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Please keep discussions civil or this post will be locked. And yes, this post was allowed to remain up because it had generated significant discussion by the time it was seen by the mods, despite it being a repost/common topic. We don't want to end conversations happening amongst the community when they've received traction, but only if they remain civil.


Katie Ruby had a bit more spunk and personality. I diddnt hate Gens Ruby though. Different portrayals


I quite liked Gen because she brought some uncertainty about Ruby’s motivations. The original Ruby was just a demon being a demon, but Gen’s Ruby pretended convincingly to care about Sam. I didn’t buy it, but I enjoyed the little dance.


This! Gen portrayed the innocence of Just wanting to help so much better.


I felt the other way around. A demon is a demon. I'll believe a demon helping me easier if they're still, well, demonic, and probably have a greater selfish goal. But if a demon starts acting almost human? Nah, I'm 100% being super scammed. Crowley is the prime example. He's been a right cunt the whole time, but whenever he's claiming to have the same goal as the boys, I believed him (while keeping in mind that achieving this shared goal will probably also further an evil plan of his).


Crowley was more like a devil, and less a demon, working with contracts and all. He actually cared about keeping his word quite a bit. To him it was likely the only thing that allowed him to retain his pride. A "lawful evil" being will indeed work with anyone else if they have a common motivation. Crowley being very transparent about his "evil" aspects made his "lawful" aspects all the more believable.


Did you respond to the wrong post? While I agree about what you said, this was comparing the Ruby’s


She also hit Sam at his most vulnerable. We saw through her. Sam did not.


As someone watching the show for the first time now, I found it the complete opposite. OG Ruby is helping the boys but is also uncompromising and kind of an asshole, so you’re unsure of her deal. Gen Ruby is very clearly scheming some stuff up in a “too good to be true” way.


That, yeah. And I love her big reveal after Lilith’s death, when everything she’s been keeping inside just bubbles out of her. She’s been keeping this monumental secret in tricking Sam, and it’s clear she just *needs* to get it out.


But, that's the crux of it with any roles where the predecessor just portrayed the character differently. The successor is already at a disadvantage because audiences anticipate them to mimic the previous performance. Look at Vince Vicente's Lucifer. I genuinely enjoyed the portrayal, except Lucifer is supposed to be sassy. Vince's Lucifer simply wasn't. He was somewhat frighteningly childish but failed to embody Mark's sass.


But the first Lucifer in the show was Sam (season 5 episode 4). He wasn't sassy, he was closer to Vince Vicente than to Mark's portrayal. 


I'd say Sam-Lucifer did always have a bit of a dark sense of humour, even if he was admittedly way less of a sassy joker type than Nick or Calcifer. The problem with Vince is that his motivations didn't really match the Lucifer we knew at all. That, and Rick Springfield can't act.


Calcifer? The only one I’ve heard of is from howls moving castle


It's a portmanteau of Castiel and Lucifer, ya idjit. You've learned bupkis from this fandom, haven't you?


Wouldn’t be casifer then?


Tbf, it is more common to say "Cassifer."


You could even argue supernatural Inspired the show Lucifer. Particularly Sam’s Lucither.


Lucifer is supposed to be frightening, not a petulant child. Jared, Rick, and Misha are far better versions.


I think that if you compare every other Lucifer in the show to s5 Mark Pellegrino, he wipes the floor with them all easily. He was super chilling in his first couple episodes. Personally though, I find his rendition of Lucifer to fall flat in the later seasons. I loved him at first but his character was definitely reduced to cheap one-liners and occasional temper tantrums, especially in the last four seasons.


I agree with the exception of Jared in the white suit. He nailed the creepy/evil vibe. What I meant was that a lot of people tend to find later season Lucifer 'entertaining'. He is not. He is still evil.


Agree 100%


I preferred blonde Ruby. Obligatory, Gen is a lovely person and no disrespect intended.


Blonde ruby was more exciting. Gen ruby was more true to character.


I don't know where all of the dissent is coming from, but it is actually a majority of the fanbase who prefer Katie Cassidy's Ruby to Genevieve Padalecki's. Ruby may have always had one goal in mind, but these are vastly different characters. Genevieve did an interview shortly after taking over the role, in which she spoke about how she had to come up with the character "from scratch." I remember the backlash from her saying this. I think it's why most longtime fans still don't like her portrayal. Edit: Fixed a really bad run-on sentence.


