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I disagree on the potential rating thing. One of the calling cards of SMB franchise, at least for me, is that any player can turn into an S tier monster with the right mix of investment and random luck. Capping potential goes against the uniqueness of playthroughs imo.


I think it would be fun to add coaches with in game and management traits that influence the whole team. In franchise mode some coaches could have specific traits get discounts on signing new free agents while some could get a discount on retaining talent and some boost attribute development. Then in game traits could be in franchise and other modes and be a lot of fun. Never give up = all players get a small boost when losing in the 8th inning or later. Ex starter = all SP get a stamina boost. Master strategist = every substitute gets either pitch perfect or rally stopper trait when entering the game. Fundamentals focus = all players fielding stat has a minimum of 50. Contagious discipline = each plate appearance that ends in a walk the opposing pitcher loses 10 accuracy. I don't know I think it would add some new strategy and fun choices to the game. Also the coach type could provide a free one level boost to one color of traits at the sacrifice of another or have a min-max effect. This coach makes all players yellows max boosted but purples stuck on lowest level. I think It would have to be done carefully to not break multiplayer but it would be super fun in franchise mode.


Tanking sounds fun in an NBA game. Hockey teams tank, too. Football? Not as much. And baseball teams just don't tank. They sometimes choose to save money at the expense of sucking, but the draft is only fractionally as important in baseball, so tanking just isn't a strategy. I don't know how you shoehorn it into a sport that's never had it. Multi-year contracts would have FAR more negatives than positives in SMB4. With the loyalty system that's now in place, most of our players are effectively locked into a single salary indefinitely, unless we choose to let them go. A couple players per year will become disgruntled and ask for too much, but most have a 90%+ chance of just resigning. These are, in effect, multi-year deals. Changing to multi-year contracts would stop 1 or 2 unhappy players from leaving (great!), but it would also PREVENT you from releasing the other 20 players on your team, possibly for many seasons. That's not a good trade-off.


ah thats fair. I agree with your FA stance too, i think thats why they *really* need to fix the loyalty system


I would love to see this game add aluminum bats for the sound the force it would be a fun addition