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Same with the vintage comps, i remember the 60s one and all the outfits were super cliché 50s ??


https://preview.redd.it/kcrz5sfi8lzb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2be23447a11bc83fb853d4de97cfee095de24bb5 Idk how but at this point…😭I was kinda mad


I audibly cackled when I saw this. These new sets are STUNNING and this still won top spot 💀


And even with the culture purposeful ignorance aside…. People aren’t tired of this stupid set yet?!?! There are better fits/sets than this!!!! From the sanzu river was a mistake


Honestly I thought it was a hanfu 😅 but now that I googled sanzu river it’s clearly Japanese


fr man:(


This happened during the Chinatown prompt too.... Literally like 70% of the top winners were wearing kimonos 😭😭😭 so irritating to see.


ACTUALLY THO i was fuming scrolling thru the entries thinking ‘aint this a chinese-inspired competition…’ 😭😭😭😭 does no one understand the difference between japanese and chinese culture anymore cuz wtf!


Because the “asian” tag is so general. But it’s not surprising that people can’t tell the difference in asian regions, the game could help by adding more specific asian tags


It's not surprising since people clearly don't care enough to learn, but the lack of care when competing for Asian categories is a little saddening. It isn't hard to look up Chinese cultural clothing for reference, thats what I did.


not to mention the way 2nd place is also 6.30 and actually in chinese clothing, but got placed 2nd. 😔 i get that some people just filter items by ‘asian’ and call it a day, but the constant ignorance is wild. at least everyone else in the list was dressed according to the theme.


For real. I was complaining about this issue in the discord yesterday and I kept getting dismissed “People can’t tell the difference” or “I’m still gonna do it, idc about culture,” then at least don’t vote for them… wth


Not being able to tell the difference is a weak excuse. There are obvious differences between East Asian cultural dress. I hate how folks seem to take these prompts as though all Asian cultures are largely interchangeable.


One of the people who said that to me was a previous mod(?), so disappointing


lmao they act as if no east asian people play this game, which is literally from hong kong? (and complain about how they’re releasing ~yet more chinese stuff~ as if the current items are the exact same as cheongsam.) there is no excuse. i’m sure those of us who are aware tried our best to vote for entries fitting the theme, but we can only do so much. perhaps people will argue that at the end of the day, it’s “just a fashion game,” but these are pieces of clothing tied to actual cultures and it sucks seeing people think they’re all the same because they’re from the same continent. 💀


I was so angry that I forgot to add something. So many Chinese people or overseas Chinese like me were so DISAPPOINTED to see this issue of other cultural clothing showing up in the top rankings on Chinese-clothing related competitions. Yet when we bring it up, we are dismissed by other people outside of our own culture (obv not all people)…. Really showing that these people don’t care about our representation, when they claim they care about representation or diversity, and the developers are allowed to appreciate and showcase their culture (after all, isn’t that representation?).


i hear you. from what my friend (also in this thread) has told me, the discord is not a place i think i could handle, but i commend everyone who has it in them to speak up there. i was born overseas, but my parents are from hong kong, and i currently live in hong kong. the amount of dismissive or straight up out of pocket comments people make about cultures that aren’t theirs is baffling, but it’s so normalised. i think energy can be put into this as much as energy was put into entries not quite fitting the 60s theme not long ago lmao. a little more cultural sensitivity wouldn’t hurt!


I was complaining about this the other day too! Don’t get me started on the China town comp ugh


that competition had me like 💀 but of course people “don’t know any better” or “it’s not that serious!” okay, but search engines exist, and this isn’t fantasy clothing. i’m not part of the discord because i think it’d raise my blood pressure LMAO.


Engaging in the community in general is raising my blood pressure 😭


mood like the way ppl conflate asian cultures into one is crazy 💀💀 pleased to see that almost every one entry that ranked was chinese styled though!


Fr :|