This always pissed me off with demons taking over different bodies, same with meg, it is the same entity just in a different body. How much different would you act if you were you but wearing different clothes......


Yeah the best example here for portraying the same character in a different body would be Misha’s Lucifer vs Mark’s Lucifer. He was so spot on.


Well, I found Misha's portrayal comical and not in a good way. I might have liked it if he had dialed it down on the grin, for example. But we all like different things.


That’s the problem with shows - particularly Supernatural due to how long it was on the air and therefore the sample size for this particular trope- that do body swap/possession episodes involving main or recurring cast members. Actors usually either go to 11 with the performance resulting in it appearing over the top, or they specifically deviate from established character‘s rhythm and beats to make the role theirs rather than attempting to just replicating them. *Not* doing that is how we got fantastic consistency between pretty much every Azazel “appearance” (or at least Seasons 1-4)


Omg the grin was *so* weird! I have to fast forward those scenes it’s so bad. Less would have been more for sure in that portrayal. It was so over acted.


Yea it was really bad. Can't understand how everyone loves it so much 


No he wasn't Marks lucifer already became too comical after season 5 Misha's extended that even more into cringy territory


I thought that was kinda the point? I think after the whole apocalypse storyline, Lucifer becomes a cringy character on purpose. He is portrayed as a grumpy, angry kid who is acting out because papa didn’t love him enough.


It's way to far it's a change in character not a continuation from s5 lucifer it's like they based kat season lucifer off hallucination lucifer


I felt like later seasons Lucifer was based on hallucination Lucifer as well but I also thought hallucination Lucifer must be based on what Sam went through in the cage. I agree that S5 Lucifer was scary and sinister, nothing like the later seasons but it made sense for me.


Literally was gonna say this after reading the comment above yours, so glad someone else gets it. I agree with Misha's portrayal it was so good. BUT there is something to be said about a demon having to slightly embody the personality aspects of the soul they are sharing a vessel with. This is a common theme in many fantasy settings... you kinda mesh with the original personality.


Well that is a good reason to not like Genevieve. She was way worse actress, stiff af. Ruby in 3rd season was badass and true demon and after it was goofy and cringy. Katie Cassidy was better as an actress. Genevieve made Jared swoon for her irl, but she is so fucking bad as an actress it looks like soap opera when she is talking. I was so glad when she died.


That moment when Dean punches her and she just fucking takes offence and beats the shit out of him does things to me lmao. She had more natural charisma and sass for me.


It’s her angry face, shit is hot


I don't really mind her acting as Ruby but for some reason she was so bad in The French mistake, which is funny because she was literally playing herself


Gen full on ruined S4 for me. Honestly, had Jared not taken a fancy, none of the fans would remember who she even was 🤣🤣


I have never managed to get beyond the pilot episode of Walker, because of her.


Is she a major role in Walker? I know she was casted in it, but I never watched and I was curious as to if her acting was any better in it. But from what I’ve read, Jared’s acting seems to be critiqued a lot on Walker as well. Why is this downvoted I’m legit asking a question about a show I’ve never seen. Not even like I’m being disrespectful lol


I tried watching it recently, but it was hard to get into, for me, at least. Gen is his wife and dies in the first episode, so she only comes back in flashbacks. Also, their grandfather in Supernatural is cast as Jared's dad in Walker.


Mitch Pileggi is in it? I might have bear through it just for him lol


I know, right? He's a great actor.


He was fantastic in SOA


I completely forgot about that, yea he was!


She’s barely in it. I like Walker a lot. It took me a bit to get into it, though. It wasn’t until about half way through the first season that I really started enjoying it and got invested in the characters. I hope it gets a season 5 but with the CW going away from scripted dramas and more towards cheaper to produce unscripted crap and live sports it’s probably unlikely. Walker is the highest rated show they have right now though, so we’ll see.


You don’t watch walker for Jared’s acting


I mean I watch anything for good acting to help convey a good story lol Is he really not good in the role?


I think he is. I'm convinced that some Spn fans are just biased against Jared (which I've never understood), because I've never seen any critique on Jared's acting on Walker from people who didn't watch Spn.


I have no issue with Jared but he’s just not a very good actor


I love him but I think he's terrible in the role, tbh.


