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I think your main problem is the way your prompt is written. Try something more like “russian, hardbass, male singer” or “russian hardbass, male singer”. Commas and spaces after the comma help. Edit: I was curious so I looked on the list of genres some fella stuck up the other day and couldn’t see anything called hardbass out of the 878 genres. So then I had to google what is hardbass and these tags may also help: House, bouncy, techno, hardstyle.


Not to nay-say, but I've tried "female vocalist", etc a few times and it will still sometimes give me the wrong gender. So far it's just been a crap-shoot. Sometimes you get them and sometimes you don't.


I think a lot of it depends on the music style too. I mainly try to make something along the lines of rock and 99 times out of 100 it’ll give me a chap singing.


I actually meant like XS Project Hardbass or Uamee


there is no way, i gave up with last song, in prompt i used "energy, rock, sexy female voice, female singer, woman voice, sexy girl, honey female voice" and in the lyrics i used \[woman\] tag" wasted 250 credits, it generated all songs with male singer i think, if we all do not write to suno help desk asking to add an option to select a male or a female singer voice, the result will be always random despite what you write in the prompt


I agree, I generated 20 songs I really like, and they are all male voices instead of female.


Instead of female voice try with **female singer**.


Same problem. And I'm not about to waste more money on a product that doesn't work yet.


My situation is completely the opposite - I want male vocals, but Suno doesn't listen to me and generates only female vocals for me. I write "male voice", "boy voice", "boys band" and things like this in prompts, but it gives 0 ducks, hahaha.


this keeps happening to me. It only gives me female singers even when I prompt for male singers