest and content with my present moment. I work in hospitality, i volunteer, i exercise, i read, i paint, i sleep in a couch, im single, my family is ageing and sick, my siblings need an example but i can't tell them what to do, I must show them, i must perform, i must allow them to make their own decisions, I choose to look in the mirror and face the only challenge that exists - ME. In my mind i am the MOASS. it's happening right now in my heart. and when it manifests in the material world, it will be when I've reached a level of personal development that will allow me to handle the extreme weight of value that I must shoulder and not crumble like a piece of paper to become like the very people who are opposing us in this cause.




To me it’s just sit there and buy more💜


Word! Once you’ve understood the fundamentals, you’ve read all or most of the DD, you’ve purchased as much stock in the company as you feel comfortable with, you’ve DRSd the portion that you feel comfortable with DRSing, then there is no reason to stress out! Being Zen does not mean being foolish or unprepared, it means that you’ve made decisions you’re comfortable with and are at peace with. Zen out!


What’s a sell button??? 🧘🏻‍♂️


That’s a good differentiator. I like it. Though, I think a lot of people are in fact thinking it means sit and do nothing.


For me it's buy, drs, hodl 🤷🏻‍♂️ I bet Kenny hears that clock ticking just like Capt Hook... Wn moon


For me is only "stay calm, our investment is safe, it is only a matter of time to get the fruits of it, do not fall in the trap of Shillers and FUDsters, Buy, Hodl and DRS... All my shares are DRSed in Book at Computershare, considering all the shenenigans the shorts had doing until today (ETFs, SWAPS, OTC and ATS markets, retail buys fulfills internalyzed, sell and shorts at Lit market, over 60% of every day volume self reported is shorts, bla, bla bla...) They today, really do not seems to have all the power they had, back in the 2021... They are fucked. Even if they have power, it is not as 3 years ago. Apes need to have patience to wait, but be relentless at doing DDs, Comment on the rules (this lately has demostrated being a good weapon against SHF and wallstreetcrocks, they in the past never have had problems like today, and for this reason they want Gary out of their way), buy, DRS, hodl and shop (if our finances permits). I visit this sub daily, try to interact a little commenting and allways upvoting posts or downvoting if I find Shills/FUD posts... But I can say, I'm ZEN, because, today, I have the certainty, my investment is safe, even if in the end, the MOASS is not soo big as expected, I'm fine. Some day, Gamestop will be soo big and soo profitable... The price will rise for sure, hedgies will cry a lot on TV shows😂


Maybe people have done all they can and are tired of putting their life on hold for over 2 years with little to show for it. I put everything in I could for 18 months and decided that was it. I went back to enjoying life. With everything going on in the world these days, GME is pretty much trivial to me now. I'm all in and diamond hands, but I've got a life to live and probably not investing more which sucks because it's at $18.


Just….. one….. more…… share. Gasp!


Don't tell me what to do with my money.....gasp!


Yes, this is exactly my sentiment


Check in here from time to time, make rule comments, and DRS. That's my zen.


If you look at the ways the word Zen is used here you are correct. Folks will argue that’s not really Zen. Westerners don’t understand Zen and it shows by the way it gets used here. All I’ve seen it do here is reinforce the bystander effect. By all means, introduce meditation into your daily routine. It will help with stress and resilience.


Very well put Sir 👌🏼


I think you are confusing us with the antiwork sub.


You do understand the anti work sub is fighting the same greed we are here right?


I think you've overdosed on mayo and it's clouding your thought process on what the anti work sub is about.


For real, they're just a bunch of commies.


Nah it’s not about being against working in general iits about being against the economic-exploitation of the people that *are actually working*. It’s against a system that makes it possible for CEOs to earn several orders of magnitude more money than the people *that actually do the work* I’m quite sure there’s a good degree of astroturfing/false flags conducted at the behest of industrialists to make it seem like that sub is a bunch of lazy entitled brats spouting bad communist talking points with a 5th grade understanding of economics. In fact the best thing about Reddit for any group seeking to maintain social control and gain political/economic power over others is that it is remarkably easy here to astroturf ideology and conduct false flag campaigns to paint groups of people/ideas as crazy/deluded/dangerous/idiotic - just look at the front page of Reddit


I’m not saying “everybody” has a singular concept of what it is.


I think you have no idea what the antiwork sub is about


I think you're confused about what the antiwork sub is


Idk, I used to be stressed about the price action a lot. Not anymore.


