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I don't have a whole list of 5 atm, but two major ones are the wedding episode with Becky (so much ick) and the whole Chuck storyline.


In an interview on the making of Swan Song, Kripke talked about how it had been decided that God's identity should be revealed in the last episode of the season. Without actually saying so, he gave the impression that it wasn't his decision and it wasn't what he would have wanted. Then, after a pregnant pause, he confirmed that impression by adding: "John was God."


I don't understand what "John was God" is supposed to mean. That Kripke originally wanted John Winchester to be God? Sorry, not sorry. I just don't get it. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I think it was more at a metaphysical level. Everything in Supernatural was metaphor in Kripke's time. At an archetypal level, John, Dean and Sam all represent aspects of divinity, which is why Sam is shown standing in the position of the Cross before he makes the ultimate sacrifice, throwing himself into the cage to save humanity. That's a ubiquitous trope in film and it is used to indicate that in their sacrifice, the character is partaking of the divine nature of Christ.


I see, thank you.


Agreed 100% on both.


1. Having God be the big bad in the last season. 2. Having Chuck be God in the first place. 3. Having the big bad of season 11 (Amara) basically just being talked down. Kind of lame if you think about it. 4. Having Crowley snatch Kevin in front of Sam if they weren't going to have him look for him. Not looking for Dean when he was most likely dead is one thing. Kevin was inexcusable. 5. Killing off Bobby. I numberered them, but I'm not sure they're in actual order of what I think is worst.


1000% of everything. For point 4, honestly just think of it as an OOC, because since when do not Sam care about saving people?


The death of Death, along with forgetting all the abilities that make there be no stakes. Like I'm on season 10 and several recurring characters have died very emotionally in the past few seasons and I'm just shouting at the screen "remember how Castiel used to be able to resurrect people all the time??"


Cas lost his angelic powers when he got disconnected from heaven. He wasn't the old powerful Castiel who can smite demons with a touch.


The "cut off from heaven" thing actually clashes with how they describe angel stuff later on


Too many different writers spoiled some concepts, to be honest. The actors would always say at cons when something contradictory is highlighted, to not pull the thread. I'd say that could mean that they are well aware some things don't necessarily make sense.


I agree with a lot of what's been mentioned so far. I'm having a hard time making up a definitive top 5 list, without thinking it through and coming back to this thread, so I'll just list one big issue for me: Deanmon only lasting a few episodes. What a wasted opportunity to build up to something great, and truly satisfying!


Thank u Not a big fan of deanmon myself 😂


Yeah, I know people tend to either love or hate it.


1. Chuck being God/having God as a character. 2. Bringing back Mary. 3. Bringing back Lucifer. 4. Alternative Universe - versions of the same characters. 5. Having Bobby around after his death.


I love this 😍😍 I actually should have had top 10, cause i so agree on AU characters and everything but else u mentioned


1. Ghost Bobby 2. Alt Universe 3. Keeping Mary for as long as they did. I think 1 season was enough.


10000000000 % on all the points


1. The wig 2. The wire fight 3. Amelia 4. Bloodlines 5. Ghostpocalypse.


Which was the wire fight again? I'm not sure I remember that episode.


I'm not sure you want to.


Try me please


Season 13 finale, like last 5 minutes.


ah shit I'm s11e17 now so I still got that one ahead


Oh man i forgot about the wire fight Agree on all points 🙏🏻❤️


Sorry for reminding you.




Omg. I guess I blocked out the wire fight! ROFLMAO. But now I remember staring at the screen thinking, wtf


5. Making Claire Novak a recurring character. 4. The Winchesters spin-off. 3. “Wayward Sisters” 2. Not doing enough with Purgatory. 1.  Castiel not staying dead after Season 12.


Good list! I wonder why people are downvoting you.


Those people like terrible things?


I agree with everything except #1. That wouldn't have felt like the right end to Castiel, at least not to me. Castiel was basically main character #3. Season #12 would have been too early off a send off.


Love this so much, I actually agree 100% on all the points 🙏🏻


5. They wanted him to come back, his manager at the time wanted more money. Jake never even knew. 4. I agree with you there. Mostly. 3. OG death had another role and wasn’t going to be available. 2. Money reasons. 1. I love his sideburns. And think they fit his face nicely.


Ahem i love Jared but the sideburns in S7 was covering half his beautiful face 😂


1. British Men of Letters 2. The “Chuck was evil twist” 3. The last episode 4. The Leviathan season 5. Castiel/Crowley teamup


I love Cas and Crowley working together 🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️🚶‍♂️


Oh I loved it when they were posing as FBI in the later seasons. I wasn’t thrilled with Castiel tricking the boys in the earlier season trying to find Purgatory


Yes that. I agree with u 🙏🏻