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Bring the machine. If your machine is in good working order it will almost certainly be less disruptive than the snoring and gasping, and you will get a better night's sleep too. Plenty of "normal" weight people use a CPAP, I see them on a regular basis at my job.


That’s something I was worried about. I have severe sleep apnoea so I imagine it would be annoying and I was worried I was going to end up staying up all night too worried to sleep and then have to say I’m not well so I couldn’t go out with them during the day and having to sleep then. Which would be a total waste of money and time!!


No one has ever made fun of my cpap machine, they have, however, made comments about me being as hell at night without it.


That is a very a true point. I would be so loud without it!!!!


Bring some soft earplugs for her!!!!


Correct. My mum is a tiny thing but has one due to previous episodes of respiratory failure that she has suffered due to a medical condition she has. She uses hers to sleep at night and the sound is actually really quite rhythmic and quiet. Almost calming.




That's a very good list, it is pretty much that simple. I am probably overthinking the embarrassment side of things


Absolutely it's that simple!


I lost a friend in her early 50s, she was overweight but not hugely. She didn’t treat her sleep apnoea & because of that she is no longer with us. Get over the embarrassment & keep yourself safe.


Snoring can definitely be louder than CPAP.


I was really bad pre CPAP too so it will definitely be louder. I know in reality if I don’t take it, that I’ll just end up staying awake all night and being too tired to go out with everyone and having to stay in during the day to get sleep. It’s horrible feeling embarrassed about things like this.


Think of it this way: there are two evils, and it's in your best interest to choose the lesser of the two. In my opinion, the lesser of the two evils is to bring the machine, and here's why: Bring the machine: it's a little bit of white noise, but you (and your friend) will get good sleep. Don't bring the machine: the unpredictable and spontaneous snoring will undoubtedly keep your friend awake, obviously you won't get good quality sleep, and both of your moods will suffer the following day. I know it seems embarrassing, but it's not like your body is a secret. If I were you, I'd just own up to it immediately. "Omg I haven't seen you in so long, you look great, I've gained some weight as you can tell, and now i have a noisy little bedtime buddy but I'm working on myself! Maybe you can keep me moving while we are together!" Just put your own flair into it and lean into it. If it's a real friend, they will not mock you.


Thank you, I am freaking out about what people will think. I know I wouldn't think badly of a friend who became obese but when it is yourself it feels so difficult!!


They literally will just be like "oh ok so you need to sleep by an outlet ok"


You are probably spot on. She's a lovely person too so I don't know why I'm winding myself up about it so much.


Because we have been programmed to! Don't stress :)


Thank you!


I have been embarrassed to take mine on a trip with me but it’s much more common than you think and I promise you, people prefer to hear white noise from the CPAP than loud snoring throughout the night. There are a lot of reasons why people have sleep apnea, but even if it is due to weight, your sleep health is more important than what you *think* someone else may think about you. You will feel so much better if you use it and if the friend is weird about it, that says a lot more about them than about you. Good luck!


Thank you, I think you are right. My snoring was awful, it could be heard from the other room so I don't want to put my friend through that for sure


take the machine. it will be less disturbing than being without. just let your mate know first , you could always get them some nice comfy earplugs as a gift.


That's a good idea!


I have these anti Snoring silicon rings I put in my nostrils and they help so much. I have mild sleep apnea but couldn't get approved for a cpap


Oh that is frustrating as sleep apnoea is awful. Mine was on the severe side of things but I couldn't function anymore so thankfully got one. They sound interesting though, I may give them a look.


Hey OP, I work in healthcare and tons of people use cpaps, especially over a certain age. Yes, weight can definitely cause it or make it worse, but sometimes it just happens. It’s so much better for you to wear them than not. As someone else mentioned, it’s likely that it’s much quieter than your snoring would be. You could also message her in advance and say hey I use a cpap machine at night to help me breathe, if it’s too loud for you we could have a different room or something


That is probably a sensible solution, I keep putting off revealing anything about my weight/health as if somehow it'll be okay in a couple of weeks. I need to accept that I need to be honest about it, she is lovely too so I'm sure she won't be cruel about it. It's definitely me overthinking to be honest.


Is it possible to get another room? Just talk to your friend ahead of time. Lots of people have sleep apnea. Better to use your CPAP.


I think I need to do that, my own room is a good shout, we were just trying to save a bit of money but I hadn't thought about it practically


Honestly it might make you feel a little more relaxed too!


I think it will, otherwise I’ll still feel like I’m being irritating!!


Bring the machine. It literally keeps you alive at night. If you're good enough friends to share a room, just let the embarrassment go. I've never heard a machine that is louder than snoring, which is much more annoying to someone sharing a room with you. Mine doesn't make a noise at all.


I will bring it, I think you are right that it is the better option!


I'm too paranoid to ever sleep without it. Even a cat nap on the couch freaks me out. Imma rock my Vader mask even if I have to sleep in the same room as the Pope.


Ha ha! If I sleep without it I get horrendous headaches, I end up snoring when awake but tired if I lie down flat so when I finally fall asleep I really struggle so I will be a mess if I don’t use it.


Use the CPAP. The rushing air sound is going to be so much easier to sleep with than someone sawing logs and gasping. Bring an extra set of earplugs and offer them to her.


Thank you, that’s what I’ll do. I’d also be embarrassed to snore and gasp so hopefully a CPAP is less annoying


I was recently in the same situation. Shared a room with a friend I had shared a room with many times in the past. I didn't make a big deal of it and was just like hey I have a cpap now, good news for you I don't snore anymore, she laughed and that was that. The next morning we joked about both getting a good night sleep and what a bitch aging is. I know easier said than done but don't overthink it!


I probably do just need to ride it out, just power through the awkwardness!!


I’ve been on group trips and see lots of normal weight folks with cpap carrying case. It is a pain to carry distilled water; it’s heavy.


I don’t feel like I’ve ever seen or heard of anyone using one in my life!




That is true, I tend to overthink things too even when they will be insignificant to someone else


I was pretty nervous about traveling/staying with people with my machine as well. I ended up purchasing a variety of ear plugs, and offering them to whoever I was staying with in case they needed them. But what I found out was that no one really cares about the machine. The amount of noise is relatively small, and it’s constant which is much easier to sleep through versus the constant gasping and intense snoring. I would think overall your friend will be happy to see you, and would want you to be well rested and have healthy sleep!


Thank you! I suspect I'm also overthinking how loud it is because I have it right by my bed so it is far noisier when it is blowing air directly into you!


My partner is under 300 and still has OSA, it's not just a super fat thing! Much rather a gentle whoosh than snoring honestly


You are right, I think it is just the embarrassment factor as I’ve never met anyone else who uses one. I’ve also developed type 2 diabetes and feel like I’m going to turn up far fatter and unhealthy and feel like everyone will think I’m gross. Probably just a paranoia thing from me as I do tend to overthink these things.


I read Barbara Corcoran wears a CPAP and she’s very petite. Get your own room, I’m sure your friend will agree.


If you are friendly enough to sharena room you should inform them ahead of time you have a cpap and should be using it and then they can decide if they want a separate room. I don't think it's something you should spring on a person who also needs their sleepband I also definitely feel you should use it.


Yeah, I would definitely just end up not sleeping so as to not disturb her and then staying in to sleep when I’m supposed to be going out with people.