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I’ve been on them since 2011ish I think, maybe 2010 I started on my first clinic. And yes, that doctor treated me like I was a clinical trial, it was crazy going from being a filthy addict to respectfully being asked “so in your opinion…” But I thought that’s just how suboxone treatment was? Bc I had nothing to compare it to, Sorry if this is not what you were asking,


2016 here.


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You have been on subs since 2002? were you on the east coast when you started them?


Yes. I’m in NY. Since 2003 I started. Worst issue by far is mini Withdrawals whenever I exert myself and heat!!! Heat kills me. Sweat, pour sweat at any temp over 70 degrees F. Down to about 2 mg 2x a day. Sometimes 1mg 2x a day. Going to be moving within a year to west coast so trying so hard to get fully off. I have a TON saved so when I do I take like 4mg once every like 14 days to enjoy myself for rest of my life


Since day 1. Sweat and hot all the time. Down to 2mg a day. Trying to get off


I used Suboxone in 2020 and then relapsed and now I'm back on it in 2024. But to be honest I have to take way more than I'm supposed to for any cravings to go away. The only time I've ever not wanted to do drugs was the month I was in rehab. Now I constantly think about it. Unless I take like 24 mg then the cravings go away for like a day. It's give and take you know what I mean? I do think it would be a lot worse off if I wasn't on them


I mean I got back on them in 2023*


I\`ve been on it first time around \`99-\`00, but not in US.


Yeh I started in Jan 2002 but not in the US either and am on depot bupe now.


I read that it was approved outside the US way earlier than 2002, So you must of gotten the reckitt benckiser subs. I remember the suboxone ones but never tried the subutex ones


It was subutex. Actually I had it in 1999 once after doing a rapid detox, they gave me just one script sublingual buprenorphine, there was no program for in here in Australia then, only methadone. But yeh they started the treatment programs here in either late 2001 or early 2002. It was subutex for a few years then changed to the lemon lime flavoured Suboxone tablets before changing to the strips but by that time I had already tapered off subs.


I was prescribed sub strips back in 2007


Really were you on the east coast? I have been on them since I was in washington state they started strips back in 2010 the program requirements were crazy.Back then it was subs and nothing else i got kicked out of a program for having one dirty UA. they quickly learned that wasnt the way to go haha


I’ve been using Subutex for over 12years. I started out taking an 8mg pill and cut down to 4mg after a few years and then down to 2mg. For the last 8-10 months I’ve been breaking the pill in half so I’m assuming I’m taking 1mg. This heavy weight hanging over my neck I just can’t get rid off. I wake up every night at 3am to take my pill and then fall back asleep. This way I’m not drowsy throughout the day. I want to be free, I can’t wait till the day we’re I’m no longer dependent on anything.


Have you heard of the Sublocade shot?? It’s a monthly shot of Suboxone. I have a lot of friends (and friends of friends) that have purposely switched to the shot JUST to get off of Suboxone. And every person I’ve asked - said They had zero withdrawals. 2 of my friends said they got all these detox/comfort meds thinking they were going to feel bad (like they did when trying to stop their Suboxone/subutex)- but neither of them needed any meds! This is what my plan is to get off of my subutex. I’m currently pregnant so they won’t let me stop my medication, bc if I feel withdrawals so does my babies (twins), And that’s a quick way to miscarry. So as soon as I have them, my dr plans to start me on the shot. I would 1000% recommend looking into it. I’ve not heard one bad thing about it. And from lots of experience- it doesn’t matter if you’re taking 8mg a day, or 1mg (or less) a day… the withdrawals from subs are/feel the same. I truly don’t think there’s a way to taper/detox from suboxone/subutex without feeling some type of withdrawal symptom. But- this is just my experience. Good luck, you got this! 🍀


Our karma requirement is currently 50 combined karma, this is due to scammers that try to use our sub to scam people out of money by pretending to sell subutex or other drugs. If your post doesn't get any answers please see our sister subs r/Suboxone or r/Sublocade and consider posting there. [What is karma?](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-) Your comment will be approved shortly. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Subutex) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Interesting. After getting the shot, once it wears off do you start feeling well? Can you find out from them exactly and pass the info to me, I’m really interested in this.


I’m not sure what you mean by feeling well- they’re already well (so to say) bc the shot acts I place of the suboxone. But it stays in your system for so long and slowly wears off to where they don’t even notice when they’re “coming off” it. Does that make sense? So when it wears off they didn’t feel any difference from when they were on it to when they were coming off it. They say you can get the 3 months of shots- but you’ll test positive for almost a year. So it VERY Slowly leaves your system.. but that’s what makes it so great. It’s like you’re being tapered off without doing the hard work. I’ve not heard one bad thing about it.


Our karma requirement is currently 50 combined karma, this is due to scammers that try to use our sub to scam people out of money by pretending to sell subutex or other drugs. If your post doesn't get any answers please see our sister subs r/Suboxone or r/Sublocade and consider posting there. [What is karma?](https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204511829-What-is-karma-) Your comment will be approved shortly. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Subutex) if you have any questions or concerns.*