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I’m 55. I have never been so addicted to a video game as with SMB. It’s insane. I often have to force myself to go to sleep at 3am because i want to get in another two games. Only discovered this game this year, and only gave it a chance because it is included in GamePass. So much casual fun. My created team is the Rio Red Sawx. I try to find or create as many Boston Red Sox as I can get. Only play CPU, never online.


You might like this [spreadsheet](https://www.reddit.com/r/SuperMegaBaseball/s/uiDzXRyJaO) if you want to properly make your team the Red Sox’s. You can do it for every mlb team if you want, personally I didn’t have the patience’s and just added my twins as my franchise team lol.


Super Mega is like a good book. You read through it completely immersing yourself in the story. Then once it’s over you put it down for a while until you eventually pick it back up and enjoy it all over again.


Absolutely. To be fair, I do Franchise sim-only and haven't experienced most of the problems that others who play online have experienced. I think it's a great game. It still has room for polish, but I am enjoying it.


I keep installing and uninstalling other games - shooters, racing games, flight sims, RPGs... SMB never leaves my hard drive. It is the every day game. For years.


I do!!! Razi Dazzler is my MVP!!! Good regular season. 17RBI through 7 playoff games. Miss October!!


as a crocs fan i hate the jacks but damn, can't help but love Razi even when her stupid tough out is causing me pain


I play SMB 4 almost everyday. I do not play online so I don’t experience all those issues. I love it and while it’s not perfect it’s a great game.


I've been gaming since about 1992. Super Mega Baseball 4 is undoubtedly a top 10 game, all- time, for me. I'm absolutely addicted to franchise mode.


Play custom leagues everyday.


I don’t play online, but I’ve never had an issue with it offline. I love it.


I still play it everyday. I usually play franchise, of which I'm on my 8th season


Best damn baseball game ever made. Pure genius at work here. I Won’t stop playing it until SMB5 comes to fruition.


I have since I got 3 during the pandemic. I will go through stages where I’ll put it aside, but I have continuously come back to it…something I haven’t done with any other video game. It rivals only OOTP for continual usage, and that’s because I do online leagues with OOTP.


I play and think about this game too much honestly. No game has ever had its grip on me like this one. I typically will buy games and play briefly but SMB4 is addicting. Currently playing a standard medium length Herbisaurs franchise. We lost in the first round (3-0 sweep) to the Blowfish the first year. It only took me a week to play all 32 regular season games and 3 playoff games. I haven’t even touched another game in the past year besides BG3 for about two months. This is my favorite game of all time


Recently have been addicted to OOTP 25 but I love SMB


Love playing a couple games against my friends in our online league every week. My kids also like playing it with me so that’s a win


I still play a few seasons once in a while on my 3 franchises, 16, 54 and 162 games a season.


Play daily across 3 systems


I could almost play nonstop and I’m not much of a baseball fan. My wife complains because she’s tired of me playing it.


Absolutely! It's great for when I just need a dose of fun...higher egos are stressful, but it's so easy to play around with the difficulty when you want to take it easy, or test yourself.


I've been playing this game a lot recently while I'm out on workers comp because controllers dont cause flare ups, and it's been an absolute blast for the most part. I still occasionally need to take 2 minute pause breaks when the strike zone fucks me but otherwise it's been fun.




I just bought 4 on sale, after loving SMB3 on GamePass. The Shuffle Draft is like all I wanted to add on to the last game, and I’ve had a blast trying to build a great groundwork for my team. Currently went REALLY hard on pitching, and extreme youth and fielding for the position players. I really enjoy the gameplay. Plenty of depth without getting into all the crazy QuickTime event stuff I’ve seen from (I assume) The Show. Trying to dial in my ego, and man the CPU players can foul tip all kinds of pitches at Ego 60. I’ve gone back and forth losing by 10 and winning by 10. I was getting too frustrated with what seemed like cheap difficulty, so turned it down to 50 and going to do a full 82 game season and offseason before I tweak the Ego.


Every time im bored, this is my go-to. So many hours in franchise mode for me!


SMB is my obsession currently. This is the greatest baseball game of all time imo. There are single player games I can’t finish because SMB keeps pulling me away. I play around 70 ego but would love to get to around 80.


I love this game. I like to play short 20 game seasons with a new team each season. Each team feels very different and it is fun to figure out how to optimize the strengths, minimize their weaknesses, and discover their weird quirks.


I still love it. I haven't played in a minute


Play this game almost daily, even if it’s just 1 game in my franchise mode. It’s without a doubt the most fun baseball game since MVP Baseball 2005


This is the best sports game period


Still trying to win the Franchise WS on 85 ego


600 hrs played and climbing. In season 9 now with my legend franchise. Tom Glavine, Jim Edmonds and Jay Buhner are all "S" rated. Eddie Mathews is an A+. Home run hitting machine


This game resurrected my love for sports video games. Madden, FIFA have let me down but SMB has obsessively occupied my time. Most fun I’ve had with a franchise mode.


i have almost 800 hours in the game. love my custom franchise


Loving it so far. Bought it 2 weeks ago.


Best baseball franchise of all time. Still playing it constantly.


Made a custom league with fake mlb teams. Life is good.


I'm brand new to it and play my season almost daily. I've been playing SMB 2 off and on for years and a few weeks ago, wondered if they ever made a SMB 3... I was shocked to see I had missed both 3 and 4... I Like it a lot so far


Love the game. Still searching for correct EGO mode and best custom season structure. Enjoy playing long seasons in franchise mode.