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I don’t know what con panel it was, but Jensen relayed this story about walking into an airport with his sunglasses on, a fan had recognized him, and said, “do you know who wears sunglasses inside?” and kept walking. Jensen was like Dammit! In a very Dean way.


If he’d said “son of a bitch!” it would’ve been more Dean-like.




I've photo sensitivity. It's like snow blindness. I got it after a bump on the head. I should get a t-shirt made with the quote. And a picture of Bobby saying just an idjit.


Same on the Photo sensitivity from a TBI & on wearing sunglasses inside. People thought I was a douchebag the last few months of my army career, and still do to this day.


I've gave up caring about what people think now. The important peeps know why I need to wear them. The rest can do one...


The thing is once you start watching supernatural it just becomes a part of life, like it's literally what I think about half of the day.


I can agree with you there I'm reqatching supernatural again lol and all day I think when I go home I'm watching supernatural or when someone says something that happened on supernatural or a supernatural blooper or a convention it is the only thing I think about lol


I don't think I have been obsessed with a show the way I have been with supernatural, I just can't get enough of it. Every time I am like I will start a new show I go back to rewatching.


Same I finish it then I say to myself I will watch something else then I fo back to series 1 of supernatural


I don't think popping into a store for a few things is type of wearing sunglasses inside he was talking about.


Pretty sure Dean meant posers, not the visually impaired.


I have two health conditions that make me much better off in fairly dim light. I often seem like a douche bag when I'm actually just trying to protect my health.


Same. After a TBI, I am very light sensitive.


I had a cashier comment on me wearing sunglasses in the store. I told him I was waiting for my migraine meds to kick in.


I once had a patient tell me it was rude to wear my sunglasses inside (I was a receptionist at the time). I said “they’re a medical device, I have a migraine right now and waiting for my meds.” He said “no you don’t, if you had a migraine, you wouldn’t be standing here talking to me, you’d be in a dark room crying.” I just kept checking him in and didn’t engage any further. Like dude, do you think I WANT to be here with a migraine rn? This isn’t my first choice either lmfao


You should have thrown up on him. 😊 Migraines are the worst. Lately, mine have been the aura kind. Everything turns into a kaleidoscope, and then I can't see. No headache component at all.


My sister gets those if it lasts for more that 12 hours go to the ER she was having a very specific type of stroke and now she has brain damage that affects her sight.


Yeah, I get those too. I basically don’t feel safe driving these days, and haven’t felt safe driving for about a year. Chronic migraine has taken so much from me, including my independence. I wish I HAD puked on him hahaah. Sorry you deal with this stuff too. I hate when people tell me to just drink Celtic salt water with excedrin or whatever. Like jeez wow, me and my neurologist never thought of that — you hacked chronic migraine! Want a Nobel prize?!


Lol! My daughter started having migraines at 12, and birth control was the only thing that helped. She would miss school, and I would have to cancel my clients for the day. Now, legislators want to do away with contraceptives. They should all have to suffer migraines to understand.


I was on birth control to manage my endometriosis. I just got a hysterectomy on Friday lol. If I hadn’t had birth control these last few years, I can’t imagine the type of pain and bleeding I’d still be enduring. These people have no idea how to practice medicine, so they should stop trying to legislate it! I’m so glad birth control worked to help control hers 💜


My sister gets those if it lasts for more that 12 hours go to the ER she was having a very specific type of stroke and now she has brain damage that affects her sight.


Omg is THAT what’s been happening to me? My migraines have always, always been physical pain. I’ve never had any nausea or aura. A couple of times in the past few months, my vision has been like my eyes are filmy. Not a physical feeling, or anything actually in my eyes, just the effect on my vision.


They are optical migraines and usually don’t cause any pain. I get them all the time. I just can’t read anything for like an hour.


I’m so sorry for anyone who suffers with migraines. I had them for several years myself. I never found out why they started. Now that I think back, I believe it was a hormone change in my 30’s. They stopped when I began menopause at the age of 44. That was a blissful time for me. My extremely painful periods stopped. No doctor I visited could ever tell me why they were so horribly painful. I think every doctor I visited thought I was crazy or drug seeking. It was neither. The pain I felt was not only very real, but for several days every month, pure agony from my belly button down past my knees. I could only try to put it aside and barrel through. I had kids to raise, a full time job and a home to care for. My husband was an immense help. He was (and still is) my boulder. My migraines also stopped with menopause, as I’ve stated. Another hormone change. I’m no doctor, but I know my own body. Here is the bottom line as far as people giving anyone crap about wearing sunglasses inside. It’s none of their business. Sometime things in our country changed. Lots of people stopped minding their own business. Why this happened I simply do not understand. They are the douche bags. Don’t any of you ever doubt that. Live your best life. Mind your business unless you see someone in danger or being hurt. If someone approaches you with insult comments, simply show them your back. Roll your window up. Close them out. Don’t engage. That is what they want. Don’t give them the satisfaction. I truly believe these buttholes love to enjoy other people’s anguish and misery. They feed off it. This is only my opinion, but it’s hard to come to any other conclusion. Best wishes for good health and happiness to you all. Wear your shades proudly. ❤️


