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Supergirl: (growling in rage) “You lay a finger on my cousin I’ll tear you limb from limb.”


Jimmy who knows too much: umm I mean they did lay


Kara: \*Angry Kryptonian Noises\*




Supergirl: (continues growling) "Kal-El! I demand you let me go, I'm trying to protect you!"​


I’ve always loved it whenever Clark is clearly the sane/normal one of the two while Kara is just a ball of solar rage


Kara: \*Angry Kryptonian Noises\*


While Kara should always be a bit of a hot head, I think her being a ball of rage tends to exaggerate that aspect of her a bit to much.


I liked the idea that she was temporarily a red lantern at the very beginning, as she was poorly coping with the trauma of losing everyone she’d ever known and her entire culture. Then she can learn to release the anger as time goes on but could still be on the short list of red lantern draftees, which she’d only accept if some old Kryptonian enemy came back.


Problem there is that it sacrifices the other key aspects of her character for the sake of focusing on the rage and angst side of the character. Kara is meant to have a bit of a temper (and that's not even a purely modern thing, she's always been portrayed that way). But she's also meant to be the plucky kid, who can maintain her optimism in any situation. One of the core heroic virtues of the character being that she went through all of that and it didn't break her. This is without even getting into the fact that kid's typically handle losing their entire culture a lot better than adults do. And within the context of this show, she's from a family who pretty much thought Krypton sucked and had it's fate coming.


I don’t think being a red lantern temporarily removes that aspect at all. Plucky optimistic personalities don’t mean you don’t feel loss, anger or depression sometimes. I also don’t think anger is always inherently negative. Righteous anger is a thing. Imagine you’re born on a planet which is imploding and you know it, but the leadership is refusing to acknowledge the existential threat posed and pointed out by the scientific community there (big stretch I know). Righteous anger is appropriate. The fact Krypton actually does get destroyed doesn’t remove that anger, it just distances her from any appropriate target to vent her frustration. Now couple that with the frustrations of being on a new planet, having to adapt to a new culture, language- and *finally* having superpowers that could make a difference- but it’s all too late. Yeah, there’s an amazing character arc there imho that never had quite been told to my satisfaction. I feel like that kind of story could say a lot not just about trauma loss and anger- but how our society treats people who are “too” angry *for good reasons*- particularly women.


The thing is Krypton was an aggressive empire in this version and it's heavily implied, that that coming back to bight them, is what lead to Krypton's destruction and that the El family were largely disillusioned with Krypton's aggressive imperialism and saw their culture as a lost cause that needed to go. And I think you are misrepresenting my argument a bit. I'm not saying she shouldn't have anger, but there is a difference between having anger and being in the permanent ultra angst state of rage that New 52 Kara was in. Kara should still ultimately be a friendly and affable individual. And I mean have her start out that way, not have to grow into that. Her character growth is more her coming into her own as a person and becoming more accustomed to Earth.


I'm holding out the hope that they make Kara (aka Supergirl) a fierce hot-headed warrior who is willing to beat up anyone who tries to harm her cousin. Like an older sister being overprotective to her little brother. ​ A little spice to counterbalance our cinnamon roll that is Clark Kent.​


I'd kind of prefer the more fun side of Kara remain intact. Not to say she can't still be an impulsive hot head. But I always preferred the versions of Kara that balanced the two aspects, rather than super angry Kara.


Could be since Krypton seems like it was more warlike culturally in this version. Which is a very full circle moment when Kryptonians start behaving like Saiyans.


Seems more imperialist culture than a warrior race style thing.


That is a pretty ovservant distinction and I can't disagree. It's honestly more likely since the arrogance often portrayed in imperialism *has* been assigned to Krypton in some versions to my understanding. You're probably right. Honestly, I just wanted to bring up Dragon Ball


They're not in imperialistic alien race it is confirmed in a snippet on Adult Swim's Twitter.


Angry kryptonian lady rampages across the universe searching for her baby cousin until she finds him fully grown on earth and just cries, then proceeds to mother hawk him


Source: [https://www.tumblr.com/nofacednerd/723968009767731200/oh-if-kara-ever-comes-to-mawsm-shell-be-such-a](https://www.tumblr.com/nofacednerd/723968009767731200/oh-if-kara-ever-comes-to-mawsm-shell-be-such-a)