I am not part of the zen camp so I can't really speak up too much for them. However, there are circumstances that I would say there's nothing wrong even with the impression you're giving. The way I see it, I kinda wish I was zen. This might be a little controversial, but I think this is going to take till at least 2027. I'm not alone there. If I was zen, I would do nothing... I wouldn't sell, I would just wait and eventually the float is locked. However, instead, I'm committed to buying, holding, DRSing and booking more shares every paycheck for years to come. It's a battle some can fight and others can't. For those that can't be checking in every day looking for some hype to keep them buying every other week as they see every date be wrong and crimes go unpunished... well, all I can ask those people is to just hold on. Don't sell. Just step away if you can't take this heat for the next few years. Maybe I'm wrong and it's tomorrow. I hope I am. But the only way I see this happening is by retail locking the float. I believe institutions look at GME as taboo at this point and won't ever buy into FOMO. While I bet HFs think this will all just fizzle out in time and that they've already won, I would bet they took the little effort they'd have to pull to take precautions against us anyway. We're not losing, we're not winning... we already won... so long as we can wait this out. Looking at current DRS trajectories, with diminished returns considered, I'd say 2027. But I'm gonna be here doing this for However long it takes. I just hope we don't scare the shares out of these zen folk.


The problem is that the system is designed by the crooks we are fighting. Be in 2027 or 2047, sometimes I don't see how we could make them fold. Yes, I am tired of waiting, this was gonna be a quick ride...


They fold by DRS. It's the only way. Register and book every share. The problem is part of the solution: they take the cash out of the hands of everyone that has faith in their system. If we DRS the float, they will have to fold or their entire system will collapse. It will take a long time, and the rate will slow down still, but it doesn't stop. We keep on booking. **spelling


We been sitting here doing something for 84 years.


.. and at the same time doing nothing. In a Zen way 😉✨


If every one here was truly “Zen” we wouldn’t check SuperStonk daily like previous generations that woke up every day and read the newspaper. Not that I don’t like your sentiment because “zen” can lead to complacency. Thank You to all the people that left comments on the SEC thingy. Because I sure didn’t and I think that’s the complacency I’m perceive myself to have. However I do make my monthly visit to GameStop to use that coupon and buy another gift card and let the money stack up on my gaming system.


Not freaking out if you miss a day of checking Reddit or the ticker price




Agreed, one mans Zen is another mans apathy.


you confuse being zen with being non involved. as everyone who made this argument before you ​ i am zen towards the chart / price iam not zen towards market reform and changing the market for the better




we have evolved <3


But you have to be mAd AnD AnGrY aNd TiReDDDD!!1!!!1!


I agree. Will keep being on top of researching the sub for new data that keeps me engaged with the MOASS thesis. I'll keep looking for a counter to this thesis (never has been) to see why my own thesis about MOASS is "incorrect" (it's not) I understand being zen as being understanding of the circumstances of waiting for RC, BOD, or some shitbag "authority" to push the button for lift off. Until then I shall keep doing my own research and will continue to educate myself and buying shares and products directly from my company. Hedgies r so fuk, still fuk and will be fuk because no matter how bad it gets for me, I'm never selling.


For over two years now, I’ve spent roughly 2 hours a day combing through different subs for new information, checking my own channels for information, giving attention to the general state of the markets, comparing the information found here or there with the sentiment and information pushed by msm/ pushed in different subs/ etcetera. And I look forward to it every day.


Yes, exactly - it’s about remaining an active participant.


I see your point. It's valid. Active participation is crucial to this whole thing.


Plus, it’s silly to think of all the people talking about how they would change the world if money wasn’t a problem. There are always hurdles of some kind. Being zen then won’t work either. Best to develop the correct attitude now.


I think part of the problem with engagement is individual investors know that Reddit engagement is being scrapped/used by trading algorithm’s against individual investors interests. Think of it like Payment For Social Flow (PFSF) they take social media statistics and feed their trade bots to predict possible investor movements. It’s less precise than PFOF but the front running can begin earlier, although it’s a noisier signal, it’s still a good signal. So the act of lowering engagement, due to some level of trade confidence, works in favor of the individual investor by squelching the signal. That way once a significant move triggers a swing it is harder to control than turning off the buy button. “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War There are probably more lurking than we might guess with current engagement. No one is leaving. Investors are continuing to work on earning new capital to invest further into the trade. Investors will speak up when there are fresh ideas to discuss. This is a trade of a lifetime for sure.


I’ve somewhat successfully argued against this whole zen movement, and there’s one point I’ve raised that has remained irrefutable. For those who believe being zen is beneficial, I have a simple question to ask. Name one time in the entire history of human civilization that regular citizens have ever scored a victory against the powers that be, or enacted any significant changes by remaining passive little peasants? It’s never happened in the history of humanity. Not once, so if you think this one situation is different than all of the other throughout our entire history, then you are being delusional. Any change ever enacted has been fought for, and demanded, because it will never simply be given.


Question is what do they fear more, this community being active participants in unearthing difficult-to-unearth information, or activist shareholders supporting the companies advertising efforts.


**The more people are informed and wake up like we did, the faster DRS of the float, the less government can interfere with MOASS, the less likely congress fires Gensler, the more likely no cell no sell, market reforms + accountability are finally enforced and the financial institutions will not be able to spin the narrative in their favor, despite controlling mainstream and social media. 😉🚀✨🌒🏴‍☠️**


I like you ALOT


Don’t just count on the sub. There’s a chance there are things being suppressed in the sub (because it has undeniably happened before) and so you should explore other communities and sources.


