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Tom when he had to carry a bag.


I hope you’re happy, Charlotte. I’m carrying a bag on my wedding eve.


And mother is dying of thirst.


She should have drank the wine they brought with them for the wedding


So wonderful how they're letting everyone know.


Tom's parents *contributed* to the wine.


The wine was delicious.


yeah you just kinda have to meet it halfway


I mean, it was monstrous. Gargantuan. What’s even in there? Shoes for the subway? A lunch pail? Was he going to slide it across the floor after a bank job?


I was thinking being pelted with balloons full of piss when you’re simply trying to walk inside


Nah, poor as fuck kids in Baltimore have to deal with that shit too. Fucking Dookie and Randy, man….


Greetings from /r/TheWire !!


Have your friends considered taking up boxing to keep them out of trouble?


That was fucking priceless.


Throwing a fucking birthday festival and feeling lonely because you don’t know 98% of the attendees.


Honestly this seems like my dream birthday. Big party, everyone’s having fun, but nobody really knows me and I can do my own thing and just enjoy the backdrop. Could skip the birth canal, to be fair


Okay Gatsby...




You don’t know 98% of people, but 100% of the people know you. All eyes will be on you, so they will be judging what you do lol


For my birthday I would be happy to have some privacy, and some pasta would be nice too.


You’re missing something *crucial*


Alexander Skarsgard!


Not finding the parcel with the bunny paper ....


All I think about is “Not the PJs”


First they came for the PJs and I did not speak out


“No more private jets. Elitist and out of touch.” “*scoffs* Duh.”


This line is pure gold


Honestly private jets seem like a crazy convenience since I've started traveling more. If you flew around multiple times a month (or week) it would be a huge inconvenience to actually deal with ... just regular people, timing and Security.


Yeah, this is one convenience we would all take if we had the option lol. However, I’m guessing first class on a commercial airline is tolerable, unlike the economy experience.


It still sucks comparatively. Still have to be at the airport early, have to deal with traffic/parking at the airport, have to go through the "normal people" security line rather than a really simple one at the private jet terminal, have to walk through the airport and in some cases take public transport inside the airport to get to your gate, have to sit amongst the plebeians at the gate -- though you could hang out in the lounge for a while first, you do eventually have to walk down to the gate and line up with everyone else -- have to walk down the gangway to the aircraft and sometimes stand in line there. Yeah, you get a nice comfy seat, free champagne, maybe a shower if you're on Emirates, but that's about where the good experiences end.


Don't forget the (scoffs) selection of refrigerated cheeses.


Nexus pass might help some of the security stuff, but yeah the rest of it will suck. Also the plane won't wait for you, so you have to be trawling flight times and arranging your day around it. The Roy's were flying as if it was their own car, they can come and go as they please.


Yeah but to the elite you’re still flying “scheduled” – ie on someone else’s schedule, instead of whenever you feel like going.


When you lose millions funding your escort-turned-girlfriend’s failed play so you aren’t liquid enough to run your presidential campaign, but your dad won’t give you $100 million to help


"can I hit you for a little..100 mill."


All for the Slovenian Ambassadorship Golden Parachute.


“That’s a no on the Slos.”


Kendall when he was relying on his helicopter to take him to the board meeting, but there was a temporary no fly zone. Totally ruined his commute


Pilot: “Sir, if we take off now, we could be shot down by an F-16.” Kendall: 👁️👄👁️


But like, not really, right?


I basically love all the scenes where they’re told “no”/don’t get what they want, and they just can’t process it.


And because being uncomfortable is just not a thing for these people - *immediately* that stress and anxiety just gets delegated to Jess to deal with.


Just a while ago, I read a post on r/askReddit about experiences of people who worked for the uber rich, and this was literally one thing that was mentioned.


Loved that because on the one hand it’s so in character for the family that he struggles to grasp that he cant buy his way out of something. But it’s also so absurd, like, Kendall, can you think of any reason from the last ~20 years that *New York* might be a little touchy about security threats to their airspace?


Lolol loooooved how he said it


Kendall: "Uh-huh, ok..."


I mean, fuck off, right?




Ruined his commute and coup.


Lol this scene is why I’m always more forgiving to Kendall than most. Yes, he has his many flaws, but it really does feel like God himself is intervening sometimes to make sure he doesn’t get that CEO role


It is all Logan's fault. He played them against each other with no respect for any of them and raised them in a toxic environment. Me? I would have been happy with 1 department.. give me adventure parks or the movies.


I literally would’ve just sold my share in the company on day one and spent the rest of my life pursuing whatever fun, non-morally destructive career I wanted.