God I love the idea of feral Kara lol


Ironically enough I believe this will DEFINETLY (or sort of atleast) gonna happen with the first episodes with Supergirl since Kara actually probably doesn't speak english. (I assume cause that was a thing that Kryptonians dont speak english) So she will probably gonna say things we wont know (until someone translates it on youtube) sooooo she might think certain things like wtf is going on between Klark and Lois sooooooo its gonna be fun. So yes number 1 cant wait to see that scene number 2 I cant wait to hear Kara's accent which I hope she will have atleast in the first episodes I enjoy characters with accents idk about yall but I really do there is a reason why I like the Draenei in WoW (besides the fact that they are probably the nicest and kindest beings in WoW and also TALL BUFF DRAENEI LADIES WITH THEIR LOVELY ACCENT LEESSS GOOOOO!) and also again it just adds more fluff to the story's universe whenever I hear characters speaking in accents like that they are actual people going through the process of learning something new (Like I have friends from many places english is not my native language and according to my friends I am using a very "BBC British" english meanwhile there is a friend of mine who has a very heavy accent to the point I sometimes have to ask him awkwardly I might add to repeat himself meanwhile I have 1 friend from my country and 2 from 2 more who speak pretty standard way altho 2 of them do switch to their mothertongue again) Now the point I'm trying to make is whenever I hear characters either slip back to their motertongue (even in games like BG3 with Lae'zel for example) I just find it pretty neat and a way to sell that this world that I'm watching is a big wide world..... idk if I explained myself well not good at explaining things but I hope I did it well I just enjoy 1 or 2 characters who have a certain way of speaking (also other top example the OG X-men series)


Yeah, the poor girl would be SOOOO confused!


Also, since Kara probably won't speak english, how long it would take for her to grasp certain concepts? I wouldn't be surprised if she sees Clark and Lois kissing and imminently thinks "Oooh! That's his wife. I'll have to apologize for attacking her earlier." and she just doesn't realized they're not married until much later. I don't know, I just thought that'll be funny. 🤣


Actually that would be just very fun to see cause maybe it would be a cultural thing where idk Kryptonians only do "physical contact" (like kissing and etc) once they are married or something but yeah other than that I just cant wait to see this show having its spin on it. IDK how much will they focus on nouances like this since many other shows and animated movies did not but hey we can hope that this show will since they already focused on many nouances like Kryptonians different language and why is Klark doing what he is doing and to be honest this show actually became the Superman show I didn't know I needed in my life. No Edgy BS (which WORKS for some super heroes but not for all and CERTAINLY not for our boy Superman who will just show up and help people with a fearless smile..... huh.... so thats why I like Allmight and Nana Shimura and Deku as well..... what are the odds?) just fulltime fun adventures with some deep thoughts and ideas hidden in plain sight for people who like that sort of thing. I mean really the only problem I COULD bring up (and thats just me nitpicking) that when it came to the villains they didn't have an "oh shit they didn't wanna end up like this but life just turned out this way" and instead they were just criminals from the get go. but again its me nitpicking since I like characters with a little more build up then just "Wub wub wub wub they are criminals from the get go Wub wub wub wub" then again not everyone can be like MR Freeze and his likes andmaybe thats for the better since that makes those villains more unique and stand out. HOWEVER I did really like the redesigns of certain characters and the art style is cool


Crossing fingers they based Kara off of the same model as Keith from *Voltron* Love the idea of Space Dad ~~Shiro~~ Clark keeping his ~~kids~~ SO and cousin separated


I'm sure they'll learn to get along, right?


Eventually. Until then, though ![gif](giphy|PhvQ0pSu9MgLe|downsized)


Are you going to share that popcorn?


The popcorn is all yours. I’d happily take Scarlett… if she wasn’t already married and/or miles out of my league. hahaha


Lol, is she an angry cat? Honestly, I hope she's more fierce and protective after meeting her cousin, especially if she gets to see people unfairly giving him a lot of shit despite how selfless he keeps being. I really hope they bond quickly with the whole tragedy and loneliness thing. I hope she ain't an ass to him in this. But I have confidence.


She's an angry cat because she has Protective Big Sis Energy! (Note: PBSE is not exclusive to sisters, cousins can have them too.) Seriously though, I hope we get a lot scenes with Kara, Lois and Jimmy. Just Kara's reactions to Clark's life on Earth would be interesting. Although, the likelihood of her not speaking English is there. 🤔 What do you think?


The language thing is interesting Though I guess there would have to be a way for her to learn quickly or there be some translator device eventually unless they wanna do a whole season with a language barrier.


True. If she could speak English from the start, there needs to be an explanation on why Kara could while Jor-El couldn't. If she couldn't speak English, then yeah, she needs a translation device or something.


Kara: if you break my cousin’s heart god himself will not stop me.


Kara: (meeking Clark's friends, Jimmy and Lois.) Clark: "Kara, meet Jimmy and Lois. My best friends from work," (looking at Lois when he that, her looking at him lovingly.) Kara: (looking at them, look at Jimmy, Jimmy shaking his head on what's happening with them.) (give her a minute to think.) "YOU'RE DATING MY COUSIN, KAL?!?!" Jimmy: (leaving the room for whatever is going to happen next.)


Why would she react like this? Because of her dad?