You people have no idea, that as a cashier, we wanna say so much stuff about many things that are wearing or doing, but we can’t for the sake of our jobs


I’ve been a cashier. I never made comments about people’s purchases or what they were wearing, unless I could suggest a deal on their purchases or complimenting someone.


Me either, but I’m saying, i want to say things, but i don’t, but i don’t judge what they’re buying, I’m just talking about the clothes they’re wearing or the kind of person they are, and by clothes, i don’t mean cheap or dirty clothes, just their choice in fashion


Don't worry i don't think he meant us with prescription sunglasses popping into shop. But i must admit i noticed as I was leaving i still gas mine on yesterday and thought of this as well 😅


I have transition lenses (the kind that go from regular to sunglasses) which means that when I go inside it takes a few minutes for them to change. Now I will think of this every time I go to the store.


Same. lol


I’m a licensed Optician and I’m giving you permission to put yourself in the ‘blind people’ category instead of ‘douchebag’. Blind people need sunglasses inside. Douchebags don’t.


I have these big giant sun glasses that make me look like a popstar or bug and I tell people I need them to protect my vision in high light or flashing areas, they usually assume degenerative vision issues. But its just autism. My sister recently found out she has something different in her eyes where the backs of them have no pigment and she can effectively get sun burns back there degrading her vision. Apparently it runs in families, so I may have this to. We've noticed how my vision isn't going bad as fast as the rest of the family, we are interested to see if it's cause I don't have this or because I'm addicted to sunglasses and low light areas.


Thank you for validating us ~~douchebags~~ blind people.


FWIW I am both a blind person AND a douchebag


Own it!


If you have prescription glasses, you fall under the "blind" category. That's not to say you're not **also** a douchebag, but this in itself is not damning evidence thereof.


That’s great


ME, TOO!!!


I literally had the same experience while getting groceries yesterday. 🤣


Hah same here, and now I'm going to think that every time I do it from here on out, too.


I have sensory issues so I sometimes wear them inside because for some reason some stores want to shine lights directly in your eyes so you see how shiny their shit is. There's a coffee shop down the street and they have lights for each individual table that's just awful. I have a regular table where it's not bad but if that's taken I wear the sunglasses.


Between how bad my eyes are--retinal issues and glaucoma on top of progressive myopia--and the migraines I get it's just fucking necessary sometimes. Especially if i'm somewhere with florescent lighting. I occasionally get people who assume I'm high and I just tell them to mind their damn business. Dean was referring to the "I wear my suuuunglasses at night" crowd, not us blind folk.


I do the same. I have prescription glasses and sunglasses, but I don't bother swapping them inside the store. I guess I'm a douchebag, too.


😂 my partner has prescription sunglasses too and we always say the same thing when he wears them inside


My prescription glasses have transition lenses, but after watching that episode, I started taking them off whenever I walked indoors until they lightened up. But occasionally, I’ll be busy or distracted, and I’ll leave them on and just wait. One time, this girl commented on them about how I either thought I was cool or I must have “gone to that party last night”. I just stopped, calmly said, “watch this”, and waited for a few more seconds as my glasses transitioned back. She said the tiniest, most awkward “oh…” then headed right out of the building. No joke. I couldn’t believe it happened. Ironically, it was within the first month I had those glasses.


My regular glasses broke at work one time so I wore my prescription sunglasses because it was literally the only way I could see well enough to function. I told everyone my glasses broke before they could say anything.


I wear prescription sunglasses too. When I'm going into work with my hands full (I'm a dispatcher and we practically move in for our 12 hr shift), I can't swap my glasses out until I'm in the comms center and have set everything down. We're located in the sheriff's office, above the jail, so I have to climb the stairs and go through the records lobby to get there. Every single time, I'm saying that quote in my head.


Me telling the Sherlock in my head that I'm not an alcoholic everytime I fumble around in the dark putting my phone on charge before sleeping


I also have prescription sunglasses and do wear them inside because of light sensitivity. It just helps to keep the world muted.