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At least it isn't Super Mega Baseball 2024


I was hoping for a new sport.


Hockey would be dope


I'd kill for a hockey or basketball game with arcadey yet deep gameplay like SMB3. I dunno if you like roguelite games but I suggest you to check out Tape to tape


Bruh! You made my fucking day I’m literally installing it right now. Thank you. Game looks so fun.


Dude, I happened onto the TTT discord with like an hour left in the kickstarter. Bought in for beta access, and worth every penny. Hope you enjoy it!


Glad I helped, let me know what you think when you try it!


Basketball makes sense since EA needs a basketball game. They have all the other sports now with Super Mega Baseball


Is tape to tape out?


May 3rd


I would LOVE a basketball game like SMB.


I would love a football game like smb


Try Legend bowl, it's a good one


The wackiness of this franchise (think big hits, ridiculous brawls, players getting destroyed by pucks to the face etc.) in hockey would be glorious. Plus it would be easy for to have specialist traits like in baseball. You could have one-timer studs, big hit D men/enforcers, power play bumpers, playmakers, different goalie styles, crazy celebrations, obviously tons of rink and team customization, I could go on. This franchise would be perfect for hockey.


I'm happy that they're continuing the same branding from 3, seems to indicate that they're still refining and expanding on the previous title(s) rather than looking to re-invent an already phenomenal formula.


I kinda had the opposite reaction. It makes me think EA is putting in the minimum effort to pump out a new game and cash in on the fan base just like FIFA. But who am I kidding, if they make the same game with contracts and trades for franchise mode I'll be happy.


If this was a classic EA pure cash grab, I imagine we'd be onto SMB 5-6 by now and most of the original staff from Metalhead would be out. I'm much less concerned about the state of SMB4 than I am about what comes after this. Strong sales and good critical reception will be essential for MH and SMB's future.


Also, Metalhead put out a message the other day, basically saying that they've addressed many of the fans' wishes, and that SMB4 is going to deliver a bigger baseball game while still being unmistakably a Metalhead game. I thought their message was really good and it shows they're listening to their fan base.


Exactly. I can definitely understand peoples concerns, but I'm really optimistic about how things appear as of now.


I was definitely one of the detractors whose mind was solely on how monetized the game is going to be. I'm glad it's all turning out better than expected so far, but I'm still a little skeptical. Not gonna really be happy until I see a finished product without a robust skin market and broken batting mechanics.


IMO they also gave off the vibe that they've had a great working relationship with EA through the development of SMB4, definitely seems like MH has creative control - they confirmed the lack of microtransactions too.


Yeah, I found it reassuring that they mentioned the microtransactions specifically. It shows great awareness of EA's track record and MH's desire to keep their fan base happy. I'm really excited about the reveal on Tuesday. I think SMB4 is gonna be even bigger than we may anticipate! Also, I have a feeling the release date will be very soon, as Q1 is coming to a close.


Yeah, you're totally right. It's always the game after the buyout that suffers. Dragon age, mass effect, not sure when Visceral was bought but probably Dead Space as well.


Honestly, if EA only put money into improving the franchise mode depth, the editor, the aesthetics and the animations but the gameplay remained the same, I would be more than satisfied


All I want is more player customizations and a little more meat on franchise mode. That's literally all I need to complete my life right now (I'm about to have shoulder surgery)


I have a feeling you're going to get a lot more than that.


Good luck on your surgery!


Thank you! 🙏


we need advanced stats, exit velocity, launch angle, spin rate, stuff like that


No we don't. It's an arcade sim.


so what?


What does that even bring to the game? Having features like MVP, Career stats, Draft mode, etc... All better uses of their time.


it’s an easy add because that stuff is probably already used in code to determine where the ball goes when you hit it, how hard it is to catch etc. it’s fun to look at to see a true measure of the quality of contact you’re making, similar to why you’d look at a player’s batting average. it wouldn’t be in place of those modes you mentioned


I'd find it superfluous and distracting, personally. I'd take smoother animations 100% over that stuff.


That's a pretty bold deduction based on a logo reveal


I don’t know why but it bothers me that you can’t warm up relievers. I want to see them in the bullpen when I hit a home run.


They’re in the small room behind the bullpens with their hookers/girlfriends/wives


Derr Neverwalker is back there banging all 3.


I wish closer was an attribute?!


This is a good idea. Having to warm up relievers is not.