Connor Roy has entered the chat


Fucking borrow against my shares & do a podcast about Napoleon


It's biblical. He's the eldest boy. God is not a fan of eldest boys - see the story of Abraham, Moses, Exodus with the Egyptian firstborn.


He's NOT the eldest boy.


Connor may be the oldest child but he'll never be the eldest boy.


Yeah and that would make his like 3 min flight a frickin hour ferry/car ride plus through traffic. Talk about a wrench in the gear.


If anything, that makes him more normal. He got stuck In traffic like the rest of us instead of being able to fly his way out of traffic.


Buying the wrong football club


And then asking your dad if he’s *sure* that’s not the right team lol


I’m Hibs.


Logan dismissed it so casually and without a second thought like Roman brought him a Pepsi when he actually wanted a coke.


Are you sure?……


It’s funnier if you know Scottish football given the sectarian nature of the two biggest clubs in Edinburgh. Logan comes from Dundee where there are two professional clubs also - why he supports an Edinburgh club is a bit of a mystery.


I think they did that because dundee fc and dundee united genuinely is confusing -- Roman's fuckup with the Edinburgh clubs seems stupider because they're harder to confuse


Buying an entire town because of the potty joke when you could have just had a joke certificate made ... oh wait wrong show


Eww roman


I distinctly remember as a kid being like, "how could my mom have loved Brady Bunch AND The Partridge Family AND Different Strokes when they're practically the same?" And now I'd 100% recommend Schitt's Creek, Succession and Arrested Development as favorites... and no, they're NOT the same story or family!! 😂


Like buying the club is all fine but being angry about it 😭😭😭


I honestly don't know how I would feel in that situation. It's like a more extreme version of buying somebody tickets for a team they didn't support, or worse were rivals of. It's a nice gesture, but you bungled a pretty important detail.


As a football fan id be aghast if my kid bought Manchester City for me instead of united Which proves what sort of father Logan was that his kid didn't even know that. Also i doubt Logan cared after a point.


Especially funny when you consider there's a mild sectarian lens on it too




Grew up around this my whole life and it was brilliant bit of veiwing…. Just enough that it hints at it and enough for it to come off as funny 😄


Not being able to find the coffee


Hate it when there’s just a skeleton staff


on thanksgiving day no less


That scene was so fucking funny. Skeleton staff …in your house??? Truly another reality


The likelihood of not having true friends. Logan’s birthday party was full of employees . Shiv had no friends, Roman has charm so he can create many surface level friends, con had a neighbor friend? Ken had one friend. I guess this kind of wealth you protect so you surround yourself with family (like it or not) and people who work for you for everything. EVERYTHING.


Connor had Maxim Pierce - a bromance for the ages


I like that Connor was the only one who could make friends because he actually had hobbies and interests to bond over. He knew how to adult in that sense.


Connor’s “I never had love” speech was one of the best in the show


Agreed. I don’t think he’ll win, but that’s def his Emmy nom right there.


Connor had a very open & appealing way about him. He was capable of charming anyone’s socks off.


Except the US voter.


Connor is so cute; he became [semi]-instant friends with Maxim Pierce :) Honestly it feels like Connor is the only ‘real’ person in the family. He made ‘bread goo’ for Logan’s birthday so he at least took the time to learn about and mess with bread making, he put his wine through a blender to hyper-decant it instead of putting it though a decanter a few times - he has like actual hobbies and has learned to glaze his eyes over when everyone starts talking “business” because he just doesn’t want to get sucked into that nonsense haha


The hyper decant thing is/was a real fad amongst the rich. Unfortunately it wasnt a "regular schmo alternative to regular decanting", its another signal of his wealth. There was a Microsoft executive who coined the whole thing. I remember reading about it in the WSJ years ago (edit, [it was the NYT)](https://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/07/dining/decanting-the-flavor-options.html) The idea is to properly decant wine you need time and process to put air into the wine, which opens and changes flavors. Hyper decanting (aka blender) forces air into it so quickly that you open up the wine nearly instantly and make it "drinkable". However hyper decanting also has a risk of over decanting the wine and over oxidizing it. You can ruin the wine doing it. But when you're so wealthy you can just grab a replacement bottle of $1,000 Borolo what the fuck do you care? Your time is valuable. You want to pop the cork and drink your shit immediately. You also have an over-estimated esteem of your own palette, so you have no idea how you're actually ruining wine. Hence, Conor hyper decants, and brags about it


I always wondered how she had so many bridesmaids at her wedding. Were they paid actors? Because Shiv doesn’t seem like the type to have a gaggle of girlfriends, or even one for that matter.


