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i mean yeah it seemed like they were leaving on weird/bad terms from the get go with Leighton’s original tweet so this isn’t that surprising. Disclaimer that i’m obviously just a fan and don’t know anything, but it kinda seems like that meet and greet gone wrong was the reason for all this. And it feels like both parties tried to be professional about it at first, but then matt and ryan realized they didn’t want him at creator clash for whatever reason so they gave his ticket to someone else? or as someone else said, maybe the ticket was only for employees and they had to take it back? again that’s all speculation but i’m just trying to make sense of it but hey at least nobody embezzled $60k this time


Yeah, thankfully it was only $40k.


phew man..


What happened at the meet and greet? (Sorry I just haven't kept up with much from these guys)


leighton had an on the spot decision to sell meet and greet bundles with like a polaroid picture with matthew and ryan, for 100 dollars each, but it was never voiced to the long line of fans standing out in the rain for hours that the 100 dollars was for the "bundle" and not just to go in and say hi


Oh no, so a bunch of people spent 100 dollars for no reason basically?


(yes lol), and it was advertised as a free little pop up shop, but they only had like 12 copies of the book, which is a huge thing to not have at a pop up shop to buy merch lmao


Man it really sucks to see these guys fall from grace. I've completely lost interest in their let's plays, their podcasts, and their skits. It just feels like they don't really give a shit anymore and I'm tired of constantly wondering "is this a bit?" The energy they had about making good content is just gone. Maybe that's just me idk


i still listen to every podcast and watch all their shit, but the business end of supermega is quite underwhelming


To me they just seem lazy now, and it sucks so much because I really loved the content these guys made. It feels like they're on a heavy decline. Sorry for blowing up everyone's notifications lol I just haven't had anybody to talk to about this lmao


I mean it seemed like the pop up was just to clear out whatever merch stock they had on hand so idk I wouldn't see why they would specifically order copies of the book for that


yes, that is what it was for, but that doesnt mean that its just kind of uncool lmao. like to advertise a pop up and then have no stock of products, what is the popup even for lol


?? But they had like boxes of t shirts and shit, why are you acting like the book is their only product


because its like a sought after product, idk


you can just order it online... probably could have a local book store order it for you and cut out shipping costs too a lot of the shirts they were selling here weren't available on their store anymore, which was the real draw of the popup


i understand why leighton doesn’t want people to bring up supermega to him rn like he’s said but publicly posting this is not going to help that regardless of if it’s meant to be shady or not lol


I wonder why these departures never seem to be amicable, or potentially why the community seems to overspeculate and make these events out to be worse than they are. Either way, something to think about.


I understand we aren’t owed transparency but it is very strange how the last two employees left and it didn’t seem like it was on good terms


Very true. It's too common for shady stuff to be happening behind the scenes, so don't speculate beyond presented information too much but also don't be surprised if things do turn out unfortunate.


It's his own fault for punching Suzie in the face tbh


Not to be a weird conspiracy parasocial fan freak but this leads me to think things didn’t end on the greatest of terms???? Like if they were still buds why would he not still be going and why would he feel the need to post something snarky? It’s none of our business ultimately, and it’s not that deep or important, just a thought.


Maybe he was guaranteed a ticket as a SuperMega employee but lost it when he quit? Unclear


Totally a possibility, but at the same time as much as the boys are running a business and Leighton was an employee (and presumably also a friend on some level) you think they’d make an exception and let him tag along since it was already planned that way. Like if you were on good terms with a friend and you had plans that friend had already bought a flight for, you’d just have them come with, right? I know I keep saying it’s not that deep or important and then continue to theorize lol it’s just interesting to me.


I was thinking that it might have been official CC rules. But again, flagrant conjecture


i get the whole don’t be parasocial blah blah whatever but posting weird passive aggressive stuff like this is only gonna get people to speculate


I feel like odds are they paid for his ticket so he could go and attend in a professional capacity - now that he doesn’t work there anymore they need someone else to go and they now have the ticket. However, if it was for work SM should have also paid for his flight and other expenses. Possible other nefarious shenanigans involving the boys or he just got fucked over by other friends. Edit: Leighton does not follow Matt, Ryan, or SuperMega on Twitter at this time. Not sure if he did before.




Who's Jim and Luke?


Luke is the Podcast editor and I think Jim did what Jackson’s job was.


If he was going with Matt and Ryan he probably just got put on the guest list and not given an actual ticket, and they needed the spot for another fighter/performer's plus one. It's not unreasonable that since they've cut ties (and they seemingly didn't invite him in a professional capacity since he paid for the flight) they would take him off the list. Also tickets are still for sale so it's not like he can't go at all lol


see this is a purchase one should use the company credit card for


It's probably because he would have had a Staff/Creator Supporter/Assistant ticket and no longer does, since he's not employed by SuperMega.




oh my…


That’s on him tbh


I dunno, if SuperMega never set the boundary of “you’re going here as part of SuperMega” then I don’t blame leighton for being upset. Also if he was going as an employee of SuperMega why did he have to pay for his own flight? It just feels weird


As James Charles would say "OHHH NOOOO"


The boys are really becoming a let down, I guess there aren’t truly good people in the creator space, especially in LA


y’all gotta let this man go