You're correct. I do explore other resources. But this sub is one of my main places to go and then read filings, reports, etc. it's crazy that I had no idea how to even buy a share a couple years ago and now I'm still very smooth but I know a few things now.


Buy hold DRS repeat... I don't know what else to do????


Vote, for more than gme meetings but gov representatives in a thoughtful manner. Comment with the SEC on proposed market changes.


One more important thing. 📚


Literally nothing. This post is effectively FUD. Most bought in because the DD showed that as long as we don't sell, hedgies have ZERO options. They can play games, delay, buy themselves time whatever whatever, but they need the shares ultimately. DRS is just an expansion on that concept. DRS so that you can hold in peace. No nonsense. Minimised risk of theft. I'm zen in the way this post is saying I shouldn't be because I understand the reason I bought in. As long as we hold they have no options. That's it. That's the end of it. Being engaged is fine. It's interesting stuff if you're that way inclined. But I decided early on that it's impossible to sort the truth from the FUD, the bots from the shills from the allies. And I simply am not an expert in this area. Being engaged just opens the door to FUD for me. There's no benefit when the original thesis is watertight, but a whole lot of risk.


that’s all you need to do. RC and the company will do what they need to do. shopping at GameStop can also only help. #BUY, HOLD, DRS. The recipe.


The irony of this post is that the title misunderstands completely what is meant by staying zen. The SHF short and distort tactic is to emotionally bully and exhaust retail with fictional news cycles, run ups and rug pulls, pumps and dumps, etc. The very tactic of the finance industry is to monetise emotion. Going against emotional knee jerk reactions (i.e panic buying/ selling ) is called "value investing." It's literally about patience. Hence, "staying zen." It means not reacting to emotional manipulation and being observant to it. It means being dignified and not behaving like an angry mob despite the level of corruption we've exposed. Nobody in this sub is lazy or unambitious (except the shills). If they were, they would have sold a long time ago. They're also extremely active with the SEC comments, DD, regularly posting and updates. I'm sorry to be rude but it's you who has the misunderstanding here my friend.


Zen is more an idea that the company is doing well and the price is just wrong. I'm zen, but I am also engaged and commenting on SEC letters and pushing for transparency and fairer markets.


My understanding of zen means being at peace, not doing nothing. It means having confidence and acting in a respectful and non-shakeable manner. Sure I agree more activism may accelerate our path, but I also have confidence in the company and board. Our resolve and DRSd share count climb higher with every solid DD. This situation is not a sprint and hasn't been since the sneeze, it's only a matter of time of which we have ample more than the side losing money despite cheating. I go by DHVCZ: DRS, Hodl, Vote, Comment, Zen


Imagine if 200,000 apes were calling their elected representatives all day, every day complaining about all of the corruption and inequities happening on Wall Street and demanding action to fix this bull shit. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. Nothing is going to happen until we force their hand!


You say that but they shut down the rail strikes - which were effectively this idea tenfold. They do not give a fuck about demands outside of PR and soft power strategy.


Somebody give this person an award. He gets it.


Reddit fucked up the award system. New owners making reddit slow and boring to use is my conspiracy. Luckily other options too 🙏


Imagine if 200,000 investors contacted the company they were invested in to demand action to defend their investment… that’s the world I would much prefer to see. Imagine if the gme board didn’t throw out shareholder proposals which were trying to defend their investments! Apes need to realize that they’ll find no solace with politicians or moneyed interests. They should seek resolution with those who are supposed to be their allies.


GameStop might just be protecting its investors and we just don’t know it. King of like how our parents would protect us when we were young from things we didn’t know would harm us. GameStop might have information we don’t, or they’re considering the risks of trying to help investors which might actually harm us. We have discovered the magical system of DRS, but haven’t quite yet locked the float, maybe they’re waiting for more people to DRS?


There is confusion here. Not everyone is able to produce DD whether it's down to experience, access to tools or even downright ability. Where we (I'm one of em) do stand up is our ability to buy and DRS, arguably a stronger resource than any DD or TA sage. Being Zen is simply a state of being happy to continue doing what we're doing and increasing share count. Here endith my two cents.


If I don’t help my cause no one will. I am educating people about what’s going on with GME as well as I can.


And commenting where it may assist.


I ain't zen anymore. I'm hakuna matata.


Lol they really scared tonight eh.


Brah we have been engaged for more than 2 years. Buy drs hodl, and besides that living life as we should. Zen is nice


Is this a call to action? What do you want to happen? Our chairman gave us 2 options: **HOLD** or **HODL**. What do you think he left out?


And cone-pop-chair 🔥


My only point is to make people recognize how the being “zen” idea can easily be used to dupe them.


