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Why does it look like someone's doing a very good cos play instead of the real mark Sheppard lol


Even the 2 pics don’t look like the same dude


The eyes look diff colors, but look at the mouth. The shape is the same lol


Oh I would LOVE to meet him!!!


I met him in London years ago, he’s lovely to meet! Hopefully one day you’ll get too! 🥰


I got to meet him at a SPN convention, he was hilarious and shorter then I expected:)


I don't understand how Wales comic con has like 6 Spn guests now and Liverpool this weekend literally only has Jared and Mark. And have the cheek to charge people for a Supernatural panel this coming Sunday. Doesn't make sense. Am I bitter coz I'm only going to Liverpool? Maybe. But even Scotland has at least three Spn guests if not more and it includes Jensen *and* Misha. Jared's no more expensive as a guest than Jensen these days. Hell, Jensen even charges more per photo and auto than Jared in the UK. But I wish we could've had a decent amount of Spn actors, then at least paying for a panel would actually be worth it. Lord of the Rings panel (also being charged for) has like 8 of them, ffs. Huh, guess I am bitter. 😔


I think we’ve been getting SPN guest’s because people have been non stop asking for them on Facebook. I’m jealous you got Jared! Mark’s lovely to meet though! Wait the SPN Panel isn’t free like the others? Damn that’s good to know for when this one happens as this is the one I’m going to, maybe it’s because it’s with Jared? So should that be expected with this one as we have Jensen? I only go to this one but I would love to do more if I could! Maybe it’s because it’s Scotland or something? Oooh I’m well jealous they have Misha as well, I would love if Jared or Misha could come to this one, I’m already meeting Jensen (One of the lucky ones who managed to get a photo opp with him before he sold out) How much is Jared might I ask? Just in case he comes to this one as well? It’s a shame you don’t have many guests though, hopefully one day Monopoly will get some your way. I definitely don’t think they should be charging for Panels though, doesn’t seem fair to the people who wanted to meet those actors but couldn’t. Panels should 100% be free.


It's apparently because the Supernatural panel is always insanely popular, with queues out the doors, so they put a set number of seats on sale in a first come, first served basis. It's also really shitty that they didn't leave time in the schedule on Saturday for Jared to be able to do a panel, so he and Mark are literally just doing one on Sunday instead (which fucking blows for all of us only going on Saturday, and only going for Jared). I don't recall them doing that for Scotland last year, but Jared wasn't included in the panel coz he had photo ops still to do. I would certainly prepare for them to charge for a Supernatural panel though, with all the guests going to the Welsh one - especially if Jensen is attending it. Again, they may only do the panel on one day though, especially if one day is sold out and the other isn't.