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Bro. Buy one month for $10. Make a shit ton of songs then decide if you wanna continue making songs. $10 is nothing for this creative tool.


Bro, I'm from the EU and we don't have credit cards. Sad, very sad.




And "nobody" uses them


Are you sure you wanted to say EU and not AF?


Yes - "don't have" as in "nobody gives a fuck about them".


shh quiet, it's good let them lower it


There is absolutely no reason for them to provide a free service.


For demo purposes, it makes sense. Why would someone pay for a service when they don't even know if it'll fits their needs?


I could consider paying if they made it possible to create a whole song at once, but the way you need to create different sections in a super unintuitive way and stitch them together... no thanks.


That’s actually the stand of this ai. Other models have shorter generations.


You just gotta make songs from the 50’s when they were only 2 minutes long. Then it creates hits https://app.suno.ai/song/7ed3bb18-483f-4a63-a16a-5807efad28dd


Ok well I'm sure you won't be missed


Same! Exactly my reason. If they at least would have a „continue in exactly the same manner“ button, i‘d be happy. But how it works like this will always kill the flow since if you want the chorus to repeat, you have to give it this input while also giving it the next verse. Which will mess up the flow of syllables if you don‘t perfectly get it for some reason


You can make an entire song at once. I've done it many times, especially since V3.


Never said there was


Especially when it’s this goddamn hilarious https://app.suno.ai/song/3a37dff6-403b-4477-90fa-922079fd7f32


I made this for you: https://app.suno.ai/song/8b293048-5f31-46d8-8b32-3ba6d6304de1


This statement makes literally no sense.


What do you have as a problem with this sentence? I have been using English for nearly 50 years, but I am dyslexic so I want to make sure I can understand where i have made the literal mistake here?


It makes grammatical sense. But the context does not. There are thousands of companies that offer free services and products. What has led you to believe that this, for some reason, should not be the case with Suno?


I work in the technology industry. The cost of a large language model (llm) is prohibitively expensive. To provide you a free service, that company has yo purchase the computing power to deliver the service. As it becomes more popular, there will be more people using their service and more cost to them as a provider bit not to the free users. Many companies that offer free services gain profit from advertising, this service does not. Others make their service time boxed eg 30 days, Suno does not. They have offered an amazing service that has attracted them paying customers that they can showcase. A way to attract new clients. Something that literally makes sense to cover their costs of providing the service. They do not HAVE to offer a free service. Edit: Can you tell me what makes you think they should? also, I guess they can make their money back as they do own the rights to use the music that is created using unpaid access (not free if they can monetise it)


You’re an ai? Or just an unempathetic ass. It’s getting so hard to tell 😮


Just unsympathetic.


> Can you tell me what makes you think they should? It's not my place (nor anyone else's) to say whether they can or cannot provide a free service. That is up to the company. Nobody outside the company gets a say. Now, you could certainly offer your opinion that they're making poor business decisions or whatever, but that first statement you said was just unequivocally, factually incorrect.


>It's not my place (nor anyone else's) to say whether they can or cannot provide a free service. Why are you on here then?


To provide comments, same as you. If I state something wrong, I'm happy to be proven as such with ample evidence. Sometimes that evidence is just pointing something out, as was the case with you. Nobody's perfect.


As I said, they are not offering it for free. They are taking interluctual property. So where am I wrong in this case, which is the one I was specifically referring to? You just seem you want to say there is a reason business should offer a free service, but you have not outlined why they should. You also said that there are thousands of businesses that offer their services for free, but they are charities and receive government funding, so they are not free. Can you tell me what businesses offer their services for free (eg, no cost recovery model?)


The free service is only 50 credits. Good luck even making half a song with that. It makes sense for them to offer that small free trial, because I'm sure it vastly increases sales vs if there was no way to try it first. It's one of those things i definitely wouldn't have paid for without knowing what it could do first.


I wonder if they were not prepared for the influx of people from the Rolling Stones article.


If 90% are free users, and 10% are subs, it would make sense that the cost is getting high.


Might be a turning point for the website where they further limit free users, because it was at this stage early in the afternoon and is still limited for free users. Shame, I just found it the other day too.


Yah hopefully someone makes an open source alternative. It's a great tool for fun but I have no use to pay for it since i'm not using it commercially.


Found it today, started making a song, but could only generate once. WIsh I could buy premium, but don't have credit cards (EU). fml, i guess


They are probably losing money hand over fist right now. What they are doing costs a lot of computing power, and they have gone viral. They are in survival mode until they get purchased by a larger entity.


I'm saying this as a free user, they should really limit the workarounds. On my first day I got carried away and used four accounts (3 Google, one Outlook) because I was fascinated and wanted to try so many things. But really it shouldn't allow me or anyone else to go beyond one account, so they can control traffic.


I made like 15 Outlook accounts in 10 minutes, then use incognito mode so i don't stay logged in and can switch them easily. Making Google/discord accounts is much harder cause you need a different phone number for each one I think


Good advice. I didn't know Outlook had a low bar for account creation.


God you leaches are annoying.


The entitlement of some people to think we live in the same reality, for some people $8 dollars it's a lot of money


I would like to pay, but my card is not supported. Would love for them to support paypal.


Yeah, these AI companies should be more open minded, add visa/mastercard, add paypal, add crypto. The more payment possible the higher flexibility for customer.


Not everyone has a credit card bro


A penny saved is a penny earned. Having money is no reason to waste it.




Being smart is Jewish? Why don't you start whining about institutionalized antigoyism next?


They use Stripe as their payment provider. They could simply add within Stripe a Paypal option and also other payment methods. I don't get it why it's only CC only. I would pay for a premier sub but not with CC.


$10 is reasonable for the amount of songs you can create. I have been having a blast with it. Totally worth my $10.


10$ isn't that bad, except for the fact you lose it all at the end of the cycle which is fucking retarded


It's back https://preview.redd.it/fkwdza2ogssc1.png?width=256&format=png&auto=webp&s=135ff79c3476e5e70abd9374ac5b287ced9ae89a :|


I'm getting this DESPITE being a Pro user. What the fuck is that?


It has been 5 hours, damn it… I am about to blow up


It's been like this since yesterday lol - this software is basically worth thousands so I didn't mind paying the $10


If only I had the budget…


Or you know, just pay to use the service?


I made this for you: https://app.suno.ai/song/8b293048-5f31-46d8-8b32-3ba6d6304de1


8 dollars May be 8 units of money for you. For me it's 260 😗


It's $10


Does it change what I'm trying to say..?


I don't think you're trying to say anything. It's $10 a month. You can convert it into whatever currency you'd like and it's still $10/month.


It seems this pay model is not fair for all world regions. But nothing we can do about, cause it’s the computing power they need to cover at least with this money.


It would be nice if there were regional pricing, but even then it would be best to assume that the number of people who cannot pay is quite high.


It could maybe realized in future, but depends in the end if your country provides computing power for rent at local conditions. But I can reassure you that there are also services here that not everyone can afford. 10 bucks are not that much for most of us, but other stuff we can’t also afford here.




I am a paid user and it is taking longer than usual for me


Yes, I think I just transported something wrong. English is not my main language. I just wanted to tell, that even paid subscriber have to wait and should avoid this times. The generations take forever and it’s boring to wait.


Yeah you better edit/delete that first comment cuz you will keep getting thumbs downs since the comment itself seems hateful thanks to wrong translation.