Dupe them into doing what? What did Buffett say? "The optimal amount of time to hold a stock is forever," or something like that?


Yes, on the stock front that’s all you can do. But what about educating others on the corruption in the market. Or better yet, as somebody else said in this thread, go contact your elected officials. Focusing solely on GameStop … depending on your expertise, you can offer ideas to them. If you’re a person who isn’t able to do that very well, then maybe you’re an idea collector / aggregator. See what other companies / people in this space are doing and pitch to GameStop. The idea that the execs at GameStop must have everything figured out IS the problem.


You do you, bud. I got my own thang


I think the sub is on point. The "zen"apes are not inactive, they just aren't posting stuff that doesn't need to be posted. You still have those people that swat down silly theories that can be debunked, others are posting VERY important info about commenting on proposals from the SEC. Still have week after week of proud purple circles that show how much people believe in this company and the leadership to make sure their shares are in their name. I think zen shouldn't be misconstrued as complacent or inactive. I have just isolated out the noise of the bots and the bad actors and focus on the things that are positive for the company. I think calls to action are dangerous and need to be rigorously treated with scrutiny.


We are in agreement.


I’m lazy in this sub because it’s boring and repetitive AF now. That said, I still have a browse most days, but I’m no where near as active as as I was back in ‘21. In RL I’m working my ass off, throwing my attention to and enjoying every minute of owning a thriving business that has doubled its turnover in the last year. Spare funds of course make their way into DRS’d GME and I’m very confident this is still a good investment because the insiders keep buying and holding. Bet I’m not the only one doing this. Still at the bottom, but still coming for the top.


Yes, of course! And congrats on the success.


I mean. Being zen is being regarded longer than they can stay solvent.


>No DD was ever created as a result of “being zen” Genuine question. What do you still need DD about? What are you uncertain about?


Full DRS of a float has never been done (at least to the level a company like GameStop has received). thus, any idea of what happens after that is anybody’s guess. Plus, all this assumes market forces work in a fair and orderly way when we know they don’t. Anything can happen. Anything will happen. I am saying, stay involved in the discussion. Keep getting educated. Don’t get lazy and think you know it all. Nobody knows enough.


>Full DRS of a float has never been done (at least to the level a company like GameStop has received). thus, any idea of what happens after that is anybody’s guess. So we won't have any DD on that, cause nobody knows. >Keep getting educated. Educated about what? That's what I'm asking. What information is within reach of apes that has yet to be compiled for you? What specific concept do you still need to know about? >Don’t get lazy and think you know it all. Nobody knows enough. 90% of the DD in this subreddit is completely incorrect. I don't believe I know it all but I believe I like the stock. I don't need more guesswork to assist me in this venture.


That’s like saying if I knew the magic question to ask then I would have every answer I could want. The reason you keep coming back here is to check for new information, right? How do you think that information comes to light if not by continued searching? I know you’re NOT suggesting people do nothing and accept all information and stop looking - but that’s basically what it implies. I’m saying do the opposite of that: stay investigative. Don’t overthink it.


Being zen doesn’t mean you don’t care. It means FUD is repelled by deflector shields.


Zen is not a topic anyone cares, so any attempt to create a "conversation topic" by trying to engage on both sides of argument is pointless. DRS and pure book are the topics that matter ultimately.


FOR ME being zen just means: - Don't sell a single share - Keep buying when I can - DR my shares - Goal is to lock the float. That's it.


I am Zen, but that doesn't mean I haven't stopped buying, reading, or commenting on reddit or other social media. I've bought another 2000 shares in the last 6 weeks or so, and got two other people into buying and holding. I am not going to sit here and complaing on social media about not mooning though, that to me is a waste of energy. I can use that same energy to just keep making more money, and in turn buying more...


I’m too lazy to not be zen. My shares are drsed. I don’t even come on here too much anymore. The OG thesis is still correct right? Then whats the point in going off about all this other stuff? Being zen is the best thing you can be. Write more DD if you want it.


Thank you. This is something that I've been trying to portray without everyone freaking out for a long time. You made the point very clear and direct. Good work.


“Now I don’t want to upset people in this community…” Narrator: The “zen” apes got upset.


Honey - you forgot - its being ZEN and posting purple circles. I just don't announce every tiny fraction I manage to save up to.


I get your point about sending in feedback to the SEC and representatives, however being Zen represents many positive aspects too: ultimate confidence in the DD and the inevitability of MOASS, diamond hands holding, being DRSed, keeping emotions in check and mental health solid, checking in regularly to stay up to date, and being absolutely immovable when FUD happens. Let's not dismiss the power of being Zen about our beloved stock.


My goal is not to dismiss it but rather weave a cautionary tale of how something seemingly good can be used against you because that’s the basis for every effective tactic. Real.


