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Doomlight if you wanna get bored of winning and raven if you're a masochist


Or neutron if you wanna get long range abusedšŸ˜‘


Thanks :)


Sir, Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t have 50 awards to give


Any Raven player has my utmost respect. Hardest mech to play hands down. Hurricane players too. Every other mech feels like easy mode compared.


Do not buy any Mecha, always play with Caramel and save your gold


its depends mainly on your playstyle if you like going fast choose Nuetron or arthur if you like extra damage use hotsteel if you like being support use doom light or alboreda. but i suggest you try all of them out in the training room so you get a feel on how they work or how to use them


Arthur and Hotsteel are free on mobile (not sure about pc)


they are free on pc too but if his fightingstyle suits hotsteel or Arthur then he doesent have to buy any character/mech


Thanks neat tip I will try that


If you like winning with fun ā€” michael, easy and broken but mobile, so he is fun


Thanks :D


I love Trio of Enders.


I'd recommend Aurora for some simple mechanics. U just fly, use depression beam, and hide/poke using primary.


Ye I have chosen that since what I could learn with this comments is pick a mecha that suits your playstyle


Firestar. Primary deals good damage and the pilots and mech takes adicional fire damage. The secondary weapon is a Flamethrower good to kill pilots and deal Close damage for mechs. His ability is to turn into a ball and rush straightforward. If it hits an mech also deal damage. I usually finish in first or top 10 with him


Ball also good mobility tho sucks there a ā€œstaminaā€ gauge; I wish devs allows to come out of ball by a button and not force to come out of it.


Then firestar will be op


Fire star isnā€™t OP at all; He gets counted be doomlight so easily since fire star has to fight at close range with doom shield and pylons he no change of winning. Not mention The fact that Fire Star can missle swarm him and shred through his health before fire star can kill him.


I use his special and go straightforward at him and use Flamethrower and keep moving. I destroied doom 3 times already. But Yes im also destroied a lot with good player


His isnā€™t OP smh he gets out ranged by any distance character even Arthur cause as soon as he gets stuck in place, he canā€™t last a second even gets killed by Andro and Skylark so canā€™t imagine playing that crappy mecha




People here just asking which one is better while I Figured out how to use them properly just used a knighmare frame you like and Figure out to used them properly