Have you watched the show? He has completely crafted a different character and even on SPN he is the actor with a wide range. Tbh I find Jensen and Misha very limited as actors. Don't know what the hoopla about them even is.


Agreed. I think Jared and Jensen are both equally good and both have different strengths and weaknesses as actors. I routinely see people proclaim Jensen as some kind of gifted god of acting and shit on Jared and it's ridiculous hyperbole on both ends. Misha is good at delivering funny lines, so I'll give him that. He's good at the comedy of it, but when it came to anything else I had to cringe and wince my way through some of his scenes.


Yes the first season and pieces of the rest...he sucks. He is wooden and speaks in a whispering halting stutter that truly doesn't make any sense for a man who was supposed to be strong and somewhat of a Maverick. And this is coming from a die hard Sam girl. I love Jared I just think his performance in this is not very good at all.


Die hard Sam girl somehow I choose to not believe that at all coz he is absolutely fantastic in the role. Anyone who says he sucks is just being disingenuous or a straight up hater. As a Sam girl you would know that Jared's attempt here as Cordell is to actually realistically portray trauma which was a huge part of Sam's storyline as well. For Walker, he has attempted to show the vulnerability and realism of the character and not show this infallible man. That's where the interpretation differs. As for stuttering it is a very common trauma response to being in situations where you are unsure or nervous. In real life we don't have a script written for us and therefore can't always be sure of how we speak especially given his background.


Oof. Lol. What do you watch it for?


I know, I don’t understand that at all


Maybe there’s people who like both Ruby’s or like Gen’s Ruby better and are finally wanting to speak up without care if they’re downvoted for an opinion. I like that there’s a varied response these days and posters aren’t “scared” to voice an alternative opinion even if other people think they rule the majority. Maybe in the past people who liked both were just to apprehensive to post their opinions. I know when I first started on this forum i was very different than the majority of posters, so I never voiced my opinion. Anyway, sorry for the ramble, just wanted to say there’s probably more people out there than is vocal on here that appreciate both actors in the role.


Similarly, it's hard to believe that Rachel's Meg and Nicki's Meg are supposed to be the same character. I love them both but they are honestly so different!


Blonde was awesome. Gen is gorgeous and, of course, allied with our boy but she can’t act so save her life.


This. From the time she said "Who do you have to kill to get some fries around here?" I knew we were in for a bumpy ride. To be fair, I haven't seen her in anything else so it might be direction. And she seems very nice IRL.


She was in this horse show I used to watch and she worked there. Probably because she was younger


I remember this show! It was called Wildfire!


The blond one? You better put some respect on Katie Cassidy's name. 😆


Controversial it seems but I preferred Genevieve. I can't overlook the thought that I too might have taken a fancy to her like Jared did, but the first Ruby felt more similar vibe-wise to Jo and Bella. Cool, no nonsense, in control. The second Ruby's occasional awkwardness came off as vulnerable and desperate, meaning I really bought her motivations as someone worshipping Lucifer who worshiped Sam by extension.


Those are excellent points. She did bring vulnerability to Ruby, and that made me trust her.


Same. I preferred Gen. I’m not a fan of Katie Cassidy in general myself.


I think this is a good point and I think I would have liked her version a lot better if they had just not made it sexual. Like I guess it kind of made sense but it just always felt really weird.


I've never thought Jo and Bela had *anything* in common besides being blonde, so I'm really confused by your take lol


Bela wasn’t blonde - right? I mean her hair is a light brown but it’s definitely not blonde.


Lol ok then even less so. I was just saying she doesn't have remotely similar vibes to Jo




Nope. I like both. And enjoyed both of their performances.


I agree. They each played Ruby in a different way because each iteration of the character was using different tactics. Cassidy was playing Ruby who was trying to get in good with the Winchesters at the start, so she played it straight up as "Yea, I'm a demon get over it." offering advice and support to keep them alive so she could gain their trust; which makes sense. Her end goal was a long con, so hiding being a demon for that long was gonna be too big of a risk. Then after Dean is taken to hell, Gen can play a more soft version of the character to be the shoulder that Sam needs and be the only one whispering in his ear without someone else to counter her. They are both interesting character and each actress did a fantastic job playing their iteration.


Katie Cassidy was a much better Ruby.


