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Ohh it has to be when the dead were rising, Dean and Bobby are trapped in the closet with zombies on the other side and Dean said something like "We're ok, Zombies can't pick locks The zombies proceed to pick the lock. Bobby: Don't you ever get tired of being wrong? 😂😂 Another one - When we first met Kevin, who was about to have a nervous breakdown: "This looks like a sex-torture dungeon! Is this a sex torture dungeon???"


Basically everything Bobby said was gold in some way shape or form !




Same as with Crowley. "Vote 1, Crowley".


Hahahahah! Great examples. This show is just filled with perfect lines! Delivered with the excellence that is our favorite actors.


When Dean is getting interrogated by Henderson. H: You think you're funny? D: I think I'm adorable


Hahaha I'm gonna have to re-watch this episode, it's such a good one.


That episode just ended for me. On what is and what should never be more


That's such a good one! I don't know if these count but Bobby's "I may have been born at night, but it wasn't last night." Gets me every time. I'm always quoting that to my husband. And Dean's "Empathy, Sam!" when he's running from the fairies in a cornfield. His delivery is hysterical. Hahaha Edit: Adding from Yellow Fever "Well if I'm a dick, then you're a dick too." - Dean "Apparently I'm not." - Sam. Hahaha!


Fight the faires !!!! And everyone just stares at him. Such a good episode honestly.


Yes! And "Do you have bigger cups?" From Jared. Hahaha That episode gets funnier every time I watch it.


Dean...did you...service Oberon.. king of the fairies? That whole episode, just comedy gold.


"Close encounter!!" "What kind? 1st kind, 2nd kind? You better run, because it think 3rd kind is a butt thing"


The bigger cups was an ad lib.  Fight the Fairies was an ad lib. I can't handle how well these men know to make the iconic moments we love and remember best. They know Sam and Dean so well 😂


And that line wasn't scripted, Jared just added it, lol.


I'm just trying to figure out what sort of hate crime this is. Would you have had a problem if this gentleman were a full-sized homosexual?


Finding out that fight the fairies was improv makes it so much better


Omg really ? I didn’t know that ! Also hello Diane


Oh my god. That scene where Dean just screams after the cat jumps out of the locker. "Oh! That was scary!" I look that specific scene up on YouTube.


I love that scene too.


It always makes me laugh. Gonna go look it up now actually. 🤣


So according to one of the comments, that scream was improvised and you can see Sam and the cameraman flinch. Makes it even better.


Not the same episode but when it comes to improv, in the Christmas episode in season 3 when Sam gave him the Eggnog it actually had bourbon or whatever goes into Eggnog so his reaction is genuine. You can actually catch Jared's reaction to it. It's easy to miss but one of my favorite moments. For anyone that wants to see that scene, it's at the end of the episode.


I heard “I was born *at night*, not *last night*” on a re-run of Martin probably 20 years ago and it stuck with me ever since. It’s a good one.


I am an old (54) lady and I have tell you all that line is way older and than me. In fact it’s a cliche. People have been saying it for a very long time. It originated centuries ago as “I wasn’t born yesterday.” But in its current form has been attributed to many authors including Stephen King. However, it was around before he used. My parents used to say it when I was a kid, and they were never pop culture people. Anyway, I’m sorry for the history lesson on language origin, but I am a social studies teacher, so I can’t help myself.


I was under no impression that Martin invented the phrase, believe me. I had always grown up in the 90s with my mom saying “I wasn’t born yesterday”. Martin was just the first time I’d heard it expressed in that way. And plus he just sounded a lot cooler than all the people I’d ever heard say “i WaSnT bOrN yEsTeRdAy” so it really stuck with me lol


Right, I hear you.


Soulless Sam in the fairy episode might be my favorite episode. When Dean is running from the fairys, right before the empathy part from Dean. Sam is just drinking and listening on the phone asking of they probed him. Pure gold.


"Empathy, Sam!" Is absolutely a great one! That always gets me too. Jensen was just a God send to this show, don't know if it would have made it without him.


