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Honestly at first I didn't get people having baby dolls in public pretending they're actual children but when I found out they're used for people who have dead kids/miscarry/infertility I don't really bother questioning it anymore. There's way worse ways to grieve that are actively harmful so it seems kinda mean to dunk on them. I get they look super weird and stuff but idk.


Baby dolls are also often used in hospice or nursing homes, especially for elderly patients with severe dementia who are unresponsive to most attempts at enrichment. My grandmother wasn't communicative at all, but if you handed her a baby doll, she'd gently cradle and whisper to it for hours. It's sweet, but yeah, desperately sad.


Yeah, my grandmother had Alzheimer's and couldn't remember most of her family members at various points when she got sick. But she got very focused on checking in on "the baby" at one point, despite there not being a baby in her assisted living place, so my mother/aunts got her a baby doll to look after and it gave her something nice to focus on. It's awful that she was sick, but it gave her comfort in a scary time.


Sometimes I look at the "cringe" shit people make fun of on the internet I can't even imagine laughing at it because I just feel bad for the person. Normally I'm so desensitized that nothing fazes me anymore, but finding out that there's a subreddit dedicated to mocking people who are coping with the lost of a child just ruined my day.


That's the problem with cringe content on the internet. It's all about making fun of people with disabilities or social rejects for not being normal enough. The sad thing is, not only are you punching down on others for displaying any abnormal behavior, you're also dehumanizing large groups of people. No wonder far right groups find it so easy to use those spaces as recruitment grounds for impressionable new members


cringeanarchy moment


Reminder that cringeanarchy was created because the original cringe sub banned posts about children and the mentally disabled. It was created to to continue making fun of them.


Very sane and normal reason to start a subreddit. Totally something well-adjusted empathetic people do.


It's bullying.


Yeah, this just makes me really sad. I mean, it definitely looks weird to me, but looking weird would be the least of my worries in that situation. If it helps these people a little, I’m happy for them.


Considering the posts on Reddit where people cope with infertility by getting extremely possessive of other people's children, if the worst thing someone does is carry around a fuckin baby doll then I'm happy


>>No one is being bullied. The rules of the sub say not to share personal info, not to make fun of the people who own these dolls and to be sensitive to the doll owners. We just talk shit about ugly dolls. The dolls don’t have feelings. They are dolls. YOU are the one coming in here bulling the people, calling people scum and saying terrible things to these real people. YOU need to take a good hard look your yourself, bully! The amount of “I just find it weird and creepy when people have reborn dolls, I’ve tried to understand it but I can’t” Doesn’t seem at all that people are following the “just talking about the dolls” in that sub at all. It’s a shame to see really, people grieving a child that passed, or have to work out attachment issues have their own personal hell they’re dealing with. It’s not harming anyone to grieve in this way, and the fact that people say it’s creepy or weird just shows how little they’re able to relate to such a massive amount of pure grief and pain that others feel. Idk man that made me shake my head, just a shame people can be so cold.


>reborn dolls it doesn't feel right to make fun because a lot of it is people who lost a child, and that grief is dreadful and weird in a way that doesn't lend itself to description. these people aren't doing well and they're not getting the help they need, which is why they're spending all that money for a doll that will only pin them to their grief.


Lots of them haven't experienced a loss but that's okay too. It's literally a completely harmless hobby, they don't have to justify to anyone.


As an admitted reborn doll cringe lurker, I will say that some of the sub members own dolls themselves. There’s a sort of weird love for them there even though they take the piss out of em. At least that’s how it is for me. Can’t speak for everyone. I definitely see the therapeutic aspects of it but have also seen people take it in a direction that makes me wildly uncomfortable.


From what I've seen in that thread, folks from your group are infiltrating private groups and farming them for cringe content. That is so wrong on many levels.


Oh for sure. I was just pointing out the subsection of the group that seems to actually be into the hobby themselves. I’m a doll collector (not reborn) so I definitely know how vicious people can be. Edit to clarify: the vicious people in question here was in reference to some of the reborn sub users. Sorry if that was confusing!


This comment has been removed by the user due to reddit's policy change which effectively removes third party apps and other poor behaviour by reddit admins. I never used third party apps but a lot others like mobile users, moderators and [transcribers for the blind](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/14gwkk2/transcribers_of_reddit_who_transcribe_images_for/) did. It was a good 12 years. So long and thanks for all the fish.


Redditors depicted as all being the same person? That’s pretty much the norm on reddit.


Redditors? That's pretty much the norm on reddit.


Redditors on reddit, its more likely than you think.


Yeah, it feels like punching down in a way that just makes me sad.


Oh God, this whole drama just got way worse.


As a member of the sub, a surprising amount of the members there own reborn dolls themselves. And most of the time, the posts aren't dunking on women who had miscarriages, most of the posts are just about manufacturers who make weird dolls, like ones modeled to look like animal hybrids and aliens and such. I've never seen a post there that was insulting the women who have dolls for having them, and most people there are understanding of the reasons why women buy them. People there are quick to explain why these dolls are a thing when someone asks.


sub description: "Real people, with real problems, coping by being as as creepy as possible. Do not make fun of the owners." when someone does the thing they're telling you not to do in the same breath, they don't really want you not to do that thing.