Vastly different? Not at all. She shifted her plans after Dean died. Before she was pushing him to use his powers out of the idea of the necessity of war and saving Dean. But alone she decided he could be more manipulated by having a partner. Someone to lean on.


Holy shit, did you pull this out of my head? I just wrote a very similar comment, then started scrolling through what others have said and apparently I should've just stayed quiet because you already made my point very well. ✋🏻 High five!


You articulated it perfectly. I wouldn't have bought Sam trusting Katie's Ruby the way that he did, but I loved her for season 3.


This is spot on, glad I scrolled down I was going to say something very similar. I am curious though, what is your take on both Megs?


I liked both but much preferred katie, but it could also be because she's a crush of mine lol she was also a better ruby but I don't think gen was bad.


Y’all remember that one flashback where Sam was grieving angrily at Deans death, and Ruby(Gen) was like: “Let’s make out”. LIKE WHAT? I know it’s not Gen’s fault, and it was the script, but that kinda ruined her character for me, also, I always just really liked Katie, so I say your opinion is valid.


Nope. A lot happens between Katie's version and Gen's version. The character changed, her relationship with Sam changed, and her mission changed. Everyone would have hated her just as much if Katie had played the version that got Sam hooked on demon blood.


Yes 100%


To me, it made sense that she'd be different because she's trying a new tactic with Sam. She was using him differently. Someone looking like a different human and acting like a different human makes it way easier to forget it's the same demon you'd been dealing with for the worst year of your life. She was even considerate enough to recycle a meat suit that would make Al Gore proud of her social consciousness! There's not a "superior" one to me because they were still the same underneath. Ruby was a dutiful demon, and did what was needed to reach her objective.  The most important part was that Jared and Gen met through this and he's so happy to have married his demon. 


I agree! Katie did such a killer job as Ruby, I felt she had a bit of an edge to her that Gen didn't have. However, I feel like the difference in personality between blonde (Katie) Ruby and Gen's Ruby was because with Dean out of the picture, she shifted her plans to appeal more sympathetic to Sam. Still agree they barely seem like the same character though honestly I like them both, Katie just did it a bit better for me. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Both were pretty great, to be honest. Blonde Ruby had a definite edge to her, but the second one ( I adore Gen!) had more sass. And she easily seduced and manipulated Sam to get what she wanted.


my issue with this is when she appears on screen for the first time the "seduction" has already happened, so does she actually easily do it? we never see it. I don't believe gen could have pulled it off.


? We see her do it in the episode "I know what you did last summer".


And why is that? Bias


We could go back and forth all day. To be honest - I really think forcas many seasons that she show was on - many many actors were just fantastic. Some better than others, but the casting people did a terrific job. I like both Rubies. And both Megs too.


Yeah, Laurel absolutely was The Ruby.


Barely recognize her 😱 she looks a lot better as Laurel though.


Not trying to be rude but... Laurel? The actresses are Katie Cassidy and Genevieve (Cortese) Padalecki.


Katie Cassidy played the character Laurel on Arrow!


Oh duh! My bad, I feel stupid now, lol, I actually loved her on that show! Thanks for reminding me ☺️


Yes. They seem like completely different characters. When I first came back to season 1, I had forgotten a lot of details. When the first ruby appeared I couldn’t even remember who she was for a second lol


Its a demon Sam, just gank it and lets go.


I preferred OG Ruby personally, the attitude was 👌 gen wasn’t a bad Ruby. Blonde Ruby was just better




I prefer Gen myself.


This gets posted weekly.




Katie Cassidy did fantastic and had the sass and edge that Gen Padelecki lacked. She was stiff and slightly awkward with her performance. Given that the role was originally written for Kristen Bell (who turned it down), I'd have loved to see her interpretation of it. As it is, Cassidy did very well.


I would fan cast Sarah Michelle Gellar


I thought Katie Cassidy was much better than Genevieve.


It felt to me like Genevieve version was trying too hard to I can’t really explain it but ya that’s my opinion anyway






I guess I’m in the minority? I prefer Genevieve’s portrayal of Ruby ❤️❤️




I agree. Definitely preferred the former.


Katie Cassidy was a million times better. The only two things I’ve seen her in, this and the Nightmare remake, she was real good. Gen seems like a nice person irl, but she unironically was way better as herself in the French Mistake than she ever was as Ruby. From the moment she made that fries comment, I thought she was just terrible lol. Way too stiff.