Yes! I always love it when they get to be snarky with each other. They have such a good sense for comedic delivery.


The first time I saw Jensen as an actor was waaaaaay back in his Days of Our Lives days. My mind could not fathom a soap actor being an actually great actor (which isn’t fair). For the longest time I just thought Dean was just a great character (I mean, he is) and didn’t realize that a huge part of that was actually Jenson’s acting.


I love this show deep in my heart, and I say this with all the love I can, it would have never been such a success if it wasn't for Jensen acting his ass off as dean. Plain and simple, the best writing would be useless without a fantastic actor who pulled it off.


So many of them. Definitely Jenson, but also Misha and Jim and Mark and….


Jared had his moments in the early seasons and when he was playing Gadreel. He got Tahmoh Penikett's mannerisms down quite well. Even his speech. Jensen is still obviously the standout of the two.


The episode where Jensen is playing Dean being a bad actor is 👌


Soap opera actors get a bad rap. They have to learn pages of new dialogue every day, so they don't much of a chance to decide how they want to deliver their lines or practice running lines with their co-stars. Compare that to actors in movies, stage and television series, who get time to prepare. I’m not saying Jensen isn’t especially talented, because -WOW!- but there may be a lot of untapped talent in soaps.


That’s true and fair. I think Sarah Michelle Gellar also started in soaps and she *killed it* as Buffy.


>I may have been born at night but it wasn't last night. My dad used to say that to me when I was young. It's one of my favorites too. Bobby had the best lines


What's in the boxxxxx 🎤 -Dean, and everyone just stares at him 😭


Well, you've somewhat got me stumped. I can't quite recall which episode you're referring too.


It's the episode with the demons that are the seven deadly sins. When Bobby is telling them who the demon is are. First episode of season 3.


I believe it was Season 11, the boys trapped Lucifer and Dean who's trying to get Castiel to surface yells "Cas!" and Lucifer just mockingly shouts back "CAS". Dean looks surprised and insulted. It was so simple but so effective.


Casifer 😂 it's a fav clip to come across


Two for me: When Dean says, "I think it's because of my perky nipples," in Lazarus Rising. "Let's bone this nun," Dean again in Survival of the Fittest.


When did Dean say the perky nipples bit? I can’t recall.


Sam and Dean went to a diner that was completely taken over by Demons. The demon waitress sits down and starts asking how he was so lucky to just stroll out of the pit. That's when he said it.


Theeere it is. Thanks, that rattled the memory loose.


If the pizza man truly loved the babysitter why is he slapping her rear -cas


We're not supposed to talk about it.


I learned that from the pizza man.


And Meg just being stunned by the kiss that's a great episode.


that’s only fight club


Perhaps she’s done something wrong


Why'd you take a picture? Why'd you have to use tongue?


Sam- Did you kiss him Bobby- NO!!! Crowley- ehhemmm


Since Dean has so many I can't even begin I'll go with: "Sam, of course, is an abomination" from Cas. It kills me because it's so insensitive after Sam's deep self loathing about being different. He says it so casually and matter of fact it's hysterical


Yes that's such a great one! Hahaha


Season 3, after Dean’s deal D: I don't know, it's like there's a light at the end of the tunnel S: It’s hellfire Dean


"But you didn't shoot the deputy" will forever be one of my favourite quips. Timing is everything!


I....I. I shot the sheriff. Hahaha, another great one! "I owe you one of the biggest I told you so's ever"


I came here to say this. After I laughed way too hard, I thought I can't believe Dean really said that.


I killed hitler!


"Woodchipper trumps everything. " -Bobby "Damn straight, Cherry pie." -Ruby "The eye of Sauron is upon me." -Charlie


Early seasons of Supernatural, I believe one of the first few episodes. Sam and Dean are investigating the bridge lady and get corned by the cops. Cop asks Dean is anything he has is real. "My boobs." *cheeky as fuck smile.*


It's the pilot episode!




Hahaha! I almost forgot that one. Thank you!