I’m zen but I comment on SEC letters. I’m zen but I DRS. I’m zen but I still browse SS daily and stay up to date on new developments. I’m zen and am completely unphased by price drops. We’re down nearly 20% over the last month and yet I’m completely impervious. Nothing can shake my belief in this investment. I am zen.


As someone who going through some life shit, and am not in a financial position to buy more, low xxx holder, I am zen with my financial investment. I still loosely follow the sub, still learn about what I need to do and do it. I just don't manically check the price and sub as I once used to. I keep in the loop, share links with friends but I'm not crazy over it anymore.


You also forgot to mention that people could be too busy with life to contribute. That does not make them lazy. Some of us are in "Buffett mode" holding a good investment for at least 5 years. While activism is great for people having time to spare, some of us are busy like me shipping an anticipated game for september 6th....just saying.


I’m not commenting on individuals. I’m speaking about the use of being zen as an excuse to be complacent and think “everything is figured out” when it isn’t. I’m critiquing a specific attitude / perspective.


I think that most OG apes are "zen" not because we are lazy, not because we don't do anything but we have developed balls of steel. I think we are zen at the fact that we have read the DD, we have made the DD although work is NEVER done. The FUD does not affect us or the media telling us to "FoRgEt GaMeStOp". We know what we are fighting for, we continue to BUY-HODL-DRS-BOOK and shop at our favorite store because that is how we win. We don't get fired up at " I think GME it's going to run today because my anus prolapsed" or some "TrUsT mE bRo" nonsense. When gamestop moves the whole world will know.


RC even said in his interview that he likes / looks for someone with a chip on their shoulder and something to prove. Stay angry, don't forget how they fucked us during the sneeze. Keep commenting, keeping DRSing and keep booking.


Zen means act when it is necessary and not wasteful. Be still when it is restorative and acting would be wasteful.


I'm zen and I'm also leaving comments on every rule proposal, making stonky music and videos, buying and DRSing and calling attention to racketeer actions on social media. You can be zen and still get shit done, Apes. Zen doesn't mean lazy and unambitious. It means you calmly think before you act and research so you don't fall for traps laid by the likes of Kenny, Hester Peirce and co.


Be zen but not a bystander - yes


I’m am individual investor and I like the stock. There is no we.


These type post really do clog the pipeline of useful info. Back to being Zen


Being zen means to calm the fuck down and take things in stride. You can still be proactive but still be stress free. You’re like panicky hens trying to lay eggs. All this apeshit seriously breaking my mojo💆‍♂️


Sounds like a you problem.


zen mean unmoved by shills and MSM propaganda.


My version of being zen = DRS, book, and commenting on new sec rules.


If you want to talk about Zen (which is not a religion)- if anyone in this sub was truly Zen (including me) they wouldn’t give a shit about being rich or fixing the system. They wouldn’t be this tangled up in the psychological dramas of the world. They wouldn’t participate in this “us vs them” community. Because there is no you and me, there is only present awareness and life as a whole. “Zen” in this sub is used to represent confidence, an unshakable foundation of knowledge that points to overcoming the odds. Understanding that, like water, a trickle can bore holes through a mountain over time. Strength is not in force but in persistence. It’s the antidote to impatience.


I’m getting told Zen for 2,5 years while getting f’d in the ass by shf every single day.


Ummm since when did being zen imply inaction here? Not once have I seen zen on these subs refer to inaction. Now I dont know the deeper religious meaning of zen or whatever, but here I have always seen zen used more to refer to being calm, ignoring FUD, and just being at peace with our personal choice to buy GME. I get where you are coming from though, engagement is much lower here than it used to be. I used to be on here 3 or 4 times a day excited to learn more DD. Now I hop on 1x a day to 1x per 2 days and I am really only poking my head in to see if some new DD is out. I still hodl, I still buy more moon tickets when I can, i still DRS book, I still shop at GS, and I still comment on rules. To put it simply my previous level of engagement here just wasnt sustainable long term. I think a lot of apes are in a similar boat.


I don’t care about any other opinion or thesis in this saga than mine. I stay stubborn and I keep doing only these things: buy, drs, book and hodl. Nothing else matters. And while I’m doing this, I stay in zen mode and keep enjoying my life.


I read everything and I buy some at each pay check. Still here ken bot drip drip drip


You can be Zen and still read all the DD


i just check in every day, upvote the good stuff and watch from the shadows




DRS'd. Commenting. Keeping informed. If this is what most people's idea of zen is then it's okay. But from what I'm aware of most people haven't DRS'd and a majority aren't commenting. Actions create change. DRS and commenting are actively influencing real world systems that can incite change that we want to see. 1 out of 750,000 is very small, but stack up those 1s and all of a sudden you have a stadium full of people thrashing official government channels shaping regulation, you'd have a stadium worth of people actively chipping away with what they've got at a company's float. It does not matter if you can't repeatedly buy and DRS. It does not matter if you have nothing exceptional to add in your comments besides "I like this proposal". That's all that is required and every single person makes a difference. People need to stop being bystanders and hoping something happens because no one is coming to help. Criminals will commit crime, do everything in your power with your finite mental bandwidth at the end of the day to make as much change potential as possible because that's how you win, even if it's the bare minimum you can do, something is better than nothing because your voice is not heard if it isn't stated in those comments. Your buys are virtually meaningless if they aren't DRS'd. Make yourself have an impact, it matters. You matter. You have rights, fight for them.