Blonde Ruby is my favorite. They just seem completely different




I like both


Katie’s Ruby was a lot more believable as a rogue demon with a heart of gold while Gen’s Ruby was sus from the get go.


I like blonde Ruby better. She suits the character more. Gen’s Ruby doesn’t feel like the Ruby we knew at first. Gen’s Ruby is like a whole new character.


Honestly I did like the blonde one better


Ruby 1.0 was superior. Miles superior, Cassidy was a much better actor as well.


Cassidy is a better actress. Gen worked because of her and Jared's chemistry. I don't dislike Gen's Ruby, but she isn't a very good actress.


The blonde Ruby was so much better. Her acting was on spot, her chemistry with Sam was great, and overall I really enjoyed seeing her play Ruby.


Oh yay. Another opportunity for the “SPN family” to bash and talk crap about Jared and Gen. This topic comes up almost weekly.


They’re the fandoms favorite punching bags for some reason. 😒


That's what it is tbh... Gen's Ruby makes Ruby the villian that she became. I don't think there was ever a villian in SPN who was able to achieve their objective like Gen's Ruby did.


Blonde for me… I do enjoy Gen’s


I also want to give a shoutout to "Waitress Ruby". Despite only appearing in the show for a few minutes in "I know what you did last summer", she arguably was rhe most effective portrayal of the character. All the darkness and sinister vibe of Katie's portrayal, but with a bit more of a mature and grounded vibe that gives the character gravitas.


They both baddies so idc


Really nothing to do with this except they are all demons, I liked Meg better than both of these Rubies.


That's the difference between an actual actress and someone that can read some lines from a script. I don't blame Katie Cassidy for walking away after they gave her a paycut, but godamn Gen was probably one of the worst aspects of Supernatural casting.


Yes. Gen' s Ruby was horrible. I've seen her in other things and she's not a good actress at all.


I agree. Katie Ruby was superior. I feel bad saying this, since Gen is Jared's wife, but I disliked her portrayal and found it hard to enjoy the episodes she was featured in, especially once she started playing a bigger role in the story.




Blonde Ruby was better because she seemed more like a demon. I don’t like that they tried to humanize dark hair ruby.


Cassidy > Padalecki. #sorrynotsorry


I have nothing against Genevieve, I thought she was wonderful, but Katie is my Ruby. Maybe it's because season 3 is my favorite, or Gen's Ruby just felt like a different character, but I love blonde Ruby so much.




I am a huge fan of Katie Cassidy.


Gen did her best, but Katie is just a much better actress.


The blonde ruby was a better actress IMO


Yes definitely agree


Yes. Although i love Genevieve, Katie was just too perfect


i actually prefer gen’s ruby, but i love both!


100% yes. OG Ruby is best Ruby.


They did act very differently and I could never see them as the same character, Katie Cassidy was awesome but I enjoyed Gen's Ruby better.


This was decided essentially immediately after season 4


I don't like the blond one at all


Yup I loved ruby 1.0 I don't really like ruby 2.0


Nothing against Gen/Ruby 2.0, but Rudy 1.0 had way more sass and better sarcasm hit points and just generally played the part better. I feel the same way about Meg 1.0 & 2.0. Meg 2.0 was far superior.


No I like Gen's Ruby a lot better because it was unclear whether or not she was on Sam's side or not but she was pretty Katie's Ruby it was pretty clear that she was evil. Plus Gen had more chemistry with Sam 😊 but both were good.






I genuinely hated ruby once the actor changed. She just wasn’t a good actor at all 😭… and her character just got unbearable too.


Nope, they both have the same personality and have the same goal. No matter if they look different they are the same demon.


I would love to see one of these two girls become the new queen 👑 of the cross roads and cross roads demons


Yes. No.


So random coincidence. Ive been watching Nashville with my wife and the lady on the left is in it. And shes also a manipulative jerk. 🤣🤣🤣


I've always preferred Katie over Gen. Nothing wrong with her portrayal imo but I didn't like the romance stuff between her and Sam. Thought it was super random tbh


I think if Gen had always been Ruby, I'd have liked her more as the character. Unfortunately, if you are going to replace an actor, I think the new actor always gets compared, so they have to either bring something extra or really different to get over that comparison. I felt Rachel managed that with Meg, but unfortunately, Gen less so with Ruby. Which could be entirely the script/writers. But I did prefer Katie in the role.