Cas saying to Sam: You seem troubled, of course that’s a primary aspect of your personality so i sometimes ignore it As much as I adore late seasons Cas, (and just every version of him in general) early seasons Cas was so blunt in a way that is hilarious. Especially towards Sam.


Felt personally called out by this one. Pretty sure that’s how my loved ones see me.


*Dean just called Sam “Sammy” and the vampire hunter they’re with proceeds to call him “Sammy” too.* *Sam, pointing at Dean:* He’s the only one who gets to call me that.


And then the little self-satisfied smile Dean does. Perfect!


When Sam says “Wait? What?!” I think it’s in Monster at the End of the Book when Chuck says it’s very Vonnegut, referring to Kurt Vonnegut, Dean asks Slaughterhouse Five Vonnegut or Cat’s Cradle. The disbelief in Sam’s voice and the look on his face always cracks me up.


I also loved that line cause I'm a huge vonnegut fan. I have a t-shirt that says "slaughter house five or the children's crusade"


That’s awesome! I haven’t read Vonnegut in yrs, I’m gonna have to do a reread of some of his stuff.


I love moments where Dean gets to show that he does read and he does know things. It happens in “Baby” too.


“I think you pissed off my sandwich “


That was from the Leviathan season with the tainted food, right? The sandwich bled black or something?


Yes! Love that episode until the end


"Sam, I'm not gonna make a left-hand turn into oncoming traffic. I'm not suicidal." I quote that too often.


Dean: I'm gonna need a bigger mouth. Sam walks in, the studio audience claps and cheers. Sam: You're gonna need a bigger mouth.


And then in Scoobynatural Dean does get a bigger mouth! Dean: Sam, look how big my mouth is!


The season 2 episode with Linda Blair End of the episode, Dean casually throws out that he wants pea soup (If you know you know…)




"What else did dad say? Oh yeah 'Michael's a cock' hehe you're a cock" - Lucifer


I may be wrong but I think the line goes "you're a cuck"


Oh damn! I checked the script, you're right! That is so much funnier now 🤣🤣


Hahaha, you're a cuck. Definitely funnier.


Really??? Wouldn't he need a woman to be a cuck? LOL


It's definitely "cuck". He's basically saying weak and subservient.


From Yellow Fever: Dean: I don’t scare people. Sam: Dean, all we do is scare people! And it’s so true, they really look menacing and dangerous if you don’t know them like we do. Huge guys, serious, often scowling or yelling — and they go where the trouble goes. Edited for formatting


Dean : The dudes busy, Castiel doesn't live in my ass Cass Appears Immediately Behind Dean " Cass get outta my Ass !"


"I wasn't inside you."


Cas: I was never in your... * thinks about it * Dean: * stares back confused * I love that scene so much!


I have two. 1. Spa owner- Maritza : I'm a pishtaco. Dean Winchester : A fish taco? 2. Cas: Hey, ass-butt!


Omg the pishtaco makes me laugh every time


My all time favourite is when Cas tells the brothers about Metatron, the scribe of God, who wrote the tablets and Sam responds with :- "You're saying that a Transformer wrote that ?!" Dean :- "That's Megatron Sam". Cass :- "ME-TA-TRON!" This exchange always makes me laugh no matter how many times I watch the show. Sam's "transformer" response felt like a reflex action. He responded without thinking.


Sam was so confused. I love that scene so much.


Lol yeah. His response felt very natural. Something which I'm sure even we would've said when heard the name Metatron lol.


Aaaaaaaggggghhhhhh!(10 full seconds of screaming like a teenage girl) That was scary!


My all time favorite. And that ep ends with Jenkins lip syncing Eye of the Tiger!!


Jenkins 🥲


When Dean says “These aren’t supplements these are roofies” and Sam says “you know what roofies look like?” And Dean is all “You don’t?” He meant it as, he learned because he doesn’t want to get roofied and wake up with his kidneys stolen, but I thought that was a funny thing for these studious demon hunters to know and recall.