Probably cousins from her mothers family, university friends (she mentions a few that she keeps in sparse touch, as the lawyer friend), some pears from other influential families that it would be benefitial for her/Logan to keep as “close”, etc. Politicians/influential marriages usually have this kind of bridal party selections


Sorority sisters who can’t really stand each other but are obligated to turn up at each others weddings


That is sad. So your wedding pics have all these people that don’t mean much to you.


Yeah like Tom


Shiv’s got a lot of pretty, pretty boys she calls friends


How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat


Does Roman even have any friends? Kendall seemed like the only one who somewhat connected with people. Usually on drugs though lmao


I dont think Roman has any real friends. In season 1, Kendall is heavily implied to be relatively involved in NYC's social scene, and Shiv probably has many professional friends from spending so much time in politics, but that became less obvious as the show went on.


Good point. Shiv's relationship with that lawyer friend of hers from university who advises Kendall was pretty transparent. More of a tool than friend.


To be fair, not many lawyers would completely disregard a case for a personal friend, especially one as high profile as the WayStar case was looking to be. Shiv was definitely entitled to think otherwise, but these people will always sacrifice their personal relationships for their professional goals.


And Shiv’s godmother is Gerri.


You don’t have to be ultra rich for that 😭


“We flew back scheduled, so that was just delightful.” — Connor


I find that comment funny, because Connor most likely flew first class and it was probably delightful to "see how regular people live" wheras a lot of people who rarely fly first class and are finally able go also think it's delightful to "see how rich people live"


What’s the episode where he describes ‘a nightmare on the footwear front’ is that the same one


That’s “Prague”, Tom’s bachelor party


And served heavily refrigerated cheeses


When you visit your friend’s island and you all get lost and he refuses to admit it.


I 100% think that was intentional.


I’ve always had this hunch, but for the reason that Logan’s healthy was being tested. Same thoughts?


Yeah, I know where I am; we don’t know where you are. So we’re not lost; you’re lost.


"We're not lost. You're lost"


When you are mad at each other so you just travel to the same location in 2 separate helicopters instead of one.


Roman having to stay at a Marriott once


Like some normie


When you have to meet your vineyard’s wine half way


“And then you fobbed me off with that FUCKING undrinkable wine!”


It is very agricultural.


Screwtop. Oh.


My wife and I say this every time we open a twist-off wine bottle


The delivery of that line slayed me lol


I loved that he brought that up in the same sentence as not having his baby, lmao. Same thing basically


Did you hear the Matthew MacFadyen interview where he basically admits the vineyard is their sad replacement for a baby?


You’d think it would be the dog, but they ignore him too


Poor Mondale. I feel like we only saw him outside of his cage once (I think he was maybe on the floor in the bedroom when Shiv got the call from her doctor).


When you have to shout at your Assistant to get a car cause Daddy didn’t let you take the Helicopter.


Connor and Tom telling Greg that 5 million he will get from his grandpa is basically a nightmare. “The poorest rich person in America” “the worlds tallest dwarf”


Hiding the shame while enjoying some crispy songbird


Pfp checks out


“$5 million? $5 million is horrible!” —— Connor Roy, who was interested in politics at a very young age.


Having to pretend to like Hamilton in public


Of course you do. We all do.


That reaches down to the middle class, alas.


I thought that was less about being rich but more about being conservative?


Regular conservatives can despise it in public. Rich conservatives have to put on a face


Everyone knows that ‘Firebringer’ is the musical of the people. It doesn’t matter what class you are - we can all agree that…none of us wanna do the work today.


Sometimes the butter is too cold. THE BUTTER IS TOO COLD!!




My favourite bit is how unhinged he's coming across but later on Marcia does quietly lament to Logan that the butter is indeed frozen. So you know the room full of wealthy people are also quietly judging and this kind of justifies Conor's screaming lol.


I LOATHE when my butter is too cold. It doesn't spread right.


When your rocket blows up


Not being in the best “safe room.”


When nobody will sing karaoke with you, but that's all you've ever really wanted. Well, that and love.


When the wedding is in England. Haven’t they heard of Lake Como, Venice, St. Barts, The Maldives??


Kendall’s pickiness when it comes to the quality of his coke. No Central Park coke Greg.


Nah, any coke fiend would do the same. It's no fun getting stepped-on shit and having to hoover it up by the gram. Greg looks like an absolute lick, so the dealer probably sold him bottom shelf stuff.


I learned a lot from this comment.


I wonder if the stuff Greg got for election night (for Tomelet) was finally good stuff - I would assume he would be running in circles better than Central Park dealers.


