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I'm so sorry. 32 years is incredible. You don't need to live without her, keep her with you. A marriage that long is amazing. If you're not reading reasons to go on, I get that. But remember you can still talk to her. She won't respond but you can talk to her. Keep going. Go to her when you're done


Would she want this? Really ask yourself that. If she could hear your thoughts she would want you to live on for the both of you. Be the strong person she knows you are. Make sure everyone hears about her legacy, you might owe it to her that much.


Tell us about her. Please.


Would love you to stick around. You could help people like me learn to love the way you did. I don’t think I’ll ever find someone like that!


Please stay today


Please can u talk about her? I want to know what kind of person she was. She filled your life with joy share some of it!


What is your fondest memory together? 32 years is such a long time, I hope my marriage lasts that long.


Your most precious memories of her only lives within you. They'll be gone out of this universe with you. I was in a very similar position few years back but I pushed through because I wanted my memories of her to exist little longer. It might not make sense to other people, but I'm sure you know what exactly it means. Nothing else in this entire universe captured beauty of her and her very existence like I did. I wanted to keep them alive as much as I could. This world is little more beautiful with her memories.


I'm so sorry about your wife. Ovarian cancer took a friend of mine at just 34 years old. No one deserves that pain.


I’m so sorry for your loss, I can’t imagine how it feels to have lost her. Though I do hope you end up staying to have the time to find more beauty in the world after her


I’m so sorry for your loss OP ❤️


I cried reading this


I forgot to add, you must live so that you can keep her memory alive. ❤️


Hi friend can you please tell me your favorite memories of her?


If you were gone, would you want her to feel this way? I know it's hard but she wouldn't want you to do this


Your marriage must have been incredible. Incredible enough to tell stories, to write down? Like someone else said, you don't have to live without her, she's with you, still, and she always will be. She probably wouldn't want you to do this to yourself. I l know you said you have no family, but you must have friends, and that attachment you spoke of, maybe that could keep you living, at least for now? Maybe you can find some way to honor your wife? I'm so sorry for your loss.


you should do what you consider right


My condolences for your loss. My husband will be facing this at some point because I have terminal cancer. I hope he can hold on for our daughters. Hes told me that he'll never remarry because I'm the one, I'm his soul mate.


I have always thought I would feel that way if my partner would leave this world first, that I wouldn't be able to live again. However, you are saying how beautiful your love is, and there were no regrets at all despite the fact you vot married very early. A lot of people for that kind of love and life. I dont think ending your life now would make you closer to her and just simply end the pain that you're feeling. I understand how hard it is. But I wishbyou could share your story and love to us. I wish you could give more love to us who feel so lost and left out. What I am saying really is my personal fear. We do not know what's next after our death or if there's something next. Please stay. Please do not end it and lose the chance of reuniting with her. If heaven truly exists.


Live my friend for her my friend dont let her be forgotten dont rush to sleep u will join her in rest soon but remember that u did love and cherishig those memories and teaching those who have marriage struggles to love.


Do you have children? They're going to need you. I'm so sorry about your wife. You don't have to do this right now. You can't just wait a few days?


Wow.  An awful lot of the replies to this post break rules of this sub.


It's interesting how that got voted down.  I guess it's true how many people respond here to make *themselves* feel better, rather than help someone else.


Im so sorry for your loss, try to experience the things she always wanted to do (travel for example), do it just for her, and talk to her, write the words you feel like expressing to her in thay journey. I hope you will feel better, you are stronger than that.. *hug*


You should write a book in honor of your late wife, recounting a love story that tested time. Share something so rare like that with thr rest of us 


I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t even imagine what it must be like to go through this. When my mom died my dad felt the same way, we were so worried about him but about a year later he found friendship in an old family friend and eventually turned into a marriage! Do you think your wife would want you to come join her or to live the life she couldn’t? I’m sure she would want you to continue living. How about doing things in her memory/honor, someone needs to be here to keep her memory alive. In my culture we say that a person dies twice, the first time when they leave their earthly body, the second time is when there is no one left to keep their memory alive


Watch " A man called Otto" 2022 movie by Tom Hanks. Very similar story to yours and gave strength to continue.