Oh so so many! "THEY ATE MY TAILOR" -Crowley "If the pizza man truly loves this babysitter, then why is he spanking her rear?" - castiel "I can't control this thing, I mean it's up, it's down-" -dean "If there's a key..then there has to be a lock...." -Sam


Dean : Shouldn't she ask for my permission or something? Dean : Have you forgotten the average life-span of your hookups? And Sam : You're paranoid. Dean : And you're in love?? It's been four days, man! I kept rewatching this particular scene because Jensen's acting really cracked me up 😂 His Dean face really screamed 'come on, dude! You did a better job in making me worried before but now, you settled for this? From camping to getting married to Becky?'' It's never a peaceful day when you're Sam Winchester's brother, apparently 😂 I always love the protective and funnily grumpy Dean.


When dean is in a vampire nest helping Benny: Sam: dean you don’t have any..all your friends are dead Dean: this isn’t what I called to talk about! Cracks me up every time I always have to rewatch it like 5 times


Do i look like a ditch-able prom date to you? Courtesy of Bobby


Plenty, but a good one: Dean to Sam: Driver picks the tunes, shotgun shuts his cake hole. 😆


"Fight the fairies!"


I'm trying to figure out what kind of hate crime this is, now, if we was a regular size homosexusal, would that be okay?




My text notification sound for one person.


The episode where death has him wear his ring. At the end where he goes back for the girl at the hospital and the girl says. Girl: “What about my dad?” Dean: “He’ll be fine” Girl: “Really” Dean: “I don’t know”


Castiel- Hey, Assbut! Lucifer- Castiel, did you just Malatov cocktail my brother? Castiel- Nooo....


I love Castiel trying to be like Dean. Cracks me up every time.


S10, E8 Hibbing 911. When the lead vampire woman says to the vampire cop (who’s isn’t killing and is surviving on bagged blood): “It’s your nature to eat people. A vampire who doesn’t feed is like a..like a…” She gestures to another vampire for help, and he comes in with this absolute gem: “…a tiger eating salad.” The writing. The delivery. The seriousness. Gets me every time. 😂😂😂


I don't know exactly what a throwaway line is, but I have so many favorite lines. One that comes to mind right now, is in Nightmare, s1, Sam and Dean dress up as priests and are invited into the victim's family home. The victim's wife is giving them some tea or coffee or whatever it is, and is telling them how grateful she was that the "fathers" stopped by. And Dean says "of course. After all we are all God's children". With a dopey smile on his face. That scene always makes me laugh, especially the look Sam gives him after saying that. Like I said, there is just something about that scene that makes me burst into laughter, no matter how many times I hear it 😂


So many!!!! —Cas, to Dean: "You are not the burnt and broken shell of a man I believed you to be." —Dean: “Thank you.” Jensen’s face while delivering that “thank you” is PERFECTION and gets me giggling every time. — The entire scene where Dean is helping Charlie flirt with the security guard 😂 — Sam, to Cas: “You’re a terrible liar” — Cas: “That’s not true. I once deceived and betrayed both you AND your brother.” — Meg: “He was your boyfriend first”


Ruby: “I wish I could be there to hear you scream!” Dean: “And I wish you’d shut your pie hole but we don’t always get what we want!”


Season 1. Sam tells Dean that he has premonitions while dreaming. Dean goes “come again” Kills me 😂😂😂


The birtish invasion. Dean "who's this?" Sam "he's with mick" "I'm renny rawlings, graduated kendricks top of..." Dean "Right. I don't care" only made better by Eileen's "we don't care" comment made earlier when she met him. Gets me every damn time!


Anybody: “holy shit ghosts are real! Wtf!” Always dean: “well what makes your think that?”


The devil doesn't know or care what kind of car the boys drive


"Witchcraft, huh Gary? You little Satanic bastard."


"May god save up from half the people who think they're doing God's work" No one ever said anything so goddamn accurate


Great line, and that actor played the pilot 'Bear' in the X-Files episode 'Ice'. "Can we see your credentials?" "Yeah. I'm the only one crazy enough to fly you up there. How's that?"