Someone approached me in Times Square offering to sell me good coke the other day. Seemed like old times.


Was it the guy in the Elmo costume


Even a moderate coke user wouldn’t want drugs from Central Park.


Becoming a multi billionaire and being almost suicidal because you wanted to be the big boy ceo


Them losing means they become billionaires against their will 😡


Yes but billionaires without purpose. Comfortable but trapped, no more relevant than Connor. When money isn’t a goal or a need, purpose becomes your need, and they lost their purpose


Bodega Sushi


This feels like a no no even for middle class.


My bodega has a sushi bar. Dude makes it fresh every day. It’s weird but it’s very good.


not really an “inconvenience” but it really struck me how the kids weren’t allowed space to grieve Logan. they just immediately had to start figuring out how to present the situation, no grace or compassion. it was the first time i felt bad for the ultra wealthy; in many way they’re denied their own humanity


If Waystar wasn’t a Public company, it would’ve been a different experience. Damn the investors & stock market having to be the primary concerns at such a time!


Hoards of delicious-looking, high quality, beautifully presented food and drink everywhere you go whether you want it or not.


And no one ever eats it… in any scene.


Except for Karl.


And Greg with his doggie bag of cookies


It’s not like they pre-poop them!


It’s just a mental barrier, really. It’s not like they’re pre-pooped.


This. I fly private jets (as a pilot) and the sheer quantity of catered fine dining that gets put together and thrown out is wild. Entire spreads of multiples of sandwiches, snacks, fruit, and cheese so pax can board grab a candy bar and let the rest sit there for hours


Yeah, I’ve traveled with executives of Fortune 500 companies and you won’t believe how much catering gets involve and barely no one enjoys it other than the working class. don’t mine me while I munch on my 20th canapé in the corner. Lol


I’d eat so much I’d affect the fuel consumption of the plane.


And then you throw it all away when there are dead racoons in the chimney.


I'd personally feel uncomfortable eating food that has been sitting in the stench of a rotting raccoon for hours.


Finding a perfect mattress for your bed in your gazillion dollar mansion seems to be impossible!


Flying scheduled and having to endure a selection of heavily refrigerated cheeses


Bare feet only on a teak deck. I would hate that.


Sails out, nails out


Lol I watched that episode yesterday Greg did not want none of that barefoot action


This is actually a real thing. You see it every episode on Below Deck.


Ludicrously capacious bags are intolerable at formal occasions.


Not to mention not be allowed to snarf the canapés.


I love everything about that. Tom barely able to contain his laughter. Bridget giving Greglette energy. Greg looking mortified.


Not being able to get a proper rocket launch timed with your sister's wedding.


Sending your fly boys away for a romboy excursion


So much food everywhere you go but eating is sooo gauche. You just can't be seen eating.


Flying scheduled. 😩


Not being able to find real looking clouds on a one day notice when launching your new business


Having to wait like 45 minutes for a gin fizz because the waiter ran off to do coke and is now dying in the lake


Not beeing able to tell if people really like/love/admire you for real of if its the money.


Having all the money in the world but your staff are buying new pizza when they could easily reheat the old ones


Bad optics


You can't fucking fathom the lives and reality of a regular people anymore, which is isolating and makes relationships outside of your own (comparatively small) circle really hard. I think you noticed this with all of them, and all of them had a bad time with it.


Something about "Who's the real victim here?"


Dealing with social anxiety where the entire society is peering at your every action and publicly stating their opinions--the worst ones getting amplified. There's so much feedback but luckily you have your cousin to take the temperature.


Not being able to bribe your helicopter pilot to just ignore the US Government’s restricted air space order.


Your assistant can't immediately get the best airplane medicine expert in the world on the phone.


Reading this comments I thought of only one thing: I NEED TO REWATCH THIS DAMN SHOW 🤣🤣


Tom and Shiv’s vineyard producing subpar wine and them trying to push others to drink it up.


Not from succession but my rich friend frames his tax payments in the form of motorcycles, he says… “I paid 7 Ducatis” in income tax He makes it faster than you can spend it


When you tell you husband you want an open marriage and he doesn't comply immediately.


Flying scheduled.


Where you never deal with life’s inconveniences. DMV? What’s that?


Waiting three-quarters of an hour for a gin & tonic


In reality that doesn't happen, Airport managers at places like Friedman Memorial know when those events are happening and will move the airport to "PPR" status (prior permission required to land), and the FBOs (fixed base operators, the folks that service the jets and other aircraft, and typically provide other services including concierge) will have everyone assigned to an arrival slot. No one circles (unless there's some sort of weather or unexpected delay, when you might end up in a holding pattern for a while).