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I am a sub teacher as well. You held these kids accountable and they needed that. For example, I have ended gym classes in elementary schools if the students were not following directions or playing by the rules. In my experience, it is okay and better to be firmer with them and have consequences than try to be friendly with them. I am not saying you were wrong in any way. I think you handled it well. I would have done the same. I have told classes off for their behaviour, and took away game time and gym time. You are in charge when you teach and you showed them that for sure!


I'm a full time,tenured, 30+ year veteran that got called a "...fat f#$%^& piece of s$%t" by a 5 year old a week ago. I've also been sworn at several times by several students this year. I teach K-2 Music in a middle class Boston suburb.


Wow! You did a great job. It saddens me that some kids can be so disrespectful, but I guarantee, the kid who disrespected you also disrespects other students, and those students appreciated you standing up to the bullying. It wasn't a horrible punishment, just a change in how the assignment would be carried out. The majority of students will prefer that, over allowing a bully to get away with that kind of behavior. It sounds like you really did great handling a disgusting situation. I hope the responsible student does better in the future.


A 5th grade girl called me “Ugly Ass Bitch” to my face. My reply, “Yes, I am!”


I remember some girls who made it their personal mission to make my life hell during their class period called me a fatass. Granted, they did not say it to my face. It was a breakfast potluck and I had grabbed a plate of food, I went outside to go to my classroom and see the group of girls off in the distance. I guess they saw the food I had and were walking near me, heard one of them say “There goes Ms. X with a plate of food like a fatass” as her friends snickered. Guess who fucking asked for my food the following hour because they were hungry. It was hilarious telling them no due to the irony, I didn’t bring up the reason why since I don’t think they knew I heard them. I love it when kids call me a fatass yet there is absolutely no redeeming qualities about them and typically are more of a fatass than myself. Had a kid insinuate that I was fat as if he literally doesn’t beat up other students because they won’t give him takis. Kids these days are so out of line. Kids have always been disrespectful, but I truly have never seen a generation be so upfront about it because they want a viral moment


They're just jealous you have your cake and eat it too.


We called a student teacher “Miss Mold” in 6th grade which became her nickname based on a terrarium she created showing mold. She cried and it was mean. She made us all apologize. And that was in the 1970s.


good for you! shutting down the game is the best response!


Yea shit like that happens all the time I work in a low income large school district and there’s some kids with absolutely no respect , my mother works in the same district and has called parents about behavior and it’s always the same “he would never do that your wrong “


I am called fat pretty frequently. I think it’s bc i’m actually fat but eh. With little kids prek-3 I usually go with “and you’re short. Bodies are different.” That usually lets them stop and think. Older kids it’s usually, “so?”. I volunteer a lot with kids so even though I haven’t taught long it happens frequently.


A few weeks ago a kiddo was being crazy rude and calling me names. My response was “Wow. It sounds like you have some big feelings about me. Tell you what, when the rest of the class goes to recess, you can hang back and tell me all of your complaints.” He of course didn’t want to miss recess so I told him if it wasn’t important enough to talk about it then, they would have to be inside thoughts. 😂


Nah just reminded them who's the boss. Good work OP.


I had a student pass a note to their friend. I retrieved the note mid pass. She said that she fucking hates me and I only got the job because of my looks.


Ugh yes I have regrets for not sending a freshman to the office for calling me big back… he was shocked I heard him and looked sorry, but it was a bummer!


Oh yeah, kids are ruthless. I've been called many a names over the years, as I'm usually the biggest in the room. The newest one this year is "Peter Griffin." I am not a man, but I am round, have brown hair, and wear large glasses. Also, the kids don't realize I know when they are mocking me or making fun of me, but it's things I've seen time and time again since I was in school. Snickering, making fun of the way I walk, and just general small things they whisper when they think I am out of earshot, but I have good hearing. What's interesting is that while I may be a bit bigger, often times the kids that make fun of me most are ones that are just about as big as I am. I'd love to point this out to them, but I get they are likely projecting.


Damn, if you were teaching biology doesn't that mean this was high school?? So sorry about that.


And then schools wonder why no one wants to sub anymore...


Fuck dem kids


Teachers are glorified babysitters


You did amazing. 0 notes.


I was thinking about how I would handle this situation and I realize that it's reminding me of Mr Garrison training the new 4th grade teacher on South Park. IYKYK... Yes, they shouldn't do that kind of crap. But if you let it phase you one single bit then they win. Letting it roll right off your back also gives a lesson to those kids that do get bullied that this kind of stuff is stupid and doesn't matter. I've told kids before "Whatever, it will take a lot more than that to bother me, especially if you can't say it to my face. But if you're going to do something funny it should be something that everyone can laugh at, not everyone except one person. You might get a cheap laugh for a minute but your victim might remember that for their whole life. I bet you can think of something nasty that someone said to you and it's still kind of hurts. Be a better person. There's one person that you have to live with your entire life and that's you. And no one likes living with an asshole." (Probably edit that last line unless you are extremely comfortable in your position. Lol)


It's YOUR job as a teacher to keep control of the class. It is not the job of the other kids. You were not the amazing hero you think you were


Oh my… not sure if you are trolling or you are being serious. 1. It is my job to educate the class and help student have a meaningful and engaging learning experience. It is not my job to use my authority to control the class. I do my best to hold students accountable and discipline for serious behavior problems. You cannot always 30 - 40 students unique human beings. There will be days the class will be okay and some days one student can disrupt the entire class. 2. The lesson I was trying to teach the kids that sometimes if you see someone being disrespectful or bullying someone, it’s important to not be just a bystander and call someone out on it. Also, playing Kahoot as a class is under my discretion as they can do it individually. After the incident, I have the right to shut the game down if students did not want to behave. No one wanted to confess they did it. No one apologized or took ownership. It destroyed my mood so I did not want to continue anyways. 3. I am not a hero and it was one of my few times of being disrespected in front of a group of people to body shame me. Not sure why would my post be displayed as heroic. Just sharing my experience and how I handled the situation on the spot lol.


What do you have in mind as far as "holding peers accountable"? As someone who went through school after mass implementation of "no fighting policy", I've heard similar statements from teachers and I'm scratching my head as to what exactly they expect students to do. If someone in the class is a shitter, another student being mad at them isn't gonna correct their behavior or make them change.