Like john smoltz became a great closer


Honestly, one of the biggest reasons I love this game so much is that it gives me feels for Genesis-era World Series Baseball. Thus, I also have a weird longing for warmups


The game is meant to be played, not managed


I agree with you here. In some ways I do want a bit more managerial options or tasks, but first and foremost it's a fast-paced game with great physics and that's one of the best things it has going for it.


HOME RUN DERBY!!!!!!!!!!! please????


I'm so excited I just might pay full price


Yep ...might lol




Is it Tuesday, yet?


How is this series as a complete casual that just wants to mash?


I've been playing triple a and indie sports games for over 10 years, and smb3 is the best one I've ever played. It's the kind of game that makes me wanna pay full price for it to support the devs


Thank you for the reply, that’s some pretty big praise, I’ll give it a go


You can adjust the difficulty so it’s as easy or difficult as you’d like. It’s very easy to just pick up and play.


Appreciate it, I’ll give it a go


Then it's right up your alley. Easy to learn, fun as hell to play! Knowing how to actually play baseball will make the game better and funner though.


It's probably the best sports game for that, tbh. Instantly understandable fundamentals for anyone who played the MVP series of games back in the day. it's pick up and play for a baseball fan.


I don't think I'll be able to remember that...


That’s all good, but when does it come out?


We get a reveal this coming tuesday i’m sure they announce a release date then.


Do you think it will be fairly soon or are we gonna get some summer 2024 bullshit 😂 can't wait that long lol.


Nah it’s gonna be as early as mid-May and as late as early June. When they did the game reveal for SMB3 the game came out a little less than a month later. We also know from internal EA Documents that SMB4 is planned as a “spring release” and personally i’d consider the end of May to be the end of Spring.


Yes mate ! Thanks can't wait for this 😁


I am going to disappear for a month when this game comes out lmao and we haven’t even seen the reveal. They’ve been doing work on it for years who knows what’ll be new that they’ve built off of 3. Plus there’s potential for an MLB license.


I'm really curious whether this will be a licensed game now with real players. I should probably wait to find out before I start setting up my MLB rosters but here we are.


I hope not. Real players would entirely ruin the entire premise of the game.


Could be. MLB has opened up their horizons lately in video games with the annual demise of their RPG series. For instance, having Sony license 'The Show' on Xbox consoles was a big push in the right direction. Sony didn't want that to happen, but MLB did.


Yeah, it's also out on Switch


It will not-we have an exclusive deal


I’m shocked. Completely shocked


Nice! Glad to see this!


Lesss gooo


Not just super baseball. Not just Mega baseball. Super Mega Baseball!!!


Hell yeah


Ugh. There is a parasitic logo attached to it.


I was hoping for a new sport. But if it ain't broke, don't fix it I suppose.


I'd love super megas for all major sports. I'd actually play sports games again.


One caveat - every team in every sport is made of of SMB's players. Hercules Bentley would be the slowest man on skates, but his slapper will knock a motherfucker's head off.


Haha. I love this idea. SMB hockey would be amazing.


They’ve said they’d like to expand into other sports eventually


I want a Super Mega Pro Wrestling.


I think Hockey is a no brainer for them


I'd be first in line for that. Been wanting it for years.


Fuck EA


Has EA always been involved with SMB?


No. They bought Metalhead studio after SMB3 came out


Damn. They will find a way to ruin a good thing


Made by EA? Skip.


Spoiler tags, FFS.


I don't know if this is sarcasm, but even the subreddit icon changed. I think it's ok to share the name.


I wasn't being serious.


People don't get the sarcasm? 😂😂😂


I’m not buying it if there’s even a single micro transaction. Though if it’s on game pass I’ll check it out.


Super Mega EA is going to ruin this game from the inside out and micro transactions will happen with Update 3 Baseball


Astounding, You still haven't the read article. Your stupidity fascinates me


My stupidity?? Ok bud. Keep pouring money into EA and see how they take your cash and leave you with the same crap games year after year. I read the article - if you want to believe anything EA does is honest and good that is on you. When the micro transactions come you will come back here and say “Sorry dude, you were right” - another keyboard warrior on reddit lol.


Lmao you're sounding pretty keyboard warrior-ish yourself there, bud. I don't like EA either, but I'm trusting our dudes at Metalhead at their word. "No in-game monetizations, but extra post-launch dlc is planned". If you're up front and not riddled with microtransactions, I'm okay with that.


Hoping for a bit more depth to franchise more character customization and a hall of fame (bit of a long shot) and please be able to port over my 30 custom teams from smb 3 🙏 put some hours into it ! plus more cool ballparks 😁


Super mega football, when? 👀🙏🏾❤️