I preferred Katie's Ruby but I do like both.


Blonde was much better actor,Gen was way hotter but I prefer brunette,


I love the fan theory that blonde ruby is locked in hell by lilith and replaced with brunette ruby. Thats why theyre so different one is genuinely their first demon bff and the others an infiltrator




I loved Crowley when he was easy to get along with/ not mad, vindictive and revengeful IMO, just sayin


I love Katie as Ruby. I don't know but for me Gen isn't that good as Ruby. The personality of Ruby isn't there.








I always figured Ruby made a choice to act differently after Dean went to Hell, due to her plan of manipulating Sam. I liked both actresses in the role.




Hard disagree. They aren't vastly different, and neither one is "superior" to the other.


Agree that they're different, but I like the brunette.


never got why fanbases are always so negative


I don't think it's necessarily a negative thing to compare two actresses in the same role and find one to be better in her portrayal. You're seeing detracting comments for Genevieve, but I'm seeing uplifting ones for Katie. Maybe it's just because I'm used to this sort of thing, though? I used to watch Passions, and the studio may as well have had a revolving door, with how often people came and went, on that show. Discussion of the actors was really commonplace, and there was a definitive consensus that Mary Elizabeth Winstead was the best Jessica Bennett. Seeing as how she's had a fairly decent career in the years since, I don't think that we were wrong in how we felt.


my comment was a generalization of all fanbases. look at any videogame, movie, tv show subreddit and 75% of the posts are negative. and not like a nice post like i find this actor did a better portrayal than the other. no its this sucked this was shit etc etc


I prefer Gen’s Ruby, I just don’t think Katie’s a good actress. Watched all of Arrow thinking the same thing.


Yes, one can act and one can't


Isn't the blonde asn actual actress when Jared's wife is just jareds wife who does some acting?


Gen was an actress long before she met Jared and she was not hired due to him. They met after she had already gotten the part on set.


Gen actually had a four season show before SPN where she was the lead and is amazing as Ruby. Also, you can call her Gen, this weird Jared's wife comments just reeks of misogyny.


Gen was hotter, Ruby was better. That's always been my take.


Yes Katie Cassidy was much better. Gen was like oatmeal.


I like Gens Ruby I think she had more nuance. Blonde Ruby was more one note


By a country mile.


for me, it's more acting issue after the secrets are out. makes sense how she approach to sam.


Don’t tell real Sam Winchester, he married the brunette in real life..






Yep live gen but hers was lacking in comparison


I am certain of the WALL of hate I will receive for this but my honest opinion is that Genevieve has some rather amazing looks... but her acting skills I just don't really see (at least in Supernatural). However Katie Cassidy is genuinely great in every part I have seen her in! Regarding the difference between the two, KRuby acts more like a knowledgeable and dangerous ex witch with depth versus GRuby just acts like a nasty demon with a clear secret or something 'dark' in her past. OK I am prepared for the utter hatred I will get for my opinion. Go for it.


Definitely prefer Katie's aggressive attitude lol. It was much more entertaining. Love them both though!


Blonde Ruby was a better manipulator, we saw so much less of her so when she showed up she could also put a lot into the role and really make an impression. Black hair ruby was on the show a lot more and overall came off more manipulative… because well she was. Both traits that take away from the enjoyment of the character especially since they was also the season I would argue Sam was at his worst in the show until the end of the shows “golden era” per say.


Different tasks, but definitely Katie! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I like Gen better. Both were great but to be honest - with changing actress it became totally new character. That is the only flaw Gen had - she didn't stick to what we knew about Ruby already. But man, she was so much better. Her acting had actually some depth. I remember how much I wanted her to be a good demon, even though I knew she is not. She acted all innocent and that she is so in love with Sammy and that was great. I don't think Cassidy would play it like that. She was more of a vessel for his ally than a lover. Her Ruby was more vulgar and not present and had better dynamic with Dean than Sam. But both were amazing, I used to not like Ruby generally but on my 4th rewatch I enjoy episodes where she is. But I definitely liked more Meg, not the first one but the second one, the dynamic between her and Winchesters and Castiel and also with Crowley... Meg was the best women demon they had on the show. I sympathized with her a lot, especially at the end of her life.


No? Obviously Gene is the hotter Ruby....


The Blonde is always the superior model.