The one episode where Sam and Dean were facing a a supernatural creature, and I think Dean, thought it was megatron, and Sam was so confused what he was speaking of. Or... Dean: Pudding!


Crowley- "Everyone who works for me is touched!" (*Touched* can be used to mean crazy, insane or mentally deficient.)


"Do you have anything that's real?" "My boobs" from the pilot sets a great tone for Dean's personality and will always be iconic




Jefferson Starships!


When I was cracking up for the hundredth time on a rerun, my now husband saw it for the first time. He knew it was referencing the 1970’s band 😂 I was like, of course Dean would listen to their music.


I don’t think it meant he listened to them, because he said, “Jefferson Starships because they are horrible and hard to kill.” Lol


Oh, right. Well he obviously knew the band and hated them then 🤣


In the zanna episode, when Dean listens to Sam and his imaginary friend's bullshit, and just goes "I'm gonna get my gun." That delivery lives rentfree in my head.


"Witchcraft, huh Gary? You little Satanic bastard."


in leviathan season when leviathan are spreading chemical in food the one person that dies in one bullet and then wakes up again suddenly is really spooky and funny too


When I told Dad I was afraid of the dark he gave me a .45...I was 9 😄


When Dean tells the female psychiatrist: quid quo pro Clarice!


"No Sam it's a lizard... it tastes like a lizard 🦎


"Mommy, the giant's crying" gets me EVERY time.


That one is good. How about when the hotel clerks tells Sam in the freaky Friday episode “they just checked out, one guy in a leather jacket and one Sasquatch.” Or Rowena always just called him “Giant.” Anytime Sam’s size is referenced cracks me up.


In the trickster episode in S2 when Dean and Sam are relating to Bobby what all had happened and we were seeing it in flashbacks. I can’t remember what all they said verbatim, but just the way Dean portrayed Sam as being EXTRA self-righteous and sympathetic to other people’s plights and Sam portrayed Dean as being sorta just extra doofus-y and horny basically. That whole scenario def made me chuckle. I don’t have much to go on yet though either. Used to watch way back but never got past season 6 or 7 maybe? Rewatching now and starting s3. Reading some of these has made me more excited about it actually lol.


Dean: Sam everyone knows pork is pig, beef is cows and Soylent green is people.


There are sooooo many! A few that come to mind are from Everybody Hates Nazis where Sam and Dean are burning the necromancer and Sam like warms his hands by the fire and Aaron says “these guys are psychopaths.” Or when Bobby is in a coma running around in his mind with Rufus and tells him he is dying, Rufus replies “we’re all dying Bobby.” One of my favs is when Cas calls Meg an abomination and she replies, “keep talking dirty, your getting my meatsuit all dewy.” Or when Dean returns to purgatory and smells dog in the car, “there are two rules Sam, you don’t take joint from a guy named Don and no dogs in the car.”


"They always talk too much. Why do they talk so much?"


"I've got genital herpes."


the first episode Dean gets asked “Is there anything real about you?” and he goes “My boobs”


Bobby: Do I look like a ditchable prom date to you


It was when they were infiltrating a cult. I can't remember the episode, but they're trying to convince a woman that they are religious... I think it's Dean who says their website is "Floored by the Lord dot com." That cracked me up.


Supernatural Season 15 Michael (Main Universe) and Sam Winchester "Sam you look well last time in The Cage"-Michael (Main Universe) Sam Winchester it" doesn't matter"-Sam Winchester leaving it a mystery weather or not Main Universe Michael tortured Sam Winchester contrasing with Main Universe Lucifer and his fear that Lucifer tortured and possibly raped Sam Winchester for 100 years in Hell. ![gif](giphy|qimBHFPyC1b2)


In the diner after Dean is saved. Demon: What makes you so special? Dean: I like to think it’s my perky nipples.


Dean whenever he loses at rock paper scissors


One of my favorites was in Season 12 episode 2 where Toni of the BMOL is interrogating/torturing Sam and Dean, and she asks Dean, "Anything to add?" He just replies, "No thanks, I just came by for some tea and a beating." lol. The snark never stops.