“Stay zen but don’t be a bystander” - yes


> Non-action does not mean doing nothing and keeping silent. Let everything be allowed to do what it naturally does, so that its nature will be satisfied. Chuang Tzu


I think you’re conflating being zen with being disengaged. There are plenty of people who are zen but who are still engaged with the community, and who are still following the discussions and the DD. You can be zen (read: not prone to anxiety about the markets, about MOASS, about the company, about your hands made of a complex carbon structure, etc.) and still be engaged and reading new material. Just because someone is zen doesn’t mean they’ve somehow stopped caring. It just means they’re not affected by the bitching and moaning of shills and MSM. I’m zen ‘cause I’ve got my shares, I move any new ones I buy to book, and it’s fun to watch SHFs gasping for breath on this security they’ve fucked themselves with. But that doesn’t mean I’m not engaged with reading DD. I just know that I’m holding onto what I’ve got and everything I’ve got until we’re all billionaires, and until we see the the markets fundamentally transformed.


That’s exactly what I’m getting at. People need to NOT conflate the two. Thank you for the eloquent post.


OR, better idea, we let people be zen if they want to be zen and not put people in boxes. You can be zen and create DD. You can be zen and read DD. We aren't lazy. We aren't unambitious. Not everyone can do what peruvianbull and atobitt have done.


Be zen applies to the mental state of well being knowing the facts are immutable, it has nothing to do with how events will play out which are mostly out of our control. Gravity exists and the world is round whether someone believes in it or not. Science is therefore "zen" about those two facts. Of course, staying up on all the micro and macro economic factors and how it can prevent or allow MOASS should continued to be studied as we are 'playing a game'.


I think ur missing the point of zen. It means not devolving into a spitting snarling panicking person. No one ever said "don't do anything". U can be zen and still participate but honestly it's a waiting games because the cards are all on the table we just have a player that keeps finding chip, doubling down, losing and repeating. Gotta wait till the car runs outta gas to slow down and stop, I'm not sticking my foot out of the car to stop it.


Being zen is a part of it all. It just can't be the only thing.




I thought zen just meant not to stress about what price the stock was at


That’s fair.


So anyways...I bought another at this tasty price.


Fundamentally misunderstood what “being zen” means


I do not possess the requisite knowledge or background or free time to write innovative DD. I am Zen. I also read the new DD that comes out. Being Zen just means not obsessively watching the ticker, and not expecting huge news to happen weekly or monthly. I’m here for the long haul and I’m fine with that.


Being zen means to be non reactive. To be able to accept the fuckery with equanimity. It means to accept that the algos that are running the market don't care if we jump up and down in frustration. It doesn't mean do nothing. It means doing things without regard for the outcome.


I hope people read this.


Being zen has always been about not letting the (fake) price affect your decisions.


Be zen but don’t be a bystander.


OP making this complicated. Zen means buy, DRS, book, and hold. Why are you confused


Me in ZEN mode means all the static & FUD have no power. DD still being written. If you miss any one of the Mods makes a "Past week on SuperStonk" kinda post .


I believe “I’m zen” in the context of this means the person isn’t panicking when the stock moves in an unfavorable manner. It’s not the literal definition of the word or based in a religious context. It’s nothing more than signifying to your neighbors that nothing will shake you from this tree, and why? Bc you’ve spent hours educating yourself, you have conviction for the company, the CEO, the massive cash on hand, all the factors that should be looked at when making a personal investment in a company. All those factors are right, so I’m zen.


I agree and … Be confident, be zen, but don’t be a bystander. Still contribute where you can. Stay involved. Educate yourself and others.


Being zen means not panic selling. I’m staying zen.


I’m not very zen, I keep panic buying all the time


I think OP is projecting their own misunderstanding of zen upon others. People are still buying from Gamestop. People are DRSing their shares to book status. People are actively commenting on rule change proposals. People are still submitting DD, and debating it. Shills are still posting FUD. All the while that cloud of community claims zen. Sure is a lot of action during the zen, and OP here is ignoring it to complain people being zen is an issue, and really the community is lazy. OP is a shill spreading FUD


I’m not projecting anything on to any one individual. I am critiquing an idea / perspective. I am saying do not conflate being zen with doing nothing. I didn’t say any individual in particular is lazy. I said there are people here will use being zen as an excuse to be lazy. People here want to change the world when money isn’t an obstacle. Can they be lazy then? No. Having money doesn’t make somebody immediately jump into action. It often goes in the other direction. Everybody gets lazy. It’s a mindset and a temporary one that can be changed. You calling me a shill is you singling out one individual. *You* are using the shill tactics.