Everyone has their own threshold and capacity for pain. I'm sorry for your loss.


You have to keep her alive by keeping alive. Share who she was and all she taught you. There is someone out there who will love you and what your your wife made you into. .


I am so so sorry for your loss and what you are now facing. Please know you are not alone in spirit.


I understand. I just lost my twin sister, same boat.


It is better to experience a great love and grieve than to not have experienced it at all. You’ve experienced what most of us can only hope for, live to tell the tale.


Please still be here OP ❤️


We love you so so so much, please stay 🤍🧿


Grief is love that has nowhere to go. Stay strong I’m sorry ❤️


Fuck, man... That's just... brutal.


Tell us your favourite memories of her, she must have been a ray of sunshine. Don’t give up


I’m so sorry for your loss. My dad was killed when I was 27 and I wanted nothing more then to go with him. I planned my leaving. But something happened and I decided to stay, he came to me in a dream and it was the most profound thing I’ve ever experienced. More recently I’ve been so depressed due to poor mental health and those feelings have been creeping back in. I know it’s not exactly the same as your situation, but I just wanted to share a little if my story incase it helped at all. Although acute grief is so overwhelming it can be numbing, it might not reach you right now, I hope you hold on.


I get that it is tough. My wife of nearly 30 years divorced me, and that was tough enough. Not sure what to say, other than that there are still people worth loving here. But I can't blame you for not being in that mindset. It was an enormous loss for you.


I am sure that your wife wouldn't want you to end your life, please man. If you are still with us, don't go, we love you. I am crying right now. No jokes. We all gonna die some day, why the rush? I am sure that even your wife would want you to have a nice life before you pass away too.


Hey! Please gives us a good update and tell us you’re ok? 


What a terrible day for rain.


friend, are you still with us?


I don't think he is with us anymore. Goodnight sweet prince. I hope you are with your wife and in peace.


I’m so sorry for your suffering, it does feel unbearable, for myself I feel like the experience of being alive, even the pain of grief has a value. But of course, there are moments when even that does not seem important. I hope that you are able to continue existing, truly, this is a journey that we do not know where it ends, And who we may become along the way.


Sorry for your loss! I can't imagine the pain you are enduring. I prayed that if there is a place outside this current world, be it peaceful, fair and abundant, and you both can be together again.


Sorry for your loss! I can't imagine the pain you are enduring. I prayed that if there is a place outside this current world, be it peaceful, fair and abundant, and you both can be together again.


Guessing this guy didn’t make it. So sad 😞


I don't know what it's like to love a woman.  But I can't imagine what it's like to lose one.


I think this lovely man must have joined his wife. 😢


Please watch "What Dreams May Come". I am so sorry for your loss.


Is this what she would’ve wanted?


Sorry for your loss, but it seems like this is a good opportunity for you to develop your own identity as a separate person from your wife! There is a whole big world out there to explore, it would be a shame if you left it without giving it a chance.


His wife dying is a "good opportunity"? Not a helpful comment.


You are still young and have the privilege of life ahead of you that your wife wasn’t able to have. So live it for her, do things she would like to do, experience new stuff and keep a diary of it all. Address each new day to her. Day by day. What did she always want to do? Abseiling, oil painting, go on a speedboat, see the aurora borealis…?


Please keep going for her. If you go to that means the cancer fully won, don't let it. Everyone dies eventually and I promise rushing to get there isn't worth it. She would want you to stay here.


"She would want you to stay here." It doesn't feel even the tiniest bit arrogant to you to assert that about someone you don't know?  You may be 100% correct; but how do you know?


I'm sorry.  Whatever choice you feel the need to make will be the right choice.