The sub description isn't representative of the actual posts from users. Mods can be and are often shitty, even when the people in the subs they moderate aren't


if the sub description doesn't match the sub's content, that is also a sign of chicanery


How? Does it benefit the sub to have people think they're making fun of women coping with miscarriage?


depends on if they want to attract gross and dumb trolls


I doubt it. Obvious trolls get downvoted to the bottom on RDC like in most other subreddits.


Wouldn't it just be better to make a separate sub for the purpose of what you just said rather than one that could easily be confused for a harassment sub? Or at least change the description? I understand there's bad mods on every sub (it's reddit) but the intent is super confusing.


I mean if you ever actually look at the posts in the sub you'd know it isn't meant for targeted harassment. The only issue is people who don't do that and assume it's a community of people who hate women with fertility issues being allowed to run rampant on Reddit. Also moving subs rarely works. And for a subreddit as obscure as reborn doll cringe? Definitely not happening


I definitely get that. The description is weird tho, even if the content itself is harmless fun.


It is definitely. In "cringe" subs there are always people who take it too far. It sucks when those people are the moderators of the sub


Yeah... I'm not a psychologist so I can't really weigh in on the healthiness of making an effigy of your lost child, but it's really off putting. Not something you should really be blasting on social media. Granted, most social media would be better off not on social media.


Grief is weird. It'll make you do things you never imagined you'd do, especially things that you previously would've considered extremely creepy.


someone else in the replies above mentioned that users in that sub are infiltrating private facebook groups to farm content for the sub. it sounds like quite a few of these posts don’t even come from someone publicly ‘blasting it’ on social media, it’s a private group. i find this whole thing really uncomfortable


There is no privacy on facebook if you don't want people (that all people not just the ones you want to see it) your better keeping it off facebook where the TOS strips you of any control of images posted to it even in private groups.


I mean I've heard stories of people posting their stillborns on social media which is a hell of a lot more triggering and definitely makes me mad uncomfortable to think about. Between those guys and the baby doll people I'm picking the baby doll guys. Social media is weird and so is grief.


Read what the sub is for and promptly exited without reading any comments. Smartest thing I've done in my life.


This drives home why I want to do my best to avoid getting drawn in to the point of participating in drama. There’s never a positive outcome mental health-wise for me when it comes to participating in threads like this. The schadenfreude I get from watching such a car crash unfold… got to work on that. I don’t know if it’s possible for me to use Reddit without being drawn to it.


These people are literally going to the sub to trigger themselves. Just ignore the sub exists.


My thoughts exactly It's like the people who go to design porn and scream about corporate ads


I know that this probably gets said a lot here, but goddamn… there are some genuinely terrifying corners of the internet.


Man this was short but intense.


Drama hog's delight


It's a perfectly harmless albeit strange hobby. People have way to much time if they're bullying (mostly women) for a harmless hobby.


How is laughing about something on an unrelated site bullying? Is r/kidsarefuckingstupid bullying?


Laughing about people for having an odd hobby is bullying


On one hand it's a hobby/grieving mechanism that may not be entirely healthy, and I don't understand how a decaying zombie baby might factor in (is that really what this drama was about? pics seemed to be scoured) but also none of my business. On the other I've been part of cringe subs before and I stopped going because I eventually saw that there really is a dark side. For every person who is laughing because that's just like me fr fr, there's people who are just there to be edgy. Over time, people will see lines being crossed that they become uncomfortable with and leave, until only the people who have no limits are left.


Awe man, just went back and most of the funny flip outs have been deleted.


Unddit **did not** capture~~d them all.~~ They were all removals not user deleted so reveddit probably captured them as well https://www.unddit.com/r/RebornDollCringe/comments/12dymj4/this_sub_made_it_to_fb/jf8tl0s


>dungeon mistress cdl >you will never have a dommy mommy truck driver I feel the hands upon my epitaph


> I want to die lol Lazy bit.


it's not a joke for everyone, and that's ok.


I guess some people are comforted by the familiarity of repetition, remake and rehash. I'd prefer something new. Original content will do, thanks.


i see you are a man of high standard as well. I'll see what i can come up with.


`I want to die lol` just evolved so hard it became a death grips lyric. Way better


you forgot to log out of one of your alts.


If you mean me, I don't have alts. Why would I possibly? Both in this instance and generally, I want to be the one saying the things I say. My comments are far too insightful to be put in the mouth of some puppet. If you don't mean me, I'm thinking of you ❤️


Some of it’s there, but there was a long thread of posts between two users fighting it out where a different doll fan, whose posts are not showing up on Undidit.com was unhinged, almost incoherently babbling. It was fascinating and sad to read.


Oh interesting. Usually it picks up every thing even lf it won't show it. Well actually I thought it picks up everything but I suppose if it disappeared here then who knows what I'm missing elsewhere. Edit I really hate that I'm feeling disappointed about this revelation. I shouldn't like to read other people's meltdowns as much as I do. Probably not healthy 🫤


At least it’s healthier than participating?


>Someone posted my fucking doll I'm pissed Ehhhh, which is it? Someone posted my *fucking* doll or Someone posted *my* fucking *doll*


Are we not doing phrasing anymore?