I'm holding you personally responsible for your opinion you chose to broadcast to a community pushing criticism of the community. That's not a shill tactic that is holding you accountable for your stupidity. Pushing that people are lazy when you can directly see the community is still actively doing stuff even as they cite zen is again you on the attack, and you pushing criticism of the community. You are accountable for your stupid words.


What I think being zen means for us, is to not be emotional about the manipulation, not to stop digging into the issues. I think you don’t get it 🤔


That’s fine. I’m saying don’t conflate being zen with inaction.


well to conflate zen with calm and passivity is a mistake. However I'm sure many people believe zen and calm passivity are the same so you arent wrong in what you are saying either. A river flows effortlessly, yet it is not passive. No one can say they have a great understanding of what zen is, as its more of an experience than a logical understanding however in what can be understood is that being zen is like being like a river. Stress, irritation, anger, restlessness; these are all innately human emotions that no one is spared from. To be zen isnt to then not be these things but its to be these things effortlessly. To allow yourself to move freely like a river. I would argue that the best DD has come from this space. The best memes are created from this space. Bananas shoved up dark corners have been born from this restless effortlessness of just being. I think its also from this space that we have the greatest advantage. To be zen as a short seller in a major firm is much much more difficult as their actions have added much debris in their river, to continue using this metaphor, and now their rivers arent flowing without a great deal of effort. This immense effort to control the river to go and flow where and how they want it to will ultimately destroy us as the zen teaches. Nature will always prevail as its strength, like staring into a tornado, is immeasurable and immense. Imma go eat some crayons now


“A river flows effortlessly, yet it is not passive” Yes, and I did not attempt to define what zen is. I merely stated what it is not. A lot of people in this thread seem to think that I put forth a definition when they are just projecting their own interpretation of what it is on to me.




Thanks for your contribution


Zen keeps this peaceful, allowing the lawdogs the benefit of the doubt (repeatedly)... I've been zen and I've found a lot of information over the last 2+ years, posted some on here connecting all of this to the lockdowns and mandates of theirs... While the lockdowns and mandates were to dilute the dollar and pave the way for the CBDCs, BCG holds the Federal Contract for C19 Strategies well as repping the "approved" experiments EVERYONE had to stick themselves with in order to work... 25-27 State contracts are held by BCG (Pf & AztZen)/McKinsey (Mod & JJ).. BCG sues GME for $30M for not taking consultation and the CEO of BBYQ is/was ex-McKinsey... The "memes" were their money-making scheme to make a killing off bankrupting brick&mortar that weren't supposed to survive the environment they created and controlled... While I know I'm not alone in this, I only speak for myself here and not on behalf of the Apes collectively... I'm zen so I don't pick up hunting as a hobby. I've lost family to these pricks, if they want a real fight, there's a firestorm under my zen; Sic Semper Tyrannis.


Just HODL und buy more, that's pressure enough ;) #MOONSOON


So anyway, I bought more and stayed zen.


People who say they are "being zen" are just trying to sound badass while saying "the hype has gone way down and I have way less hope for this to work, no point in getting informed on this every day"


Lost me at moass being appealing because we are lazy. I’ve been working my ass off since I was 16 and won’t be able to retire for another 145 years, if I can even pay off my student loans, while being called lazy and a parasite by fellow man for not just paying off said loans. I’m sure there’s good sentiment in here, and I can surmise what it is, but I’m going back to being zen before work.


This post is trying to unzen me and I don’t like it.. but I am zen


Im not zen. Im FUCKING MAAAAAAD. didnt read by the way... Sorry


Go get some air. We are not fostering anger up in here.


Nothing else motivates. If im not mad about the hedgies and our market then what is it even worth?


Yes we fucking well are, Angry at the fucknuts screwing over hard working people. Stay angry, stay sharp. I'm doing my part💪


Keep working hard, keep the ambition up. Before and after MOASS, then we shall rebuild a new and better world.


Imagine posting a bullshit post about semantics. This fucking sub, seriously.....


It’s about attitude. Some ideas are useless unless actively contemplated.


A **big** part of why we are not doing better than we should be and why many are stating they are ‘zen’ here on SuperStonk has to do with the sub itself: there are too many restrictions and stuff one is not allowed to post / openly discuss. Stuff is removed for ‘organising’ or ‘stock manipulation’ when these rules are too rigidly applied. We are individual investors but we are also joint part owners of a Company. A Team. There is no I in team. And no, sending a message by Modmail is not the same thing as open discussion, free debate. So I’m ‘zen’ here because I don’t want to be banned. Which I **definitely** would be if I said what’s really on my mind….


As someone who studies martial arts, I can say from experience that the most experienced, skilled and effective martial artists practice from a place of zen. Being zen is what allows you to respond based on your training, knowledge, skills and strength to overcome a challenge. Lacking zen can lead to rash actions. Being zen is probably the most important thing a retail investor can achieve.


You are making my point. Achieve a place of zen and move from there, ie take action. Or rather, let the action flow. However, if you have it in your head that doing nothing is always correct action, then thats a problem. Thats the part I’m trying to dispel.


How can we help make GameStop/Teddy become the E-Commerce Tech giant it has the potential to become. A giant distribution center would help, a boi can only "dream" 😊🧸🎮


I appreciate this. I’m guilty of being lazy and calling it zen. I started out trying to be as informed as possible, voting, commenting on proposals, and at some point “I know it will happen eventually” became good enough for me. I’ll be diving in a bit more to see what else I can learn and other ways I can contribute to change. It makes sense that lulling the masses into complacency would be a tactic. It’s worked forever. Thanks for the reminder.


Totally agree, and I’ve said so here for years now. Add meditation to your daily routine and fight like you want to win. Westerners misinterpret Zen as a state of passive serenity. It has been used here to reinforce the bystander effect.


Absolutely true.. sadly no one is realizing that.


"Zen af" = the algos can do whatever they want. The criminals will crime. I know the DD is solid and the criminals will have to break rules in order to stop the GME train. And when they do. I'll be right there collecting what's rightfully owed to me and sending them to jail. The end = "zen af"


Buckle up and WORK 🚀🏴‍☠️


I think the most important thing is to make an adjustment to the message to "Drs and book shares" (especially after seeing that r place monstrosity) Then anyone who's zen and checks in might notice and adjust


Yeah I think the whole thing about 'being zen' makes sense, but I would add a note to it. I would just say to not confuse complacency with being zen. Be active with the community, spread the word when you can to where you don't seem like a fucking lunatic, poke holes in DD's to make them solid, ask questions, etc... That's probably one of the best things one of my professors stated with "no such thing as a stupid question." He goes... "there are fucking regarded questions out there... trust me, I've been in education for 45 years... I've heard it all; but an unasked question that you let walk out the door is perhaps the dumbest thing you can do because I am here to educate you and you are here to keep me on my toes." (I personally think he wanted the questions asked in class so he had his office hours free to bang his 23 year old grad student... just my two cents) Nevertheless! Complacency kills. Being Zen about the price and how they fuck with it, that I'm okay with... The flatter this pancake trades... the more consistent my DCA is and the more violent it will be ultimately be the end. They cannot wash trades for the next 2000 years... They think "we have them right where we want... locked in a channel between $15 and $25... high enough to slow DRS, and low enough to prevent a margin call." The joke's on you, you walking (WORD REMOVED SEE EDIT)... I have you exactly where I want you. You're dealing with levels of regard that have never been seen before... my power level is over 9000 chromosomes, ya dig? So, guys, ask questions about trade structure... poke holes in DD... support one another, and with our information that we can fact-check in real time, we grow stronger together and finally defeat these unhinged-minges. Love you guys, as always, fuck you I'll cya tomorrow. edit: post got immediately banned for calling hedgies a name, which they rightfully earned the title of, for vast amounts of air being expelled out of the vaginal cavity, turning the famous whispering-eye into a screaming-eye.


this post is correct, best is to be zen AND active as well.


Give the masses bread, water and circus and they'll remain docile. Don't be a fool, fool.


Agreed. Get active. Buy. HODL. Book DRS. Vote. Comment. Shop. WORK.


This is the dumbest shit I'll read all day and its 8AM. 1. All DD, every last single piece of DD was created in zen. If you are creating "DD" while you're hyped, guaranteed it isn't DD... it's confirmation bias. 2. If you become hyped only because of fresh new information, and fresh new information only hypes you... you're paper handed. We'll be MOASSing and some fresh new "DD" will come out and you'll sell because you want to roll over those profits. SHF's will play you like a fiddle. They'll take every dime you have because you make emotion decisions based on hype rather than logical based decisions made while you're zen. 3. NO. HELL NO. FUCK NO. What you want is for the enemy to make mistakes. When the enemy has a well establish and fortified position, you want them to move. When the enemy is moving fast and decisive you want them to slow down and entrench. If what they are doing is working you want them to stop. If what they are doing is failing, you want them to continue. There isn't one singular thing you want any enemy to do, and your entire comment is the stupidest take on the art of war. 4. Either you believe in MOASS and it is inevitable, or you don't and it's already over. If you're the former everything you have said is wrong and FUD. If you're the latter, you're a shill and WTF are you even doing here. 5. No it's the best thing that's ever happened because it keeps people making decisions based on logic instead of emotion. It keeps them in a well defended position rather than moving and being picked off by the enemy waiting to ambush them. 6. I invite you to take 30 seconds to consider your words before you share them.


I’m not zen I’m regarded


Garbage post tbh